Establishing Diagnostic Services in Block Primary Health Centres ...

Establishing Diagnostic Services in Block Primary Health Centres ...

Establishing Diagnostic Services in Block Primary Health Centres ...


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effect of security or other such obligations and shall <strong>in</strong>clude without limitation anydesignation of loss payees or beneficiaries or any similar arrangement under any<strong>in</strong>surance policy perta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g to the Project, physical encumbrances and encroachmentson the Project Site.“Free <strong>Services</strong>” means tests/<strong>in</strong>vestigations to be conducted at free of cost.“Good Industry Practice” means the exercise of that degree of skill, diligence,prudence and foresight <strong>in</strong> compliance with the undertak<strong>in</strong>gs and obligations under thisAgreement which would reasonably and ord<strong>in</strong>arily be expected from a skilled andexperienced Person engaged <strong>in</strong> the implementation, operation and ma<strong>in</strong>tenance orsupervision or monitor<strong>in</strong>g thereof or any of them of a project of the type similar to that ofthe Project.“Government Agency” means GoWB, DHFW, CMOH, Deputy CMOH, ACMOH,Super<strong>in</strong>tendent, BMOH or any state government or governmental department,commission, board, body, bureau, agency, authority, <strong>in</strong>strumentality, court or otherjudicial or adm<strong>in</strong>istrative body, central, state, or local, hav<strong>in</strong>g jurisdiction over theConcessionaire, the RH or any portion thereof, or the performance of all or any of theservices or obligations of the Concessionaire under or pursuant to this Agreement.“GoWB” means the Government of the State of West Bengal.“Hospital” means <strong>Block</strong> <strong>Primary</strong> <strong>Health</strong> <strong>Centres</strong> /Rural Hospitals of the Government ofWest Bengal.“Lenders” means f<strong>in</strong>ancial <strong>in</strong>stitutions, banks, funds or trusts who provide or ref<strong>in</strong>ancethe debt component of the cost of the Project <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g those provid<strong>in</strong>g work<strong>in</strong>g capitalfor the Project.“Material Adverse Effect” means material adverse effect on (a) the ability of theConcessionaire to exercise any of its rights or perform/discharge any of itsduties/obligations under and <strong>in</strong> accordance with the provisions of this Agreement and/or(b) the legality, validity, b<strong>in</strong>d<strong>in</strong>g nature or enforceability of this Agreement.“Material Breach” means a breach by either Party of any of its obligations under thisAgreement which has or is likely to have a Material Adverse Effect on the Project andwhich such Party shall have failed to cure.“Monitor<strong>in</strong>g Agency” means the ACMOH under whose jurisdiction the RH falls."Project" means the equipp<strong>in</strong>g, f<strong>in</strong>anc<strong>in</strong>g, operat<strong>in</strong>g, ma<strong>in</strong>ta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g and transferr<strong>in</strong>g the<strong>Diagnostic</strong> Centre and provid<strong>in</strong>g Standard <strong>Diagnostic</strong> <strong>Services</strong> <strong>in</strong> accordance with theprovisions of this Agreement.“Project Site” means the unit no. ______/room no. _______ <strong>in</strong> the RH, particularswhereof are set out <strong>in</strong> Schedule ‘B’ <strong>in</strong> which the <strong>Diagnostic</strong> Centre is to be implementedand the Standard <strong>Diagnostic</strong> <strong>Services</strong> to be provided by the Concessionaire <strong>in</strong>accordance with this Agreement. A Possession Letter as per the format set out <strong>in</strong> thesame Schedule (Schedule ‘B’) duly signed by “the Concessionaire” shall form part ofthis agreement."Price" means the price chargeable for a Standard <strong>Diagnostic</strong> Service (mandatorytests) to Referral Patients of the Hospital, fixed as per Schedule C hereof.“Price Notification” means the notification as appended hereto as Schedule C.Dignostics Schemes-Feb 2010 (1 <strong>in</strong> all).doc 22 / 51

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