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目 次■ 全 体 会 ・ 昼 食 ・ポスター 発 表会 場■ 平 成 26 年 度 スーパーサイエンスハイスクール 生 徒 研 究 発 表 会 プログラム ‥ ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ 1■ 平 成 26 年 度 スーパーサイエンスハイスクール 生 徒 研 究 発 表 会 講 演 ‥ ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ 8■ ポスター 発 表 要 旨E-28 2101 北 海 道 室 蘭 栄 高 等 学 校 チョークのリサイクル ‥ ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ 10E-29 2104 神 奈 川 県 立 神 奈 川 総 合 産 業 高 等 学 校 鉱 物 生 成 に 関 する 研 究 ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ 11G-129 2106 大 阪 教 育 大 学 附 属 高 等 学 校 天 王 寺 校 舎 アンモナイトの 縫 合 線 の 活 用 ‥ ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ 12G-123 2107 大 阪 府 立 三 国 丘 高 等 学 校 バナナ 電 池 ~ 効 率 化 とバナナ 黒 化 のしくみ~‥ ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ 13E-18 2108 兵 庫 県 立 三 田 祥 雲 館 高 等 学 校 もてる 雄 コオロギをもとめて-コオロギの 配 偶 行 動 解 析 -‥ ‥‥‥‥ 14E-30 2201 北 海 道 旭 川 西 高 等 学 校 結 晶 の 研 究 ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ 15E-19 2202 北 海 道 札 幌 啓 成 高 等 学 校 早 春 の 野 幌 森 林 公 園 におけるアライグマによるエゾサンショウウオの 捕 食 状 況 ‥‥‥‥ 16E-23 2203 青 森 県 立 三 本 木 高 等 学 校 ・ 附 属 中 学 校 小 川 原 湖 の 水 環 境 に 与 えるシジミの 影 響 ‥ ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ 17G-135 2204 青 森 県 立 八 戸 北 高 等 学 校 ポーカーにおける 合 理 的 なベット 金 額 を 導 き 出 す 式 について‥ ‥‥‥ 18E-31 2205 宮 城 県 仙 台 第 三 高 等 学 校 どうやって 金 属 に 色 をつける?~ 塗 料 を 使 わない 金 属 着 色 への 挑 戦 ~‥‥‥‥ 19E-7 2206 秋 田 県 立 横 手 清 陵 学 院 中 学 校 ・ 高 等 学 校 アブラナ 科 3 変 種 の 葉 の 形 成 に 関 する 研 究 ‥ ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ 20G-94 2207 福 島 県 立 会 津 学 鳳 高 等 学 校 ・ 中 学 校 起 き 上 がり 小 法 師 をより 起 き 上 がらせるために‥ ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ 21G-130 2208 埼 玉 県 立 春 日 部 高 等 学 校 屋 久 島 花 崗 岩 の 巨 晶 正 長 石 の 成 因 について‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ 22G-141 2209 早 稲 田 大 学 本 庄 高 等 学 院 自 律 航 行 ができる 無 人 型 潜 水 艦 (AUV)の 開 発 ‥ ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ 23E-13 2210 千 葉 県 立 長 生 高 等 学 校 家 庭 で 花 を 色 鮮 やかに 保 つ 方 法 ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ 24G-142 2211 東 京 工 業 大 学 附 属 科 学 技 術 高 等 学 校 女 性 アスリートの 髪 型 の 違 いによる 空 気 抵 抗 の 比 較 ‥ ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ 25E-1 2212 横 浜 市 立 横 浜 サイエンスフロンティア 高 等 学 校 粘 菌 はいかにして 餌 を 見 つけるか‥ ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ 26E-24 2213 山 梨 県 立 都 留 高 等 学 校 大 月 周 辺 の 大 気 の 研 究 ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ 27G-131 2214 長 野 県 飯 山 北 高 等 学 校 千 曲 川 における 礫 の 研 究 ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ 28G-88 2215 長 野 県 諏 訪 清 陵 高 等 学 校 セリウムによるBZ 反 応 の 振 動 の 復 活 ‥ ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ 29E-8 2216 京 都 教 育 大 学 附 属 高 等 学 校 EL-4 細 胞 (マウス Tリンフォーマ)のプラスチックチューブを 用 いた 簡 易 培 養及 びCO2 濃 度 調 節 機 能 のないインキュベーターでの 培 養 に 関 する 研 究 ‥‥‥‥‥ 30G-132 2217 京 都 府 立 桃 山 高 等 学 校 逆 転 層 と 琵 琶 湖 の 蜃 気 楼 ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ 31E-20 2218 京 都 市 立 堀 川 高 等 学 校 シマミミズの 走 光 性 の 分 析 ‥ ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ 32E-21 2219 立 命 館 高 等 学 校 ツマグロヒョウモンの 適 応 戦 略 ‥ ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ 33E-14 2220 大 阪 府 立 生 野 高 等 学 校 根 粒 形 成 に 影 響 する 接 種 濃 度 と 培 養 液 の 窒 素 濃 度 ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ 34G-124 2221 大 阪 府 立 千 里 高 等 学 校 自 作 の 結 像 分 光 器 による 輝 線 スペクトルの 測 定 ‥ ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ 35G-95 2222 大 阪 府 立 豊 中 高 等 学 校 あがれ、ろうそくエレベーター!‥ ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ 36E-15 2223 兵 庫 県 立 明 石 北 高 等 学 校 乳 酸 菌 の 可 能 性 ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ 37E-9 2224 兵 庫 県 立 尼 崎 小 田 高 等 学 校 アルコール 代 謝 に 関 するADH2・ALDH2 遺 伝 子 の 分 析 ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ 38G-143 2225 奈 良 女 子 大 学 附 属 中 等 教 育 学 校 白 黒 フィルム 写 真 のカラー 化 ‥ ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ 39G-136 2226 岡 山 県 立 倉 敷 天 城 高 等 学 校 男 子 高 校 生 対 象 エゴグラム 質 問 紙 の 作 成 ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ 40E-10 2227 広 島 県 立 広 島 国 泰 寺 高 等 学 校 セトウチマイマイの 進 化 を 探 る‥ ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ 41- 2 -

G-89 2228 山 口 県 立 徳 山 高 等 学 校 糖 の 旋 光 性 についての 研 究 ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ 42G-125 2229 徳 島 県 立 脇 町 高 等 学 校 よく 通 る 声 とはどんな 音 ?‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ 43G-96 2230 高 松 第 一 高 等 学 校 石 の 水 切 り‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ 44G-126 2231 愛 媛 県 立 松 山 南 高 等 学 校 氷 の 摩 擦 電 気 ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ 45G-133 2232 福 岡 県 立 小 倉 高 等 学 校 小 惑 星 の 自 転 軸 と 小 惑 星 の 形 状 を 再 現 する 手 法 の 研 究 ‥ ‥‥‥‥‥‥ 46G-90 2233 福 岡 県 立 城 南 高 等 学 校 有 機 ELの 作 製 および 発 光 材 料 の 検 討 ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ 47G-134 2234 長 崎 県 立 長 崎 西 高 等 学 校 発 表 遠 隔 地 水 位 自 動 計 測 装 置 「あびきくん」‥ ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ 48E-22 2235 大 分 県 立 大 分 舞 鶴 高 等 学 校 高 崎 山 ニホンザル 群 における「 石 遊 び」 行 動 の 比 較 ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ 49E-2 2236 鹿 児 島 県 立 錦 江 湾 高 等 学 校 鹿 児 島 湾 ( 錦 江 湾 )の 河 口 域 に 生 息 するヒメヤマトカワゴカイの 分 類 ‥‥‥‥ 50E-3 2301 岩 手 県 立 盛 岡 第 三 高 等 学 校 緩 歩 動 物 クマムシの 生 態 ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ 51F-72 2302 福 島 県 立 磐 城 高 等 学 校 オカダンゴムシの 交 替 性 転 向 を 探 る!!‥ ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ 52E-4 2303 茨 城 県 立 水 戸 第 二 高 等 学 校 Tun 状 態 へのプロセス~クマムシが 蘇 生 するための 条 件 とは?~‥ ‥‥ 53G-137 2304 茗 溪 学 園 中 学 校 高 等 学 校 和 算 を 現 代 数 学 からみる‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ 54G-127 2305 作 新 学 院 高 等 学 校 「 日 光 の 鳴 竜 」の 研 究 ‥ ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ 55H-187 2306 埼 玉 県 立 川 越 高 等 学 校 銀 河 系 はどっち 回 りか~ 中 性 水 素 の21cm 線 の 観 測 ~‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ 56E-5 2307 埼 玉 県 立 川 越 女 子 高 等 学 校 鞭 毛 再 生 がユーグレナ 運 動 に 与 える 影 響 ‥ ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ 57G-138 2308 埼 玉 県 立 熊 谷 高 等 学 校 ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ 58G-144 2309 埼 玉 県 立 不 動 岡 高 等 学 校 映 像 処 理 技 術 とその 応 用 ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ 59E-25 2310 千 葉 県 立 柏 高 等 学 校 ヘドロセラミックによる 有 機 物 の 吸 着 ~ヘドロ 採 取 場 所 による 違 い~‥‥‥‥ 60G-139 2311 東 京 都 立 小 石 川 中 等 教 育 学 校 その 正 多 角 形 でπを 出 そう‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ 61G-121 2312 早 稲 田 大 学 高 等 学 院 シャープペンシルの 芯 の 構 造 と 強 度 ‥ ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ 62G-128 2313 神 奈 川 県 立 西 湘 高 等 学 校 音 叉 の 謎 を 解 明 ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ 63E-32 2314 石 川 県 立 金 沢 泉 丘 高 等 学 校 銀 鏡 反 応 の 阻 害 因 子 の 発 見 とその 活 用 ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ 64H-181 2315 石 川 県 立 小 松 高 等 学 校 水 滴 の 水 面 衝 突 音 の 解 析 ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ 65G-91 2316 福 井 県 立 若 狭 高 等 学 校 日 本 三 大 珍 味 越 前 塩 ウニ 高 血 圧 抑 制 効 果 ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ 66H-182 2317 長 野 県 屋 代 高 等 学 校 皿 とフォークの 接 触 状 況 と 発 生 する 嫌 な 音 の 有 無 や 周 波 数 との 関 係 ‥ ‥‥ 67H-188 2318 静 岡 県 立 磐 田 南 高 等 学 校 静 岡 県 磐 田 市 太 田 川 河 口 で 発 見 された 砂 層 は 津 波 堆 積 物 か その3‥ ‥‥ 68G-140 2319 名 古 屋 大 学 教 育 学 部 附 属 中 ・ 高 等 学 校 七 面 体 の 種 類 ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ 69E-11 2320 愛 知 県 立 刈 谷 高 等 学 校 国 指 定 天 然 記 念 物 小 堤 西 池 のカキツバタ 群 落 の 保 全~ 種 子 繁 殖 による 遺 伝 的 多 様 性 の 復 元 ~‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ 70G-92 2321 愛 知 県 立 明 和 高 等 学 校 植 物 から 抽 出 される 各 種 アントシアニンの 性 質 とその 活 用 について‥ ‥‥ 71H-183 2322 名 城 大 学 附 属 高 等 学 校 水 の 密 度 による 水 中 の 光 速 変 化 ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ 72H-206 2323 滋 賀 県 立 膳 所 高 等 学 校 じゃんけんゲーム「グリコ」の 考 察 ‥ ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ 73E-12 2324 大 阪 府 立 岸 和 田 高 等 学 校 DNA 塩 基 配 列 の 分 子 系 統 によるニホンアシカの 同 定 ‥ ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ 74E-6 2325 大 阪 市 立 東 高 等 学 校 桜 の 色 認 識 ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ 75F-33 2326 神 戸 市 立 六 甲 アイランド 高 等 学 校 タテジマイソギンチャクの 闘 争 行 動 を 指 標 としたクローン 調 査 ‥ ‥‥‥ 76H-184 2327 奈 良 県 立 青 翔 高 等 学 校 紫 外 線 LED 発 電 器 ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ 77- 3 -

F-38 2328 和 歌 山 県 立 向 陽 高 等 学 校 ・ 中 学 校 ゼニゴケのDNA 解 析 ~ 雌 雄 はどのようにして 決 まるのか?~‥ ‥‥‥‥ 78F-83 2329 金 光 学 園 中 学 ・ 高 等 学 校 オガ 炭 で 燃 料 電 池 の 道 が 開 けた‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ 79E-16 2330 ノートルダム 清 心 学 園 清 心 女 子 高 等 学 校 デンジソウはいつ 眠 る?~ 就 眠 運 動 の 詳 細 解 析 ~‥ ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ 80E-26 2331 香 川 県 立 観 音 寺 第 一 高 等 学 校 泥 水 に 対 する 塩 の 電 荷 、 物 質 量 と 凝 集 力 の 関 係 の 研 究 ‥ ‥‥‥‥‥‥ 81G-122 2332 福 岡 県 立 香 住 丘 高 等 学 校 「 逆 立 ち 独 楽 」や「ラトルバック」 等 の 変 則 回 転 運 動 に 関 する 研 究 ‥‥‥‥‥ 82H-185 2333 福 岡 県 立 嘉 穂 高 等 学 校 グラスハープで 思 い 通 りの 音 が 出 せるか~ 共 鳴 音 の 振 動 数 解 析 ~‥‥‥ 83F-73 2334 福 岡 県 立 八 幡 高 等 学 校 クワキヨコバイの 分 散 に 関 する 研 究 ‥ ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ 84E-17 2335 佐 賀 県 立 致 遠 館 高 等 学 校 ・ 佐 賀 県 立 致 遠 館 中 学 校 ダイコンの 耐 塩 性 ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ 85F-39 2336 熊 本 県 立 熊 本 北 高 等 学 校 指 紋 の 遺 伝 性 についての 考 察 ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ 86E-27 2337 熊 本 県 立 第 二 高 等 学 校 雑 草 から 水 素 を 発 生 させる 研 究 ~ 廃 棄 物 からエネルギーを 取 り 出 す~‥ ‥‥ 87H-189 2338 大 分 県 立 日 田 高 等 学 校 久 大 地 区 の 花 粉 分 析 による 植 生 変 遷 の 調 査 ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ 88C-156 2401 北 海 道 釧 路 湖 陵 高 等 学 校 硝 酸 カリウムの 再 結 晶 についての 研 究 ‥ ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ 89C-155 2402 北 海 道 札 幌 西 高 等 学 校 キトサンビーズの 金 属 イオン 吸 着 能 に 関 する 研 究 ‥ ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ 90A-49 2403 北 海 道 札 幌 開 成 高 等 学 校 シャボン 膜 のカメレオン 現 象 ‥ ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ 91B-55 2404 札 幌 日 本 大 学 学 園 札 幌 日 本 大 学 高 等 学 校 ガウス 加 速 器 の 加 速 メカニズムとエネルギー 効 率 ‥ ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ 92C-102 2405 立 命 館 慶 祥 中 学 校 ・ 高 等 学 校 無 葉 緑 植 物 ギンリョウソウと 外 生 菌 根 菌 の 共 生 関 係 ‥ ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ 93C-101 2406 岩 手 県 立 釜 石 高 等 学 校 シロツメクサの 多 葉 形 成 に 関 する 研 究 ‥ ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ 94C-100 2407 岩 手 県 立 水 沢 高 等 学 校 レタスの 種 子 発 芽 は, 本 当 に 光 が 必 要 であるか ― 光 質 と 温 度 の 影 響 ―‥ ‥‥ 95A-54 2408 宮 城 県 仙 台 第 一 高 等 学 校 席 替 え 理 論 ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ 96C-99 2409 宮 城 県 古 川 黎 明 中 学 校 ・ 高 等 学 校 イネの 葯 培 養 における 品 種 格 差 の 検 証 ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ 97A-108 2410 山 形 県 立 鶴 岡 南 高 等 学 校 アトピーの 海 水 治 療 の 科 学 的 根 拠 の 解 明 ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ 98A-107 2411 山 形 県 立 米 沢 興 譲 館 高 等 学 校 ヒグラシの 好 む 森 林 とは?-ヒグラシ 幼 生 の 分 布 と 植 生 、 土 壌 PHの 調 査 ―‥ ‥‥‥ 99C-162 2412 福 島 県 立 福 島 高 等 学 校 ベンザインの 合 成 を 目 指 して‥ ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥100C-98 2413 茨 城 県 立 並 木 中 等 教 育 学 校 ニンジンのカルス 形 成 における 諸 条 件 ‥ ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥101B-56 2414 茨 城 県 立 日 立 第 一 高 等 学 校 ・ 附 属 中 学 校 水 ロケットの 飛 行 解 析 ‥ ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥102A-53 2415 清 真 学 園 高 等 学 校 ・ 中 学 校 紙 袋 定 理 と 折 り 紙 万 華 鏡 ‥ ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥103A-44 2416 栃 木 県 立 足 利 高 等 学 校 レゴロボットのタイヤを 用 いた 転 がり 抵 抗 と 摩 擦 力 の 変 化 の 考 察(タイヤの 種 類 を 変 える 実 験 と 同 型 タイヤの 形 状 を 変 えての 実 験 )‥‥‥104C-154 2417 栃 木 県 立 栃 木 高 等 学 校 土 壌 中 におけるリン 酸 移 動 のメカニズムを 探 る‥ ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥105D-175 2418 群 馬 県 立 桐 生 高 等 学 校 「チョークの 粉 」まだ 使 えます!~ 再 生 装 置 ができるまで~‥‥‥‥‥‥106B-57 2419 埼 玉 県 立 浦 和 第 一 女 子 高 等 学 校 歌 声 の 波 形 の 分 析 と 合 成 ― 歌 声 におけるうなりの 効 果 とは―‥ ‥‥‥107C-97 2420 埼 玉 県 立 熊 谷 女 子 高 等 学 校 発 酵 水 素 生 産 菌 の 探 究 ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥108A-106 2421 埼 玉 県 立 熊 谷 西 高 等 学 校 ニワトリ 胚 の 分 節 作 用 における 原 条 の 役 割 ‥ ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥109A-105 2422 埼 玉 県 立 松 山 高 等 学 校 新 しく 作 成 したプライマーによるメダカの 遺 伝 子 鑑 定 ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥110C-161 2423 千 葉 市 立 千 葉 高 等 学 校 錯 体 の 新 たなる 可 能 性 と 実 用 化 ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥111A-52 2424 筑 波 大 学 附 属 駒 場 高 等 学 校 柔 軟 な 多 面 体 に 関 する 研 究 ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥112A-104 2425 東 京 学 芸 大 学 附 属 高 等 学 校 恐 竜 の 走 る 速 さについて‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥113- 4 -

