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<strong>MUSTANG</strong><strong>HOOFBEAT</strong><strong>Tri</strong>-<strong>Valley</strong> School District 49-6 - “Home of the Mustangs” – Colton, SD – August/September 2012WELCOME BACKI would like to take this opportunity to welcomeeveryone as we enter the 2012-2013 school year. Ourdistrict’s mission is “to provide a safe environment whereall students can acquire the skills, knowledge andcharacter necessary to be solid citizens.” The staff,students, and parents that I have met so far havedemonstrated that we are striving to meet this mission.There is so much to be proud of in the <strong>Tri</strong>-<strong>Valley</strong>School District. Our academic offerings, availabletechnology, beautiful facilities, and various co-curricularprograms; are just a few of many areas that we can takemuch pride in having in our school district.I greatly look forward to working with all of the students, staff, parents,patrons, and communities of the <strong>Tri</strong>-<strong>Valley</strong> School District. I encourage anyoneinterested to attend our Open House on Tuesday, August 21 st . If you have anyquestions, please do not hesitate to contact me here at the school.Respectfully,Mr. Mike Lodmel, SuperintendentTHE TRI-VALLEY SCHOOL DISTRICT OPEN HOUSEFOR GRADES K-12WILL BE ONTUESDAY, AUGUST 21, 2012,FROM 5:30-7:30 PMFIRST DAY OF SCHOOLTHURSDAY, AUGUST 23, 2012,WITH EARLY DISMISSAL AT 2:30 PMNO SCHOOLFRIDAY, AUGUST 31 ST , & MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 3 RDPhone Numbers: Fax Number: Bus Garage446-3538 446-3520 446-3482446-3207543-5500Website: www.tri-valley.k12.sd.usIN THIS ISSUEWelcome Back ............................................ 1Open House ................................................ 1Important Numbers ..................................... 1Message From Mr. Pflanz ........................... 2Greetings From <strong>Tri</strong>-<strong>Valley</strong> Elementary ....... 2<strong>Tri</strong>-<strong>Valley</strong> School District Welcomes You ... 3School Board Members .............................. 3No School ................................................... 3New Student Registration ........................... 3New Faces In The Classroom .................... 4Notes From The Nurse ............................... 4School Attendance ...................................... 4Discrimination Policy ................................... 4Tech Center News ...................................... 5Season Tickets ........................................... 5School Breakfast ......................................... 5School Lunch .............................................. 5Thank You .................................................. 5Qualified Teachers ...................................... 6Telephone Numbers ................................... 6Federal Programs Complaint Policy ........... 6Parent Teacher Conferences...................... 6Public Complaint Policy .............................. 6Church Night ............................................... 6Teacher Of The Year .................................. 7Asbestos Yearly Report .............................. 7Transportation (Bussing) ............................ 7Open House ................................................ 7Art <strong>Tri</strong>p 2014 ............................................... 7School Pictures ........................................... 7School Closing ............................................ 8SchoolReach .............................................. 8Student Driving ........................................... 8Tobacco Policy ........................................... 8Student Dress Code ................................... 89 th Grade Tablet Orientation Meeting ......... 82012-2013 Music Dept. Concert Dates ...... 84 th Quarter 2011-12 Honor Roll ......... 9 & 10Graduates of Distinction ........................... 112012-2013 Staff ........................................ 12Set For A Cure! ......................................... 13Physical & Occupational Therapy ............ 142012 Track & Field Summary .......... 15 & 16Physical Fitness 2012 Best .............. 17 & 18District Parental Involvement Policy ......... 19Notification of Rights for Schools .............. 20Food Service Program .............................. 21App. for Free & Reduced Meals ......... 22-26FERPA ...................................................... 272012-2013 School Calendar ..................... 28August & September Activities ........ 29 & 30August & September Menus ............ 31 & 322012-2013 School Supply List .................. 33

MESSAGE FROM MR. PFLANZMost people associate spring as the season ofnew beginnings. For me, the season of newbeginnings has always started with the beginning of anew school year. The beginning of a new school yearis the most appropriate time to set goals and feelexcited about new opportunities. Setting goals for theupcoming school year can help with short-termsuccesses and, by setting goals you can also setyourself on a path of future goals.The process of setting goals allows students tochoose where they want to go in school and whatthey want to achieve. By knowing what they want toachieve, they know what they have to concentrate onand improve. If they have problems with a particularsubject, such as math, set goals for themselves thatare even more specific than “to get an A.” Thinkabout what will need to be done in order to get an A inmath such as completing all homework, preparing fora test and asking for help for sections they find moredifficult. An example of a measureable, clearlydefined goal to achieve an A in math could be to workone hour of math homework each night, review anextra hour the night before a test and to ask questionsafter class each day.Another part of goal-setting is to actually writedown the goals. Writing down what they’d like toachieve makes the goal real. Written goals can beposted to help remind them and to motivate them toachieve that goal. Another way to help in achievinggoals is to share those goals with family, teachers andothers who will support them. The people with whomthey have shared their goals can be a great supportteam and will help remind them about their goalswhen they least expect it.Finally, I believe the 2012-2013 school year hasthe potential to be the best, most productive andsuccessful year to date at <strong>Tri</strong>-<strong>Valley</strong>. Students needto allow themselves to feel good about what they doin the classroom and to realize that this is preparationfor their future. With proper goal setting and parentsassisting their child to learn and achieve their goalswith the help of dedicated staff members, I believethis can be everyone’s best year. Take advantage ofthe new beginning that is upon us and have a great2012-2013 school year.GREETINGS FROM TRI-VALLEY ELEMENTARYHere we go! A new school year is just aroundthe corner. There’s a lot of excitement ahead,including new teachers to meet, new books to read,new friends to make and new skills to master. Welook forward to sharing these exciting times with youand your child. Staff members have kept busy overthe summer preparing to implement the new CommonCore State Standards. And, although parents are notgenerally part of our teaching staff, you are just asimportant to your child’s education as we are. We areeager to welcome everyone back to school and we’reready to get the learning started!If you wonder what you can do to help your childbe successful at school, start by being enthusiastic,supportive and involved. With teamwork betweenhome and school, your child will be inspirited to dohis/her best. Here are a few suggestions to fosterthat teamwork: Become familiar with your child’s teacher andschool. Take time to attend Open House on Tuesday,August 21 st . Classrooms will be open from 5:30-7:30 pm and your child is welcome to bringhis/her school supplies that evening. Keep updated by checking the teachers’ websitesfull of valuable information. Create a homework friendly environment at homethat will allow your child to succeed. Read the monthly elementary newsletter puttogether by our staff. Stay in contact with us by phone or email withquestions or concerns. Join and become active in the <strong>Tri</strong>-<strong>Valley</strong> PTO.They have many wonderful activities planned tohelp parents partner with the school. Keep in mind that we will have numerouschances throughout the year for you to visitschool.I hope you will take advantage of all theseopportunities to partner with us in your child’seducation. As a parent myself, I know how fast timegoes by. It seems like just the other day my son wasstarting Kindergarten and, in what seemed like theblink of an eye, he has graduated from college.Please take time from your busy schedules to fullyembrace these years of your child’s education. Enjoythe good times and try not to sweat the small stuff. Itwill be here and gone before you know it. Welcomeback to <strong>Tri</strong>-<strong>Valley</strong> Elementary and let’s make this thebest year yet!!2

