EAC Magazine - Alleyn's School

EAC Magazine - Alleyn's School

EAC Magazine - Alleyn's School


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C l u bn e w sAlleyn Benevolent FundFollowing the appeal in the last magazine the trustees aredelighted to report that they received enough donations fromreaders to enable the Fund to cover its deficit for the year to31st July 2010. The trustees wish to thank most warmly thosedonors who responded to that appeal.Several donations came from former pupils and others whodonated in memory of Sidney Incledon, a man who, in the wordsof one of his former charges, was ‘a one-off diamond-geezer’.The work of trying to maintain the two bursary awards inmemory of Derek Fenner and Sidney Incledon continues but withthe recent increase in <strong>School</strong> fees there is likely to be a furtherdeficit for the year to July 2011.The present Incledon bursary award ended in July 2010 and theFenner award runs from September 2009 to June 2011. Each ofthe awards allows one pupil to remain in the sixth form for thefull two years to pursue their A level courses instead of havingto leave Alleyn’s early.Despite – or perhaps because of – the straitened times we’re allexperiencing, the trustees have taken the bold step of agreeingto make the Incledon bursary award available from September2010, even though there is no guarantee that the money willbe raised in time to fund it. The knock-on effect will be thatthe trustees will have some difficulty in funding this bursaryaward for a further two years from 2012. The trustees seek£1,500 to make up that shortfall.The trustees will, therefore, welcome further support from formerpupils to enable these in memoriam bursary awards to continue.In terms of making these awards continue in perpetuity, thetrustees are grateful to the Edward Alleyn Club for its generousdonation of £9,000 (taken from the sum given it by the DulwichEstate for the surrender of the lease on the Clubhouse andgrounds) to start building up the ABF’s reserves. In addition, theFund has received a generous bequest from the estate of RussellVernon AOB. It is hoped that eventually the ABF’s reserves willfinance all future Fenner and Incledon bursary awards.If you are able to assist by making a donation please do so toeither of the undermentioned trustees:Chris Nelson,Lingcroft,Pyrford Road,West Byfleet,Surrey,KT14 6QSDennis Lomas118, Kent House Road,Beckenham,Kent,BR3 1JYBats, balls and barbecuesThe Club traditionally holds a welcome evening for new leaversat the Clubhouse to introduce its various sections in their lastyear at Alleyn’s. However, setting a date for this event hasalways proved to be a nightmare given the pressures on theUpper Sixth’s schedule of exam coursework, field days, studytrips, jobs, university interviews, not to mention the veryimportant run of 18th birthday parties to celebrate. So for thisyear’s leavers, we thought we’d experiment by holding awelcome event after they left <strong>School</strong> but before they all wenttheir separate ways to universities and Gap year itineraries.We held a Clubhouse open day and barbecue on Saturday11 September. All the different sections of the Club wererepresented and the only ‘organised’ part of the afternoon wasa couple of games of rounders, all in the name of good fun andfrivolity. It was a lovely, relaxing afternoon spent in thegrounds of the Clubhouse and amongst friends. One leaversweetly wrote in to say ‘Thank you very much for making suchan effort for us all, it was great to see everyone before we allgo our separate ways!’We hope to repeat this event for next year, perhaps extendingthe guest list to include more recent south London-based alumni.www.edwardalleynclub.com5

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