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or blanket to preserve body heat if this does not distress thecat and keep him comfortable. Do not attempt to feed orgive water.BleedingBoth internal and external bleeding can be dangerous so seekveterinary help immediately. Pressure should be applied to anopen wound using a clean towel. If the blood soaks throughthe dressing, apply another on top. Do not attempt to removeany foreign bodies such as debris or nails as severe bleedingmay occur. Avoid attempting to apply tourniquets as these canresult in permanent damage and possible amputation.Fits, seizures and convulsionsFits or seizures can result from epilepsy, poisoning, organfailure or a lesion in the brain. Fits will vary in duration andfrequency. Signs of fitting include changes in behaviour,drooling, rigidity or paddling and muscle tremors and/orloss of bladder control. The cat may lose consciousness orcollapse. If you see this happening, remain calm and keep theroom dark and quiet. Avoid holding the cat and remove anypotentially harmful objects from the area. Observe closely,noting the duration and frequency of seizures and call thevet immediately.PoisoningRoutes of poisoning include ingestion, absorption throughthe skin and by licking substances off the coat. As there areso many different types of poison, there are also a numberof different signs that a cat may show after exposure to atoxic substance. These can include salivation, vomiting anddiarrhoea, twitching and fitting. Your cat may have breathingdifficulties, show signs of shock or collapse and go into a

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