NO SCHOOLFriday, August 31 st , &Monday, September 3 rd ,Labor Day WeekendTRI-VALLEY SCHOOL DISTRICT 49-6Welcomes you to the 2012-2013 School YearTeacher In-Service, August 20 & 21, 2012OPEN HOUSETuesday, August 21, 20125:30-7:30 pmFIRST DAY OF SCHOOL – THURSDAYAUGUST 23, 2012, Early dismissal at 2:30 pm(School Lunch Program will begin on August 23)Grade 9 and New Student Tablet OrientationTuesday, August 21, 2012, 6:30 pm – 7:30 pmThis is mandatory for parents and students to attendprior to students receiving their tablets.Grade 7-12 New Student RegistrationHS Principal’s OfficeMonday, August 13, 2012 – 8:30-12:00 and 1:00-3:30Tuesday, August 14, 2012 – 8:30-12:00 and 1:00-3:30Grade K-6 New Student RegistrationElem. Principal’s OfficeMonday, August 13, 2012 – 8:30-12:00 and 1:00-3:30Tuesday, August 14, 2012 – 8:30-12:00 and 1:00-3:30School Hours: K-6 8:23 am – 3:10 pm7-8 8:23 am – 3:15 pm9-12 8:23 am – 3:10 pmSCHOOL BOARD MEMBERSLloyd ArendsMike McAreaveyCharlie Burggraff Scott OyenLeslie JohnsonRegular school board meetings are held thesecond Monday of each month in the Board Room atthe Administration Office. All meetings are open tothe public. If a person desires to have an item placedon the agenda, please contact the AdministrationOffice one week prior to the scheduled meeting.REGISTRATION FOR NEW STUDENTS INTHE <strong>Tri</strong>-<strong>Valley</strong> School District is set for Monday,August 13, 2012, 8:30 am-12:00 pm and 1:00-3:30pm and Tuesday, August 14, 2012, 8:30 am-12:00pm and 1:00-3:30 pm.If you are a new student in <strong>Tri</strong>-<strong>Valley</strong> SchoolDistrict, the following forms are needed: Transcript from previous attendance center (ifapplicable) Social Security Number Certified copy of immunization recordsSDCL 13-28-7.1. Test and Immunizations forcommunicable diseases are required foradmission to school. School authorities require acertification from a licensed physician thatstudents have received or are in the process ofreceiving adequate immunization, according tothe recommendations of the Department ofHealth against poliomyelitis, diphtheria, pertussis,rubella, measles, mumps and tetanus. Additionalimmunization requirements for kindergarten entryonly, two doses of varicella (chickenpox) vaccine.Certified copy of birth certificateIt is a requirement (SDCL- 13-27-3.1) thatschools have on file a certified copy of a birthcertificate for each newly enrolled student. This lawaffects students who move into the district as well asall incoming kindergartners.A certified copy of a birth record may be obtainedfrom the South Dakota Department of Health VitalRecords Office, 207 E. Missouri, #1-A, Pierre, SD57501.Birth records may also be obtained from theRegister of Deeds in the South Dakota County wherea child was born. (Records for adopted children orchildren born out-of-wedlock are available only at thestate office).Birth records of children born out-of-state mustbe obtained from that state. The address of theappropriate office in any state may be obtained fromthe Vital Records Office, 605-773-4961.To receive a certified copy of a birth record,send the child’s name, date of birth and a $15.00 feeto the appropriate county or state.The certified copy of the birth record andimmunization schedule must be presented on orbefore the date of enrollment in school.questions, please contact the central office.Any3

NEW FACES IN THE CLASSROOMSGreetings! I am Cari Olson, the junior highLanguage Arts teacher for the past twelve years herein Mustang territory. It is my pleasure to share withyou information about a program in which <strong>Tri</strong>-<strong>Valley</strong>has partnered with USD for several years called PDC(Professional Development Center). According to thePDC principles, “the Center’s focus is to provide newmodels of teacher education and development byserving as exemplars of practice, builders ofknowledge, and vehicles for communicatingprofessional understanding among teacher educators,novices and veteran teachers.”Each year through PDC, one <strong>Tri</strong>-<strong>Valley</strong> teacherspends a year outside of the classroom in order toprofessionally grow in two ways: work on advancedcoursework through a USD graduate program andmentor two new teachers who are placed in <strong>Tri</strong>-<strong>Valley</strong>classrooms. Former <strong>Tri</strong>-<strong>Valley</strong> PDC mentors are Mrs.Kim Kappenman and Mrs. Morgan Bobzien.This year I will be pursuing my EducationSpecialist degree in PreK-12 administration includingcompleting an internship under both Mrs. Johnsonand Mr. Pflanz. In addition, I will be partially in theclassroom while co-teaching, demonstration teachingand advising our mentee teachers. During thisprocess, I will retain my volleyball and track coachingduties.One of our PDC teachers at TVMS this year isMr. Shane Griffin. Mr. Griffin graduated from USDwith a degree in English education. A veteran of theUS Air Force, he currently lives in Sioux Falls with hiswife and daughter. While earning his master’s degreein technology and teaching 7 th & 8 th grade LanguageArts this year, Mr. Griffin will also be coaching the 8 thgrade boys basketball team.Our second PDC teacher, Mrs. MeghanRobertson from Sioux Falls, will be teaching 1 stGrade. Mrs. Robertson graduated from USD with anelementary education degree and will be workingtoward her master’s degree as a readingspecialist/literacy coach. Growing up in a militaryfamily, Mrs. Robertson has travelled around the worldbut calls Rapid City home. During the summer, sheenjoys spending time outside and cheering on herhusband’s amateur baseball team.The three of us share an excitement for theupcoming school year, for the experiences we willhave through this program and for the work we plan todo in providing a great learning experience andenvironment to our students. Please join me inwelcoming Mr. Griffin and Mrs. Robertson to <strong>Tri</strong>-<strong>Valley</strong>!NOTES FROM THE NURSEBy Deanna Reiff, RN, <strong>Tri</strong>-<strong>Valley</strong> School NurseWhile temperatures are not saying it’s time to goback to school, the calendar is. Is your child ready togo back to school? If they will be coming tokindergarten they will need more than just crayons &a new book bag to be ready. To be completely readyfor kindergarten your child will need theimmunizations required by the state to be done andon file at the school. Please make sure theseimportant papers are at the school before the first dayof school.If your child needs to take medication duringschool hours, they must have a medicationadministration form on file in my office before anymedication can be given. This form needs to besigned by their doctor every school year and everytime there is a medication change of any kind.Copies of the medication form can be found on the<strong>Tri</strong>-<strong>Valley</strong> website under forms & policies and on page? in the newsletter. Please make sure the properpaperwork is done before the first day of school soyour student can start off the school year on the rightfoot.I will be available for any questions the night ofOpen House in my office. See you then. Enjoy therest of your summer.Attendance is an important part of eachstudent’s permanent record. Colleges and futureemployers are concerned about high schoolattendance.Daily attendance of all students who are enrolledin <strong>Tri</strong>-<strong>Valley</strong> schools is required, in accordance withstate law and school board policy. Consideration willbe given by the administration to lengthy illness,serious injury and important family trips.On the day a student is absent parents, or legalguardians, are asked to call the school by 9:00 am.Students with unexcused absences will not receiveany credit for the classes missed.The <strong>Tri</strong>-<strong>Valley</strong> School District 49-6 does notdiscriminate in its employment policies andpractices, or in its educational programs on thebasis of race, color, creed, religion, age, sex,disability, national origin, or ancestry.4

TECH CENTER NEWSBy Lori May, Technology CoordinatorThis year the Tech Center will be implementinga few new changes. All computers will now berunning the Windows 7 operating system along withMicrosoft Office 2010. These changes are not toobig so hopefully there will be few issues adjusting tothe new software.Due to the new CIPA (Children’s InternetProtection Act) requirements, all student computersthat are taken off site will have the same internetfiltering as during the school day. This will limit theirsocial networking abilities and take more measuresto protect our students from harmful sites.We will be requiring the same Laptop ProtectionPlan as last year. All HS students will pay a $30 perstudent fee ($60 max for a family of 2 or more HSstudents) to cover all accidental damages and stolenlaptops. Intentional and negligent damages will NOTbe covered by this policy. Students/parents will berequired to cover the cost based on current repaircosts.SCHOOL BREAKFASTThe school breakfast program will begin Friday,August 24, 2012. The prices are $1.00 per breakfastfor grades K-12 and $1.25 for adults.SCHOOL LUNCHThe school lunch program will begin Thursday,August 23, 2012. The prices are $2.30 per meal forgrades K-4, $2.50 for grades 5-12 and $3.10 foradults. Extra milk with meals or milk break is$.30/half pint. Extra entrée’ for grades 5-12 is $1.25.Monthly costs (20 meals) are K-4 $46.00 and 5-12 is $50.00. Please send money for lunches on thefirst day of school. Delinquent accounts must be paidup by the beginning of the school year or meals willbe sold on a cash-only basis. Students will receivenotification when the family account balance reaches$10.00 per family member enrolled.Free and reduced price meals will be availableto those who apply and qualify.ACTIVITY TICKET POLICYThe Board of Education hasestablished prices as follows:SEASON TICKETSAdult - $40.00Student (7-12) - $20.00Student (K-6) - $15.00Family - $85.00<strong>Tri</strong>-<strong>Valley</strong> Elementary students andstaff would like to say “Thank-You” to Mr.Scott Mohnen for his generous donationthat allowed us to purchase a new bookbinding machine. This machine will allowteachers to make keepsakes for students’finished projects and create booklets fortheir classroom libraries. Thanks a bunch!!Senior Citizens (65 and over) are free witha courtesy pass which must be obtained atthe Central Office.SINGLE TICKETSAdult - $5.00Students (K-12) - $3.005