C-153 2426 東 京 都 立 科 学 技 術 高 等 学 校 河 川 底 質 を 用 いて 環 境 改 善 ~ 廃 物 の 無 限 の 可 能 性 を 信 じて~‥ ‥‥‥‥‥114C-152 2427 東 京 都 立 多 摩 科 学 技 術 高 等 学 校 小 金 井 を 支 える 土 ~ 地 域 土 壌 の 化 学 的 性 質 に 迫 る~‥ ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥115C-160 2428 東 京 都 立 日 比 谷 高 等 学 校 ニンヒドリン 反 応 によるアミノ 酸 の 発 色 率 の 違 いと 分 析 方 法 が 持 つ 課 題 ‥ ‥‥‥116C-159 2429 東 海 大 学 付 属 高 輪 台 高 等 学 校 おいしい 煮 物 を 化 学 してみた‥ ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥117C-158 2430 文 京 学 園 文 京 学 院 大 学 女 子 高 等 学 校 おせちの 緑 を 探 る ~クロロゲン 酸 を 食 べよう~‥ ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥118A-43 2431 石 川 県 立 七 尾 高 等 学 校 水 滴 はなぜ 真 下 に 落 下 しないのか‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥119A-103 2432 山 梨 県 立 甲 府 南 高 等 学 校 発 光 バクテリアの 採 取 と 特 性 について‥ ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥120B-61 2433 山 梨 県 立 巨 摩 高 等 学 校 サバイバルソーラーカーの 作 製 (その1)‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥121C-151 2434 山 梨 県 立 韮 崎 高 等 学 校 甘 利 山 の 土 壌 環 境 調 査 ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥122B-62 2435 山 梨 県 立 日 川 高 等 学 校 昆 虫 の 構 造 色 における 考 察 ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥123C-157 2436 北 杜 市 立 甲 陵 高 等 学 校 酢 酸 エチルの 加 水 分 解 速 度 の 研 究 ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥124B-109 2437 岐 阜 県 立 恵 那 高 等 学 校 シトクロムb 領 域 を 指 標 とした 恵 那 地 区 に 生 息 するメダカの 遺 伝 子 の 解 析 に 関 する 研 究 ‥‥125D-115 2438 岐 阜 県 立 岐 阜 農 林 高 等 学 校 遺 伝 子 の 発 現 をタンパク 質 で 調 べる~ 光 合 成 タンパク 質 ルビスコを 使 って~‥‥‥126B-63 2439 静 岡 県 立 清 水 東 高 等 学 校 屈 折 率 分 布 を 用 いた 拡 散 現 象 の 解 析 ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥127D-169 2440 静 岡 理 工 科 大 学 静 岡 北 中 学 校 ・ 高 等 学 校 持 続 的 な 硝 酸 イオン 除 去 法 の 開 発 ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥128B-64 2441 愛 知 県 立 岡 崎 高 等 学 校 粉 粒 体 の 層 化 及 び 分 離 に 関 する 研 究 ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥129D-116 2442 三 重 県 立 伊 勢 高 等 学 校 森 林 の 芽 生 えは、いつ、どのようにして 消 えるのか?‥ ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥130D-172 2443 滋 賀 県 立 虎 姫 高 等 学 校 紫 外 線 による 色 材 の 退 色 ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥131D-163 2444 滋 賀 県 立 彦 根 東 高 等 学 校 シクロデキストリンを 用 いた 色 素 の 分 解 抑 制 ‥ ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥132D-170 2445 立 命 館 守 山 高 等 学 校 地 域 社 会 と 連 携 した 水 耕 栽 培 の 研 究 ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥133D-117 2446 京 都 府 立 嵯 峨 野 高 等 学 校 京 野 菜 の 魅 力 に 迫 る!‥ ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥134D-164 2447 京 都 府 立 洛 北 高 等 学 校 ・ 洛 北 高 等 学 校 附 属 中 学 校 Fischerのエステル 化 反 応 ~ 限 界 への 挑 戦 ~‥ ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥135B-110 2448 大 阪 府 立 園 芸 高 等 学 校 日 本 におけるツバメの 営 巣 地 域 間 の 遺 伝 的 類 似 性 ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥136B-65 2449 大 阪 府 立 四 條 畷 高 等 学 校 空 気 砲 のヒミツ~ 気 体 は 前 進 しているのか!?~‥ ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥137D-118 2450 大 阪 府 立 住 吉 高 等 学 校 アブラナ 科 植 物 の 生 存 戦 略 ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥138D-173 2451 大 阪 府 立 泉 北 高 等 学 校 リン 酸 銀 の 光 触 媒 効 果 について‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥139B-111 2452 大 阪 府 立 天 王 寺 高 等 学 校 刺 激 に 対 するマウスの 性 差 ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥140D-171 2453 兵 庫 県 立 加 古 川 東 高 等 学 校 塩 ストレス 下 におけるダイズ 根 粒 着 生 に 及 ぼす 各 種 資 材 の 効 果~ 被 災 地 での 環 境 配 慮 型 ダイズ 栽 培 方 法 の 確 立 へ 向 けて~‥‥‥‥‥141A-48 2454 兵 庫 県 立 豊 岡 高 等 学 校 豊 岡 盆 地 ‐その 災 害 と 恩 恵 ‐‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥142B-112 2455 武 庫 川 学 院 武 庫 川 女 子 大 学 附 属 中 学 校 ・ 高 等 学 校 女 子 中 高 生 の 外 反 母 趾 の 有 病 率 とその 関 連 因 子 ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥143A-47 2456 奈 良 県 立 奈 良 高 等 学 校 PM2.5が 天 気 を 変 える -ダイアモンドダストが 明 かす 降 水 の 要 因 -‥ ‥‥‥144B-113 2457 奈 良 学 園 高 等 学 校 学 校 林 に 生 息 するニホンアカガエルの 生 態 学 的 研 究 ‥ ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥145A-51 2458 西 大 和 学 園 中 学 校 ・ 高 等 学 校 次 世 代 型 経 路 制 御 技 術 SDNを 用 いたフレキシブルネットワークの 検 討 ‥ ‥‥‥‥146D-165 2459 和 歌 山 県 立 海 南 高 等 学 校 酸 化 物 半 導 体 膜 とヨウ 素 電 解 液 のコラボレーション‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥147D-119 2460 和 歌 山 県 立 日 高 高 等 学 校 ・ 附 属 中 学 校 在 来 ・ 外 来 ・ 雑 種 タンポポの 分 布 と 侵 入 の 要 因 を 探 る‥ ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥148B-66 2461 島 根 県 立 益 田 高 等 学 校 翼 を 使 って ~ 揚 力 と 迎 角 の 関 係 を… 解 き 明 かせ!!~‥ ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥149- 5 -

B-58 2462 岡 山 県 立 玉 島 高 等 学 校 黒 板 をひっかく 時 に 出 る 寒 気 が 出 るほどの 不 快 音 の 研 究 ‥ ‥‥‥‥‥150A-46 2463 岡 山 県 立 津 山 高 等 学 校 津 山 周 辺 における 新 第 三 紀 海 成 層 の 研 究 ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥151D-120 2464 加 計 学 園 岡 山 理 科 大 学 附 属 高 等 学 校 イチョウの 葉 に 存 在 する 抗 菌 物 質 の 抗 菌 効 果 ‥ ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥152A-50 2465 広 島 大 学 附 属 高 等 学 校 金 平 糖 の 形 の 数 理 モデリング‥ ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥153B-114 2466 広 島 県 立 西 条 農 業 高 等 学 校 鳥 類 の 性 決 定 メカニズムの 解 明 -ニワトリのミートプロダクション・エッグプロダクション 化 への 可 能 性 を 探 る-‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥154B-59 2467 安 田 学 園 安 田 女 子 中 学 高 等 学 校 定 常 波 でのリップル‥ ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥155A-45 2468 山 口 県 立 宇 部 高 等 学 校 衛 星 リモートセンシングを 用 いた 津 波 災 害 地 域 の 抽 出 ‥ ‥‥‥‥‥‥156D-166 2469 高 知 県 立 高 知 小 津 高 等 学 校 糖 が 紙 の 性 質 に 与 える 影 響 ~ 土 佐 和 紙 の 可 能 性 を 探 して~‥‥‥‥‥157D-174 2470 福 岡 県 立 鞍 手 高 等 学 校 吸 光 度 法 によるホウ 素 濃 度 決 定 と、 身 近 な 物 質 のホウ 素 濃 度 ‥‥‥‥‥158D-167 2471 福 岡 県 立 明 善 高 等 学 校 茶 葉 ビタミンCの 熱 安 定 性 に 関 する 研 究 ‥ ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥159D-168 2472 宮 崎 県 立 宮 崎 北 高 等 学 校 シイタケキトサンを 使 った 接 着 剤 の 開 発 ‥ ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥160B-60 2473 池 田 学 園 池 田 中 学 ・ 高 等 学 校 「フェヒナー 色 」の 研 究 ―「 新 しいパターン 誘 導 性 フリッカー 色 」の 発 見 ―‥‥‥161F-74 2501 北 海 道 岩 見 沢 農 業 高 等 学 校 オンシツコナジラミの 生 理 生 態 および 忌 避 法 ・ 防 除 法 の 確 立 ‥‥‥‥‥162G-93 2502 北 海 道 滝 川 高 等 学 校 炎 色 反 応 のしくみ‥ ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥163H-146 2503 秋 田 県 立 秋 田 中 央 高 等 学 校 インスタント セッケン 〜 油 脂 のけん 化 におけるエタノールの 影 響 〜‥ ‥‥164G-145 2504 秋 田 県 立 秋 田 北 鷹 高 等 学 校 降 下 中 の 缶 サットの 自 律 制 御 に 関 する 研 究 ‥ ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥165H-147 2505 秋 田 県 立 大 館 鳳 鳴 高 等 学 校 有 機 蛍 光 物 質 の 研 究 ~ 長 持 ちするケミカルライトを 作 るには~‥‥‥166H-148 2506 茨 城 県 立 緑 岡 高 等 学 校 さわやかローズの 香 り 成 分 の 合 成 と 配 合 比 ‥ ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥167H-176 2507 栃 木 県 立 宇 都 宮 女 子 高 等 学 校 ブランコの 物 理 ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥168H-207 2508 佐 野 日 本 大 学 高 等 学 校 オイラーの 素 数 を 生 成 する 多 項 式 についての 研 究 ‥ ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥169H-212 2509 白 鷗 大 学 足 利 高 等 学 校 これからのまちのすがた~ 私 たちが 考 える 足 利 市 公 共 施 設 再 整 備 計 画 ~‥ ‥‥‥170H-203 2510 群 馬 県 立 前 橋 女 子 高 等 学 校 月 の 色 の 不 思 議 ~なぜ、 月 の 色 は 昼 間 は 白 っぽく、 夜 は 黄 色 っぽく 見 えるのか~‥ ‥‥171F-84 2511 千 葉 県 立 佐 倉 高 等 学 校 青 銅 を 煮 る‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥172H-208 2512 玉 川 学 園 高 等 部 ・ 中 学 部 n 次 元 におけるチェスのナイトによるハミルトン 路 問 題 ‥ ‥‥‥‥‥‥173F-67 2513 神 奈 川 県 立 厚 木 高 等 学 校 リパーゼの 活 性 を 視 覚 化 する‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥174F-34 2514 新 潟 県 立 柏 崎 高 等 学 校 シナイモツゴとモツゴにおける 外 部 形 態 の 比 較 ‥ ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥175H-209 2515 新 潟 県 立 新 発 田 高 等 学 校 リューヴィル 数 についての 一 考 察 ‥ ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥176F-75 2516 新 潟 県 立 高 田 高 等 学 校 ギフチョウの 変 異 とカンアオイ 属 2 種 の 分 布 の 関 係 ‥ ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥177H-186 2517 新 潟 県 立 長 岡 高 等 学 校 ビンから 出 る「トクトク 音 」についての 研 究 ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥178F-40 2518 新 潟 県 立 新 潟 南 高 等 学 校 生 分 解 性 プラスチックを 分 解 する 微 生 物 に 関 する 研 究 ‥ ‥‥‥‥‥‥179H-210 2519 福 井 県 立 高 志 高 等 学 校 さいころの 確 率 ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥180F-76 2520 福 井 県 立 武 生 高 等 学 校 ダンゴムシの 交 替 性 転 向 反 応 が 生 じるメカニズムは 何 か?‥ ‥‥‥‥181F-68 2521 山 梨 英 和 学 院 山 梨 英 和 中 学 校 ・ 高 等 学 校 与 える 水 によるアイスプラントの 成 分 変 化 ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥182H-213 2522 静 岡 県 立 浜 松 工 業 高 等 学 校 コンピュータによる 拡 散 現 象 の 再 現 ‥ ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥183F-85 2523 静 岡 市 立 高 等 学 校 ビスマス・スズ・ 鉛 を 使 った 合 金 の 融 点 に 関 する 研 究 ‥ ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥184H-204 2524 愛 知 県 立 一 宮 高 等 学 校 光 害 の 影 響 調 査 ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥185- 6 -

