Bsasey - evols

Bsasey - evols

Bsasey - evols


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el the worms into two lots feed- -<br />

oue lot on the mulberry and tho<br />

her with tho ramie<br />

worms fed with the ramie<br />

3xse larger cocoons The lady<br />

- the two lots separately to tho<br />

- etv from whom she shortly<br />

r received a letter of inquiry as<br />

how she had produced the<br />

e cocoons as thoy were not<br />

larger but the silk was of a<br />

- perior quality In commenting<br />

on this I must say that it is<br />

vIk reasonable that pure silk<br />

-- iLuld be of better quality if<br />

ude from the silk plant than if<br />

le from some inferior material<br />

icuow bettor paper is produced<br />

i pulp made of a bettor matc--<br />

Lan if a poor coarse material<br />

- od in its manufacture We<br />

a- - know that tho flesh of animals<br />

Ku jn better food is superior in<br />

quaity and flavor to flesh mado<br />

iroi inferior food I have never<br />

r e auy plant fibor that compared<br />

st iu orably with pure silk as tho<br />

rui - plant produces In the leaf<br />

also he silky fiber is to bo seen as<br />

we as on the stalk If it should<br />

I rj true that superior silk can<br />

K wnade by foeding worms with<br />

iuiv e leavos a bright prospect<br />

- l for those islands in the silk<br />

i as there is no month in tho<br />

u that the ramie would not pro<br />

duu young leaves abundantly and<br />

jonth of the year that it would<br />

L- - be warm enough to hatch the<br />

s moth oggs So a feeding of<br />

Wuims and gathering of cocoons<br />

i ud be going on constantly and<br />

w A proper caro every month of<br />

tt VrJar ramio could be harvested<br />

fa its fiber So the natural silk<br />

ai 1 the artificial silk could be pro<br />

du ed from tho same plant at tho<br />

iu e time and an income derived<br />

fr a each J M Horner<br />

t r e me A us read the papers once in a<br />

w and we are laboring unaer tne<br />

crrtevn that the last Legislature ap<br />

rr --jited 20000 for a wharf in Ililo<br />

for Hilo waterworks and<br />

iiI if<br />

S i jr a fire department and 55000<br />

r t Voliano road and an appropria<br />

t r lighting our streets<br />

Vw if this is so we just want to<br />

kr tv vou know what is going to be<br />

df avout it It is simply out of curio<br />

atyixat we want to know you know<br />

we 2te use 1 to landing through the surf<br />

an J limbing up a slippery ladder and I<br />

pretVme the powers that be in Hono ¬<br />

lulu Jiink that it will improve ourcon-sut-tio- ns<br />

to keep on doing it We are<br />

usel to drinking mud and slops and<br />

dranngs from our neighbors up the<br />

lull and our stomachs have become so<br />

use I to it that probably we need it for a<br />

ten<br />

W e are getting used to driving up to<br />

U e end of the Volcano road and looking<br />

ca o nowhere and wondering when<br />

Pr wlence will move in its mysterious<br />

w5t tnd tmirh the heart of tho Minister<br />

ct -- o Interior sufficiently to go uhead<br />

a 1 instruct the road to somewhere<br />

sett --<br />

Mi iwint choe for all Off for<br />

the ase<br />

I asjic i ladyseated near me what<br />

sj i vated per in the game She<br />

answer 1 Why look at it study i-t-<br />

lsMiiitos<br />

r - 11 t<br />

lltlily to the Honorable Waiimilaui<br />

Mit Editok In the Auveiitisek of tho<br />

5th inst is an article from Waipuilani<br />

a representative from Kona about the<br />

Kau Volcano Road which calls for<br />

some corrections and comments The<br />

honorable member from Kona writes<br />

The 1 1 S N Co paid 4400 to Peter<br />

Lee Anybody would from this state ¬<br />

ment suppose that Mr Lee was<br />

paid the above amount by said<br />

company as compensation for build ¬<br />

ing the road But the fact is that Mr<br />

Lee borrowed money and paid it back<br />

and was charged 20 per cent interest<br />

for the use of same This is quite a dif- ¬<br />

Honolulu are only recommendations to<br />

the road It just depends on getting the<br />

right focus<br />

Now let us take a look at what the<br />

honorable member indignantly calls the<br />

greedy and fabulous price of 10000<br />

The Government is now completing a<br />

road from Hilo to the Volcano nhich<br />

before it is done probably will cost the<br />

nice little sum of 150000 or God<br />

knows how much more Put the 10000<br />

alongside and it does not show up so<br />

fabulous does it considering the length<br />

of both roads to be about the same and<br />

the same kind of country to go through<br />

The Kau road is certainly not quite so<br />

fancy as the other one but it is perfectly<br />

safe and comfortable to travel over<br />

which the honorable member can find<br />

ont by taking an inspection trip with<br />

his responsible gentlemen from Kau<br />

Waipuilani would not misappropriate<br />

public funds to buy a good and highly<br />

needed road although he says that he<br />

strongly supports the spending of pub ¬<br />

lic moneys for roads because he thinks<br />

rrirnrT7s<br />


i t<br />


understand it and you cant help but<br />

respect it Under lier kindly tutorship<br />

e tut hold ourselves responsible forthe I soon began to discover great excellen- ¬<br />

