IBM System Storage DS4800 - Nordic Computer A/S

IBM System Storage DS4800 - Nordic Computer A/S

IBM System Storage DS4800 - Nordic Computer A/S


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For more informationContact your <strong>IBM</strong> representative,<strong>IBM</strong> Business Partner or visit:ibm.com/storage/disk/ds4000/ds4800MB, GB and TB equal 1,000,000,1,000,000,000 and 1,000,000,000,000 bytes,respectively, where referring to storage capacity.Actual storage capacity will vary based uponmany factors and may be less than stated.Some numbers given for storage capacities givecapacity in native mode followed by capacityusing data compression technology.THE INFORMATION IN THIS DOCUMENT ISPROVIDED “AS-IS” WITHOUT ANYWARRANTY, EITHER EXPRESSED ORIMPLIED. <strong>IBM</strong> EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ANYWARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY,FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ORINFRINGEMENT. <strong>IBM</strong> products are warrantedaccording to the terms and conditions of theagreements (e.g., <strong>IBM</strong> Customer Agreement,Statement of Limited Warranty, InternationalProgram License Agreement, etc.) under whichthey are provided.References in this document to <strong>IBM</strong> products,programs or services do not imply that<strong>IBM</strong> intends to make such products, programsor services available in all countries in which<strong>IBM</strong> operates or does business. Any referenceto an <strong>IBM</strong> program or product in this documentis not intended to state or imply that only thatprogram may be used. Any functionallyequivalent program or product that does notinfringe <strong>IBM</strong>’s intellectual property rights may beused instead. It is the user’s responsibility toevaluate and verify the operation of anynon-<strong>IBM</strong> product, program or service.<strong>IBM</strong>’s customer is responsible for ensuring itsown compliance with legal requirements. It isthe customer’s sole responsibility to obtainadvice of competent legal counsel as to theidentification and interpretation of any relevantlaws and regulatory requirements that mayaffect the customer’s business and any actionsthe customer may need to take to comply withsuch laws. <strong>IBM</strong> does not provide legal adviceor represent or warrant that its services orproducts will ensure that the customer is incompliance with any law.1For specific details and configuration availability,please visit ibm.com/storage/disk/ds4000/ds4800.* Note: 32, 128, 256 and 512 storage partitionsplanned to be available February 8, 2008© Copyright <strong>IBM</strong> Corporation 2007<strong>IBM</strong> <strong>System</strong>s and Technology GroupRoute 100Somers, New York 10589October 2007All Rights Reserved<strong>IBM</strong>, the <strong>IBM</strong> logo, BladeCenter, DS4000,FlashCopy, Lotus Notes, <strong>System</strong> <strong>Storage</strong>,<strong>System</strong> <strong>Storage</strong> Proven and Tivoli aretrademarks or registered trademarks ofInternational Business Machines Corporation inthe United States, other countries or both.Microsoft is a registered trademark of MicrosoftCorporation in the United States, othercountries or both.Java is a trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc.in the United States, other countries or both.Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvaldsin the United States, other countries or both.Other company, product and service namesmay be trademarks or service marks of others.This document could include technicalinaccuracies or typographical errors. <strong>IBM</strong> maymake changes, improvements or alterations tothe products, programs and services describedin this document, including termination of suchproducts, programs and services, at any timeand without notice. Any statements regarding<strong>IBM</strong>’s future direction and intent are subject tochange or withdrawal without notice, andrepresent goals and objectives only. Theinformation contained in this document iscurrent as of the initial date of publication onlyand is subject to change without notice.<strong>IBM</strong> shall have no responsibility to update suchinformation.<strong>IBM</strong> is not responsible for the performance orinteroperability of any non-<strong>IBM</strong> productsdiscussed herein. Performance data for <strong>IBM</strong> andnon-<strong>IBM</strong> products and services contained in thisdocument was derived under specific operatingand environmental conditions. The actual resultsobtained by any party implementing suchproducts or services will depend on a largenumber of factors specific to such party’soperating environment and may varysignificantly. <strong>IBM</strong> makes no representation thatthese results can be expected or obtained inany implementation of any such products orservices.TSD01054-USEN-12

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