F-78 2525 愛 知 県 立 時 習 館 高 等 学 校 生 分 解 性 高 分 子 の 分 解 ~ 自 然 を 廻 りし 分 子 の 集 い~‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥186F-35 2526 愛 知 県 立 豊 田 西 高 等 学 校 トヨタ 自 動 車 との 連 携 による 生 物 多 様 性 調 査 ‥ ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥187H-214 2527 愛 知 県 立 半 田 高 等 学 校 吸 光 度 計 と 分 光 器 の 製 作 ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥188F-41 2528 三 重 県 立 津 高 等 学 校 コマツナとナスのDNAにおけるUVBの 影 響 ‥ ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥189F-69 2529 京 都 府 立 桂 高 等 学 校 在 来 種 の 保 存 とヒペリカムの 品 種 改 良 ‥ ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥190H-177 2530 大 阪 府 立 大 手 前 高 等 学 校 ホバークラフト 浮 遊 の 原 理 ‥ ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥191F-79 2531 大 阪 府 立 高 津 高 等 学 校 中 性 KI 法 を 用 いた 山 域 オゾンの 研 究 ‥ ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥192H-215 2532 大 阪 市 立 都 島 工 業 高 等 学 校 バイオエタノールの 蒸 留 方 法 ‥ ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥193H-149 2533 兵 庫 県 立 神 戸 高 等 学 校 糖 の 塩 基 反 応 について‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥194H-150 2534 兵 庫 県 立 龍 野 高 等 学 校 醤 油 の 製 造 過 程 におけるアミノ 酸 量 について‥ ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥195F-42 2535 島 根 県 立 出 雲 高 等 学 校 膵 癌 細 胞 に 対 する 出 西 生 姜 抽 出 物 の 抗 腫 瘍 効 果 ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥196H-216 2536 大 多 和 学 園 開 星 中 学 校 ・ 高 等 学 校 災 害 時 におけるモデルロケットの 利 用 ‥ ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥197F-86 2537 徳 島 県 立 城 南 高 等 学 校 燃 料 電 池 の 携 帯 化 ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥198F-70 2538 徳 島 県 立 徳 島 科 学 技 術 高 等 学 校 徳 島 県 美 波 町 志 和 岐 港 内 における 褐 藻 に 対 する 採 食 要 因~ 野 外 ケージ 実 験 による 検 討 ~‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥199F-36 2539 愛 媛 県 立 宇 和 島 東 高 等 学 校 来 村 川 河 口 ( 宇 和 島 市 )の 渡 り 鳥 飛 来 地 における 疾 病 媒 介 蚊 調 査 2013-2014‥‥‥200F-80 2540 福 岡 県 立 東 筑 高 等 学 校 木 炭 とマイクロバブルによる 水 の 浄 化 ‥ ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥201H-205 2541 長 崎 県 立 長 崎 南 高 等 学 校 地 震 の 少 ない 都 市 ~ 長 崎 市 周 辺 の 地 震 活 動 の 研 究 ~‥‥‥‥‥‥‥202F-87 2542 熊 本 県 立 宇 土 中 学 校 ・ 宇 土 高 等 学 校 チョコレートのような 合 金 を 目 指 して2‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥203F-71 2543 沖 縄 県 立 球 陽 高 等 学 校 植 物 に 含 まれる 物 質 の 紫 外 線 吸 収 率 の 測 定 ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥204F-81 2601 茨 城 県 立 竜 ヶ 崎 第 一 高 等 学 校 環 境 にやさしい 鉛 蓄 電 池 の 研 究 ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥205F-77 2602 千 葉 県 立 船 橋 高 等 学 校 クロゴキブリの 歩 行 速 度 と 脚 の 動 きの 関 係 ‥ ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥206H-178 2603 市 川 高 等 学 校 ・ 市 川 中 学 校 ペットボトル 振 動 子 の 周 期 解 析 ‥ ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥207F-82 2605 東 京 都 立 戸 山 高 等 学 校 PM2.5を 見 る!‥ ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥208H-179 2606 富 山 県 立 富 山 中 部 高 等 学 校 磁 石 の 落 下 を 妨 げる 渦 電 流 に 関 する 研 究 ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥209H-211 2607 福 井 県 立 藤 島 高 等 学 校 折 り 紙 を 数 学 的 に 考 える‥ ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥210F-37 2608 高 槻 高 等 学 校 ・ 中 学 校 ハタ 科 魚 類 の 模 様 変 化 の 研 究 ‥ ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥211H-180 2609 岡 山 県 立 岡 山 一 宮 高 等 学 校 固 着 すべりの 周 期 と 有 無 ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥212■ ポスター 発 表 参 加 校 一 覧 ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥214■ ポスター 発 表 ブースレイアウト- 7 -

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Hokkaido Muroran Sakae High School Recycle of chalk Abe Ryo Iwaya Kazuki Kataoka FuyaNozawa Takuma Yamaguchi KasumiAbstractA great deal of chalk dust is thrown away at schools every day. So wetried to recycle it by making antifreeze by using acetic acid. Then weresearched the amount of separated calcium acetate used as antifreezeand considered how much cost is taken. - 10 -

Kanagawa Prefectural Kanagawa Sogo-sangyo High School Ishikawa Hiroki Morokawa Yutaro Yamanaka RyomaUchikura Yuto Tashiro YuyaAbstractThe purpose of this research was to create minerals artificially and charge the colors.In experiments, we mixed the small amount of metal oxide with aluminum oxide ,thenheated the metal compound. As a consequence, we created artificial synthetic minerals,which look like corundum. 5 - 11 -

Tennoji High School Attached to Osaka Kyoiku University Utilization of the seam of the ammonite Ren Hosoi Masanori Ueno Mikoto OdaAbstract We focused on the seam of the ammonite, which has both lightness andtoughness. To apply it to buildings, we examined the relationship betweenthe structure and toughness with a model experiment. - 12 -

Osaka Prefectural Mikunigaoka Senior High SchoolBanana Battery ~Making better banana battery and analyzing sweetspot.~ Takase Mikoto Nitta Daichi Nonaka YotaAbstractWe have studied about banana battery from two aspects of physics and biology.From the physical point of view, we calculated the value of electromotive forceand internal resistance and studied about charging. From the biological point ofview, we researched how bananas become ripe. V-A () ( 3) ( 1) 2 ( 3) 2.810 -9 ( 4)(mV)(A)6030y=-9.5ln(x)+63321(10^4) 1 2(A)0 20 404 8 12 3 4(S) 0 () - 13 -

Hyogo Prefectural Sanda Shounkan Senior High School Seeking for a Popular Male Crickets – Analysis of Cricket Mating Behavior Rumi Asakura Shota Asano and Akiko AjikiAbstractWhen observing crickets’ mating behavior, we found that there are twotypes of male crickets: popular crickets and unpopular crickets. Popularcrickets succeed in courtship behavior easily while unpopular can’t. Wehave done examinations on what makes popular ones and unpopular ones. 2000Dynamics and Design Conference 2000 CD-ROM - 14 -

Hokkaido Asahikawa Nishi Senior High SchoolResarch of the crystal Anjiki Tatsuki Matsushita Ryouma Maeda Kosuke Toyota KyosukeYamamoto Kanta Matsunaga MizukiAbstractAlthough we had so far studied the crystal, when the lap was applied to the beakerand the crystal of alum was grown up, the crystal of the wonderful form deposited. Thereason was inquired in order to investigate why the crystal of such a form was made. - 15 -

- 16 - Hokkaido Sapporo Keisei Senior High SchoolPredator patterns of Ezo salamandersHynobius retardatusby raccoonsProcyon lotorin Nopporo Forest ParkAbstract Hirata Shion Sasaki Mika Okami TadashiWe wanted to prove that raccoons prey on Ezo salamander in Nopporo Forest park in early spring. So,we surveyed how they spawn in the pools. Also, we studied their remains after being preyed upon. Weused automatic animal-cameras in order to record how they are preyed upon by raccoons. We discoveredhow raccoons prey on Ezo-salamander.

Aomori Prefectural Sanbongi Senior High School and Attached Junior High SchoolThe Influence of Shijimi to Aquatic Environments Daisuke Otoyama Yuto Miyasato Tomoya WakamatsuYui Sato Miyu SugisawaAbstractThe fresh water clam, known as shijimi, is said to have the ability to purify water.We did tank experiments with shijimi to investigate. Thanks to shijimi, we got goodvalues of water turbidity and we knew that shijimi greatly contributed to theimprovement of water quality. 12L 4 8L3 160 1 1 30 1. TN)TP)TNTP TNTP TNTP TNTP- 17 -

Aomori Prefectural Hachinohekita High SchoolA Formula for Rational Betting in 5-Card Stud Poker Ebina Taketo Kasai Shunpei Kamata Shunpei Yamashita RyoAbstractWe tried to include the ideas of probability to 5-Card Stud Poker in order to makea formula for rational betting by applying the idea of expectation, because there is astrong correlation between “rational betting” and circumstances. 52 5 ! 52C5- 18 - 1

Miyagi Prefectural Sendai Daisan High SchoolColoring Method Using Oxygen On The Metal Yusuke Sato Masahito Yamazaki Shotaro Yuzawa Kadoguti NaohiroAbstractThe purpose of this study is to color metals. Previous studies found oxygen bindswith metal to make a thin oxide film. We used this phenomenon and succeeded inproducing brightly colored metal plates. We were able to change the color of the metalplates into yellow, orange, red, silver, green, sky-blue, and blue. CuNi m http://www.abel-s.co.jp/mame/hasshoku.html http://www.nakano-acl.co.jp/hassyoku/ http://www.toyorikagaku.com/technology/page1.html Cu Ni - 19 -

Akita Prefectural Yokote Seiryo Gakuin Junior and Senior High School A study on formation of the leaf on three Brassica family Yasuda Yuya Matsumoto Kentaro Goto SyotaAbstractWe find that the growth of leaves of three Brassica families depends onnutrients accumulated in different locations of their leaves. - 20 -

Fukushima Prefectural Aizu Gakuho High School How to Make “ Okiagari Koboshi” Rise Better Arai Yoshihumi Kikkawa Taiyo Yamada ShumpeiAbstract In order to make “koboshi” rise better, we developed ahypothesis about factors which make “koboshi” rise. Then, wedid some experiments, which proved our hypothesis. - 21 -

Saitama Prefectural Kasukabe Senior High SchoolOrigin of Orthoclase Megacrysts in the Yakushima Granite Obara YutaAbstractThe Yakushima Granite found in Yakushima island of Kagoshima PrefectureincludesOrthoclase Megacrysts. I consider them growing up slowly following promptcongelation of magma. I propose another hypothesis that “Ostwald ripening” affect tothe Orthoclase Megacrysts growth. - 22 -

Waseda university Honjo Senior High School Development of an autonomous underwater vehicle Kyosuke Saito Yuta Tsuji Atsushi ShiraishiAbstractAfter the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011, Number of research andsurvey at sea has increased dramatically. And its purpose is alsodiversified. Therefore, we have developed an autonomous underwatervehicle for measuring the gamma dose of sea bottom. - 23 -

Chiba Prefectural Chosei High SchoolPreserving the Vividness of Flowers at Home Anzai Mai Nakamaru AnnaAbstractionFlowers fade because of shortage of sugar. We suppose that we can preserve thevividness of flowers by adding sugar and supplementary of glucose. We usedsucrose as sugar. We performed this experiment to find the best concentration it ina sucrose solution. 5mm5mm 18 3 1 480nm 0.07mol/L T 0.07mol/L 0.07mol/L 0.07mol/L 2.39 Keeping Flowers vivid at Home: 2013 :1975 :2001 - 24 -

Tokyo Tech High School of Science and TechnologyComparison of Air Resistance in Female Athletes' HairstylesLisa NiikuraAbstractThe girls' hairs of high school who belongs to a track and field team are almostalways “short cut” or “ponytail”. Small air resistance is thought to be its reason. Theair resistances of different hairstyles were evaluated by simple numerical formulasand wind tunnel tests using miniature hairstyle models to verify this hypothesis. Fig. 1 Hairstyle miniature models - 25 -

Yokohama Science Frontier High SchoolHow Does Physarum Find Food?Uchida SenaAbstractPhysarum does exercise very rationally. It seems they have intelligence.However, they don't have nerves system. Then why can they find food? I didsome experiments to solve the mechanism and got a result that Physarum relies onsmell when they are looking for food.(Physarum polycephalum) - 26 -

Yamanashi Prefectural Tsuru High schoolSearching Photochemical Smog Ken Maeda Nagasaka Takumi Hujihara NaotoshiAbstractRecently, issuance of photochemical smog advisories increase in Outsuki ourschool.But,traffic and factory is small in Ostuki. Photochemical oxidants causephotochemical smog. So,we began to investigate concentration of NO 2 andphotochemical oxidants in Otsuki around. 3 10 10 1 2,4,6,8,10 5 10 &%"#$%%$"#$!"#! Ox 2 O x O 3 O 3 , 45(1972) - 27 -

Nagano Prefectural Iiyamakita High SchoolThe Study of Gravel in the Chikuma River Kanno Moeko Ueno MomokoAbstractIn this research, we investigated gravel at 12 places along the Chikuma Riverand also conducted an experiment to observe the gravel getting smaller in theflowing water. We finally reached the conclusion that andesites and acidic rockshave more difficulty keeping their size and shape in the flowing water than cherts. cm - 28 -

Nagano Prefectural Suwa-seiryo High School The revival of the oscillating reaction (BZ reaction) with cerium Yoshie Rimpei Fuse Yoshito Ushiyama KyosukeAbstract We research about oscillating reaction (BZ reaction), in which thedensity of materials and the color change periodically. We discover therevival of the BZ reaction with not ferroin, but cerium. - 29 -

Senior High School Attached to Kyoto Univ. of Education The Research on the Way of Cultivating EL-4 Cells which are Derived from a Mouse’sT-lymphoma in a Plastic Tube and the Cultivation in an Incubator without theAbstractFunction of Regulating the Concentration of CO 2Fujioka ToshifumiThis research was carried out on how EL-4 cells increase under different conditions andwhether the cell grows just as in a laboratory dish or not. The result suggests thepossibility of cultivating EL-4 cells with an incubator even without the function ofregulating the concentration of CO 2 . ()(cells/mL)100000()()100000 50 100()EL-4(37)- 30 -

Kyoto Prefectural Momoyama Senior High SchoolMirage of Lake Biwa and the inversion layer Sawada Soichiro Nakai Yui Kida Yuki Higashihata KazumaAbstractIn Lake Biwa, the lower mirage occurs all though the year. We researched why itoccurs by measuring the temperature above Lake Biwa and doing indoorexperiments. Until now, it has been believed that the warm layer is 1m thick when thelower mirage occurs. However, we have found it can be as thick as about 7m. - 31 - *$#$!)#$!(#$!'#$!&#$!%#$!"#$$#* * % ' ) ++ +* +% +' +) !+

Kyoto Municipal Horikawa High School An ethologic analysis on phototaxis of an earthworm Mizutani Mizuho Kobayashi Natsuki Shimizu YuiAbstract Earthworms(Eisenia andrei) were put in petri dishes of which half apart is covered and an LED light was irradiated. After a while, the ratio ofthe earthworms in the shadow part was measured. Our purpose is toquantitatively detect the boundary of the positive and negative phototaxis. 90mm LED 1 a)b) - 32 -

Ritsumeikan High School Adaptive Strategy of Argyreus hyperbius Midori NakagawaAbstractArgyeus hyperbius in Japan is in the northern edge of its distributionrange. It may have highly adapted to Japan’s cold environment and couldexpand its range more northern parts. - 33 -

Osaka Prefectural Ikuno Senior High School Effects of Root Nodule Bacteria Density and Nitrogen Concentration in Nodulation Doura Ayaka Yamaguchi Mami Yoneda NodokaAbstractWe have researched on effects of density of root nodule bacteria and concentrationof nitrogen. As a result, we found that growth of root nodule is affected by not densityof root nodule bacteria but concentration of nitrogen. - 34 -

Osaka Prefectural Senri Senior High SchoolMeasurement of Line Spectra by a Self-made Monochromator Kasamatsu Mai Kuwano Maho Yagi SaekoAbstractWe produced a monochromator using concave diffraction grating. After that weexamined the Na D line using a sodium spectrum lamp to confirm the wavelengthaccuracy. As a result, the errors were less than 10 nm and the spectrum detectedwas precise. 1 35 o 220 µm ! 1 1. 1 ! 1 ! Na D 582.2 nm 589.3 nmHg 1 nm , , Jasco Report 1965, 2, 1. - 35 -

Osaka Prefectural Toyonaka High SchoolThe Candle Elevator Keita Goto Tomoaki Hayashi Haruki YamashitaAbstractWe researched about “Peltier device” and tried to lift up a water bottle with it. Weused candles to generate electricity by peltier device. In order to lift up the heavierbottle by using fewer candles, we investigated its thermal efficiency. http://www.ihtc-15.org/jenecon/ - 36 -

Hyogo Prefectural Akashikita High SchoolPossibility of lactic acid bacteria Miho Sakaguchi Airi Takano Harumi NigumaYukino Hanabata Miki FukunishiAbstractThe purpose of this research was to make sure that lactic acid bacteria really arrivein the bowels thorough the stomach by using yogurt. There were two experimentalconditions. They changed were putting in pepsin and E. coli or not. The resultsshowed that lactic acid bacteria arrive in the bowels through the stomach.p ~~ l - 37 -