tv- - - said or oplaloai expressed by our cies in the batting In every game I<br />

was forced to admire the great broad<br />

c n ndeaU<br />

shoulders which did tho batting It sets<br />

one to thinking of physical culture i If<br />

- nuk uuiiurc<br />

some of our puny little clerks would<br />

ly Kditor Permit mo to direct play baseball what splendid examples<br />

of health and strength they would be- ¬<br />

t attention of your readers to an come I heard a lady near mo say<br />

ii in the Soiontific American of Dear me if I owned one of these great<br />

strong fellows<br />

Vje 18th of October last respecting<br />

you wouldnt catch me<br />

going with Bob again My readers<br />

--ilk culture which all majnot have may know who Bob is I do not<br />

coirTLbon physical development<br />

v lady in South Carolina raised As I looked upon these strong fine<br />

i silk worms every year to<br />

specimens of mankind I could not help<br />

wishing for a compulsory law in Ameri- ¬<br />

- the development of silk rais-can cities as well as this enforcing the<br />

i the United States which the practice of baseball upon our young men<br />

of fashion some of whom possess far<br />

u antad takon in hand found more money than brains and also upon<br />

winter had been warm that the puny clerks who dwindles and dries<br />

his life blood up in tho poisonous cigar- ¬<br />

js had hatched before the ette during his leisure hours Were this<br />

- range or the mulberry had the law and enforced our daughters<br />

would not go abroad for husbands<br />

j rtn leaves with which to feed Brawn and muscle are appreciated by a<br />

at J the ramie leaves being sensible girl Likewise the qualifica- ¬<br />

tion of health Good health is a rare<br />

iatJ fchc thought perhaps she accomplishment to the female portion<br />

1 save the life of her worms and greatly appreciated in her by her<br />

husband<br />

ramie leaves until the mulberry<br />


- appeared Tho worms fed Is purelv a mans game It not only re- ¬<br />

--v enouslyupon the ramie leaves presents strength ot the body but activ<br />

thrived so well that when the<br />

Jberry loaves ajipeared she di- -<br />

¬<br />

to the mark In the House he always journalask those who are willing to help<br />

wore a kind of puzzled look as if ho was to meet in the Y M CA hall on Thurs<br />

wondering how in the Dickens he ever<br />

got there He filled his chair first rate<br />

that is in a bodily sense but he did not<br />

like to get out of it till the House ad- ¬<br />

journed I have seen him sometimes<br />

making a show of getting up and say<br />

something but always when somebody<br />

else had tho floor and then he would sit<br />

down again as if reluctantly and assume<br />

a disappointed look He always man- ¬<br />

aged to voto though either one way or<br />

the other<br />

Waipuilani is a superior article in his<br />

own mind He knows his own capaci- ¬<br />

ties that is he dont undervalue them<br />

at all which clearly shows when he<br />

says I and other honorable members<br />

etc the other honorable members of<br />

course only small otatoes in compari- ¬<br />

son and further I deemed it was best<br />

for the Legislature to reject this prepos- ¬<br />

terous claim this of course settled tho<br />

thing right there and then<br />

Hoping that Waipuilani may benefit<br />

some by this reply I wish him cood bye<br />

P M Lee<br />

A lUgrlms Obsertatlous<br />

Mn Editor Sometimes it happens<br />

that an outsider sees things from a point<br />

of view different from that of the per- ¬<br />

manent resident and hence J venture to<br />

commit to paper my impressions of one<br />

circumstance of Honolulu life I do so<br />

ity of the mind Because of its mathe- ¬ purely from an outside position and<br />

matical and scientiflc pualities we pro- ¬ hesitate lest I should be thought as one<br />

nounce it purely masculine although<br />

of<br />

it does not require<br />

those<br />

brute force like tho<br />

who venture where angels<br />

prize fight The men who are choten would surely decline fo interfere<br />

for its leaders are not essentially savage The other evening having just landed<br />

