Study Site File SOP - Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine

Study Site File SOP - Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine

Study Site File SOP - Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine


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FINALSTANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE:STUDY SITE FILE SET UP AND MAINTENANCE<strong>SOP</strong> number CTS <strong>SOP</strong> 006 Effective Date: 01.11.10Version number: 1.0 Approved by: N StricklandSuperseded Version Number & Date: Review Date: 01.11.11Originator S Roberts Status: Final1.0 PURPOSETrials involve a large amount <strong>of</strong> document for which a standard system <strong>of</strong> filing is required.Documentation at each study site should be contained within a <strong>Study</strong> <strong>Site</strong> <strong>File</strong> (SSF) which should beset up as the <strong>Site</strong> is initiated into the study. It supplements the Trial Master <strong>File</strong> which is held at theCo-ordinating centre <strong>of</strong> the trial.ICH Good Clinical Practice guidelines define the study documents to be filed as “those documentswhich individually and collectively permit evaluation <strong>of</strong> the conduct <strong>of</strong> a trial and the quality <strong>of</strong> thedata produced”. Whilst demonstrating compliance with ICH Good Clinical Practice, the filing <strong>of</strong> studydocuments in an orderly, timely manner also greatly assists the smooth running <strong>of</strong> the study and anyfuture audit or inspection.The use <strong>of</strong> these procedures will result in a standardised method for collating and maintainingrelevant documentation.2.0 PROCEDUREThe <strong>Study</strong> <strong>Site</strong> <strong>File</strong> (SSF) should be located in a secure (locked) designated area at the <strong>Study</strong> <strong>Site</strong>.A template for the setting out <strong>of</strong> the SSF is appended to these procedures in Appendix A.The SSF should be divided into sections, numbered according to the list attached.At the start <strong>of</strong> each section, a checklist <strong>of</strong> each document contained therein should be maintained.Within each section, each document added to the <strong>File</strong> should include a note <strong>of</strong> the date it was added,in the top right hand corner <strong>of</strong> the front sheet <strong>of</strong> the copy.2.1 WHO?The Local Investigator and/or other designee(s) as documented in the Trial Responsibility Log mustensure that the <strong>Study</strong> <strong>Site</strong> <strong>File</strong> is established and properly maintained at the co-ordinating centre.2.2 WHEN?The <strong>Study</strong> <strong>Site</strong> <strong>File</strong> should be prepared as soon as possible as soon as the site is initiated into thestudy. The file should be actively maintained and updated from this time until the trial is formallyclosed. When it becomes available, the final report should be filed in the trial master file.CTS <strong>SOP</strong> 006: <strong>Site</strong> <strong>Study</strong> <strong>File</strong> Page 1 <strong>of</strong> 3Version: 1.0Status: FINALRelease date: 01/11/10

FINAL2.3 HOW?This <strong>SOP</strong> refers to the current minimum standard <strong>of</strong> documentation required in the <strong>Study</strong> <strong>Site</strong> <strong>File</strong>, asoutlined in ICH GCP; Section 8.2, 8.3 and RELATED DOCUMENTSLSTM CTS TF 005: Trial Master <strong>File</strong>LSTM CTS <strong>SOP</strong> 003: Trial Master <strong>File</strong>LSTM Policy: The Archiving <strong>of</strong> Essential Documents Generated during Clinical Research.4.0 REFERENCESInternational Conference <strong>of</strong> Harmonisation Good Clinical Practice (ICH GCP) 19965.0 FURTHER INFORMATIONPlease contact the Research Office for further support and guidance.6.0 APPENDICESAppendix A - Template for <strong>Study</strong> <strong>Site</strong> <strong>File</strong>CTS <strong>SOP</strong> 006: <strong>Site</strong> <strong>Study</strong> <strong>File</strong> Page 2 <strong>of</strong> 3Version: 1.0Status: FINALRelease date: 01/11/10

FINALAPPENDIX ATEMPLATE STUDY SITE FILESECTION 1 TRIAL SPECIFIC DOCUMENTATIONProtocol, including version number, signed and datedPrevious version <strong>of</strong> protocolInformation given to trial participants - Informed consent form (including all applicabletranslations)Completed Informed Consent LogCopy <strong>of</strong> patient/subject information leaflet/sheetPrevious versions <strong>of</strong> patient information leaflet(s)/sheet(s)SECTION 2 RESEARCH ETHICS COMMITTEE APPROVALCopy <strong>of</strong> ethics committee application and approval for study site(s)SECTION 3 SCREENING AND RECRUITMENT RECORDScreening and enrolment log – documenting the number <strong>of</strong> subjects enrolledCopies <strong>of</strong> signed and dated informed consent forms from all subjectsSECTION 4 RESEARCH & TRIAL PERSONNELName and signature log for all personnel involved in the conduct <strong>of</strong> the trialSigned and dated CV’s for all site staffTask delegation logSECTION 5 TRIAL SAFETY PROCEDURESUnblinding procedure for blinded trialsBlank AE/SAE/SUSAR recording and reporting formsCopies <strong>of</strong> completed AE/SAE/SUSAR report formsSECTION 6 FUNDING INFORMATIONCopy <strong>of</strong> funding arrangementsSECTION 7 CASE REPORT FORMS (CRF’S) DATA COLLECTIONSample copy <strong>of</strong> CRF/data collection form to be used, detailing version numberCopies <strong>of</strong> all previous version <strong>of</strong> CRF’s/data collection formsSECTION 8 TRIAL MONITORING/AUDIT/INSPECTIONMonitoring visit reportsAudit/inspection reportsSECTION 9 LABORATORIESAccreditation certificates <strong>of</strong> all laboratories usedNormal value references for all laboratories usedAny other reference information relating to laboratories used for the trialSECTION 10 GENERAL CORRESPONDENCECopies <strong>of</strong> all other correspondence relating to the trialRecords <strong>of</strong> all other significant telephone conversations relating to the trialCTS <strong>SOP</strong> 006: <strong>Site</strong> <strong>Study</strong> <strong>File</strong> Page 3 <strong>of</strong> 3Version: 1.0Status: FINALRelease date: 01/11/10

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