Hyogo Prefectural Amagasaki Oda High School Analysis of ADH2 and ALDH2 Genes for Alcohol Metabolism Keita Okada Yuki TsuneyoshiAbstractIn order to digest alcoholic drinks, alcohol requires a two-step metabolism by theactions of alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH2) and aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH2) inhumans. There are cases where a specific mutation is seen in these genes, it ispossible to examine the metabolism of alcoholic drinking. - 38 -

Nara Women’s University Secondary SchoolColorization of black-and-white filmsUeda ItsukiAbstractIn general, it is said to be impossible to restore original colors from black-and-white films. Whentaking photos, however, I have noticed that it depends on each color how brightness of color willbe affected by its shade. This research shows how we can restore original colors only frombrightness information of black-and-white films. - 39 -

Okayama Prefectural Kurashiki Amaki Senior High SchoolModified Egogram Questionnaire for Male Senior High school Students Yamaguchi Yasuhiro, Sensui Nagato, Okada Hiroki, Nagase Hiroki,Hiramatsu Takuma, Murakami SoAbstractIn our research, we pointed out the problems considered when using theTokyoUniversity Egogram New Ver..The questionnaire respondents in this researchwere only male high school students, and we made a new Egogram questionnaire,which solved the problems. 46 TEG TEG TEG TEG 28 CP NP A FC ACSpearman .607 ** .648 ** .535 ** .594 ** .585 **.001 .000 .003 .001 .001()N = 28**. P < 0.01 .(2002). .(2006). TEG- 40 -

HIROSHIMA KOKUTAIJI HIGH SCHOOL Unraveling the evolutionary pathway of the snail Setouchimaimai Onishi Mitsuki Matshushima Kohei and Iimura AkihitoAbstractTo unravel the evolutionary pathway of the snail SetouchimaimaiEuhadra subnimbosa, which lives in Hiroshima Prefecture, we investigatedthe variation in external morphology and mitochondrial DNA sequences ofthe snails collected from the geographic populations. A B C - 41 -

Yamaguchi Prefectural Tokuyama Senior High School Sasaki Yusuke Sasaki Yudai Yoshiki YutaroAbstractWe made an optical rotation component analyzer which could be controlled withusing a computer. In our experiment, we could see the optical rotation of sugar,however, we could not determine the error range of measuring. We need to makemove experiments to determine it. - 42 -

Tokushima Prefectural Wakimachi High School What Determines a Voice that Carries Well? Daichi Ishikawa Shotaro Takagi Asuma TarumiAbstractWe used various methods, including the Fourier Transform, to examinethe physical characteristics of a voice that carries well. Our resultsdiffered from our hypothesis in that other physical characteristics, notdistance traveled, determined how well a voice carried. - 43 -

Takamatsu Daiichi Senior High SchoolStone Skipping Saito Kensuke Sakamoto Kohei Kaneko Takahiro Naruse YuaAbstractThe Stone Skipping is a game in which we throw a flat stone so that it will bounce along thesurface of water. We carried out lots of experiments to find out how many times a stone bouncesunder each different condition (the number of spins, initial velocity of stone, and angle of stoneentering the water). SPH Vol.64 No.10 - 44 -

Ehime Prefectural Matsuyama Minami High School The Characteristic of The Triboelectric ChargeGenerated by the Friction of Ice Hiromu Miyamoto Toyohisa Tanaka Koki Koizumi Rintaro IshikawaAbstractThe lightning is the triboelectricity generated by friction of small ices in theclouds. In order to know how electric charges are generated in thunderclouds,we rubbed ices made in a freezer, changing frictional periods and sizes of ices,and then measured the voltage respectively. - 45 -

Fukuoka Prefectural Kokura Senior High SchoolEstablishment of a method to reproduce the rotation axis of the asteroid and theshape of asteroid Nasu Akihiko Hayase Kanako Himoto Yukino Yamaoka YukiAbstractWe have studied asteroids, the shape of which we do not understand, from theyear2005. - 46 -

Fukuoka Prefectural Jonan High School Development of new materials for organic EL device Takata Shotaro Kodama KazuyaAbstractRecently organic EL is being focused on because it has many benefits.So we have made one in Jonan high school and has examined if it canemit light. EL EL EHCz ITO EL EL ITO EL Sigma-Aldrich EL EL - 47 -

Nagasaki Prefectural Nishi High SchoolRemote automatic water level monitor [ Abiki-kun ] Miu Nishimoto Kikuno HaraAbstractIn Nagasaki Port of northwestern Kyushu, sea level vibration called "Abiki" in springand autumn is observed. To observe the "Abiki", developed a water level observationdevice for measuring the water level automatically, and continuously measured thelevel of Urakami River. - 48 -

Oita Prefectural Maizuru High SchoolComparison of Stone Handling Behavior between Troops in JapaneseMacaques at Takasakiyama Kizu Nozomi Kawasaki Haruka Mizue YufukoTogami Takaya Ono Yosuke Kanezaki YoshikiAbstract We focused on observing the kinds of Stone Handling behavior displayed by themacaques. We found that there are differences in their Stone Handling Behaviorsbetween Troop B and Troop C. This could be because they have not influenced eachother’s behavior since the troop was divided 50 years ago. - 49 -

Kagoshima Prefectural Kinkowan High School The genetic diffrentation of Hediste atoka inhabited in Kagoshima (Kinko)bay's estuary. Mihiro Nomoto Akito Ebihara Miho SaitoAbstractWe examined the differentation of Hediste atoka inhabited in Kagoshima (Kinko)bay's estuary. Two genetic forms A and B were in the Omoigawa river, though formB distributed in other rivers. The number of paragnath between two forms showed a difference. It suggests that speciation may occur in H. atoka. DNA DNA PCR DNA DNA Fig.1 DNA , - 50 -

Iwate Prefectural Morioka 3rd High SchoolEcology of Tardigrades Takuya Suzuki Akira Tada Kanami Asada Shiho Omukai Kaori SuzukiAbstractTardigrades can enter into an ametabolic desiccated state called anhydrobiosis (tun state). Ourhypothesis is that the tun state was caused by the change external and/or internal osmotic pressure.We investigated the conversion to the state and the recovery from the tun state in different osmoticpressure. - 51 -

Fukushima Prefectural Iwaki Senior High School Turn alternation of Pill Bugs Kusano Yuka Nitsuma YusukeAbstractPill bug has the property of turning alternately at the consecutive turningpoints(Turn alternation). We discovered that the distance between the twoconsecutive turning points is limited to 32-36cm.This is accurately explained byBALM hypothesis as to stereotactic hypothesis . Armadillidium vulgare - 52 -

Ibaraki Prefectural Mito Daini Senior High School What should we do to waterbears in order them to change to tun condition? Satomi Ebisawa Kanako WakabayashiAbstractWaterbears have the great ability to survive in tun condition. According to a book, they willrevive from tun condition by being rehydrated. But when we did this experiment, they didnot revive. So we began to research why they could not revive from tun condition. - 53 -

Meikei High SchoolThe Features and Utility of Japanese MathematicsKo AraiAbstractConsidering the difference between the ways to get to answers using wasan(Japanese mathematics in the Edo period) and those of modern mathematics, Ifound that wasan is “casual” mathematics. From that, I thought that wasan couldbe used very effectively in education. - 54 -

Sakushin Gakuin High School The study of NAKIRYU in Nikko Furusawa Yoshihisa Yasuda Yuma Koshida Yasuhiro Sudo YamatoAbstractNakiryu is work of art painted on the ceiling of Honjido in Nikko Toshogu,or Yakushido in Rinnoji, both of which are registered as a world heritagesite. When We clap their hands under the ceiling, it echoes mysteriously.The phenomenon interests us,we investigated the sound of Nakiryu. http://repository.dl.itc.u-tokyo.ac.jp/dspace/bitstream/2261/31505/1/sk017004001.<strong>pdf</strong> - 55 -

Saitama Prefectural Kawagoe Senior High School The Study of the galaxy rotation by observing HI radiation Hayakawa Kazushi Nishida Ryosuke Kanetsuna Hiroki Kikuchi ShuntaKayama Arata Hiruma GakuAbstractWe have made a radio telescope for 1.4GHz. And we have surveyed the galaxyrotation. As a result, we confirm the galaxy rotational direction, and recognize therotational speed is not slow at peripheral portion. 090180230 2 - 56 -

Saitama Prefectural Kawagoe Girls High SchoolThe influence of flagellum’s reproduction on Euglena Movement Kitamura AkariAbstractEuglena have a flagellum and they move in two ways: Flagellar Movement EuglenaMovement. In this study, I removed their flagellum with 10% ethanol and observedthem for about an hour. As a result, I found that flagellum’s reproduction involved adifferent style of Euglena Movement. - 57 -

- 58 -

Saitama Prefectural Fudooka High School How to deal with the technique of image processing Riku Yamamoto Hatori Shinka Fukushima KeitaAbstractImage processing , the technique for analyzing and processing the dataof images , is used everywhere in the world. This technique is applied to asmall computer called Raspberry Pi and a camera attached to it. This timewe carried out image processing , using these devices. - 59 -

Chiba Prefectural Kashiwa High School Adsorption of organic matter by sludge ceramic~Difference of place where to pick sludge~ Itaya Ryota Takegami Ryou Hikosaka YosihisaAbstractWe mixed clay with sludge and made sludge ceramic.Our research testified that the sludge in the Lake Teganuma adsorbs moremethylenblue than in the swimming pool. - 60 -

Tokyo Metropolitan Koishikawa Secondary Education School! by any regular polygon you like Ogiwara Takumi Ozawa Naoki Tomita MotokiAbstractSuppose we draw parallel lines on a floor at regular intervals, and drop a needle ontothat floor. What is the probability that the needle will cross those lines? This is“Buffon’s Needle Problem”. My research shows the expectation of probability to crossthe line when we change a needle into a regular polygon and a circle .// r n d 2 n2 n n - 61 -

Waseda University Senior High SchoolThe Structure & Strength of Pencil Lead Hirose Tomomasa Hoshina TakumiAbstractWe found that the strength of pencil lead changes with the temperature and thehumidity from a lot of experiment with handmade instruments. The change isexplained by the structure of broken surface of lead observed with the electronmicroscope.. - 62 -

Kanagawa Prefectural Seisho Senior High School The sokution of mystery of the “TUNING FORK” Honna Masahiro Tsubaki Hiroshi Akiba RyuAbstractDuring an experiment of tuning fork, I made two tuning forks resonate.I noticed that the sounds of one tuning fork became larger, if I touched theother tuning forks with my hand. I would like to make a presentation howthis wonderful phenomenon happens. - 63 -

Ishikawa Prefectural Kanazawa Izumigaoka Senior High School The discovery of inhibitor of the silver mirror reaction and itsapplication Yoshimizu Issei Kokume Taisuke Kubota Ai Teragishi ShokoAbstractWhen we did experiments using silver mirror reaction, we sometimesfailed to make silver mirror. However, we found that this result was causedby Na 2 SiO 3 , which was the impurities, in NaOHaq. Therefore, we did somemore experiments based on the effects of the impurities like Na 2 SiO 3 . NaOHaq NaOHaq NaOHaqNa 2 SiO 3 - 64 -

Ishikawa Prefectural Komatsu Senior High SchoolThe Analysis of Sounds Induced by “Drop Impact” Shota Ido Akihiro Omori Riusuke Nakada Yoshiki Yamashita Mai YotsuzukaAbstractWe investigated the sound generated when a water drop hits the surface of the water.Both our theory and our results showed that the frequency of the sound is inverselyproportional to the radios of the air bubble formed in the water, and that the amplitude of thesound attenuates more quickly as the water temperature is higher. M.MinnaertOn Musical Air-Bubbles andthe Sounds of Running Water Phil.Mag. - 65 -

Fukui Prefectural Wakasa Senior High School Yasuda Masato Azuma MasayoshiAbstractIn Fukui prefecture, there is a traditional food called “Echizen shiouni,”salted sea-urchin eggs, and we examined its function to suppress rat’shigh blood pressure by boiling extract. As a result, we found that thepeptide which suppresses rat’s high blood pressure is made by aging rawsea-urchin eggs for a long term. - 66 -

Nagano Prefectural Yashiro High SchoolThe relationship between the conditions of the touch of a fork onto a plateand the occurrence and frequency of the disgusting noise Sodeyama Ryu Takasawa Tsubasa Hoshina AkihiroAbstractIn our experiments about the disgusting noise, we found two facts. First, whetherthe noise occurred depended on the angle between the fork and the plate. Itoccurred when the angle was close to 90 degrees. Second, there were twofrequencies, one of which was likely to cause the disgusting noise. 1 2 - 67 -

2318 Shizuoka Prefectural Iwata Minami High School Is the sand bed near the mouth of the Otagawa River tsunami deposit ? Part AbstractWe found the sand bed between the tsunami deposits of Hakuho earthquake (684) and Eichoearthquake (1096) at the mouth of the Otagawa RiverOur research showed that the sand bedis the tsunami deposit caused by Ninna earthquake(887). 2 0 c0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% - 68 -

Nagoya University School of Education Affiliated Upperand Lower Secondary SchoolThe types of heptahedron Arai Kazuki Kanda Yukihiro Kawai Ryo AbstractIt has been making researches of types pentahedron,tetrahedron,andheptahedron, though we don’t have enough rigorous proof. However,as for theconvex heptahedron,there are not enough literature-based facts. In this paper,weexamined the number of types of the convex heptahedon by using Euler'spolyhedron theorem. - 69 -

Aichi Prefectural Kariya High SchoolConservation of Kozutsumi Nishiike Iris laevigata community Nanako Sakai, Takeru Nakashima and Kohtaro Takeuchi et al.AbstractTo increase genetic diversity of Kozutsumi Nishiike Iris laevigata community, designated asa state’s natural monument, and to increase the number of them, we measured the size ofsome Irises there and analyzed the genes of them. - 70 -

Aichi Prefectural Meiwa Senior High SchoolProperty and application of anthocyanin extracted from various kinds of plantsNatori Masaki Sugiyama Kazuki Hashimoto Sachi Hongo HirotetsuAbstractWe extracted anthocyanin and solidified it to treat quantitatively. First we made the solution of thisanthocyanin and we confirmed the color changing through absorptiometry by adjusting pH ofthe solution or by adding metal ions. We are performing basic experiments, using this anthocyanin, tomake the pigment sensitized solar cell and to dye various fiber.pH pH PEG (PVA) pH 1 1 pH 2 pH 20% 3 pH 1 () PEG (PVA)pH http://www.human.nagoya-u.ac.jp/lab/yoshida/researchl.html (). , , 32 , p73-81 (1992). 2- 71 -

Meijo University Senior High School Change of Light Speed in Water According to Water Density Nakazawa Yoshiki Hoshino TomoneAbstractThe purpose of study is to inspect whether we can change the density ofmaterial theoretically. To change the density in theory, we extend thelength of pipe filled with water and regard it shorter in calculation. - 72 -

Shiga Prefectural Zeze High School Consideration of Roshambo Game ‘Guriko’ Aoki Kazumasa Ito Noriki Nishino Keisuke Wakaki RyosukeAbstractIn ‘Guriko’, winners get different points depending on which hands theyused. First, we calculate Nash equilibrium. Second, we simulate howplayers change their strategies over time. Then, we compare thetheoretical solution and the simulation result. ! - 73 -

Osaka Prefectural Kishiwada Senior High school Identification of Japanese sea lion(Zalophus japonicus)by molecular phylogeny of the DNA base sequenceKenta TsujinoAbstractIn Kishiwada High School, there are two stuffed specimens called sea lion or fur seal andone in Otemae High School. There are only about 15 ones known in the world. We tried toidentify three of them by molecular phylogeny of the DNA base sequence. The result, theyare Zalophus japonicus (Japanese sea lion), has been confirmed. - 74 -

Osaka Municipal Higashi Senior High SchoolThe color recognition of cherry blossoms Kohei Onishi, Kyohei Kameyama, Hiroki Saito,Tatsuya Iwashita, Chiharu Shimoryama, and Moriaki MitsuiAbstractCherry blossoms look pink although they’re white. To explain the differencebetween our recognized color of an object and its physical one, we analyzed cherryblossom’s color in digital photos and a survey of 400 people. We found colorrecognition is much influenced by psychological factors such as memory color. Willard F. Bellman, Lighting the stage, 3rd ed., Broadway Press (2001) - 75 -

