UUPS - About United Utilities

UUPS - About United Utilities

UUPS - About United Utilities


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JoiningMembership of the DefinedContribution section of<strong>UUPS</strong> is available to allemployees of the Companywho meet the conditionsshown below.WHO CAN JOIN <strong>UUPS</strong>?Employees can join the DefinedContribution section of <strong>UUPS</strong> if they areinvited by their Employer and are aged16 but have not attained age 65.WHEN YOU MAY JOINIf you satisfy the joining conditionsdescribed above you will automaticallybecome a member on joining theCompany.You must complete an application formindicating the level of contributionsyou wish to make and an investmentallocation form indicating where yourcontributions, and those made by theCompany, are to be invested.OPT OUTYou can opt out of <strong>UUPS</strong> at any time bygiving 60 days’ notice in writing to theTrustee. Whilst you remain in servicewith the Company there will still be alump sum of 2 times your PensionableEarnings payable on death in service. Ifyou decide to opt out of the Scheme youwill not be eligible to apply for GroupIncome Protection. For information onGroup Income Protection please seepage 16.JOINING OR REJOINING <strong>UUPS</strong> AT ALATER DATEYou can only join or rejoin at a later dateif the Company agrees. Admittance maybe subject to the production of medicalinformation, and special conditions maybe imposed.In the event that you do not completethese forms on joining, contributionswill be deducted at the rate of 5% ofPensionable Earnings and invested inthe Lifestyle Option. It is importantfor you to review both the level ofcontribution you pay and the typeof investment fund into which yourPersonal Account is invested when youjoin <strong>UUPS</strong> and at regular intervals duringyour membership. You must completean application form if you wish to changeany of the defaulted details.7

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