pugilists like John L S but they in Honolulu and wishing to render my<br />

must combine a certain intellectual vows after a long voyage<br />

acumen with physical strength and agil-<br />

I attended<br />

¬<br />

ity They cannotbe pallid professionals service in St Andrews Cathedral<br />

from office store shop or college but There was a choir of boys who by the<br />

must have the well trained wits of one way were vainly trying to sing a hymn<br />

and the herculean muscles of the other about three notes above the range of<br />


their voices the organ sounded as if all<br />

The very nature of this game demands the insides had droptout and nothing re- ¬<br />

a carefully ordered life from those who mained but<br />

would win and retain success in it<br />

the higher and more pierc<br />

Ex- ¬<br />

ing pipes of the instrument In the<br />

cesses of any kind must rob the player nave<br />

of his strength<br />

I saw a school of boys and further<br />

and activeness There- ¬<br />

fore I opino that the tendency of this I noticed tho Bight Reverend the Bishop<br />

and the member or members<br />

game must be toward morality<br />

I forget<br />

and which of his immediate household As<br />

sobriety The game and its devoters<br />

deserve earnest approval because it I had no connection with the school I<br />

felt almost as if<br />

goes to the very limit of abandon with-<br />

I were intruding upon<br />

¬<br />

tho privacy of his lordships family devo- ¬<br />

out growing or becoming vulgar Aloha tions and would fain have retired but<br />

nui to our baseball guests as well as that any movement in an empty church<br />

the home talent Sincerelv reverberates with such embarrassing<br />

Mai Fai volume of sound that I judged it better<br />

to be regarded as an intruder rather than<br />

incur censure as a breaker of that peace<br />

which in this case seemed to pass under- ¬<br />

standing On more than one occasion<br />

since that night have I attended what is<br />

known as the first congregation service<br />

And I have discovered that the members<br />

of this little band mako up in zeal and<br />

regular attendance what they lose in<br />

point of numbers I suppose they feel<br />

an obligation of loyal attendance for if<br />

one should absent herself the cathedral<br />

congregation would be reduced 333 if<br />

not 50 per cent of all its strength excep- ¬<br />

ting the school I wish distinctly to<br />

¬<br />

day evening the ISth inst at S oclock<br />

The invitation is especially extended to<br />

all choirs and musical associations It<br />

will certainly do no harm to anyone to<br />

meet and see what can be done<br />

Thanking j on for your courtesy I<br />

remain<br />

Your obedient servant<br />

F M English BA Oxon<br />

The Tug lloat Eleu<br />

How long Mr Editor how long is<br />

our tug Eleu going to be in the carpen- ¬<br />

ters hands yetbefore she can be earning<br />

instead of spending<br />

About five weeks have now elapsed<br />

since it was reported her little stern<br />

frame was discovered unsoundand 550<br />

per day carpenters have been employed<br />

on it ever since that time and yet not<br />

finished<br />

It certainly could not have been ten- ¬<br />

dered for as is understood all govern- ¬<br />

ment work over 500 was to be by law<br />

Was there anything to hinder the super- ¬<br />

intendent and some of his men who<br />

were idle to cut and see how far the un- ¬<br />

sound timbers extended Then call for<br />

tenders of cost and time accordingly as<br />

has been done in similar cases of a like<br />

nature in this harbor far more ex- ¬<br />

tensive and done to time limit<br />

I am far from -- thinking that either the<br />

superintendent or any boss is encourag- ¬<br />

ing any delay in the repairs of the tug<br />

longshore men and would be critics to<br />

the contrary notwithstanding But I<br />

do say that had that stern job been ten- ¬<br />

dered for it would1 havo been done ere<br />

this and cheaper with good workman ¬<br />

JvMviTMli<br />

GitiGura<br />


for<br />

czcaaonSeii<br />

ship also A Hawaiian Mechanic<br />

Dec S 1S90<br />

Sacriai yottrcs<br />

Mil W F ALLEN<br />


HAS corner of Merchant and Kaahnmamj<br />

streets and ho will be pleased to attend to any<br />

business entrusted to him lJ2I Gm<br />



JL ALMANAC AND ANNUAL for reliable<br />

statistical and general information relating to<br />

these Islands Price 50 cents or mailed abroad<br />

60 cents each<br />

THOS G THRUM Publisher<br />

1118- -<br />

nu<br />

Honolulu H<br />

every form of<br />




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Dcaip wnea au otner means aosoiutciy laii<br />

A aiasrnlflcent Tonular Work on tho Skin<br />

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80ltkt aio ono nunurcu Scrofula oa Ned I<br />