WHAT DO I KNOW ABOUT MYCHILD’S TEACHER?The federal education law put in place byPresident Bush called “No Child Left Behind” requiresthat all parents in a Title 1 school be notified andgiven the opportunity to request information about theprofessional qualifications of classroom teachersinstructing their child. If you are interested in thisinformation, you may send your request to thebuilding principal who will provide a response.PARENT-TEACHER CONFERENCESParent-Teacher Conference is a time forcommunication between parents and teachers for thebenefit of your children’s education. It is a veryimportant conference. Your attendance, as a parent,will be greatly appreciated. Parent-TeacherConferences will be held Thursday, October 25, 2012,and Thursday, February 14, 2013, from 3:00-9:00 pm.TELEPHONE NUMBERSAll calls will be answered in our Central Office.Phone Numbers: Fax Number:446-3538 446-3520446-3207543-5500Bus Garage446-3482Websitewww.tri-valley.k12.sd.usFEDERAL PROGRAMS COMPLAINT POLICYComplaints against Titles I, II, IV or V programsand expenditures may be received by the localeducation agency (<strong>Tri</strong>-<strong>Valley</strong> School District 49-6).The expeditious and reasonable handling ofthese complaints is necessary for the effectiveconduct of the program as well as to promotecommunity understanding and involvement of the titleprograms.The following procedures are outlined for use at<strong>Tri</strong>-<strong>Valley</strong> School District.1.) The complaint will be directed to the person incharge of the Federal Programs.2.) The complaint will be recorded and pertinentinformation recorded.3.) The Federal Programs director will try to resolvethe complaint4.) If the complaint cannot be resolved, the FederalProject Director will call for a hearing within 15days of the complaint. The hearing will be held infront of a committee made up of the federalproject director and parents.5.) If the complaint is not resolved at the local level,then either party can appeal to the StateDepartment of Education.PUBLIC COMPLAINT POLICYThe following guidelines are the properprocedure to be followed by persons with questionsor complaints.1. Matters concerning a student should first beaddressed to the students’ teacher.2. Unsettled matters from (1) above on problemsand questions concerning individual studentsshould be directed to the principal of the school.3. Unsettled matter from (2) above or problems andquestions concerning the school should bedirected to the superintendent.4. Whenever a complaint is made directly to theboard or to a board member as an individual, itshall be referred to the school administration forspeedy and possible solutions. The board willconsider citizen complaints when they cannot beresolved by the administration. If it becomesnecessary, the administration, the person makingthe complaint or employee may request anexecutive session with the school board. Thepurpose of this meeting will be to hear facts andmake a decision on the matter.CHURCH NIGHTThere will be no school activities scheduled onWednesday evening in order for the churches to havea day during the week set aside to schedule theiractivities. All activities on this day are to becompleted by 5:30 pm.6

TEACHER OF THE YEARCongratulations to Mrs. Vicki Wood forbeing selected <strong>Tri</strong>-<strong>Valley</strong>’s Teacher of the Year.Mrs. Wood teaches Middle School Math. Shehas taught at <strong>Tri</strong>-<strong>Valley</strong> for 21 years.THE TRI-VALLEY SCHOOL DISTRICTOPEN HOUSE FOR GRADES K-12WILL BE ONTUESDAY, AUGUST 21, 2012,FROM 5:30-7:30 PMTRI-VALLEY SCHOOL DISTRICTASBESTO YEARLY REPORTDear Parents/Staff Members:An asbestos management plan for our facilitieswas developed and includes this notification letter,education and training of our employees and a set ofplans and procedure designed to minimize thedisturbance of the asbestos-containing materials, andplans for regular surveillance of the asbestoscontainingmaterials.A copy of the asbestos management plan isavailable for your inspection in our administrativeoffice during regular office hours. As responseactions and preventive measures are conducted orcompleted, and at least annually, you will be notifiedof any changes in the amount and condition ofasbestos-containing material in the school building.We plan to take whatever steps are necessaryto insure your children and our employees have ahealthy, safe environment in which to learn and work.TRANSPORTATIONThe <strong>Tri</strong>-<strong>Valley</strong> School district offers bustransportation for students K-12. Route schedules willbe the same as last year.Your bus driver will contact you if there are anyother changes. If you are new to the district or havequestions concerning transportation, please contactKent Johnson at 446-3482.School transportation is provided for participantsin activities that are sponsored by our school. Allparticipants are required to ride the activity bus.Please refer to the student/parent handbook forfurther detailsART TRIP 2014By: Mandy DeWitt, Art TeacherThis summer I took seven great kids on theadventure of their lifetime. We landed in London intime to see the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee. We thenexplored Paris, drove through the French countrysideto Switzerland where we rode up the mountain andacross a lake and saw the best and worst of Munich,Germany.The Art Club is taking a trip to London, Paris andBarcelona in 2014. I am letting you know now so thatyou have time to get enrolled before the deadline.September 1 st , the program fee for the 2014 trip willbe going up $200. If you are interested in going Ihighly suggest you get signed up before September1 st .If you have questions, please let me know and Iwill try to answer them. If you need the info as to howto sign up, go to my websitehttp://dewittart.shutterfly.com/ the directions and codeare right under the photos of this summer’s tripSCHOOL PICTURESPhotography By Mark will be at <strong>Tri</strong>-<strong>Valley</strong>on Tuesday, September 18 th , for school pictures.All staff and students K-12 will have their picturetaken that day.7

SCHOOL CLOSINGIn the event that the school has to close due toinclement weather or other emergencies, notificationwill be given over television stations KELO, KDLT andKSFY; radio stations KELO 92.5/1320, KSOO97.3/1140, KJAM 103.1/1390 and KTWB 101.9 andSchoolReach-Telephone Broadcast Service as soonas a decision is made. In all cases, the safety of thestudents will be the determining factor.SchoolReachSchool-to-Parent Communication<strong>Tri</strong>-<strong>Valley</strong> School District will continue to useSchoolReach, a telephone broadcast system thatenables school personnel to notify all household andparents by phone within minutes of an emergency orunplanned event that causes early dismissal, schoolcancellation or late start. The service may be usedtime-to-time to communicate general announcementsor reminders. This service is provided bySchoolReach, a company specializing in school-toparentcommunications.<strong>Tri</strong>-<strong>Valley</strong> will continue to report school latestarts, early dismissals and/or closing due to snow orweather on the local TV and radio stations and willuse this system as an overlay to the publicannouncements.This is a great tool but we need your help inupdating the phone numbers. Please call the office ifyou have any changes or new phone numbers to addto our list.STUDENT DRIVINGStudents who drive to school are to park theircars and cycles in the High School’s parking lot wherethey are to remain until school is dismissed. Studentsmay not park in the lot south of the school building.TOBACCO POLICYThe Board of Education prohibits the use of alltobacco products in any building, vehicle or busowned or operated by the School District. Use of alltobacco products is also prohibited on any publicseating provided at events held outside of the schoolbuildings on school grounds.STUDENT DRESS CODEStudents attending <strong>Tri</strong>-<strong>Valley</strong> Public Schools, orrepresenting the school district at a school sponsoredevent, will not be allowed to wear any article ofclothing which conveys any message of profanity,drugs, alcohol or tobacco, are sexually suggestive ordisplay any racial slurs.Grades 9 and New Student TabletOrientationTuesday, August 21, 20126:30 pm to 7:30 pmThis is mandatory for parents and students toattend prior to students receiving their tablets.K-12 MUSIC DEPARTMENTCONCERT DATESNovember 5 7 th -12 th Fall Vocal Concert 7:00 pmNovember 26 3 rd -6 th Vocal Concert 7:00 pmNovember 30 Kdg-2 nd Vocal Concert 7:00 pmDecember 10 7 th -12 th Vocal Concert 7:00 pmDecember 13 5 th -12 th Band Concert 7:00 pmMarch 12 5 th -12 th Band Pops Concert 4:30 pmMarch 29 7 th -12 th Vocal Concert 7:00 pmApril 26 5 th -12 th Band Concert 7:00 pmMay 3 Kdg-2 nd Vocal Concert 7:00 pmMay 7 3 rd -6 th Vocal Concert 7:00 pmMay 14 7 th -12 th Spring Concert 7:00 pm8

