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Sheds, garages and dustbinsMissing cats often turn out to have been accidentally lockedin garden sheds, garages or even bins. Check that a cat hasn’tcrept into outbuildings and wheelie bins before closing them.Cold weatherProvide shelter for cats that have access outside. Keep thedoors of sheds and outbuildings wedged slightly open – orinstall a cat flap. If you provide an outdoor water source, checkit hasn’t frozen over. Ensure your cat can reach his chosentoileting site and if your cat is seeing snow for the first time,consider giving him access to a safe and enclosed area such asa garden and accompany him when he goes out. Keep de-icingproducts safely out of reach and groom any rock salt residuefrom your cat’s fur.How do I encourage my cat to stay close to home?See Cats Protection’s Essential Guide: Indoor and outdoorcatsfor ideas for creating a cat-friendly garden and somefencing tips.

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