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Hawaiian Consignees<br />

Prepared kt the<br />

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Importers and Dealers in<br />


say that my visit was on tho Sabbath<br />

It occurred to me to visit the Second<br />

Congregation service and I found a<br />

different state of things to be sure the<br />

church was not crowded but there was<br />

a good and numerous attendance The<br />

music was excellent I scarcely recog ¬<br />

A Correction<br />

Mr Editor Dear Sir In the Bulle ¬<br />

tin this evening I notice a letter which<br />

through the mistake of the writer compels<br />

me to rectify a two fold error<br />

1 A lad did not play the organ on<br />

the evening I refer to I thought it was<br />

one oi the clergy who turned from his<br />

place in the choir to preside at the organ<br />

2 1 beg to assure the writer that I<br />

have never worn a hood belonging to<br />

any organ guild in my life nor am I a<br />

member of any such organization either<br />

honorary or otherw ise<br />

I am sorry that a lady should have<br />

taken to herself any remark of mine<br />

but it really had no more to do with her<br />

than her sarcasm can by any possibility<br />

apply to me My object in writing ray<br />

letter was to draw attention to raj pri- ¬<br />

vate estimate of the two congregations as<br />

representatives of public divine worship<br />

and to emphasize what seemed to me the<br />

outrage that an ill equipped sparsely at- ¬<br />

Wc ire nsed to seeing appropriations<br />

ma fr Honolulu and having them all<br />

spe ar i to seeing them made for Hilo<br />

an 1 i ng spent so that if we dont<br />

pet arvwc out of this appropriation<br />

b twl be no revolution in Hilo<br />

we w i e j at on war paint and shed<br />

an IcU r ar Department gore but we<br />

just w an n satisfy our that good roads are a Eure sign of an<br />

enlightened and progressive govern- ¬<br />

ment This must then be a sure sign<br />

that Waipuilani is not enlightened<br />

Peter Lees road is closed to public<br />

traffic and the traveling people will now<br />

have to go back to the old trail a de- ¬<br />

lightful and romantic trail winding it<br />

curiosity as to<br />

wnc er antming it corns to dp uone or<br />

not en a e nearly nine months of the<br />

per 1 iia e already elapsed and not a<br />

stroke has jet been done and in another<br />

year toj now jiomics w ill be in mil<br />

bias aza n Hilo<br />

3otc from the Uaseball Gruunds<br />

la EoiroR I have always felt a lit<br />

t amed because being an Ameriar<br />

v l i not enjoy the great Ameri<br />

cam Np and mentally decided to<br />

¬<br />

self in multitudes of curves between<br />

huge rocks of barren lava and for a<br />

change through long stretches of deserts<br />

of kneedeep sand which very often by<br />

the stronc wind has covered the trail en- ¬<br />

tirely It has happpned not once but<br />

manv times that people starting out for<br />

the Volcano have lost thefr way and<br />

after long wearisome travel and risk of<br />

life have found themselves way over in<br />

Puna in place of the Volcano<br />

All the honor however must not be<br />

given to Waipuilani he shares it with<br />

the Eepresentative ex Policeman etc<br />

from Kau the Honorable Apiki He in- ¬<br />

troduced to the House a petition from<br />

his district to buy Lees road and after- ¬<br />

wards did his level best to defeat his<br />

own bill<br />

This gentleman was not in the habit of<br />

speaking in the House he used Waipui ¬<br />

tended meeting should intrude upon<br />

displace and seriously inconvenience a<br />

well organized system of worship by de- ¬<br />

priving it of its hour of meeting which<br />

it has heretofore peacefully enjoyed in<br />

undisputed possession 1 remain yours<br />

faithfullv Pilgrim<br />

Dec 10th<br />

Honolulu Oratorio Society<br />

Mr EnrroK Dear Sir It is proposed<br />

to establish a societyin Honolulu for the<br />

purpose ot studying and publicly per- ¬<br />

forming oratorio music There is surely<br />

abundant musical talent in the city and<br />

suburbs and it seems a pity that no op- ¬<br />

portunity should be afforded for enjoying<br />

the highest class of choral music Such<br />

works as the Messiah the Elijah Judas<br />

Maccabeus St Paul are practically un- ¬<br />

known in Honolulu to our own great<br />

loss It is obvious that the only way to<br />

succeed in a work of this kind is to secure<br />

the services of all capable of rendering<br />

assistance I hao spoken to many<br />

ladies and gentlemen including some of<br />

the leading musicians and all seem<br />

lani as a mouthpiece beeause his own greatly disposed to enter upon the work<br />

intellectual capacities were not quite up May I through your widely circulated<br />