Kobe Municipal Rokko Island Senior High SchoolClone Research of Haliplanella lineata by Fighting BehaviorAbstract Takuma Mori Yoshio Matsuda Anyu KokuryoHaliplanella lineata increase by asexual reproduction and many clones exists ingroups. They attack other clones with poison stings. It’s called Fighting Behavior. Weresearched how the clones of Haliplanella lineata are found in the southern part ofHyogo by Fighting Behavior. - 76 -

Nara Prefectural Seisho High School UV LED GeneratorAoki Daiya Oishi Yuga Tamoto Keita Nakagawa TakakiAbstractWe made an UV LED Generator. But generated power is low. So we tried toimprove it high power. - 77 -

Wakayama Prefectural Koyo High School DNA sequence analysis of the X chromosome of the liverwort Takeda Kanako Kondou Takumi Sowa Yuiri Hibi YuumaHirai Ryou Miyazaki ManamiAbstractThe study of liverwort has been contributing to developing geneticresearch. However, there are a lot of mysteries to be solved, such assperm attractants. We worked on analyzing female X chromosomes ofliverwort, trying to elucidate those mysteries. - 78 -

Konko Gakuen Junior & Senior High SchoolWe would have a chance to make fuel cells with sawdust coal ArashimaTakuma,OkamotoTaichi,AoyamaAkihiro,KrodaRyusei,HiramatsuYumaAbstractOur research’s purpose is to develop fuel cells using porous charcoal electrodesinstead of Platinum. We transferred conductivity into Sawdust Coal (Oga-tan),whichhas rough crack. As a result, Sawdust Coal was capable to run the motor more thanone hour. We expect this result to be a platform into new type of fuel cells. 23 30 1.23V 1.57V 1.57V 24.0mA 23 30 1.20V 22.1mA 14 00 1.18V 23.5mA 61 30 - 79 -

Notre Dame Seishin Educational Foundation Seishin Girls High SchoolWhen Do Water Clover Sleep ? - an in-depth analysis of sleep cycle- Sasaki Sakura, Shibabuki Mami, and Matsui ChinoAbstractIn this research, we analyzed the nyctinastic movement of Water Clover (Marsileaquadrifolia) . There were problems with the old recording methods, so we maderecording equipment. We considered how the nyctinasty rhythm of Water Cloverchanged according to the light cycle and light wavelength. - 80 -

Kagawa Prefectural Kan-onji Daiichi High School Analysis of the relationship between an electronic charge of salt,amount of substance and aggregation toward muddy water Kazuki Ohira, Hisamu Tanaka, and Kanako MitaniAbstractMuddy water is a negatively charged colloidal solution. With the additionof a salt to the muddy water, coagulation occurs. The larger the valencenumber of a positive ion of a salt solution becomes, the more strongly themuddy water coagulates. And, there is an optimum volume of a substance. - 81 -

Fukuoka Prefectural Kasumigaoka High SchoolResearch on irregular rotation of handstand tops, rattlebacks and boiled eggs. Inoue Shogo Umezaki Daisuke Matsumoto Takuya Isikawa Ryuichro Kamohara Rintaro Akashima ShioriAbstractWhen you rotate a handstand top, a boiled egg and rattleback, they rotateirregularly. We hypothesized this cloud be explained though three key concepts;asymmetry, horizontal rotation and dynamic friction. Through our experiments, weidentified the common and differing characteristic of these irregular rotations. G G - 82 -

Fukuoka Prefectural Kaho High SchoolCan we make the expected sounds with glass harps?The analysis of resonance frequency Ozone Ai Yasunaga Yuno Tazawa Yusaku Nishioka NaotoAbstractWe confirmed that the top of the glass was the only part which vibrated and theglass tends to make resonance sounds the easiest when the rim of the vessels arerubbed.We found out that the frequency of the resonance sounds is lower when wepoured more liquid into the glass or used a thicker one."!!!&%!!&$!!&#!!&"!!&!!!%!!$!!#!!"!!!! & " ' # ( $ ) % * &!!%&$&%!!&$!!&#!!&"!!&!!!%!! $!!#!!"!!!! & " ' # ( $ ) % * &!!$&%!!&$!! &#!!&"!!&!!!%!!$!!#!!"!!!! &! "! '! #! (! $! )! %! *! &!!!%$ - 83 -!"#$!"#$!"#$

Fukuoka Prefectural Yahata High SchoolThe study of spreading the Insects~Can the Leafhoppers cross the sea and aim at the new world? ~ Nakano Taiga Wakiyama Ryosuke Miyazaki KeisukeAbstractWe did research on the question if Leafhopper could move across a bay whenthey want to. In order to learn if it in possible or not, we made four experiments.The main purpose of the experiments was to measure their dispersing ability andphysical strength. As a result, we’ve found that they can’t do it. - 84 -

Saga Prefectural Chienkan Senior High SchoolSalinity Tolerance in Japanese Radishes Motoyama Eriko Tsuruhashi Mayuko Inoue Yuuka Kitajima TakumiAbstractWe have studied salinity tolerance of Japanese radishes in water culture. Ourexperiment has revealed that Japanese radishes are effective in soil ameliorationfor NaCl damaged soil, but they had no effect on KCl damaged soil and MgCl 2damaged soil. - 85 -

Kumamoto Prefectural Kumamoto kita High SchoolA study on the heredity of fingerprints Yagi Manami Kashi Hikaru Teranishi Kousuke Hashimoto NaotoAbstructWe collected fingerprints from our school students, teachers and their parents. Thenwe compared the parental generations and child generations, also the fingerprints ofthe right and left hands, and we examined the heredity between parents and theirchildren. - 86 -

Kumamoto Prefectural Daini High SchoolResearch of extracting hydrogen from weeds : Extracting Energy From Rubbish Kyoka Jyo Shino Nakao Tomoe MiyazakiAbstractWe found that anaerobic bacteria living on weeds are necessary to extracthydrogen through the last year’s experiment. we are searching for the conditionsthat can activate these bacteria and generate more hydrogen. 153&%.!"#"$%$&'(") $%$*$'&+,"#"$%--*-(III)$%./0 ' $1234 Fig 1Fig 1 (III)Fig 2 (III)6.510 -3"&'(#"%mol6.510 -4 mol6.510 -5 !"#$%'"#&%')#)%mol6.5'&10 -6 mol (III)6.510 -3 mol (III)(III) 6.510 -6 mol 69.9% Net de Check (III)- 87 -+,-./0123/23124.546/27%(&*&&&#&% Fig 2 (III)

Oita Prefectural Hita High School Research of Vegetation Succession using Pollen Analysis in the KyudaiArea Sayaka Miyata Haruka Inoue Tomoki Matuo Yuya AnaiMotonobu ChikataAbstractThe Kyudai area is located in the west of Oita prefecture.There are richman-made cedar forests in that area.They have been continuously plantedsince 250 years ago.The vegetation succession there is very interesting,so we did a pollen analysis.Finally,we found that humans influenced it. - 88 -

Hokkaido Kushiro Koryo High SchoolStudy on recrystallization of potassium nitrate Iizuka Takuya Goto Hayate Nakaya YukiAbstractIn this study, when potassium nitrate is recrystallized, the effect of the sound onthe shape of crystal was evaluated. Crystal has become characteristic shape by thefrequency of the sound wave. From these results, it can be deduced that the soundof a specific frequency imports the regularity to the shape of the crystal. - 89 -

Hokkaido Sapporo Nishi High SchoolAdsorption ability of "Chitosan Beads" to various metal ions Yabu Katsuhiro Morita Haruki Mizushima MihoSaito Shunsuke Goto Yuto Watanabe YusukeAbstractChitosan is a kind of biological resources, which has various useful behavior.We investigated their adsorption property for transition metal ions, using “ChitosanBeads”. We would like to utilize them for purifying water and separating rare earthfrom industrial waste in the future. 2.5(mmol) 1.0!"#1.0!"#$"% $"%$"&2.00.75 0.84$"'0.980.8$"(1.5C u !! 0.60.40 0.38$"# 1.0C o!!0.41.5 1.5N i !!1.4#"(0.50.2#"#0.00.0)*+, -.+, )/+, )01, -21,Cu!!+Co!! Cu!!+Ni!! Ni!!+Co!!Cu!! Ni!! Co!! - 90 -

Hokkaido Sapporo Kaisei High SchoolChameleon Phenomenon on soap film Seto Soyoka Takasaka Chiaki Fukue Yuka Yamamoto KoheiYakoyama Keijiro Yoda Shunsuke Yamada YosihiroAbstractWe observed a phenomenon in which the surface of a soap film that was flat. It gotrapidly thinner with addition of a solution of water and detergent onto it. We studiedwhat underlying principal made this phenomenon happen. - 91 -

Sapporo Nihon University Senior High SchoolAcceleration Mechanism and Energy Efficiency in the Gauss Accelerator Koryo Ishihara Yuuki TadaAbstractThe aim of our study was to clarify the acceleration mechanism in the Gaussaccelerator. Our results showed that the change in the kinetic energy of incomingsphere is almost equal to the work done by magnetic force. We developed a newacceleration method with energy efficiency of >100%. - 92 -

Ritsumeikan Keisho Junior and Senior High SchoolRelationship between Monotropastrum Humile and ectomycorrhizal fungus communities Nishimura Akihiro Nagasue Toi Fujimori Yuta Notani Natsumi Sato Ren Oti TakumiAbstractEctmycorrhizal (ECM) fungi establish a symbiotic relationship with almost all canopytrees, so ECM fungi are significant to forestry ecosystem. Monotropastrum Humile,non-photosynthetic plant, is considered that it lives with trees through ECM hyphae. Weresearched the relationship between Monotropastrum Humile and ECM communities.ECM ECM ECM ECM 2012 type1109 2013 6 60cm 10cm ECM ECM type 5mmDNA Shannon-Wiener H ’C!CA 9 ECM 2 17,928 ECM 22types DNA type09 ECM H ’,C! ECMCA ECM ECM ECM ECM Smith SE, Read DJ (1997) Mycorrhizal Symbiosis Second edition. 605pp,Academic Press. London, UK. 79-149 - 93 -

Iwate Prefectural Kamaishi High School RAPD Study on the increase of leaflets in white clovers (Trifolium repens L.) the difference in vascular bundles and RAPD between individual specimens Ayaka Kaga Mami Kawamura Mao Sasaki Kaho HaradaAbstract We examined the difference in vascular bundles and RAPD Randomly AmplifiedPolymorphic DNA between three-leaf and four- or five-leaf white clovers. Most of theindividuals had 5 vascular bundles in the leafstalk. On the other hand, the differencein the electrophoretic patterns of RAPD between individual specimens was also found. RAPD DNA Trifolium repens L. RAPD RAPD DNA 40 29-33 2008 RAPD- 94 -

Iwate Prefectural Mizusawa High School Does lettuce seed germination really need light? –Effect of lightirradiation and temperature-Koichiro Sato Kosuke Miura Naoto Arisumi Issei TakahashiAbstractWe studied the effects of light irradiation and temperature on seedgermination in leaf lettuce We found that Red and Bluish green rightpromoted the seed germinationBut Blue right inhibits it. Also there is adominant correlation between Light quality and Temperature. - 95 -

Miyagi Prefectural Sendai First High School“Seki-gae” TheoryRyo TakahashiAbstract"Seki-gae" is to replace the seat. This theory is obtained and studied on the basisof a mathematical point of view "Seki-gae". It is obtained by research that wasscored before and after the status of the "Seki-gae", perform a "Seki-gae" whetherthe benefit for me today. - 96 -

Miyagi Prefectural Furukawa Reimei JuniorSenior High SchoolVerification of Breed Difference through Anther Culture Takashima Daiki Yamasaki Michitaka Itabashi KenjiAbstractWe examined the differences of callus formation, re-specialization, and thedoubling rate between varieties of rice using anther culture with different mediumN6 and B. We proved B is better medium than N6. Hitomebore isn`t suitable foranther culture, while Genkimaru is suitable for anther culture B N6 N6 B , , - 97 -

Yamagata Prefectural Tsuruoka Minami Senior High SchoolThe scientific basis for the treatment with marine water for atopyKohei ItoAbstractThis study aims to show the influence of marine water to the composition ofmicro-bacteria on atopic skin. In result, marine water has increased thepropionibacterium acnes on the left hand day by day. 10 DNA 16S rRNA qPCR qPCR (Control) 1 st day5 th day10 th day10 th day 1 st day5 th day10 th day- 98 -

Yamagata Prefectural Yonezawa Kojokan Senior High SchoolTree Species Composition and Soil pH of Woods Clear-toned Cicadas InhabitKensuke KanomataAbstractDifferent species of cicadas like different trees. In this study, I researched the tree speciescomposition and soil pH in order to reveal tree species and environmental condition whichClear-toned cicadas like. As a result, it was suggested that Clear-toned cicadas like wheremany Konara oaks are and soil with low pH. pH -- - 99 -

Fukushima Prefectural Fukushima High SchoolAn Attempt to Synthesize Stable Benzyne Koyamada Kenta Kanomata Yoshitaka Yamada TatsuyaAbstractBenzyne is a very unstable intermediate. We attempted to synthesize a stablebenzyne derivative by attaching a bulky substituent. We originally designed thetarget molecule and synthetic schemes in 6 steps. The reactions are now underinvestigation. 1 23 4Cat. !56 Hoye, T. R.; Baire, B.; Niu, D.; Willoughby, P. H.; Woods, B. P.. Nature, 2012, 490, 208 - 100 -

Ibaraki Prefectural Namiki Secondary SchoolConditions of Callus Formation derived from Carrot PlantAkira YataAbstractI confirmed that the calluses of carrots cultivated in light conditions have a greencolor, while those in dark conditions have a white color. This is likely due to thechloroplast genes being light-sensitive. In addition, orange colored callusesdeveloped from the part outside the formative layer of carrots’ roots. - 101 -

Ibaraki Prefectural Hitachi First Junior Senior High School Flight analysis of the water rocket Yuki YoshidaAbstractThis physics project was about water rockets. This project made asimulation program about water rockets. Next the water rockets was flownmore exactly using the programs. The simulation and actual data were notthe same. Then the simulation data had been changed to the actual data. () - 102 -

Seishingakuen High SchoolJunior High School Paper sack theorem and Origami kaleidoscopeOkano HarukiAbstractIn a research field called the rigid origami, there is a paper sack theorem. Iunderstand that and do a study to think about the structure of the origamikaleidoscope mathematically. This time, as progress on the way, I introduce theproof of the paper sack theorem and the origami kaleidoscope. - 103 -

Tochigi Prefectural Ashikaga High SchoolStudy on the changes in rolling resistance and frictional force by using tires ofLEGO robot(Experiments by changing the type and shapa of the tires)Machida Takumi Iwai Taro Kein Shunya Matsuzaki MasatoAbstractConnect a LEGO robot to a spring balance and measure the maximum staticfrictionnal force just before it begins to slide on the slope. Release tires of theLEGO robot on a slope and measure the time and the distance travelled wheneach tire stops.Find the rolling resistance. - 104 -

Tochigi Prefectural Tochigi High School The attempt to clarify the mechanism of phosphate moving in soil Asahi Saito Ikuga Saito Tomoki Sinozuka Yuya TanaamiMasamichi Sakata Yuuichi OgawaAbstractThe phosphate produced by microorganism is adsorbed by volcanic ash soil.Then, as plants absorb more dissolvable phosphate, the more phosphate turns intodissolvable phosphate by chemical equilibrium. In our presentation, we will reporton the mechanism of this movement of phosphate in the soil. - 105 -

Gunma Prefectural Kiryu High SchoolIt May Be of Some Use : How to Develop a Chalk Regenerator Tsukui Kaede Kokubo Asahi Kobayashi Yusuke Tsuchiya RyosukeAbstractA lot of chalk is consumed in classes every day. Therefore, large amounts ofchalk dust are accumulating day by day. Changing the chalk dust into new piecesof chalk makes it possible to cut down expenses and reduce trash. The installationof "Chalk Regenerator" in school solves the problems. - 106 -

