Plain Grains Limited Partnership v. Board of County ... - Land Use Law

Plain Grains Limited Partnership v. Board of County ... - Land Use Law

Plain Grains Limited Partnership v. Board of County ... - Land Use Law

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2010 MT 155, *P85; 357 Mont. 61, **88;238 P.3d 332, ***350; 2010 Mont. LEXIS 238Page 16addressing the sale <strong>of</strong> land or property which renders anappeal moot. Opinion, P 41. The Court then <strong>of</strong>fers thatthe spot zoning context <strong>of</strong> this case is so different thanthe "subdivision" context <strong>of</strong> Turner, Henesh, Povsha, andMills that disregarding our settled principles <strong>of</strong> mootnesslaw is here warranted. However, the Court'scharacterizations <strong>of</strong> these cases are inaccurate and it<strong>of</strong>fers no reasoned explanation <strong>of</strong> why establishedmootness principles should somehow not apply in azoning case.[*P86] Our decision in Povsha is so squarely onpoint that it cannot be distinguished in good faith.Contrary to the Court's characterization, Povsha did notmerely involve a subdivision. Incredibly, the Court[**89] misses that it also involved the exact issueinvolved here--a spot-zoning challenge. The issue inPovsha was whether the City unlawfully subdivided andrezoned land in South Billings from "Agricultural-Open"to "Urban Study Area" for the sole purpose <strong>of</strong> developingthe study area "for commercial uses." A commercialinterest had applied for the zoning change to allowconstruction <strong>of</strong> a wholesale auto auction house, and theCity's Development Review Committee held a publicreview meeting to discuss it. Appellant Povsha andnumerous other landowners raised substantial concernsabout the incompatibility <strong>of</strong> the rezoning proposal withthe surrounding residential area and nearby RiverfrontPark. Following the public hearing, the Review [***351]Committee voted to recommend denial <strong>of</strong> the proposedzone change, due primarily to the incompatibility <strong>of</strong> theproposed auto auction house with the surroundingresidential area. Povsha, PP 1-10.[*P87] The City Council, however, rejected theCommittee's recommendations and approved the zoningchange. Povsha then filed a complaint in the districtcourt, seeking to enjoin and set aside the zoning changeand corresponding subdivision approval. Povsha als<strong>of</strong>iled an application for a preliminary injunction toprevent the development <strong>of</strong> the auto auction house fromgoing forward. The district court held an evidentiaryhearing on the request for a preliminary injunction, anddenied Povsha's application. Povsha did not appeal thedistrict court's denial <strong>of</strong> the request for preliminaryinjunction. Povsha, PP 1-10.[*P88] Relying extensively on Henesh, weconcluded that Povsha's appeal had been mooted becausePovsha had not stayed or enjoined the proceedingspending appeal and the auto auction house had been builtpursuant to the judgment. We again outlined the processfor appealing the trial court's denial <strong>of</strong> Povsha's requestfor injunctive relief under M. R. App. P. 6(3)(e), ormoving the district court and this Court "to stay thezoning change and subdivision proceedings in the Cityand <strong>County</strong> under M. R. App. P. [22], before thoseproceedings became final." Povsha, P 23 (emphasisadded). Povsha had not availed himself <strong>of</strong> any <strong>of</strong> theseremedies. As we later explained, "[n]otably, we chidedthe applicants in both Povsha and Henesh for failing toappeal the district court's denial <strong>of</strong> the request forinjunctive relief or for failing to seek a stay <strong>of</strong>proceedings until the parties could reach a resolution onthe merits. We explained that we could not restore theparties to their original positions . . . ." City <strong>of</strong> Whitefish,P 23 (citing Povsha, P 23 and Henesh, P 5).[*P89] Povsha is strikingly similar to the case hereand, where it is different, the case for mootness isstronger here than in Povsha. The [**90] issue here iswhether the <strong>County</strong> unlawfully rezoned the Urquhart'sland in Northeast Cascade <strong>County</strong> from agricultural tocommercial, for the sole purpose to 'permit, construct andoperate the Highwood Generating Station (HGS).' TheCascade <strong>County</strong> Planning Department's staff reportactually recommended the rezoning change, whereas theCity's Development Review Committee in Povsha votedto deny the zone change. The Cascade <strong>County</strong> Planning<strong>Board</strong> and the Cascade <strong>County</strong> Commissioners thereafterheld extensive public comment sessions to discuss theproposed zone change. Appellant <strong>Plain</strong>s <strong>Grains</strong> andnumerous other landowners, like those in Povsha, raisedsubstantial concerns about the incompatibility <strong>of</strong> therezoning proposal with the surrounding character <strong>of</strong> theland. Following these public hearings, theCommissioners voted to approve the Urquhart's rezoningrequest. <strong>Plain</strong>s <strong>Grains</strong> then filed their complaint in theDistrict Court, challenging the rezoning approval on avariety <strong>of</strong> claims including spot zoning and improperpublic participation, but did not prevail.[*P90] At no time did <strong>Plain</strong>s <strong>Grains</strong> request a stay<strong>of</strong> the judgment or an injunction in these proceedings,either from the District Court or this Court. See Povsha, P23. Simply put, <strong>Plain</strong>s <strong>Grains</strong> did not avail themselves toany remedy under the law to preserve their claims or thestatus quo <strong>of</strong> the parties. Indeed, the appellants in Povshaactually did more to preserve the status quo by requestingan injunction than <strong>Plain</strong>s <strong>Grains</strong>, who did nothing.

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