Case Analysis Worksheets for Strategic Management Cases

Case Analysis Worksheets for Strategic Management Cases

Case Analysis Worksheets for Strategic Management Cases


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EXHIBIT 2Business Policy Categories of Objectives and StrategiesGeneric Objectives1. Profit (returns or residuals)2. Growth (sales level and/or market share)3. Citizenship (corporate culture and/or commitment/responsibility to stakeholders) includingcommunity/society)4. SurvivalA. CORPORATE STATEGIES (WHAT INDUSTRY)Hunger & WheelenGrowthConcentration→Horizontal Integration→Diversification→Retrenchment Turnaround→CaptiveSellout/DivestBankruptcyLiquidationVertical Integration (F)→Vertical Integration (B)→Horizontal Integration →Diversification→(related or unrelated)RakichGeneric Strategies1. Forward Integration2. Backward Integration3. Horizontal Integration4. Diversification(concentric or conglomerate)5. RetrenchmentStabilityPauseProceed with cautionNo change-------------------------- -------------------------------Cost leadership→Differentiation→B. BUSINESS/COMPETITIVE STRATEGY (HOW COMPETE)Broad →Broad →Narrow→→→Cost focus,Differentiation focusCost leadershipDifferentiationFocus6. Competitive Strategy– choose1 of 3; cost leadership,differentiation, orfocus (i.e., costfocus or differentiationfocus)CORPORATE STATEGIES (WHAT INDUSTRY)Method-Merger/acquisition; strategic alliances; internal development.Competitive Advantage -Resources and capabilities (value chain)Horizontal Integration = Expanding firm’s products/services into other geographic locations and/or increasing therange of products/services offered to current markets. Or, merger/acquisition (same point in the value chain).Related Diversification = Using the firm’s distinctive competence in a different industry or different product areawhere product knowledge, manufacturing capabilities, marketing skills can be applied; points of commonality maybe technology, customers, distribution, etc.Unrelated Diversification = No Connection to any value chain activities.5

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