5 th GRADE – 4th QUARTER HONOR ROLL4.0 3.5-3.99 3.0-3.49Baylee Beaner Hannah Miller Courtney Anderson Tuyishemeze Alexis Taelon JensenBlake Burggraff Mallory O’Hara Max Breitkreutz Trevor Benson Gillian KleinLincoln Burggraff Jordyn Reider Erika Langloss Noah Burke Kimberly KrietlowAbigale Burkhart Jackson Ruedebusch Thomas Lawrence Vaughn Cwach Gabriel KrumpCaitlyn Kogel Skylar Skovlund Nathan McDonald Victor Cwach Caden LamerJenna Kruse Katelyn Sterling Dominic O’Neill Lane Egger Jacob MadisonRachael Masgai McKenzie Vortherms Karlee Price Samantha Fox Dylan MeyerRiley Robinson Ethan Heitkamp Eihilin RichTanner SchmidtGrace SuttleGrace SwartwoutSamantha Wiseman6 th GRADE – 4th QUARTER HONOR ROLL4.0 3.5-3.99 3.0-3.49Emily McDonald Levi Backhaus Brianna Brinson Dylan HuweMia Miller Jaizen Hagemeyer Sommer Burggraff Brayden KoopmanTijana Pease Noah Jewett Carter Carruthers Peyton LairdCatherine Vogel Jacob Kasowski Chase DeWitt Chase LythgoeDamaris Waldner Austin Mader Logan Greer Logan MathieuKeith Warne Brock Newman Carter Grinde Nehemiah McKenzieErin Proctor Cassie Hartman Micaela MiddaghIoann Shkinder Zackary Hilbrands Isabelle ThomSidney Hockett Shauntelle Wright7 th GRADE – 4th QUARTER HONOR ROLL4.0 3.5-3.9 3.0-3.49Bridget Bossman Brooke Amundson Sierra Amundson Brandon Giegling Ruquia MulambaCaitlyn Cypher Riley Hallman Briana Beaner William Heiberger Novia NeurothSkylar Drey Elijah Heiberger Brady Bietz Lane Hillman Ali RuedebuschMorgan Haga Trevor Klinnert Alec Blackford Nikole Krump Jordan SandersBelle Eveleth-Jensen Kevin Larsgaard Morgan Blake Joan Leiferman Mason ScharffenbergEmily Hargreaves Jacob Leiseth Aleah Burggraff Jaymon Letson Madison SwierBrooke Kulzer Kaitlyn Rogers Jayden Burggraff Austin Leuning Carter WarneMikayla Richardson Holly Sando Levi Burggraff Beau Lythgoe Mason WiemanChristina Vogel Will Steineke Mary Dybedahl Paul Masgai Kaylee WingenTaylor Will Keturah Swartwout Austin FalorMadisyn Van Hunnick8 th GRADE – 4th QUARTER HONOR ROLL4.0 3.5-3.9 3.0-3.49Austin Arends Regan Ahlers Tye Klinnert Bryant Alexander-Timp Dylan MartinCailey Baker Cassandra Blair Kiana Kuchta Lexi Breitkreutz John MillerPatrick Boadwine Zachary-Darren DeGroot Courtney Moffatt Terra Carpenter Matthew PratherGrant Burggraff Dylan Eldeen Erica Opland Alexander Gonzales Austan SchweizerMariah Burggraff Sydney Haga Seth Sando Paige Harkema Paige ShatterDanica Hahn Brenton Hanisch Jaykob Soto BreeAnn Hoek Brandon SiemonsmaCarter Hausmann Sydney Hausmann Rachel Sterling Meghan Hoffman Hunter StofferahnDemi Hoover Andie Jepson Hannah Sundal Anna Johnson Alex Van AsseltCassidy Norgaard Brady Johnson Arianna WalterSamantha SommerLogan LarsenRebecca Thom9

FRESHMAN – 4th QUARTER HONOR ROLL4.0 3.5-3.9 3.0-3.49Kevin Ayala Agrueta Steve Beck Kamberlyn Lamer Kierra CrowKelsey Carlson Brooke Berry Adrian Larios Allison HanischElijah Hargreaves Nicholas Buchmann Nathan Mears Landon LeuningMagdalen Heiberger Hunter Farr Abby Mork Malary McKenneyEmma Johnson Connor Hickman Daniel Perrion Karly NiemannMadeline Krogman Jacob Hotchkiss Ben Schiltz Dalylah RyeLogan O’Hara Samantha Kasowski Connor Teel MacKenzie SchmidtHanna Slagle Lauren Kulzer Yeva ShkinderMariah SwierJayden SonnenburgLogan ZeislerSOPHOMORE – 4th QUARTER HONOR ROLL4.0 3.5-3.9 3.0-3.49Spencer Boy Brendon Boomsma Kristin Burggraff Andrew MorkAmanda Farr Derek Eldeen Samantha Garness Talia PeaseClark Haugen Carolyn Hillberg Kaitlyn Garrison Kevin PhillipsAbilene Heiberger Madison Lambertz Cody Hartman Justin PliskaLucas Heiberger Alexandra Larios Tyler Heiberger Brooklyn Red DayMadison Mead Sabrina Lauer Landen Hillman Ryan SchumanOlivia Minnaert Rebecca Lythgoe Lucas Jensen Rylee ShatzerJoseph Newman Cally Neises Kieren Kellen Joslynne SiglerHanna RamstadRaechel OyenJoshua ReiderKymberli RyeJacob ThomAustin Van AsseltJUNIOR – 4th QUARTER HONOR ROLL4.0 3.5-3.9 3.0-3.49Kristen Arends Alexis Ahlquist Taylor Nesheim Jordan Bittner Kaitlyn Nelson<strong>Tri</strong>na Baker Chelsea Amundson Joshua Prather Dominick Burggraff Logan OttoShayla Berry Katelyn Burggraff Myron Prostrollo Melissa Chavez Hayley RichardsSummer Bossman Tanner Hanisch Brianna Rients Allison Cross Alexandria SlagleRiley Brown Logan Hof Alena Shkinder Jasmine Kindvall Nicole WeberCrystal Carlson Olivia Huntimer Furaha Tete Jacob Letson Brady WelbigDylan Cole Logan Koopman Allison Weinacht Samuel Mader Kayla WilmarthSarah Dyke Mataya Larsgaard Brittany Will Lane McKenney Kylee WilmarthYana Ivanova Tara McKnelly Robyn WingenDanielle JensenErin KinderStacey McDonaldAustin OyenBrett PageShelby RippergerZachary SchumanSENIORS – 4th QUARTER HONOR ROLL4.0 3.5-3.9 3.0-3.49Trae Bergh Andrew Buchmann Thad Johnson Tanner Adkins Thea RaveKelsey Brown Jonathan Burns Morgan Overland Blake Boysen Justin SiegelAlan-Michael J. DeGroot Kyle Erickson Nicole Ramstad Rebecca Drake Nicholes SimmermonMatthew Dyke Nicole Fritz Catelyn Rud Aaron Garcia Casey SleemanTasha Graves Chase Grote Garreth Soto Stormy Gimbel Taylor SwierCooper Hausmann Nathan Gruis Lane Swanson Cole Keys Michelle Van HeerdeCaleb Heiberger Christen Hahn Jasmine Tietz April King Kayla WaldnerRheann Jacobsen Niyukuri Jeanine Spencer Mann Eric WilberShaya KellenManuel MendozaMorgan MathieuErica RamstadRebecca SwierShannon Van ZantenKenton Welbig10