Saitama Prefectural Urawa Daiichi Girls’ Senior High SchoolThe analysis and making of the waves of the singing voiceNishii MikaAbstractI am studying the peculiarity of the waves of the singing voice. I made singingvoice using the numerical values of the harmonic overtones but the synthesizedvoices did not sound like human’s singing voice. I found out that the waves ofsinging voice have own swell and it distinguishes the sounds of singing voice. Vol.42009 - 107 -

Saitama Prefectural Kumagaya Girls’ Upper Secondary SchoolA Research on Bio Hydrogen Production Bacteria Yui Miyazaki Hirono Kishida Momoka HosoiAbstractWe have found the hydrogen production bacteria from familiar places with two-yearcooperations of Kumagaya Girls’ Upper Secondary School students(560women).Ouranalytic genetics shows that this bacteria is different from usual hydrogen producingbacteria, such as E.aerogenes8023 and C.butyricumHN001. 1 560 560 5 1.6[H2-mol/glucose-mol] E.aerogenes8023 crostridiumbutyricumHN001 ( 5g)- 108 -

Saitama Prefectural Kumagaya Nishi High School Role of primitive streak in segmental function of chicken embryoRena KokuboAbstractI did some experiments of chicken embryos in order to find out whether asegmental command is given as material for its head side from primitivestreak. As a result, I gathered that the command isn’t given from primitivestreak but unsegmented somite mesoderm has segmental mechanism. - 109 -

Saitama Prefectural Matsuyama High School DNA identification of the medaka using a newly designed pair of primers Takayama Taiki Takeda Ryoichiro Oikawa TakashiAbstractThe medaka inhabiting Japan is divided into three clades. We made the primerwhich could identify three clades. As a result, the medaka was identified intothree groups. This method is easier than the conventional method. 3 D-loop Y Dmy D-loop 3 Dmy 3 Y PCR-RFLP Oryzias sakaizumii, a new ricefish northern Japan Asai et al. 2011 PCR Y - 110 -

Chiba Municipal Chiba High School New possibility and practical use of complexes Mizuki Fuse Yuna WakabayashiAbstructWe researched BZ reaction, polymerization, and solar cell to find newfunctions of transition metal complexes. As a result, we succeeded infinding mechanisms of BZ reaction, synthesizing polymer complexes andmaking solar cells with good power generation efficiency.1. 3 .BZ( HMeOMe)BZ . 1 bpy 2 d-Me-bpy . 3 d-OMe-bpy 2. . HMeOMe BZ . .3. . . .4. BZ5. [] 1971 D.O.COOKE , 1972 20066. BZ - 111 -

Senior High School at Komaba, University of TsukubaResearch on flexible polyhedraTanaka HiroakiAbstractAlmost all of polyhedra are "not Flexible." However, a few polyhedra are"Flexible" and it is said that the volumes of such polyhedra are constant. In thisreport, I examined and analyzed one of those polyhedra, Steffen's Polyhedron. AndI also studied the loci of vertices of flexible polyhedra. - 112 -

Tokyo Gakugei University Senior High SchoolHow fast could dinosaurs run?Mori HirasawaAbstractTo determine dinosaurs speed, I made experiments using cock and duck because Ithought the way birds run is similar to that of dinosaurs. First, I made those birds run on thepaper and took foot prints and movie. Second, I created graphs using these data. Then, Iwas able to obtain two formulas for temporary speed. - 113 -

Tokyo Metropolitan High School of Science and Technology Improvement in the Environment with sediment~Infinite possibility of garbage~ Yumika Yamazaki Isshin Tadaki Ryu MiyataAbstractAs materials for making porous tiles, we used useless waste products,such as sediment accumulated in the canal and chalk powder thrown awayin large quantities at the school. Using these porous tiles, we succeededheavy metal pollutants with this tiles. - 114 -

Tokyo Metropolitan Tama High School of Science and Technology The soil supports Koganei~We clarify the chemical properties of the soil in our area~ Ideue Yu,Kurihara Shota, and Nakagawa MayuAbstractWe have studied the soil which supplies spring water in the Koganei area.The research has been conducted to investigate its chemical property withseveral devices based on Cation Exchange Capacity and humic acid. (2007)(1977)( 2 ) - 115 -

Tokyo Metropolitan Hibiya High SchoolTitleThe difference in color and color development rate of the amino acid bythe Ninhydrin reactionGAMOH TakayukiAbstractAbout the ninhydrin reaction used for detection of amino acid, each color reactionwas able to be evaluated using various amino acid and spectrophotometers, andthe reason the textbook was carrying out the above statements was able to beclarified. - 116 -

Tokai University Takanawadai Senior High SchoolChemical perspectives of a delicious simmered dish Shoji Hikaru Hirano Takuto Furusawa JunAbstractChemicals are related to cooking. Therefore we think we can apply chemicalpower for cooking. We comprehend that temperature and destruction of cell relatedto souk simmered dish. - 117 -

Bunkyo Gakuin University Girls’ Senior High School Extracting Chlorogenic Acid: Investigation of Green Osechi Food Saeri Nagakura Suzuna HashidaAbstractIn this study, we explored the conditions necessary to induce a green color changein burdock and konnyaku, and how to apply this green color into various foods.Fig.1 Fig.2 Fig.3 - 118 -

Ishikawa Prefectural Nanao Senior High SchoolWhy waterdrops will not fall vertically Sugimoto Koki Hasegawa Kosuke Mizuguchi Yuta Minoda TakayukiAbstractWe researched the reason why waterdrops do not fall vertically. We found it isbecause the shape of a falling waterdrop changes and hence receives unequalforces. - 119 -

Yamanashi Prefectural Koufuminami High SchoolThe collecting and study of the characteristics of luminous bacteria Ozawa Nao Tsurumi Kai Takusagawa Kazuho Miura DaikiAbstractLuminous bacteria living in sea water emits blue light produced from an enzymereaction, which is called the Luciferin-Luciferase reaction. This occurs inside thecells. In this study, luminous bacteria were collected from a squid living in the JapanSea and a study was done on the characteristics. - 120 -

Yamanashi Prefectural Koma Senior High School Manufacturing of a Solar Car Which has Sun-Detecting Sensors(Trial One) Nakagome Yo Kasai Rumi Asano Yukihisa Sugiyama KazukiItou Chihiro Fushimi KanaeAbstractWe intended to make a solar car that can detect sun light and be energy sufficient.First we made one where the four wheels each had a solar panel and motor. Thismethod didn’t work. Then the structure was changed so only the rear wheels had asolar panel and motor attached. Therefore the front wheels are only for steering.This improvement was successful and it began to move towards the sunlight whenin the shade. 4 4 ! ! ! - 121 -

Yamanashi Prefectural Nirasaki High School Soil environmental research of the Mt.Amariyama Inomata Hayate Yazaki Moe Hirasawa Mai Sakai MashuOkamura Takumi Sakamoto Yoshiki Shimizu EisukeAbstractTo investigate influences of soil environment on plant, we researched 5-factors,for example pH,concentration of phosphoric acid and so on. We report the resultsof our research and considerations about their influences on plants. !"#)"("'"&"%"$"#"!"#" $" %" %*'" &" '" (" )" )+&'- 122 -

Yamanashi Prefectural Hikawa High SchoolA Study on the Structural Colors of Insects Higuchi Hiroshi Sugita Keisuke Omura Yasuyo Kubokawa TakahoAbstractThe structural color is caused by interference and diffraction effects rather than bypigments when a material is formed of multiple layers. The colors are discribed bySnell’s law. The mechanism to produce the color of phalacrognathus muelleri andbuprestidae shows close similarity. - 123 -

Hokuto City Koryo High SchoolResearch on the hydrolysis rate of ethyl acetate Natori Michi Kasai ChinatsuAbstractWe clarified the hydrolysis rate of ethyl acetate depends on the concentration ofwater and that of acid as catalyst. We also identified the rate- limiting reaction outof the elementary processes of the hydrolysis reaction. A:CH 3 COOC 2 H 5 2013 - 124 -

Gifu Prefectural Ena High School Cytochrome b gene of medaka in the area around Ena Ando Saya Kimura Rumi Furui Chikage Morikawa Kanami Yoshimura KazukiAbstractA cytochrome b comparative analysis with Prof. Takehana’s study showedthat non-Clade-B medaka exist near Ena. PCR mtDNA b 100bpDNA Ladder NSP NSP Hae - 125 -

Gifu Prefectural Gifu Norin High SchoolInvestigating gene expression time by using proteinRubisco as photosynthesis protein Ishiyama Tkahiro Kanou Takuto Mouri Koujirou Oohira Akira Imai Hiroto Ogiso IkuyaAbstractAfter adding a stimulus to a living thing, an investigation about the process in whichprotein is compounded. After irradiating a rice sprout, photosynthetic protein as " Rubisco"was investigated, using an electrophoresis method and paper chromatography. As a result,the gene expression occurred after 4 hours. 30 DDT 5 95 5 15 200V 1 3 4 50kDa 4 50KDa- 126 -

Shizuoka Prefectural Shimizu Higashi High SchoolThe analysis of the diffusion of different solutions in waterusing a refractive-index-distribution Yuka Arai Ryota Ikeda Mikiko TakeuchiTatsuya Takemori Fumika Tomono Naoko HiroseAbstractWe collected data on the relationship between the refractive-index of the solutionand its molarity. We calculated the molarity distribution of the diffusing solution usingthe data. Furthermore, we attempted calculating the Avogadro constant using themolarity distribution of the diffused solution.(1) (2) (1) (2) (3) (1) (2) (3) !!!"!!" !" - 127 -

Shizuoka Kita High School The Development of Sustainable Nitrate Removal Method Nagata Maho Takahashi Yuki Yamamoto MikihikoYoshida Yuki Sugiyama Moe Sugiyama MichinobuAbstractNitrate ion (NO 3 ) was adsorbed by the Hydrotalcite (HT) which was high incontent of magnesium. NO 3 was reduced to N 2 gas by visible light andphotocatalyst in the interlayers of HT. The HT that immobilized by the PVA gelwhich added a little surfactant adsorbed NO 3 as same as the powdery HT. (NO3 ) (1)NO3 (HT)(2)HT NO3 N2 (3)HT (1)Mg/Al HT NO3 1(2)HT Mg Ni HT TiO2 NO3 Ni NO3 2(3) PVA HT HT NO3 HT 3 HT NO3 No Energy Maintenance free (HT) - 128 -

Aichi Prefectural Okazaki High School Research on stratification and separation of granular materials Kazuki Maeda Kazuto HagiwaraAbstractIn this research, we investigated how the sand hill is formed when we use morethan two kinds of granular materials. We got a different results from what we hadexpected, and thus, proposed a new hypothesis. 2 2 1 2 3 1 2 2 3 A AB CC 3 B 3B [1] (1999) - 129 -

Mie Prefectural Ise Senior High SchoolWhen and how floor plants disappear? Higashiyama Tomoe Nakano Misaki Murase YoshinoAbstractWe search the disappearance of floor plants in laurel forests. We selected threepoints for our research and observed floor plants there. We found that floor plantswere disappearing much more than floor plants withering and dying in all points. Wealso found dung of deer, scratches from deer antlers on the trees, and torn ropes. - 130 -

Shiga Prefectural Torahime High School Fading of Color Material by the Ultraviolet Rays Katagiri Mutsumi Katsuramoto YuzunaFujii Yoshino Nose YuikaAbstractWe exposed dyed clothes by indigo blue, Japanese indigo plant and oilorange and printed the colors by cyan, magenta, and yellow to the shortwave and the long wave of ultraviolet rays, and examine values ofsaturation. - 131 -

Shiga Prefectural Hikonehigashi High SchoolConstraint of pigment decomposition by Cyclodextrin Wakai Motoki Isshiki Moe Shioiri Reiko Tsuda Atsushi Mikara AiriAbstractWe tried to research the constraint of pigment decomposition by Cyclodextrin.We exposed several kinds of pigment to ultraviolet rays or heat.As a result,we noticed the effect of Cyclodextrin only on hydrophopic pigment. - 132 -

Ritsumeikan Moriyama High School Research of Hydroponic System in the Local Community Masaki Hamano Tadahiro Nishimura Chiaki Takama Yuji KawaguchiAbstractWe have researched hydroponics system in the hope of reviving OkawaRiver as “Satogawa”. As a result, we confirmed decrease in phosphate andnitrate, but problems became clear at the same time. - 133 -

2446 Kyoto Prefectural Sagano High SchoolAttractive Kyo-yasai ! Ayana Okamoto Ayu OkudaWe assumed that Kamo-eggplant contains more anthocyanin which suppresses thestorage of fat than common eggplant. So we analyzed and compared the effect ofanthocyanin in Kamo-eggplant with that in Senryo-eggplant. Danio rerio) - 134 -

Kyoto Prefectural Rakuhoku High SchoolFischer The Synthesis of Esters Using Fischer Esterification Shuhei Aimi Asahi Adachi Ren UsamiTakumi Kato Shunta Notsu Takuma MatsumuraAbstractElectronic density and steric hindrance are important factor inesterification. However, we succeeded in making esters which areconsidered to be almost impossible to make without anhydride or chlorideunder amazing reaction conditions. - 135 -

Osaka Prefectural Engei Senior High SchoolGenetic Similarity of Swallows among the Nesting Areas in Japan Takahashi Yoshihiro Kitayama Ryoko Matsuguchi Kaho Matsuguchi RihoAbstractGenetic similarity of swallows among inter- and intra-nesting areas in japan wasinvestigated applying RAPD and SSR marker method. The results suggested thatswallows made pairs with an individual of far nesting area, and that they wereclassified into the western and eastern type. - 136 -

Osaka Prefectural Shijonawate Senior HighSchoolHow does the air move? Ooi Saki Ono Natsuho Hatanaka Yuriko Yoshikawa SayukiAbstractThis year, we studied whether the air in the air cannon really travels or notwhen we shoot the cannon. We took a picture of the ring of the air with highspeed camera and analyzed it. We shot a ring of the air into the place filled withsmoke and observed how the ring change. - 137 -

Osaka Prefectural Sumiyoshi Senior High SchoolSurvival Strategy of the Brassicaceae Plants Appendino Kaji Nakata Genki Ito Yuki Suzuki YutaAbstractThe brassicaceae plants create the ITC (IsoThioCyanate) as a defensivesubstance in order to protect themselves from natural enemy. In this study, weexamined the detailed property of the ITC, and the relationship between insects andthe brassicaceae plants. - 138 -

Osaka Prefectural Semboku Senior High School Photocatalysis of silver phosphate Yamamoto Kazuki Tsuji Ryota Isaka Issei Kikuya YukiAbstractWe found that photocatalysis of silver phosphate had been discovered.Then we compared photocatalysis of silver phosphate with that of titaniumdioxide by the decomposition of Methylene Blue. As a result, we found thatsilver phosphate is superior to titanium dioxide on the photocatalysis. 100 mL Ag 3 PO 4 TiO 2 0 10 20 30Ag3PO4 1.227 0.611 0.306 0.092TiO2 1.227 1.206 1.210 1.211 10, 20, 30Ag 3 PO 4 Ag 3 PO 4 TiO 2 Ag 3 PO 4 NIMShttp://www.nims.go.jp/news/press/2010/06/p201006070.html (I)MSDS - 139 -

Osaka Prefectural Tennoji Senior High School Differences between male and female mice in relation to various stimuli Yuka Kinoshita Koichiro Nagata Moe FujimotoAyaka Boku Ryusuke MizutaniAbstractThe aim of this research is to find out whether there are some similaritiesin the reaction of mice when they are nervous. First, we examined thereactions of mice when we irritated them, and revealed whether there is agender difference. 50cm 1 1 2 2 - 140 -

Hyogo Prefectural Kakogawahigashi High SchoolGround egg shells and smoked rice husks promote root nodulation and plant growth in Glycinemax Merr. treated with Sinorhizobium fredii in high-salinity soil. Tomoaki Kajiwara Naoto Shiohira Youhei Hori Aoi MatsumotoShinichi MatsumotoAbstractNitrogen-fixing bacteria promote plant growth by fixing nitrogen in root nodules. However,root nodulation is inhibited in high-salinity soil. So we searched for common materials thatcould enhance root nodulation in high-salinity soil. Our results show that both ground eggshells and smoked rice husks each promoted root nodulation and plant growth in soybeans. P,K 2NaCl JA 6 (g)- 141 -(g)