¬<br />

Recently Published<br />

ferent thing altogether and it is very<br />

strange that Waipuilani should make nized the organ and if the clergyman<br />

w<br />

such a mistake especially after I and ill permit a mere layman to pass judg- ¬<br />

ment on his reading of tho Scriptures<br />

other honorable members of the House<br />

I<br />

will congratulate him thereon I have<br />

had inspected the agreement between rarely heard the inspired text read with<br />

Peter Lee and the 1 1 S N Co The better emphasis with such distinct<br />

honorable member further writes enunciation or with what for want of a<br />

Peter Lee has received some money better word I will call sympathy<br />

from the road under the agreement with I have gathered from a member of this<br />

the 1 1 S N Co Yes of course he congregation which is absolutely the<br />

has but what of that It is his business only one in existence that the Bishop<br />

to convey people over that road to the contemplates a revolution in the hours of<br />

Hllo AVanta to Know<br />

Volcano and he is not likely to do that divine service and that the school chil- ¬<br />

51k Editok The people who live in for nothing And that he profits by the dren and the household of faith are<br />

II j do not amount to much We re road does that make it any less desir- ¬ to meet for family prayers at 11 while<br />

t ojie that fact We have not got any able for the Government any more than tho faithful of the parish are to hold<br />

Waipuilanis valuable services in the divine service at an early hour Now<br />

eeii lights we have no appropriation Legislature are made less because he sir it doesseem to me that this is one of<br />

iL-ndred ci or two thousand dollars derives some profit from them<br />

the most ridiculous moves I have ever<br />

ivr t ng up our harbor we have no Another objection to the road wasthat heard of Eleven oclock ia the recog- ¬<br />

stem lncs to California we do not it is not in the same condition now as nized hour all over the world for the<br />

when it was built This is freely admit- ¬ regular Sunday choral seryice and I<br />

a trass band at the expense of the<br />

it ted it is not in the same condition but think the members of the Anglican com- ¬<br />

w4 e gantry we nave no iaiuornia in a far better onebecause it is hardened munity in Honolulu will have cause for<br />

as<br />

-- c ubs no railroad excursions and packed down considerably by wear indignant remonstrance if pique or 6pite<br />

iicr n towns Ye are simply a no- - and besides it has been thoroughly re- ¬ or the convenience of a handful of school<br />

paired in places where the unusually boys is to interfere with their Sundays<br />

cc ackwoods town with no object in heavy floods did damage last fall and their rights established by long- ¬<br />

tj pay our taxes help pay His All Waipuilanis objections to the standing precedent Yours very faith<br />

Ma - debts when he gets strapped road when looked at in the light of<br />

--ppjrt a good looking Ministry truthand not obscured by his inspection<br />

w xc han a chance but Mr Edi- - and consultation with responsible gentle- ¬<br />

men from Kau and further assistance in<br />

¬<br />

Vw<br />

A HEW HiWAIIAfi filODE BOOK- -<br />

ajt--<br />



Tlirourii Hawaiian Islands<br />

Price in Honolulu 60 Gents per Copy<br />

The Guide will be mailed to any part of<br />

fully A Pilghim the islands for 61 Rents per Copy<br />

Or to any foreign country for 75 Cent<br />

The Book has 176 pages of test with<br />

20 Full Page Illustrations of Island Scenery<br />

and a description of the Pearl Harbor<br />

Railway enterprise and surrounding<br />

country<br />

It has also FOUR MAPS of the larger<br />

islands prepared expressly for it<br />

The GUIDE give3 a full description of<br />

each of the principal Islands and Settle- ¬<br />

ments in this Group and will prove an<br />

invaluable hand book for tourists and for<br />

residents to send to their friends abroad<br />

Some of the illustrations in the new<br />

book are very fine specimens of the Photo<br />

tint process of engraving and accurately<br />

represent the scenes portrayed<br />

IWsPublishedby the<br />


46 Merchant St<br />

Honolulu H I<br />

-- For sale at Hawaiian riews Com ¬<br />

panys and at T G Thrums tip town<br />

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1890<br />


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To be found in tho Kingdom Comprising<br />

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A Full Line of the Celebrated<br />



Direct from the Factory<br />



109 FORT STREET<br />

EST Orders from the other Islands will receive prompt and careful<br />

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Invaluable for India as<br />

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To ba had of all Storup tad Dialers trozghoat India<br />

Cookery Books Post Free on Application to the climates and for any<br />

Company 9 length of time q<br />

LIEBIGS EXTRACT OF MEAT Co United Fcirek kirns lMtos3 Uui<br />

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