<strong>Tri</strong>-<strong>Valley</strong> School District 49-6Graduates of DistinctionWhere Graduates Become LegendsEstablished 2011On May 20, 2012, at Graduation Commencement <strong>Tri</strong>-<strong>Valley</strong>s’ first Graduates of Distinction werehonored, Susan M. (Larson) Moore, Class of 1988 and Lee J. Person, Class of 1987.Susan Moore is currently Alaska Operations Lead for Shell Oil Corporation overseeingoperations of the offshore drilling in the Arctic Ocean.Susan graduated from <strong>Tri</strong>-<strong>Valley</strong> in 1988 as Valedictorian of her class. She graduated from SDSchool of Mines as Valedictorian of the class of 1992 with a degree in Civil Engineering.In 1992, she began employment with Shell Oil Offshore Division, headquartered in New Orleans,LA. Positions she has held in her 20 year career with Shell Oil have included Facilities Engineer,Mechanical Engineer, Project Manager and Operations Manager for offshore oil projects in the US,Nigeria, Brazil and Malaysia. In 2008, she was involved in the development of the deepest offshoreproduction platform in the world at that time. It drills in 3,000 feet of water.Susan is currently the Alaska Operations Lead for Shell Oil. She is responsible for scientific datacollection projects, operations planning and projects in support of drilling in the Arctic Ocean. This yearshe will be accountable for operations of 22 boats, 2 aircraft, a helicopter and over 350 personnel inAlaska and the Arctic Ocean oil drilling endeavors.Her current position also involves helping secure energy independence for the United Stateswhile maintaining a good relationship regarding the needs and concerns of the environment and thepeople of that area.For her work in that area she has received awards and she has held positions on the Board ofDirectors for Alaska Clean Seas and the Alaska Oil Spill Response Cooperative.Susan strives to encourage youth to pursue the opportunities she has had in her chosen field.She serves on boards and councils that educate, support and encourage the Engineering vocation in highschools and universities in Alaska. She is chair of a group that has developed Engineering Academies inhigh schools across Alaska with credits eligible for transfer to the University of Alaska to assist youth inAlaska to prepare for the future employment prospects there.Lee Person is currently the Senior Criminal Intelligence Analyst for the South Dakota Division ofCriminal Investigation.Following his graduation from <strong>Tri</strong>-<strong>Valley</strong> in 1987, Lee Person obtained a Bachelors of Sciencedegree in Criminal Justice from the University of South Dakota in Vermillion. While completing hisstudies, he commuted to Sioux Falls to work at the South Dakota State Penitentiary. He continued towork there after his graduation holding various positions throughout the institution as an officer and amember of the prison Special Operations team. A majority of his career at the penitentiary was as aCorrectional Unit Coordinator responsible for the maximum security unit that houses the mental health,disciplinary and death row inmates. He received commendations for his ability to diffuse volatilesituations with his quiet and caring demeanor. In 2008, he was named the South Dakota PenitentiaryEmployee of the Year.In 2009, he fulfilled a lifelong dream and was offered one of the few criminal intelligence analystpositions with the South Dakota Division of Criminal Investigation. He now works with numerous lawenforcement agencies across the state and nation as a Sr. Intelligence Analyst. Lee works every day toidentify and apprehend those who threaten the safety of our community and state.Lee has volunteered his time and abilities in the construction of the Crooks Community Daycareand serves on a committee at his church.This program exists for the purpose of recognizing alumni who have achieved distinction throughoutstanding accomplishments or lifetime achievements and sharing these with the community at large.This program serves to honor alumni contributions and as incentive for current and future <strong>Tri</strong>-<strong>Valley</strong>students. The Graduates of Distinction will be announced each year at the graduation ceremony.11

2012 TRACK AND FIELD SUMMARYTwenty three girls and 21 boys competed in 10 track meets in the 2012 season. Both squads captured teamtitles at the Jesse James Invitational in Garretson while the girls’ team also claimed team victories at the ChesterInvitational and the Quarrier Invitational at Dell Rapids. In Region 5A competition both squads had excellentmeets, the boys captured runner-up honors with 117 points while the girls scored 167 points to edge West Central’s161½ for the region team title. At the State “A” track meet in Spearfish and Rapid City the girls finished with 28points and an 11 th place finish while the boys finished with 15 point and a 14 th place finish.The field events proved to be a strength for the girls’ squad. The shot put and discus trio of Allison Cross,Sammy Kasowski and Catelyn Rud were key factors in the success of the 2012 team. These girls were consistentplace winners throughout the season. In the jumping events 2010 state triple jump champion April King, returned toform after missing the 2011 season with a leg injury, and has had an outstanding senior year. April and freshmanKamber Lamer are a stellar duo in the long and triple jump, while Emma Johnson has continued her success in thehigh jump.On the track the Lady Mustangs had a balanced attack. Sprinters Summer Bossman, April King, BeccaLythgoe, Madison Mead, Abby Mork and Mariah Swier in various combinations captured 4 first place finishes inthe sprint relays. Distance runners Kaitlyn Garrison, Riley Hallman, Lauren Kulzer, Kamber Lamer, StaceyMcDonald and Mason Scharffenberg were valuable contributors to the team’s success in the distance races and the3200 meter relay. Amanda Farr and Becca Lythgoe were medalists in the hurdles at several meets this season andwere instrumental in the success of the 2012 team.The boys’ team was lead by seniors Trae Bergh, Kyle Erickson, Chase Grote, Thad Johnson and JustinSiegel. Kyle has been a steady performer in the long jump and the high jump and is one of the premier triplejumpers in the state, he and sophomore jumper Clark Haugen were a solid combination in the jumps. Trae Berghbounced back from an injury plagued junior year to lead the boy’s distance crew consisting of Trevor Hallman,Jacob Hotchkiss and Austin Oyen. Chase, Thad, Justin and sophomore, Joey Newman, have scored well in thethrowing events this season and have registered personal records. Thad Johnson also has garnered many points inthe 110 hurdles.Junior sprinters, Logan Koopman and Sam Mader; senior sprinter, Kyle Erickson, sophomores, ClarkHaugen and Josh Reider; and freshman, Logan Amundson have carried the baton in the sprint relays and havequalified a 400 meter relay team for the state track meet. These individuals have also placed in several meets in the100 and 200. Unfortunately, the sprint crew was without the services of Logan Koopman for the Big SiouxConference, Region 5A and the state meet due to a season ending injury.Four hundred and 800 meter runner, Austin Van Asselt, has had a solid sophomore season clocking manyplace winning times. Several underclassmen have contributed to the success of the 2012 squad by filling relays andcompeting in individual events. They are sprinters Connor Hickman, Landon Leuning, Logan O’Hara, Ben Schiltzand Logan Zeisler. Connor Teel has continued to improve in the 110 and 300 hurdles and placed in these two eventsthis season.The 2012 squads will be remembered as the initial group to practice on the new track and field facility.Unfortunately, the <strong>Tri</strong>-<strong>Valley</strong> Invitational had to be cancelled, denying this group the chance to compete on our topnotchfacility. Although this was a great disappointment to the athletes, coaches and parents alike, it was trulygratifying to see how many district patrons volunteered to work at the meet. We will anxiously await next year’sinvitational and the Big Sioux Conference Meet which will be held at <strong>Tri</strong>-<strong>Valley</strong>.This year’s seniors have left their mark on <strong>Tri</strong>-<strong>Valley</strong> Track and Field. Their names can be foundfrequently in the top ten lest and they will be missed. The track coaches wish the very best to seniors Trae Bergh,Kyle Erickson, Nicole Fritz, Chase Grote, Thad Johnson, April King, Morgan Mathieu, Erica Ramstad, Catelyn Rudand Justin Siegel.15

