2012 Wrestlers - St. Mary's Central High School

2012 Wrestlers - St. Mary's Central High School

2012 Wrestlers - St. Mary's Central High School


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ENTERTAINMENTBy: Andrew<strong>St</strong>rommeENTERTAINMENTI grew up at Huff Hills. It has been my second home every winter since I was four years old.So, this story is, essentially my history of Huff Hills.As a four year old, I was taught to ski by a ski patrol named Jill. Little did I know that this ladywho patiently taught me to ski would introduce me to a sport that would change my life. From thatwinter on, I have spent every free day out at Huff.I began with Jill on the bunny hill with all of the new skiers. After many hours of learning thebasics, my dad thought I was ready to ride up the lift. I, however, did not think this was a good idea, butrather a terrifying one. After much convincing, I finally gave in to the idea and was determined to rideup the “blue lift” with my dad. As we were waiting in line, nervously, my dad promised that he wouldbe with me and everything would be fine. However, when our turn came to get on, my dad slippedand did not make the chair. Oops! I was all alone. Needless to say, I screamed at the top of my lungsall the way to the top. Ski patrol members hurried to the top to see what the apparent emergency wasabout. They managed to get me safely off, and when my dad got there we began our ride down. Thisturned out to be the first of thousands of trips up the blue or green lift for me.Over the years, I have been introduced to different equipment and technology. I made theprogression from rental skis tohand-me-down skis, to finallyhaving my own brand new skis.With the exception of a half dayof snowboarding (ouch!), I havespent my entire career on skis.I have had my share of falls,embarrassments and garagesales. For those who don’tknow, a “garage sale” is a wipeout to the extent of all of yourbelongings spread out aroundyou.Some of my favorite things about Huffinclude the friendly staff. Many of these peoplehave been working at Huff for years and theyare like family. Talking to Pat and Mo at thefront desk, eating Annette’s famous popcornballs or nachos, and seeing friends who alsoshare the same enjoyment of Huff are thingsI look forward to.I hope everyone at <strong>St</strong>. Mary’s had agreat time at Huff during Catholic <strong>School</strong>’sWeek. I know I did, and I hope to see manySaint skiers or boarders out soon!Growing up at HuffNate Sandy, Michael Fletcher, and Andrew <strong>St</strong>romme enjoyingthe snow!

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