EAC Magazine - Alleyn's School

EAC Magazine - Alleyn's School

EAC Magazine - Alleyn's School


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Club constitutionC l u bFollowing on from the successful transfer of the Clubhouse andgrounds at Burbage Road to the <strong>School</strong>’s management andwith the Alumni Office at the <strong>School</strong> now so well-established,it seemed that this was the right time at which to review theEdward Alleyn Club’s constitution to reflect the role of the Cluband its officers as they are today and as we expect them toevolve. The November 2009 AGM of the Club asked that weshould look to establish a working party to address this issue.This has now met under the chairmanship of our President, NeilFrench, and has established the basis of a recommendation onhow to proceed, which has developed into a first and seconddraft of a proposed new constitution, which we hope to presentto an EGM on 8 March 2011.Essentially, with the <strong>School</strong> now the leaseholder and responsiblefor the management of the Burbage Road facilities, one of thekey roles for which the Club’s Executive Committee has,historically, been responsible has disappeared, although we stillhave a key part to play in helping to co-ordinate the Club’sconsiderable on-going use of the site, with input on its upkeep anddevelopment. Similarly, with Susie Schofield and Martha Jonesso ably keeping in touch with Club members and putting in agreat deal of the hard slog involved in pulling Club eventstogether, the Club Executive Committee’s role will, weanticipate, become increasingly a strategic one, where we worktogether with the <strong>School</strong> to develop and build on what we areable to offer to former pupils.Consequently, the key planks of the revised constitutionenvisage a streamlining of our committee-process, which willn e w sresult in the Executive Committee becoming directlyresponsible to the Club as a whole through the Annual GeneralMeeting but, at the same time, a widening of the ExecutiveCommittee-membership so that it will formally include theDirector of Development & Finance and Head of AlumniRelations as representatives of the <strong>School</strong> (they are bothalready joining meetings as co-opted members and areinvaluable). The plan is to replace the current twice yearlyCouncil meetings with two meetings of the ExecutiveCommittee, which will be widened out on one occasion toinclude members of the <strong>School</strong>’s Senior Management Team,Common Room and the Alleyn’s Association (parent-body) andon the other the full range of ‘Sections’ affiliated to the Club,so that we ensure that we continue to benefit from widespreadinput from our various stakeholders.We hope that this structure will not only meet the needs of theClub today but for the foreseeable future. It will help us tofocus much more on the more strategic aspects of what aformer pupils’ club is about and what it can do both for itsmembership and to support the <strong>School</strong> rather than thesometimes rather more mundane aspects of the day-to-daymanagement of bricks, mortar and grounds, which are now inthe hands of a professional team much better able to handlethose aspects. In the process, we hope that this will also soundlike an attractive prospect to some of those of you, who arereading this – if you feel that you might like to be involved inshaping the future of your Club (and your old <strong>School</strong>), pleasedo get in touch.David Hankin (Spurgeon’s, 1971-78)Executive Committee memberdavidhankin@btinternet.comContentsClub newsFrom the President 2Club constitution 3Reunion of the decades 4Alleyn Benevolent Fund 5Bats, balls and barbecues 5Founder’s Day 6Changing guard at 200 Club 8Piddling Pups at the Oval 810-year reunion 8Regimental dinner 9New Club website 9<strong>School</strong> newsFrom the Headmaster 10Chaplaincy lecture 11Southwark <strong>School</strong>s’ Learning Partnership 11Launch of ASEL 11Interview with Dr Gary Savage 12Seamus Conlon competition winner 13Alumnus at AJS 13Departing staff 14Buckingham Palace Garden Party 15Dulwich Foundation concert 16International Concert Series 16An Alleyn’s wedding 16Alumni newsMarley’s Christmas Carol 17Battle of Britain Young Composers’ Concert 17Festival Fringe frolics 17International Women’s Day 17Day in the Life of… Richard Barker 18Alumnus joins ICMI board of directors 19Big Bang in 3D 19Languedoc life 19Gap Year report 20In the saddle 20Kurdish Human Rights Project 21My fair Fabian! 21A link with Jack Hobbs 27Degree results 22Births, marriages & deaths 22, 23Sport 26Forthcoming events 28Editor: Susannah Schofield, Head of Alumni RelationsItems for the spring issue of the Edward Alleyn Club <strong>Magazine</strong>should be sent to the editor at Alleyn’s <strong>School</strong> by 7 March 2011.If emailing, pictures should be sent as high-resolution jpgs.Development & Alumni Office, Alleyn’s <strong>School</strong>, Townley Road,London SE22 8SU020 8557 1466/1588 alumni@alleyns.org.ukwww.edwardalleynclub.com www.alleyns.org.ukwww.edwardalleynclub.com3

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