Girls Team Members: Seniors – April King and Catelyn Rud; Juniors – Summer Bossman, Allsion Cross andStacey McDonald; Sophomores – Amanda Farr, Kaitlyn Garrison, Becca Lythgoe and Madison Mead; Freshman –Allison Hanisch, Emma Johnson, Sammy Kasowski, Lauren Kulzer, Kamber Lamer, Abby Mork, Karly Niemanand Mariah Swier; Eighth Grade – Sydney Haga and Sydney Hausmann; Seventh Grade – Riley Hallman, JoanLeiferman, Mason Scharffenberg and Taylor Will.Boys Team Members: Seniors – Trae Bergh, Kyle Erickson, Chase Grote, Thad Johnson and Justin Siegel;Juniors – Logan Koopman, Sam Mader and Austin Oyen; Sophomores – Clark Haugen, Joey Newman, JoshReider, Austin Van Asselt; Freshmen – Logan Amundson, Trevor Hallman, Connor Hickman, Jacob Hotchkiss,Landon Leuning, Logan O’Hara, Ben Schiltz, Connor Teel and Logan Zeisler.Student Managers: Morgan Mathieu, Erica Ramstad, Nicole Fritz and Robyn WingenBig Sioux Conference Champions: April King – <strong>Tri</strong>ple Jump (35’06¼”); Trae Bergh – 1600 meter run (5:01.9)and 3200 meter run (10:59.0); Kyle Erickson – <strong>Tri</strong>ple Jump (46’02”) Big Sioux Conference Record.Region 5A Champions: April King – long jump (17’07½”) Region 5A record, triple jump – (34’02”); AllisonCross – shot put (37’09½”); Kyle Erickson – triple jump (44’05¼”) Region 5A record; Trae Bergh – 3200 meter run(11:10.3).State Track Meet Qualifiers: Allison Cross – shot put and discus; Emma Johnson – high jump; Sammy Kasowski– shot put and discus; April King – long jump and triple jump; Kamber Lamer – long jump and triple jump; BeccaLythgoe – 100 meter dash; Madison Mead – 400 meter dash; 400 meter relay (Summer Bossman, April King, BeccaLythgoe and Mariah Swier); Trae Bergh – 1600 meter run and 3200 meter run; Kyle Erickson – triple jump; LoganKoopman – 100 meter dash; Austin Van Asselt – 400 meter dash; boys’ 400 meter relay: Kyle Erickson, ClarkHaugen, Logan Koopman, Sam Mader, Josh Reider and alternate Logan Amundson.State Place Winners: Trae Bergh – 3200 meter run 6 th (10:22.0) and 1600 meter run 8 th (4:47.4); Allison Cross –shot put 4 th (38’01¼”); Emma Johnson – high jump 2 nd (5’03”); Thad Johnson – shot put 8 th (49’09¾”); April King– long jump 7 th (15’10”) and triple jump 2 nd (35’08½”) and Kamberlyn Lamer – long jump 6 th (15’11¾”) and triplejump7th (32’09¾”).State Champion: Kyle Erickson – triple jump (43’09”)Academic All-State: Trae BerghSchool Records Set: April King – Long Jump – (17’07½”); Kyle Erickson – <strong>Tri</strong>ple Jump – (46’02”); Trae Bergh –3200 meter run (10:22.0) and Emma Johnson – high jump – (5’03”)Track and Field Top 10 Entries: 100 meter dash –Josh Reider and Clark Haugen – tied 7 th (11.4), Becca Lythgoe– 2 nd (12.8) and Mariah Swier tied 6 th (13.1) – 200 meter dash – Summer Bossman – tied 7 th (27.7); 400 meterdash – Kamber Lamer – 8 th (64.2); 1600 meter run – Riley Hallman – 8 th (5:57.1); 3200 meter run – RileyHallman – 7 th (13.03.6), Trae Bergh – TVHS record (10:22.0) and Austin Oyen – 10 th (11:07.7) 100 meter hurdles– Becca Lythgoe – 3 rd (16.4) and Amanda Farr – 6 th (17.2); 400 meter relay – Summer Bossman, April King, BeccaLythgoe and Mariah Swier – tied 7 th (52.3); Clark Haugen, Logan Koopman, Sam Mader and Josh Reider – tied 7 th(45.5); 3200 meter relay – Riley Hallman, Lauren Kulzer, Kamber Lamber and Stacey McDonald – 7 th (10:39.2);Long Jump – April King – TVHS record (17’07½”), Kamber Lamer – 2 nd (16’09½”), Kyle Erickson –7 th TVHSrecord – (20’05¼”); <strong>Tri</strong>ple Jump – Kamber Lamer – 2 nd (34’11”), Kyle Erickson – TVHS record – (46’02”); HighJump – Emma Johnson – TVHS record (5’01”), Shot Put – Allison Cross – 2 nd (38’10½”), Sammy Kasowski – 3 rd(37’10½”), Thad Johnson – 6 th (49’09¾”); Discus – Allison Cross – 5 th (119’04”), Sammy Kasowski – 7 th(144’03”), Thad Johnson –4 th (144’01”).16

PHYSICAL FITNESS TEST2012 BEST PERFORMANCEBOYSGIRLSGRADE NAME SCORE EVENT GRADE NAME SCORESIT-UPS4th Cody Winquist 46 4th Payton Loiseau 394th Junior Kandolo 40 4th Samantha Wilmarth 385th Nathan Ewer 57 5th Baylee Beaner 495th Riley Robinson 55 5th Grace Swartwout 446th Logan Mathieu 61 6th Erin Proctor 546th Ioann Shkinder 60 6th Emily McDonald 497th Jacob Leiseth 68 7th Caitlyn Cypher 577th Lane Hillman 60 7th Madison Page 528th Dylan Eldeen 74 8th Cassidy Norgaard 678th Devion Martin 66 8th Samantha Sommer 64PULL-UPS4th Carson Norgaard 8 4th Nicole Podzimek 34th Jace Hanisch 4 4th Journee Andersen 15th Nathan McDonald 9 4th Sydney Dekan 15th Joel Andera 7 4th Jennifer Hotchkiss 16th Brock Newman 16 4th Anna Ginter 16th Chase Lythgoe 8 4th Samantha Wilmarth 17th Trevor Klinnert 11 5th Baylee Beaner 47th Brady Bietz 10 5th Erika Langloss 28th Tye Klinnert 17 6th Sidney Hockett 88th Parker Ramstad 10 6th Cassie Hartman 67th Taylor Will 37th Abigail McDonald 38th Sydney Hausmann 28th Demi Hoover 1STANDING LONG JUMP4th Carson Norgaard 68" 4th Grace Steineke 62"4th Ryan Ramstad 65" 4th Samantha Wilmarth 62"5th Will Kulzer 75" 5th Baylee Beaner 78"5th Caden Lamer 74" 5th Rachel Masgai 64"6th Jake Schroeder 88" 6th Mia Miller 71"6th Brock Newman 86" 6th Tijana Pease 71"7th Carter Warne 94" 7th Emily Hargreaves 82"7th Will Steineke 88" 7th Taylor Will 81"8th Austin Arends 87" 8th Sydney Hausmann 81"8th Brenton Hanisch 87" 8th Karima Hussen 79"SHUTTLE RUN4th Jace Hanisch 10.28 4th Samantha Wilmarth 10.524th Carson Norgaard 10.38 4th Rhegan Oberg 11.015th Caden Lamer 9.58 5th Rachel Masgai 10.215th Gabriel Krump 9.66 5th Chantale Unwari 10.506th Brock Newman 9.00 6th Emily McDonald 9.416th Landon Freeman 9.13 6th Chastnee Lamer 10.027th Carter Warne 9.26 7th Nikole Krump 9.517th Beau Lythegoe 9.28 7th Taylor Will 9.658th Logan Larsen 9.08 8th Karima Hussen 9.598th Austin Arends 9.23 8th Courtney Moffatt 9.8317

FORTY YARD DASH4th Cody Winquist 6.26 4th Samantha Wilmarth 6.074th Carson Norgaard 6.37 4th Jennifer Hotchkiss 6.445th Max Breitkreutz 5.90 5th Rachel Masgai 5.905th Caden Lamer 5.92 5th Baylee Beaner 5.926th Landon Freeman 5.38 6th Chastnee Lamer 5.796th Jake Schroeder 5.40 6th Emily McDonald 5.827th Carter Warne 5.52 7th Nikole Krump 5.447th Elijah Hieberger 5.54 7th Kaylee Wingen 5.638th Brenton Hanisch 5.20 8th Karima Hussen 5.598th Dylan Eldeen 5.44 8th Regan Ahlers 5.63MILE RUN5th Gabriel Krump 6:375th Caden Lamer 6:49 5th Erika Langloss 7:485th Nathan Ewer 6:49 5th Grace Swartwout 8:106th Landon Freeman 6:40 6th Mia Miller 7:156th Chase Lythgoe 6:42 6th Emily McDonald 7:267th Trevor Klinnert 6:21 7th Riley Hallman 6:277th Elijah Heiberger 6:24 7th Joan Leiferman 7:118th Dylan Eldeen 6:12 8th Kiana Kuchta 7:108th Tye Klinnert 6:16 8th Samantha Sommer 8:15SIT AND REACH4th Tyler Streeter 1" 4th Sydney Dekan 1"4th Carson Norgaard 1" 4th Sidney Hussey 1"5th Caden Lamer 5" 4th Tori Jones 1"5th Jacob Madison 1" 4th Grace Steineke 1"6th Keith Warne 0" 5th Rachel Masgai 3"6th Dalton Foster neg. 1" 5th Skylar Skovlund 2"7th Alec Blackford 4" 6th Sidney Hockett 7"7th Carter Warne 2" 6th Brianna Brinson 5"8th Austin Arends 5" 7th Ruquia Mulamba 9"8th Brady Johnson 1" 7th Morgan Blake 7"8th Cassidy Norgaard 6"8th Terra Carpenter 6"400 METER DASH4th Jace Hanisch 1:26 4th Samantha Wilmarth 1:294th Ryan Ramstad 1:27 4th Jennifer Hotchkiss 1:31*Fitness Test Record18

