2013 Spring Peacemaker - National Shrine of Saint Rita of Cascia

2013 Spring Peacemaker - National Shrine of Saint Rita of Cascia

2013 Spring Peacemaker - National Shrine of Saint Rita of Cascia


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y fR. MIChael DIGReGoRIo, o.s.a. , founDInG ReCToR <strong>of</strong> sT. RITaDiD YOU USeall i GAVe YOU?…an InTeRVIeW WITh sT. RITashRIne aRTIsT, anThony VIsCoAnThOnY ViSCO, the giftedartist whose several works inspirethe many visitors to <strong>Saint</strong> <strong>Rita</strong>shrine, takes a few minutesto speak with us <strong>of</strong> his art andits spiritual influence on himselfand others.why have you chosen todevote so much <strong>of</strong> your talentto religious art?I should say it’s the other wayaround. After years <strong>of</strong> being rejectedfrom every public art commissionpossible, it seems religious art choseme. However, when I was a youngartist I thought <strong>of</strong> nothing else but tomake religious art. But then again,that was through my naiveté as Ithought all art was religious.what has been the greatestartistic challenge?When you realize that you’vereceived all that you have prayed for,it always presents that challenge<strong>of</strong> accepting the gift, not squander it,not bury it, but invest the giventalents. in that sense i always wantto make sure i use all that God hasgiven me. i never want to be asked,“Did you use all that i gave you?”Can you say something to usabout art as an expression <strong>of</strong>spirituality?As humans, I think we all look for aGod that we can realize and experienceon different levels whether itis through thought, word, or deed;a God that isn’t so incomprehensiblethat our own beliefs alienate usfrom the God we seek. As Catholics,I think we have a genuine responseto visual art because <strong>of</strong> our fundamentalbelief in the Incarnation.As Catholics, it’s not a question<strong>of</strong> anthropomorphism since theMystery entered its own creationand took on its created flesh.Along with that we realize that notall things are verbally understoodor to be explained by word alone.we leave room for the silent homily<strong>of</strong> sculpture and painting. We areblest with a way and means toexpress our beliefs in so manyways. We have seen religious artand architecture change lives.14

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