Hyogo Prefectural Toyooka High SchoolDisaster and benefit for Toyooka BasinWataru Inoue Takafumi Nishimura Tsunetaka NumataEiji Hashimoto Saki Ishida Yo Ishida Ayumi SawamuraAbstractUsing bore specimen, our fieldwork and documentary records, we researchedthe underground structure of Toyooka Basin. Then, we made the maps whichcombine Toyooka geological features industry and occurred disasters, tocontribute to the society. - 142 -

Mukogawa Women’s University Junior & Senior High School Prevalence and factors associated with hallux valgusamong female junior and senior high school students. Mayo Iida Hiyo Okamoto Yuuki Kitano Honoka Tsubakiyama Haruka DoiAbstractWe examined the prevalence and various factors associated with halluxvalgus (HV) among female junior and senior high school students. HV waspresent in the left foot in 23.9%, the right foot in 23.7%, and at least one footin 33.6%. HV was significantly associated with a family history of HV. Foot Look BMI - 143 -

Nara Prefectual Nara Senior High School PM2.5 changes the weather Factors for precipitation verified by DiamondDust Hinaga Tomomasa Nakaoka Hibiki Hukuyama HirokiIchimi Haru Kawamura Yukine Sasahara MichiruAbstractPure water is not frozen so easily even if the temperature drops below 0! because ofthe phenomenon called supercooling. The reason why raindrops in clouds are frozen isthat particles in the air becomes nucleuses of raindrops and helps them to be frozen.We conducted experiments on the hypothesis that the amount of precipitation wouldincrease if lots of particles such as PM2.5 or yellow sand come flying here in Japan. Asa result, we found that the smaller the nucleating particle is, the more easily raindropswill be frozen. - 144 -

Naragakuen High School Ecological study of the Japanese brown frog Rana japonica In Naragakuen High School Forest Kaneda Naoki Okuno Yuuki Noda HirokiAbstractFor the past 7 years at Naragakuen High School we have been engaged inconservation activities to maintain biological diversity. We are reporting ourfindings on the Japanese brown frog, Rana japonica, in our High School Forest. - 145 -

Nishiyamatogakuen High School Investigation of flexible network over SDN: the next-generation routing technologyHideki KanekoAbstractI studied the features of SDN (Software Defined Network) and investigated itsapplication fields. Because SDN calculates its routing method centrally, it isadaptive to changes of routing policy in the future. I have concluded that wecan apply SDN to IPTV which requires quality assurance. - 146 -

Wakayama Prefectural Kainan Senior High SchoolCollaboration between oxide semiconductor film and Iodine electrolysis solution Keisuke Shimizu Kazuya Sasami Hayate SugiwakaShintaro Hashimoto Eiki UedaAbstractThe method of adsorbing organic dye at an oxide-semiconductor film was discovered.The efficiency of a dye-sensitized solar cell rose greatly, when the composition of theiodine electrolysis solution was changed. The sealing method was developed tomaintain high durability of the cell. - 147 -

Wakayama Prefectural Hidaka High School Consideration of the factors determining distribution and invasionof Japanese,Europren and Hybrid dandelions Ohashi Yuka Kashiwagi Yuri Koyama Mayu Hayashi NarisaAbstractWe analyzed the distribution patterns of native,invasive and hybriddandelions by observing both their nuclear and chloroplast DNA. As a result,we firmed a new hypothesis that is different from the accepted theory. - 148 -

Shimane Prefectural Masuda High School Show the relation between the lift force and the angle of attack Hamachi Tomoyuki Saito Asahi Kiriki Kaisei Kawada MasakiAbstractWe measured the lift force as we changed the angle of attack. Before the critical angleof attack, the lift force continues to increase. After the critical angle of attack, the lift forcebegins to decrease. - 149 -

Okayama Prefectural Tamashima Senior High SchoolThe Study of Chilling Sound Miyu Takezaki Miyako WatanabeAbstractIn this research, we recorded various unpleasant sounds, and analyzed it. Furthermore,we compared it with the sound of scraping a blackboard which we felt the mostunpleasant. Then we examined whether those sounds have things in common. - 150 -

Okayama Prefectural Tsuyama Senior High SchoolThe Study of Ocean Layers of the Neogene Period around Tsuyama Ishido Rina Kizuki Hana Fuji YuheiAbstractWe researched the layers of Neogene Period and basalt in Okayama. Weanalyzed the soil by examining the pH value and the electric conductivity, andmeasured its age by K-Ar method. We tried to clarify the formation processes ofOkayama. 1600 pH K-Ar 1600 pH K-Ar 780 1600 - 151 -

Okayama University of Science High School Antibacterial efficacy of antimicrobial substances from leaves of the Ginkgo tree Mie Konii Yukio Hitsumoto Naoya NakatsukaAbstractPlants are known to include chemicals with antibacterial materials. We areinterested in the antibacterial effects of the Ginkgo tree that has survived fromancient times. We found the extract from the leaves controls strongly growth ofbacteria currently attached on the hand. (1)25(2)(3) 25g/120mL25%Et 24 1 Sati, SC and Joshi, S (2011) Antibacterial activities of Ginkgo Biloba L. leafextracts. The Scientific world Journal 11:2241-2246. '%%!%&%$%#%%!" #$ !%- 152 -

Hiroshima University High School Mathematical Modelling of Kompeito’s Shape Mitsuhiro Inokuchi Tatsuya Kawano Kosei Kitamura Ren SuzukiChihiro Ogata Mayu FujiokaAbstractThe shape of “Kompeito” is very interesting because of its spikes formedby a natural process. We analyzed the feature of Kompeito and appliedmathematical modelling to form particular shape. [1] (i) (ii) !!! ! !!! ! !!! (i) (ii)(i) ! !!! ! ! ! !!!!!!! ! !!!!! ! !!! ! ! !!! ! !! ! !!! ! ! !!!! !!! ! ! !!! ! ! !!! (ii) ! !!!!! ! ! !!! ! ! !!! ! ! !!!!! ! !!"!!! !!! ! ! !!!!! ! !! ! !! ! !"!! !!!! ! !!! ! ! !!!!! ! !!"#!!! !!! ! ! !!!!! ! ! !! ! ! !"!!, ! !!! ! ! ! !!! ! ! [1] - 153 -

Hiroshima Prefectural Saijyo Agricultural High School Study on a mechanism for sex-determination of birds Satomi Matsuura Mizuki Kajiyama Taiki Sato Masahiro Shimizu Marika HayashiAbstractFor birds, female are the heterogametic sex (ZW), and males are homogametic(ZZ). This is different from the situation in X and Y of mammal. Under chickenindustrial use, sex determination has been a big subject. In this study, we triedwhether to be able to sort out Z egg or W egg for the blastodermal cells of anunfertilized egg by the DNA-based sex identification (PCR methods). Fisher'sprinciple (sex ratio=1:1) was discussed with the result of this sex determination. ! &#####)####%####(#############$###'#####*#####+####!,!"!### $ " %###########&"&## 789:;8 '#" ( 789:;8)")#### .4562 *#" $ 0)$,1-2%".456/ +#"0)$,1-/("!,"-./ 0)$,1-23/#"%,.45623/######"%,!######&########)######%##############(######$######'######* !"'# ("+&"*# 789:;8 $"!,########## 789:;8.45620)$,1-2)"#'".456/0)$,1-/%"*"-./0)$,1-23/#"%,.45623/######"%, - 154 -

Yasuda Girl's Junior and Senior High SchoolRipple in the standing wave Ogawa Naho Kodama Chiharu Tanaka ChihiroAbstractThe study’s purpose is to research the relation of ripples and the standing wave byobserving ripples and their surface’s wave. The shorter wavelength becomes, andthe deeper against wavelength becomes, and the smaller sand size becomes, thenarrower ripples’ distance. - 155 -

Yamaguchi Prefectural Ube High School Application of satellite Remote Sensing to Natural Disasters Ohara Ayaka Kaichi Marie Kawamura Shiho Takahashi MisakiAbstractTo find a way of examining the damage from disasters safely and over alarge area with satellite remote sensing. - 156 -

Kochi Prefectural Kochi Ozu High School The influence by sugar on the feature of paper~To find the potential of Tosawashi~ Shimasaki Yudai Shimomoto Sunao Nishidani YudaiYabe Satoru Yamamoto YuyaAbstractRare sugars are mono-saccharides that are uncommon in nature. Lately,potential uses for rare sugar have been found. We have been researchingrare sugars so far. We added sugars to paper. Moreover, we consideredthe possible applications of the paper from the results of the experiment. - 157 -

Fukuoka Prefectural Kurate Senior High SchoolPhotometric Measurement of Boron Concentrationand its Application to Bron in Commodities - Yanaka Ryoma Tachiwana Sora Inoue Masaya Kaneko YusukeAbstractPhotometric determination of boron concentrations in commodities such as eyelotions was studied by using a color reaction between boric acid and azomethine H.By this technique, we also examined boron elution from glass vessels and boronamounts in rivers, hot springs and a seawater desalination process. H H ! !"#$%&&"#&%"#%$"#$!"#!"!!$'()*!"!$'()*!"$'()*- 158 -

Fukuoka Prefectural Meizen High School A Research on the Heat Stability of Vitamin C in Tea Leaves Seiya Tanaka Akihiro Horimoto Chisato Akashi Momoko OdaAbstractAlthough vitamin C is generally said to be unstable at high temperature, itwas shown that vitamin C in tea leaves is resistant as it coexists withcatechin which has reducing properties. - 159 -

Miyazaki Kita High School Development of the adhesives of chitosanAyaka HikitaAbstractWe found on effective method for utilizing for Shiitake mushrooms, in whichconsumption has fallen,using the Character of shiitake mushrooms for productdevelopment. This time, we conducted the basic experiment in order todevelop adhesives using the chitosan contained in shiitake mushrooms. - 160 -

Ikeda Junior & Senior High School Research into the Fechner color!The discovery of “A new type of pattern-dependent flicker colors”!Kiichiro Kuwaki Aya Hagimoto Makoto Takahashi Takuma KaminosonoAbstractIt is a well-known fact that weak light in an arc-shape will appear when a Benhamspinning top is rotated. However, our research discovered two phenomena that aredifferent to these Fechner color. We named them “Infinite Radial Light” and “HiddenCircular Light”. 2 2 2013 ()( 2013 ) 2013 - 161 -

Hokkaido Iwamizawa Agricultural High School Established of avoidance method control method physiology andecology of greenhouse whitefly Ishiwaki Nanase Tabata Ayaka Hamada AmiAbstractWe have conducted research on what colors work best to catch and kill thegreenhouse whitefly, a major pest to the crops grown in greenhouse, by physicalmethods of control. We made some attempts to examine it. By using color boardswith adhesive, we have decided that a yellow board works best. - 162 -

Hokkaido Takikawa High SchoolThe mechanism of flame reaction Takahiro Kudo Takayuki Nishikawa Shotaro Hoshika Yumetsugu MunakataAbstractIf valence electrons are given much energy,they transfer to the outer electronshell. And when they return to the original position,they radiate energy as lightsemit a specific color. We researched the mechanism of this reaction,and weexperimented this reaction with the mixture of two element. - 163 -

Akita Prefectural Akita Chuo High SchoolInstant Saponification in Adding Ethanol Meguro Ai Oguma Kouhei Kondou Masanari Komatsu RyousukeAbstractThe production of soap is completed at r.t. in 1 minute when ethanol is added andconc. NaOHaq is used. To clarify the mechanism of this chemical change, wehypothesized that oils and fats were not saponified directly but through fatty acidethyl ester. As a result of experiment, our hypothesis was verified. - 164 -

Akita Prefectural Akitahokuyou High SchoolOn autonomous control of descending CanSats Sena Hatakayama Anna Okawa Misaki Tanaka Ami SatoAbstractA CanSat is a simulation of a real satellite. In an aluminum can are set up GSPmodule, servo motors, and so on. We try to make autonomous control system ofdescending CanSat in order to land it on the designated area. Our CanSat candetect the position in the air, but cannot control the direction of descending yet. - 165 -

Akita Prefectural Odate Homei High SchoolResearch of an organic fluorescent substance: extending the light emissionAbstracttime of a glow stick. Saito Nozomi Syoji Misaki Tanaka Ruka Tamai Yuki Muto ChisakiThe aim of this experiment was to extend the light emission time of a glow stick. Weattempted to do this by suppressing the heat energy generated duringchemiluminescence, and stabilizing the intermediate product that energeticallyexcites the dye. Our results showed that emission time could be by adding mucin, asticky substance found in okra and non-ionic surfactants, to the glow sticks - 166 -

Ibaraki Prefectural Midorioka senior High SchoolSynthesis condition and mix proportion of “Sawayaka rose fragrance” Yuri Shinohara Nobuaki Suzuki Haneka Matsushima Kenta MarunoYasuhiro Oki Sho SukegawaAbstractIn this research, we produced the fragrance of rose which was made from estersand alcohols. We explored the most efficient temperature conditions for thesynthesis of the ester, and the mixture of esters and alcohols that emits the finestscent. - 167 -

Tochigi Prefectural Utsunomiya Girls’ High SchoolThe Physics of Swings Abe Sari, Isano Haruka, Hirai Yuka, Maruyama MihoAbstractWe studied the motion of swings with the pendulum, whose length was variedperiodically by a DC motor. Our results show that the actual measurements of theperiod to occur the oscillation matched the theoretical values closely. However, therates to increase the amplitude were much bigger than the theoretical values. l ll l - 168 -

Sano Nihon Daigaku High SchoolResearch on Euler's, polynomial which generates a prime number Tanaka HarumichiAbstractLeonhard-Euler invented some quadratic polynomials that make many prime numbers.I noticed one of them “! ! ! ! ! !"”. This formula can generate many prime numbers bysubstituting natural number (x). However, the number which is not a prime numbersimultaneously is also generated. I looked for the common feature of the number whichis not a prime number. ! ! ! ! ! !"(!) 1 ! ! !! ! ! ! ! !"! ! ! Excel ! ! ! ! ! !" ! !! ! !! ! !!! ! ! ! ! !"!!!!! ! ! ! !! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !"=!! ! ! !" ! ! ! !" ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !"=!! ! ! ! ! ! !" ! !! ! ! ! !=!!! ! ! ! ! !"!!! ! ! !! ! !"!()! ! ! ! ! !" ! ! ! ! !! ! ! !! ! !" ! ! ! ! !!!!"#! ! ! !!"#!!! ! ()! ! !! ! ! ! ! !"! ! !! ! ! ! ! !" Newton2013 4 Excel VBA (http://soma1080.blog20.fc2.com/blog-entry-260.html) - 169 -

Hakuoh University Ashikaga High SchoolThe shape of our cityOur plan to restore Ashikaga City`s Public facilities Mariko Akimoto Momoko KamiokaAbstractIn order to make the public facilities of Ashikaga more convenient and easier touse, we propose a plan to restore both the Ashikaga City Public Hall, and theAshikaga Public Square. - 170 -

Gunma Prefectural Maebashi Girls’ High School The Color of the Moon whitish in the day / yellowish at nightAyami IshikuraAbstractI wondered why the moon looks whitish in the day and yellowish at night. As aresult of the research and replication, I found that these differences arecaused by atmospheric scattering. - 171 -

Chiba Prefectural Sakura High SchoolBoiling Bronze Takahashi Moeko Kagehira SayaAbstractWe cast bronze and colored it in chemical way,called“Niiro”.We usedNiiro-eki;mixed solution of CuSO 4 5H 2 O and verdigris to do it.When we boil bronzein it,the surface of bronze turns olive color.This time we did this study,focusing on theconcentration and temperature of the liquid solution,and so on. 45 0.9CuSO 4 5H 2 O 2.82! 80 2.82 5.63 80 5.63 2.82 80 2.82 2 1 3 - 172 -

Tamagawa Academy Problem of Hamilton path with knight in chess in n-dimensionKuriyama KazuhiroAbstractThis study focused on the movement of knight in chess. It aimed to prove thefollowing hypothesis : in m-dimension , the number of the squares along each axisof coordinates (=n) has to be n5 and m2 ,n=4 and m3 in order for square tohave Hamilton path. - 173 -

Kanagawa Prefectural Atsugi High SchoolThe way of visualizing the activity of Lipase Yuna Kinoshita Mizuho SakamotoAbstractWe know about experiments for seeing the activities of Protease and Amylase. Butwe don’t know about the experiment with Lipase. This time, we came up with theexperiment in which we can see its activity. We focused on the fatty acid which ismade when fat is resolved. - 174 -

