UUPS - About United Utilities

UUPS - About United Utilities

UUPS - About United Utilities


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OTHER PENSION BODIESA number of other pension bodies havebeen established to assist in the runningof occupational pension schemes. Theircontact details are given on page 25.THE PENSIONS ADVISORY SERVICE(TPAS)TPAS offers a free and confidentialservice to provide help and advicefor pension scheme members andbeneficiaries in connection with anypensions query they may have ordifficulties they have failed to resolvewith the trustee of a scheme. TPAS isavailable at any time to assist you andwill consider your complaint and appointan adviser to deal with it, even if yourcomplaint is being dealt with using theInternal Dispute Resolution Proceduredescribed on page 23.PENSIONS OMBUDSMANIf your query still cannot be resolved youmay contact the Pensions Ombudsman.He has the power to investigate anddecide any complaints or disputesof fact or law in relation to anyoccupational pension scheme.THE PENSIONS REGULATORThe Pensions Regulator was introducedto replace the Occupational PensionsRegulatory Authority (OPRA). TheRegulator has greater powers toprotect funds held in pension schemes,and will offer support and guidance toemployers and trustees in the runningand administration of schemes. TheRegulator will promote high standardsand good practice in the pensionsindustry by issuing Codes of Practiceand practical information on how toachieve these.By increasing the protection of benefitsof scheme members the PensionsRegulator aims to improve confidencein occupational pensions and to reducethe risk of situations which may lead tocompensation claims from the PensionProtection Fund.PENSION TRACING SERVICEThe Pension Tracing Service (which ispart of the Department for Work andPensions) can usually help individualstrace benefits in respect of previousemployment if they have lost contactwith the employer involved. Informationabout <strong>UUPS</strong>, including current andprevious employers associated with<strong>UUPS</strong>, has been sent to the PensionTracing Service24

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