DISTRICT PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT POLICYParental involvement is the participation of parents in every facet of education and development of children from birthto adulthood, recognizing that parents are the primary influence in their children’s lives. Federal programs includingTitle I recognize that parent involvement takes many forms, including parents’ shared responsibilities in decisionsabout their children’s education, health and well-being, as well as parents’ participation in organizations that reflectthe community’s collaborative aspirations for all children.DISTRICT GOALSThe goal of the <strong>Tri</strong>-<strong>Valley</strong> School District is to ensure the educational success of all students by having highexpectations, a commitment to excellence and a comprehensive parental involvement program, confirming the beliefthat parental involvement increases student achievement and self-esteem and that the difference between a goodschool and a great school is the involvement of its parents.I. It is the policy of the <strong>Tri</strong>-<strong>Valley</strong> School District to involve parents in the joint development of the District ParentalInvolvement policy by:A. Holding an annual parent meeting in which all parents are informed of the school’s participation in the Title Iprogram, the requirements and their right to be involved. This annual meeting will be held during the firstnine weeks of the school year.B. Making it possible for all parents to be involved by holding meetings that accommodate working parents aswell as those parents whose dominate language is not English.C. Involving parents in the decision making process for the Title I program.D. Providing training sessions for parents on the curriculum used and the forms of academic assessment usedto measure students progress.E. Involving parents in the reviewing and revising of the districts’ parental involvement policy.F. Having an annual parent meeting to discuss, review, plan for and make suggestions to the Title I program.G. Ensuring that all parents understand policies, rules, parent compacts, notices etc. by having them printed inboth English and Spanish as well as conducting meeting in the language the parents can understand.H. Providing the parents information regarding the “No Child Left Behind Act”.I. Every effort will be made to ensure that all special populations are involved (economically disadvantaged,disabled, limited English proficiency, limited literacy, migrant).II.III.Coordination and integration of parental involvement strategies with the Head Start, Even Start and Birth toThree and area preschools.The expectations of parental involvement are.A. Increased student achievement due to school-parent-student compacts.B. Increased student achievement due to parent training.C. Increased parental input due to annual meeting.D. Increased awareness of school policies and activities due to parent meetings and the annual meeting forTitle I parents.E. Increased school to home communications due to teacher training.IV.EvaluationThere will be an annual evaluation of the content and effectiveness of the Title I Parental involvement programand parents will be asked for their input. The evaluation will include an assessment of how much parentalinvolvement is increasing and what barriers to parental participation still need to be overcome. The schooldistrict will revise its Parental Involvement policy on the basis of this annual review.19

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)Notice for Directory InformationThe Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), a Federal law, requires that the <strong>Tri</strong>-<strong>Valley</strong>School District, with certain exceptions, obtain your written consent prior to the disclosure ofpersonally identifiable information from your child’s education records. However, the <strong>Tri</strong>-<strong>Valley</strong>School District may disclose appropriately designated “directory information” without writtenconsent, unless you have advised the District to the contrary in accordance with Districtprocedures. The primary purpose of directory information is to allow the <strong>Tri</strong>-<strong>Valley</strong> SchoolDistrict to include this type of information from your child’s education records in certain schoolpublications. Examples include:• A playbill, showing your student’s role in a drama production;• The annual yearbook;• Honor role or other recognition lists;• Graduation programs; and• Sports activity sheets, such as for wrestling, showing weight and height of team membersDirectory information, which is information that is generally not considered harmful or an invasionof privacy if released, can also be disclosed to outside organizations without a parent’s priorwritten consent. Outside organizations include, but are not limited to, companies that manufactureclass rings or publish year books.In addition, two federal laws require local educational agencies (LEAs) receiving assistance underthe Elementary and Secondary Act of 1965 (ESEA) to provide military recruiters, upon request,with three directory categories - names, addresses and telephone listings unless parents haveadvised the LEA that they do not want their student’s information disclosed without their priorwritten consent.If you do not want the <strong>Tri</strong>-<strong>Valley</strong> School District to disclose directory information from yourchild’s education records without your prior written consent, you must notify the District in writingby November 1, 2012The <strong>Tri</strong>-<strong>Valley</strong> School District has designated the following information as directory information:[Note: an LEA may, but does not have to, include all the information listed below.]• Student’s name• Address• Name of student’s parents• Telephone listings• Electronic Mail address• Photograph• Date and place of birth• Major field of study• Dates of attendance• Grade Level• Participation in officially recognized activities and sports• Weight and height of members of athletic teams• Degrees, honors, and awards received• The most recent educational agency or institution attended27

<strong>Tri</strong>-<strong>Valley</strong> Activities August 2012Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat1 2 3 45 6Boy Golf Practice Starts7 8 9 10Varsity FB & VB ParentMeeting, Commons,6:30 pm1112 New Student 13Registration, Here,8:30-12:00; 1:00-3:30Boys Golf @ WestCentral, 9:00 am7/8 FB Meeting 3:00 pmCC, FB & VB Practice StartsSchool Board Meeting,Here, 7:30 pm19 20Teacher In-Service,8:00am -4:00 pmBoys Golf @Dell Rapids, 9:30 am14New Student RegistrationHere,8:30-12:00; 1:00-3:30Teacher In-Service, 218:00 am—4:00 pmK-12 Open House,5:30-7:30 pm5th Grade InstrumentalDisplay Night, BandRoom, 7:00 pm9th Grade Tablet Meeting6:30 pmBoys Golf @ Dakota<strong>Valley</strong>, 9:00 am157/8 VB Practice Starts9:00 am1622 23First Day ofSchoolEarly Dismissal,2:30 pmBoys Golf @ Sioux FallsChristian, 7:45 am24CC @ Madison, 2:00 pmFB vs. Canton,Here, 7:00 pmBand Plays17 18VB @ Alpha IVFlandreau, 9:00 am9th FB @ Flandreau,10:00 am2526 27JV FB vs. Canton,Here, 4:30 pmBoys Golf @ 28Harrisburg, 8:00 am7/8 FB @ Canton,4:00 pmCC @ McCook Central/Montrose, 4:15 pmVB vs. Dakota <strong>Valley</strong>Here, 9th 5:00 pmJV 6:00 pm, V. 7:15 pmBand Plays29 307/8 VB @ Flandreau,4:00 pm9th Football @ Canton,4:30 pmVB vs. Lennox, Here,9th 5:00 pmJV 6:00 pmVarsity 7:15 pmNO SCHOOLFB @ Garretson,7:00 pm31

<strong>Tri</strong>-<strong>Valley</strong> Activities September 2012Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat2 3No School-Labor DayCC @ Garretson, 3:00 pm7/8 Football vs. Garretson,4:00 pmJV FB @ Garretson,4:30 pmVB vs. Alcester-Hudson,Here, 9th 5:00 pmJV 6:00 pmVarsity 7:15 pm45 6Boys Golf @ West Central,3:30 pm7/8 VB vs. Garretson,Here, 4:00 pmVB @ Vermillion,9th 5:00 pmJV 6:00 pmVarsity 7:30 pmFB vs. Elk Point-JeffersonHere, 7:00 pmBand Plays79th Grade Football<strong>Tri</strong>-<strong>Valley</strong> Jamboree,Here, 9:00 am89 10Boys Golf @ Madison,10:00 am9th Grade FB vs.Elk Point-Jefferson,Here, 5:15 pmJV FB vs.Elk Point-Jefferson,Here, 4:00 pmSchool Board Meeting,7:30 pm7/8 FB vs. Beresford,Here, 4:00 pmVB vs. Beresford, Here,9th 5:00 pmJV 6:00 pmVarsity 7:15 pmBand Plays1112 13CC @ Sioux FallsChristian, 3:30 pm7/8 VB @Tea Area, 4:00 pmVB @ Dell Rapids,9th 5:00,JV 6:00 pmVarsity 7:15 pmFB @ Flandreau,7:00 pm149th Grade VB<strong>Tri</strong>-<strong>Valley</strong> Tournament,Here, 9:00 am1516 17JV FB @ Flandreau,4:30 pm7/8 FB vs. Flandreau, Here,4:30 pmHomecoming Coronation,HS Gym, 7:30 pmSchool Pictures7/8 VB @ Sioux FallsChristian, 4:00 pmVB @ Canton,9th 5:00 pmJV 6:00 pmVarsity 7:15 pm18CC @ Dell Rapids,3:30 pm197/8 VB vs. Lennox,Here, 4:00 pm9th Grade FB vs.West Central, Here,4:30 pmVB @ Madison,9th 5:00 pmJV 6:00 pmVarsity 7:15 pm20FB vs. Dell Rapids,Here, 7:00 pmBand PlaysHomecoming Dance,HS Gym, 9:00 pm21VB SE Area Classic @<strong>Tri</strong>-<strong>Valley</strong>, 9:00 am2223 24Boys Golf Regions @Groton, 10:00 amCC @ West Central,4:00 pm7/8 VB @ Madison,4:00 pmJV FB vs. Dell Rapids,Here, 4:30 pm7/8 FB @ Dell Rapids,4:00 pmVB @ Elk Point-Jefferson,9th 5:00 pmJV 6:00 pmVarsity 7:15 pm2526 7/8 VB vs. McCook 27Central/Montrose,Here, 4:00 pm9th Grade FB @Dell Rapids, 4:30 pmVB vs. McCook Central/Montrose, Here,9th 5:00 pmJV 6:00 pmVarsity 7:15 pmBand PlaysMarching Band @Menno287/8 VB @ Canton,9:00 amVB—Breast CancerAwareness Day, Here,Commons, 9:00-1:0029