Niigata Prefectural Kashiwazaki Senior High SchoolA comparison of body shapes of Pseudorasbora pumila pumila andPseudorasbora parva Nitta Mizuki Yamazaki IchikaAbstractHabitat variations in the body shape of two species of fresh water fish,Pseudorasbora pumila pumila and Pseudorasbora parva, collected from 5 habitats inNiigata, were compared using photographs of the left side of their bodies (n=275). 3 2 275 10 14 1 3 219 79.6% 1 2006Hemigrammocypris rasborella53(2)175179 - 175 -

Niigata Prefectural Shibata High SchholA Study on Liouville Number Takumi Takahashi Takasawa HidetoAbstractWe study a Liouville number using the method of regular continued fraction and tryto find its special property. x a a a a - 176 -

Niigata Prefectural Takada High SchoolThe relationship of Luehdorfia japonica variation and distribution of two species of Asarum Ishikawa Daichi Takahashi Ryuusei Kondo Kunpei Nakasone DaikiAbstractWe discussed the relationship between the geographical variation in Luehdorfiajaponica and the distribution of two species of their food plants, Asarum, studyingthe pattern of wings and ND5gene (mtDNA) on Joetsu area. And we tried on easymethod for PCR using the DNA polymerase except for DNA refining. - 177 -

Niigata Prefectural Nagaoka High SchoolA study of “Toku-Toku Sound”which is made when liquid is poured out of a bottle.Nakamura SamonAbstractThis study aims to investigate “Toku-Toku Sound”, the gurgling sound which ismade when liquid is poured out of a bottle. The study of this sound was conductedthrough recording the sound and analyzing it. I found some characteristic of“Toku-Toku Sound”. FFT 3 3 - 178 -

Niigata Prefectural Niigata Minami Senior High SchoolStudy on Microorganisms Decomposing Biodegradable Plastic Asaka Okaji Nanami TakatokuAbstractTo find out if there are any fungi which decompose biodegradable plastic on thesite of Niigata Minami High School. - 179 -

Fukui Prefectural Koshi High School Dice probability Sakano Mikiyasu Otani Ryota Nakata RyoheiAbstractGenerally, I think that when we roll a die, the probability of each numberis exactly the same : 1/6. But is it really true? From this question, I beganthe experiment about dice probability. How should the conditions forrolling a die be decided? How long should it be rolled? 0.02g / 1/6 1/6 30,000 19,800 1/6 [1] Arduino (2013 [2]Massimo Banzi Arduino(O`REILLY2012) - 180 -

Fukui Prefectural Takefu High School The Mechanisms for Turn Alternation in Pill Bugs Yuna Matsui Hibiki Miyagawa Kanade YoshidaAbstractWhile walking a continuous T-junction maze, pill bugs turn in alternating(left-right) directions. It has been thought that this is due to an effort “toequalize the load on the left-right legs.” A unexplainable reaction wasobserved, so a new hypothesis was developed. - 181 -

Yamanashi Eiwa Junior and Senior High SchoolChanging the ionic composition in Ice plants by adjusting the ionic levels of water given to the plants. Shimizu Misato Iwashita Mimori Nakamura HitomiAbstractWe have researched how adjusting the ionic levels of water given to Ice plants can changethe ionic composition of the plants. We studied the ionic levels of Na + , K + and Ca 2+ and foundincreases in each. However, the Ca 2+ levels did not increase as much as we had anticipated. (mg/1gLeaf) ion 40Water 30CaCl220KCl NaCl 10CaCl2+NaCl 0CaCl2+KClNa+ K+ Ca2+ - 182 -

Shizuoka Prefectural Hamamatsu Technical High School Reproduction of Diffusion Phenomenon; Computer-Simulated Image Kato Sanosuke Hayashi Ryuji Hirata MakotoHirooka Taku Rintani TetsuroAbstractOur goal is to develop a new experiment style to visualize the diffusionbetween liquids virtually on a computer display. It will enable us to carryout unfeasible experiments concern of labor or time constraints. - 183 -

Shizuoka Municipal High SchoolRelationship between the melting point and the composition of alloysmade from bismuth, tin and lead Inagaki Shin Yugami Keigo Hirano HideyukiAbstractWe aimed to find the relationship between the melting point and the composition ofalloys. We made alloys from Bi, Sn and Pb. Each alloy contains 2 of the metals in theratio-1:2, 1:1 and 2:3. For the Bi/Pb alloy, the 1:1 alloy has the lowest melting point.For the Bi/Sn and Pb/Sn alloys, the 1:2 alloys have the lowest melting points. - 184 -

Abstract Aichi Prefectural Ichinomiya Senior High School Research into the effects of light pollution Nonaka Daisuke Kurasaki Daichi Aizawa Rika“Light pollution” is a kind of environmental pollution. It is caused by light from cities,which makes the night sky bright by airborne pollution when it is reflected. Because ofthis phenomenon, the Milky Way can’t be seen in cities. We are researching thebrightness of the night sky, using actual observations and a computer simulation. - 185 -

Aichi Prefectural Jishukan Senior High School The Biodegradable High Polymer Resolution~The Mass Of Molecules Circulating In Nature~ Kobayashi Daigo Takaoka Ryo Murase TomoyaAbstractWe want to make biodegradable high polymers popular, so we researchedhow easily they are resolved. As a result, we have found that polylactic acid iseasily resolved by water, especially when it is alkaline or the temperature ishigh. Now, we are carrying out the more practical experiment. (pH13/70/5 ) - 186 -

Aichi Prefectural Toyota Nishi Senior High School Study of biodiversity in cooperation with Toyota Motor Corporation Kouki Shirai Miyu TodaAbstractRecently, the decline in biodiversity has been a problem in the world. Westudied about Taraxacum officinale Weber (non-native species) and Magnoliastellata (endangered species) in Toyota city. 2 9 10 - 187 -

Aichi Prefectural Handa High School Make an absorbance mater and a spectroscope Ito Mina Takemoto Masashi Iwagi Etsuko Fukuta TetsuyaAbstractAn absorption spectrophotometer produced by ourselves could approachthe accuracy of the commercially available system. Wavelength range ofbright line spectrum could be measured in a margin of error from 3 to 10nanometers. - 188 -

Mie prefectural Tsu High School The effects of UVB to DNA of Brassica rapa var. perviridis andSolanum melongenaHaruka Sugita Nae Teshima Emi Futagawa Kirara MoriwakiAbstractWe can detect the pyrimidine dimers in UVB irradiated plant cells byrestriction enzyme, which cuts between the adjacent T and T. And weresearch the effects of UVB to DNA of Brassica rapa var. perviridis andSolanum melongena. - 189 -

Kyoto Prefectural Katsura Senior High School The preservation of native species and breeding of Hypericum Sakuma Yuki Okada Meri Nunokawa SyotaAbstractIn plant tissue culture methods,the growth regulator is required fordevelopment of stems and leaves.However,only BA has a great influence on Hypericum. MS 30g/lg/l BA NAA 23 2500lux16 MS BA NAA BA 90NAA NAA BA BA NAA- 190 -

Osaka Prefectural Otemae Senior High SchoolPrinciple for Floating Hovercraft Takeuchi Takahito Oki HirotoAbstractWe made some hovercrafts, and studied the principle for floating a hovercraft. . - 191 -

Osaka Prefectural Kozu Senior High School KI Measurement of Mid-Altitude Ozone Concentration Using Neutral KI Method Fujita Masaki Hosokawa KyotaAbstractWe measured the mid-altitude ozone concentration using the Neutral KI method.The variances of ozone concentration observed behaved similarly to that of cities atlower altitude. The ozone concentration does not decrease much in the evening, sowe can say that ozone from other areas is flowing into these areas. - 192 -

Osaka Municipal Miyakojima Technical Senior High SchoolDistillation method of the bioethanol Miyamoto Katsuya Ooto Takanori,Asada Kaede Itoigawa Daisuke Sugimura YoshinoriAbstractWe can not be obtained in high purity bioethanol in a single distillation. It isnecessary to re-distillation in order to obtain a high purity bioethanol.To study themethod of obtaining bioethanol in high purity using a rectification column. - 193 -

Hyogo Prefectural Kobe High SchoolSugar-Base-Reaction O Hirotaka Sanada Yohei Hanada Takumi Hayashi YoshiakiAbstractWe aimed to find a low-cost method of producing rare sugar, a monosaccharidewhich is rare in nature, and to determine a method to react fructose and sodium hydroxidein methanol solution. As a result, a white-gel material was produced. - 194 -

Hyogo Prefectural Tatsuno High SchoolThe Amount of Amino Acids in the Process of Producing Soy Sauce Miyaba Nana Sumita Hayato Akase TsuneakiAbstractThis research analyzed how amino acids change in the production of soy sauce.Soy sauce was chosen because Tatsuno is the birthplace of light soy sauce. Largeamounts of amino acids were noted after a month of fermentation. Yeast was thenadded. It was observed that the amount of amino acid did not change significantlyafter the addition of yeast. - 195 -

Shimane Prefectural Izumo High SchoolAntitumor effect of Syussai ginger extract against pancreatic cancer Chika Imaoka Reona Kishimoto Yuna KimuraAbstractWe investigated the antitumor effect of Syussai ginger extract against pancreaticcancer cells. We found that the extract showed anti- proliferative and celldeath-inducing activity. It also prolonged the survival of the mice bearing pancreaticcancer. - 196 -

Kaisei Junior and Senior High SchoolThe use of model rockets in case of disasters Ishiwa Koichiro Watanabe YuAbstractAerial photographs are very useful in disasters. So we’ll develop a modelrockets equipped with a camera useful in disasters. But we still need a rollcontrol system. From now on we’ll work on how to control the roll of the rockt. m 100m 20 Wi-Fi GPS- 197 -

Tokushima Prefectural Jonan High SchoolPortable Fuel Cell Kazutomo Abiru Hiroki OsafuneAbstractWe researched on fuel cell to make it portable. Liquid fuel is leaky and unwieldy so wegelled the fuel using calcium alginate gel. Portable fuel cells need to be safe. So we usedsaccharide. Ketose is better than aldose to use for fuel cell. Lobry de Bruyn transformationis involved in that phenomenon. We think that enediol is oxidized when it happens. - 198 -

Tokushima Prefectural Senior High School of Science and TechnologyThe factor grazing brown algae,inside the Shiwagi fishing port,Minami-cho,Tokushima Prefecture -A field study by caging experiments Hasebe Momone Wakai Tsubasa Kagawa ShinichiroAbstract In order to study the effective method of recovering seaweed beds inside theShiwagi fishing port, four kinds of cages were set at the bottom of the sea, andthe factor grazing brown algae were investigated. As a result, the grazing rate ishigh by sea urchins and other pests which inhabit on the seabed. - 199 -

Ehime Prefectural Uwajima Higashi High SchoolMosquito collections from the estuary of the Kunomura-gawa Riverreceiving migratory birds (2013-2014). Daiki Tominaga Tetsuya Katayama Maho Seike Yuuka ShibaAbstractMosquitoes were collected from the Kunomura-gawa River estuary, a gathering place formigratory birds. Four kinds of mosquitoes were captured, and Ae. Albopictus (Skuse), aknown WNV(West Nile Virus) carrier, was collected most. Coexistence of migratory birdsand mosquitoes is highest in October, thus the risk of WNV outbreak is highest then.&" &! % $ #" ! !"#$ - 200 -

Fukuoka Prefectural Tochiku High School The Purification of Water by Charcoal and Micro Bubble Ishibashi Takuma Hayakawa Akihiro Watanabe SoutaSuzuki Hirofumi Sugimoto AkariAbstractWe are researching the purification of water. First, we used charcoal.We confirmed that charcoal purified the water and made it clear. Next, weused a handmade water purification system with micro bubble. The microbubble system circulates of water and oxygen. pH pH 10 L/min 2009 12 38P 43P 2009 12 1 - 201 -

Nagasaki Prefectural Nagasaki Minami High SchoolSeismic activity in and around Nagasaki city Tamachi Yuki Yokoyama YuyaAbstractNagasaki city is known nationwide for its very few earthquakes. However, it is nottotally an earthquake-free zone. Therefore we chose to study seismic activity in andaround Nagasaki city over the last ten years. - 202 -

Kumamoto Prefectural Uto Junior and Senior High School Aim At The Alloy Like Chocolate 2 Matsuyama Hiroshi Seki Yoshitomo Kinoshita TakumiAbstractWe tried to make a new alloy of tin, lead and bismuth whose meltingtemperature is about 50 First we made a 3-D graph which showed themelting temperatures of each metal and we found out the relation betweenthe melting temperature of the alloy and the proportion of tin, lead andbismuth to be mixed. 3 50 3 3 ( ) 3 D 50 ()- 203 -

Okinawa Prefectural Kyuyo High SchoolMeasuring Absorption Rate of Ultraviolet Rays by Plant Matter Uehara Yuta Hukuyama Momoka Nakayama MihoAbstractWe extracted the components from 8 plants with methanol as solvent. Wedetermined the UV absorbance by HPLC and a simple measuring instrument. . HPLC - 204 -

Ryugasaki Daiichi Senior High SchoolThe study of eco-friendly lead storage battery Genki Takano KiichiNaoi Fuma KochiAbstractThe purpose of this study is to develop a kind of eco-friendly lead battery usingelectrolyte gel and evaluate its performance. This study reveals that we can get asmuch as electromotive force with electrolyte gel as with electrolytic solution. Resultsalso indicate carbonate can be charged and discharged as well as hydrosulfate. - 205 -

Chiba Prefectural Funabashi High School Moving pattern and walking speed of smoky brown cockroachHiroto MurataAbstractThis study was made to clarify the hints for improving artifacts from thecockroaches; I observed walking speed and moving patterns of legs in thecockroach. As a result, the movement of legs was changed, in higherspeed. It seems that the cockroaches have an efficient way of walking. Periplaneta fuliginosa - 206 -

Ichikawa High School Analyze of Plastic Bottle OscillatorAtsuki AokiAbstractWe analyzed Plastic Bottle Oscillator by focusing on the length of pipesand the internal pressures. We found there is correlation among the lengthof pipes and the frequency or the emission rates of water, and that bothvalues changed over time. We try to make the equation about frequency. - 207 -

Tokyo Metropolitan Toyama Senior High SchoolPM2.5 !Let’s take alook at PM2.5 Miko Komiya Nagamine Tadaaki Mika HiroseAbstractRecently, we have focused on PM2.5 and measured it anywhere, however, it’s noteasy to measure it. So, we tried to measure sulfate ion more easily because it isincluded most in PM2.5. We think that one of the most simply way to measure it is atest paper, so we approached to make a test paper. - 208 -

Toyama Prefectural Toyama Chubu Senior High SchoolStudy of the eddy current to disturb the fall of the magnet H.Tobishima K.Yamada H.NakajimaAbstractWhen allowed to fall in a tube made of copper the magnet, the magnet eventhough it is not stick to copper, falling speed is slow. This is a phenomenon causedby the eddy current generated by the movement of the magnet. We tried toexplore the relationship between the falling motion and the eddy current. - 209 -

Fukui Prefectural Fujishima High School Mathmatics in origami Tanaka Takumi Yamada SeiyaAbstractWe reduced equations with the help of Origami and learned we can useOrigami to do some mathematical operations. Using the results of theresearch, we have proved that the following two construction problems(angle trisection and doubling cubes) can be solved if you use Origami.! - 210 -

Takatsuki Senior & Junior High SchoolA study on the changes in the pattern of the Grouper Hajime SatoAbstractI studied the pattern changes of the Grouper. I found that the pattern changes could bedivided into two patterns. One is slow and the other is instant. Epinephelus merra BlochEpinephelus akaara MSHMCH - 211 -

Okayama Prefectural Okayama Ichinomiya Senior High School Presence or Absence and Cycle of Stick-Slip Abiru Mitsuki Igi Koji Uemura syoyaTorogi Yutaka Fujiwara OkiAbstractWe investigated the relationship of frictional force to the cycle of stick-slipand the association between the presence or absence of stick-slip with acoefficient of friction. Consequently, the coefficient of static friction is not theonly factor affecting the presence or absence of stick-slip. ! ! - 212 -

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