History Odyssey: Middle Ages (level three) eBook ... - Pandia Press

History Odyssey: Middle Ages (level three) eBook ... - Pandia Press

History Odyssey: Middle Ages (level three) eBook ... - Pandia Press

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1498 Vasco da Gama reaches India1499 Amerigo Vespucci discovers South America1500 Europeans arrive on the east coast of North America1500 Aztec Empire stretches from coast to coast in Mexico1500 Portuguese buying slaves from West Africa (but not Benin)1501 Beginning of the Safavid Persia Empire1504 Moguls conquer Kabul1504 Isabella dies1506 Charles V, a Habsburg, inherits Burgundy and the Netherlands1509 First African slaves transported to New World by Spaniards1512 Sun-centered universe postulated by Copernicus1514 Safavid Persia invaded by the Ottomans1515 Spain unites into one country1516 Charles V inherits Spain and Naples1516 The Netherlands become a Spanish possession1516 Ferdinand dies1517 European trade in China1517 Martin Luther posts 95 Theses in Germany1517 Suleyman expands Ottoman Empire into Persia and Balkans1519 Magellan sails around Cape Horn (South America)1519 Charles V becomes Holy Roman Emperor1520 Spanish Conquistadors conquer the Aztec Empire1522 Magellan’s crew first to sail around the world1523 Chinese expel Portuguese colonists1526 Babur invades India1530 Henry VIII imposes English control over Ireland1530 1st Portuguese colony established in Brazil1533 Ivan the Terrible expands Russia1533 Spanish Conquistadors conquer the Inca Empire1534 First African slaves brought to Brazil1535 Jacques Cartier sails to the St. Lawrence River for France1542 Mongol invasion of China1546 War between the Habsburgs and the Protestants1549 Christian missions to Japan1556 Akbar begins Mogul reign1556 Philip II becomes king of Spain1559 Catherine de Médicis becomes regent of France1562 Huguenot wars begin1568 Protestant revolt against the Catholic Spanish begins in the Netherlands1570 Japanese accept Western traders in Nagasaki1571 Spanish conquer the Philippines1576 Antwerp in the Netherlands is destroyed by the Spanish1576 Edict of Beaulieu1577 Sir Francis Drake sails around the world1585 War of the Three Henrys begins1588 The Spanish Armada (Spain vs. England)1591 Moroccans conquer Songhay115

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