Breakfast PricesK-12 $1.00Adult $1.25Milk .30Salad Bar $1.75Lunch PricesK-4 $2.305-12 $2.50Adult $3.10Extra entrée $1.25Breakfast & Lunch MenuAugust 2012In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculturepolicy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis ofrace, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability.. To file a complaintof discrimination, write to USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, Room326 W, Whitten Building, 1400 Independence Ave.,SW, Washington DC20250-9410 or Call 202-720-5964 (voice & TDD). USDA is an equalopportunity provider and employerMon Tue Wed Thu FriPLEASE CHECKYOUR CHILD’SLUNCHBALANCEWelcomeBackWe Look ForwardTo ServingYOU!Eat healthyand get plentyof exercisefor aBETTER YOU!E FUNDS FOR SCHOOLS IS INPLACE AND DIRECT DEPOSIT ISAN OPTION.PLEASE CHECK IT OUTON THE TRI-VALLEY WEB SITE.FOR MORE INFORMATIONPLEASE CALL CONNIE FOSTER at446-3207 or 543-5500CONTAINS PORKHOMEMADEAll breakfasts will be servedwith fruit, juice and milk.MENU SUBJECT TOCHANGEAll lunches will be servedwith milk choices & fresh fruit& vegetable bar.7-12 will be offered soup andsandwich bar daily.MENU SUBJECT TOCHANGENo Breakfast 23LunchK-4 Corn Dog5-12 Corn Dog orMr. Rib SandwichBaked Beans PearsBreakfast 24Cheese Omelet or CerealLunchK-12 Cheese Pizza5-12 Cheese Pizza orCrispitoGreen Beans ApplesauceBreakfast 27Breakfast Pizza or CerealLunchK-12 Hamburger5-12 Hamburger orWalking TacosVegetable Medley Mixed FruitBreakfast 28Breakfast Wrap CerealLunchK-4 Grilled Chicken Patty5-12 Grilled Chicken Patty orPepperoni PizzaCorn PineappleBreakfast 29Blueberry Muffin or CerealLunchK-4 Taco with <strong>Tri</strong>mmings5-12 Taco with <strong>Tri</strong>mmings orChicken FajitaGreen Beans PeachesBreakfast 29Fruit Turnover or CerealLunchK-4 Grilled Cheese Sandwich5-12 Grilled Cheese Sandwich orSpicy Chicken PattyTator Tots Mandarin OrangesNOSCHOOL31

Breakfast PricesK-12 $1.00Adult $1.25Milk .30Lunch PricesK-4 $2.305-12 $2.50Adult $3.10Salad Bar $1.75Extra entrée $1.25Breakfast & Lunch MenuSeptember 2012PLEASE CHECKYOUR CHILD’SACCOUNT BALANCEMon Tue Wed Thu FriPLEASE CHECKYOUR CHILD’SLUNCHBALANCEAll Lunches will be servedwith Milk Choices,Fresh Fruit & Vegetable Bar,7-12 Will Be Offered Soup and SandwichBar DailyAll Breakfasts will be served withFruit, Crackers, Juice and MilkMENUS SUBJECT TO CHANGEDIRECT DEPOSIT IS AN OPTION.PLEASE CHECK IT OUTON THE TRI-VALLEY WEB SITE.FOR MORE INFORMATIONPLEASE CALL CONNIE FOSTER at446-3207 or 543-5500In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department ofAgriculture policy, this institution is prohibited fromdiscriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin,sex, age, or disability.. To file a complaint of discrimination,write to USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, Room326 W. Whitten Building, 1400 Independence Ave.,SW,Washington DC 20250-9410 or Call 202-720-5964 (voice &TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity provider andemployer.HOMEMADECONTAINS PORKBreakfast 4French Toast or CerealBreakfast 5Cinnamon Roll or CerealBreakfast 6Cinnamon Tastie or CerealBreakfast 7Pancake on a Stick or CerealLunchK-4 Breaded Chicken Patty5-12 Breaded Chicken Patty orCheese Pizza<strong>Tri</strong>-Tator PineappleLunchK-4 Spaghetti & Meat Sauce5-12 Spaghetti & Meat Sauce orSalisbury Steak/BunGreen Beans PeachesLunchK-4 Pork Chop5-12 Pork Chop orSub SandwichPotato Smiles Mixed FruitLunchK-12 Pepperoni Pizza5-12 Pepperoni Pizza orCrispitosGlazed Carrots ApplesauceBreakfast 10Cinnamon Tastie or CerealBreakfast 11Pancake Bites or CerealBreakfast 12Blueberry Muffin or CerealBreakfast 13Breakfast Wrap or CerealBreakfast 14Fruit Turnover or CerealLunchK-4 Footlong5-12 Footlong orWalking TacoGreen Beans Mixed FruitLunchK-4 Chicken Nuggets5-12 Chicken Nuggets orPepperoni PizzaMashed Potatoes PineappleLunchK-4 Sloppy Joe5-12 Sloppy Joe orMr. Rib SandwichBaked Beans Mandarin OrangesLunchK-4 Beef Stew or PBJ5-12 Beef Stew & Biscuit orCoyote Grill QuesadillaPineapple CornLunchK-4 Crispito5-12 Crispito orSub SandwichCarrots PearsBreakfast 17Breakfast Pizza or CerealBreakfast 18Cheese Omelet or CerealBreakfast 19Cinnamon Roll or CerealBreakfast 20Scrambled Egg or CerealBreakfast 21French Toast or CerealLunchK-12 Hamburger5-12 Hamburger orWalking TacosPeas PeachesLunchK-4 Grilled Chicken Patty5-12 Grilled Chicken Patty orCheese PizzaTator Tots Vegetable MedleyLunchK-4 Chili Soup5-12 Chili Soup orMr. Rib SandwichPears Cinnamon RollLunchK-4 Pork Loin Sandwich5-12 Pork Loin Sandwich orSpicy Chicken StripsFF PineappleLunchK-12 Cheese Pizza5-12 Cheese Pizza orCrispitoGreen Beans ApplesauceBreakfast 24Pancake on a Stick or CerealBreakfast 25Breakfast Wrap or CerealBreakfast 26Blueberry Muffin or CerealBreakfast 27Cheese Omelet or CerealBreakfast 28Fruit Turnover or CerealLunchK-4 Corn Dog5-12 Corn Dog orWalking TacoBaked Beans Mixed FruitLunchK-4 Chicken Strips5-12 Chicken Strips orPepperoni PizzaMashed Potatoes Green BeansLunchK-4 Nachos5-12 Nachos orPretzels & CheeseCorn Mandarin OrangesLunchK-4 Turkey and Gravy or PBJ5-12 Turkey Gravy orCoyote Grill QuesadillaPeas PeachesLunchK-12 Pepperoni Pizza5-12 Pepperoni Pizza orCrispitosGreen Beans Applesauce

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