Commencement 2010 - Villanova University

Commencement 2010 - Villanova University

Commencement 2010 - Villanova University


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Volume 24, No. 3Fall <strong>2010</strong><strong>Villanova</strong>A Magazine for Alumni, Family and Friends of <strong>University</strong><strong>Villanova</strong> MagazineAnn E. DieboldVice President for <strong>University</strong> CommunicationEditor-in-ChiefMercedes OttWritersShawn ProctorJennifer SchuSuzanne WentzelPlease address Class Notes submissions tocatherine.wechsler@villanova.edu or mail toKate Wechsler, <strong>Villanova</strong> MagazineAlumni Office, Garey Hall<strong>Villanova</strong> <strong>University</strong>800 Lancaster Avenue, <strong>Villanova</strong>, PA 19085Campus Circulation<strong>Villanova</strong> <strong>University</strong> Mail Services<strong>Villanova</strong> Magazine (USPS 659660) is publishedfor the <strong>University</strong>’s alumni, family and friendsby <strong>Villanova</strong> <strong>University</strong>’s Office of <strong>University</strong>Communication.Design: Pam LiIllustration by Sean KellyPhotos by Paul Crane, Barbara Johnston,Legacy, Paola Nogueras, John WelshAddress correspondence to the Editor-in-Chief,<strong>Villanova</strong> Magazine, Alumni House, <strong>Villanova</strong><strong>University</strong>, 800 Lancaster Avenue, <strong>Villanova</strong>,PA 19085. Telephone: (610) 519-4591.Postmaster: If undeliverable, please sendform 3579 to the address above. Do notreturn publication.Standard A class postage paid at Ashburn, VA,and other entry offices.© <strong>2010</strong> <strong>Villanova</strong> <strong>University</strong>.In This IssueCover Article2 167th <strong>Commencement</strong> of <strong>Villanova</strong> <strong>University</strong><strong>Commencement</strong> Weekend events and College achievements in thepast year are highlightedFeatures12 Cultural TransformationNew graduate’s journey leads her to Fulbright Grant in South Korea14 Stronger TogetherThree-college collaboration focuses on improving access tohealth care in Nicaragua while interdisciplinary courses preparestudents for careers18 Profiles in LeadershipTrustees James F. Orr III ’65 A&S and Kimble A. Byrd, Esq., ’73 A&S20 Fedigan Goes GreenThe residence hall becomes a model of sustainable living at <strong>Villanova</strong>22 Holy HarvestGraduates of the <strong>Villanova</strong> School of Business’ M.S. in Church Managementprogram see the fruit of their labors24 Cable GalComcast’s Tina Waters has a song in her heart for her alma mater26 Brain TrustPresident’s Leadership Circle to help <strong>University</strong> achieve goals of Strategic Plan38 No Alumnus Left BehindNew VUAA President Robert Byrnes seeks to increase alumni engagement40 Welcome Back, Wildcats!Alumni celebrate college memories at Reunion WeekendOther NewsInsideFront Cover A Word from the President28 Campus news, College updates42 Your Alumni Association44 Class NotesFall <strong>2010</strong> 1

167th <strong>Commencement</strong>of <strong>Villanova</strong> <strong>University</strong>May 16, <strong>2010</strong>2 <strong>Villanova</strong> Magazine

Fall <strong>2010</strong> 3

167th <strong>Commencement</strong> of <strong>Villanova</strong> <strong>University</strong>Baccalaureate Mass: “You Cannot do it Alone”message of communityA and inclusion was thehallmark of the BaccalaureateMass, presided over bythe Rev. Peter M. Donohue,O.S.A., Ph.D., ’75 A&S,<strong>Villanova</strong> president. On asunny Saturday afternoon in<strong>Villanova</strong> Stadium, he toldgraduates, “The greatest jobyou will ever have is toknow yourself.“In your experience at<strong>Villanova</strong>, we have tried toinstill in you that you have atalent, a gift that must begiven to other people. But in order to livethat gift, you must understand the trutharound you…and first and foremost thetruth about yourself,” he said. “Every stepof the way [here] you have learned moreabout yourself and have opened yourselfup to the possibilities that exist aroundyou. Don’t stop believing in who you areand what you have accomplished…andrecognize that you cannot do it alone.”He added, “You have learned to speakin a voice that calls people to inclusion.Know that you have the power and theprivilege to bless others.”4 <strong>Villanova</strong> Magazine

Honorary Degree Recipientand <strong>Commencement</strong> SpeakerJamie HynemanYou are at the beginning of a grand adventure,” JamieHyneman, co-host of the Emmy-nominated scienceseries Mythbusters, told the Class of <strong>2010</strong>. Wearing hissignature beret, Hyneman, who received an honorarydegree of Doctor of Engineering, advised graduates toremain curious and continue to ask questions.Hyneman has been in the visual effects field for morethan 25 years, working on dozens of major feature filmsand producing 8oo-plus television commercials, includingthe feature films Arachnophobia and Flubber and anumber of Super Bowl ads. He holds several patents, hasa degree in Russian linguistics from Indiana <strong>University</strong>and is actively involved in developing cutting-edge technologiesand prototypes for various industries, rangingfrom defense to green vehicle design.Hyneman has collaborated with <strong>Villanova</strong>’s College ofEngineering on several projects, including the Wavecam,an aerial robotic camera system used at sports events, andthe development of blast-resistant armor. “The <strong>Villanova</strong>engineering staff has embraced me as one of their own…I, too, am now a proud Wildcat,” he said.Honorary Degree Recipient Dr. Peter WallenbergRegarded internationally as one of the leading industrialistsof our time, Dr. Peter Wallenberg, a lifelongsupporter of education and research, received the honorarydegree of Doctor of Humanities.Born in Stockholm, he represents the fourth generationof a family that has played a significant role in economicdevelopment in Sweden. Over the years, as longstandingchairman of several Wallenberg foundationsand through his strong interest and deep understandingof the conditions and needs of research in many disciplines,Dr. Wallenberg has supported many educationaland research endeavors. He has contributed to thelong-term development of research at the KarolinskaInstitutet, one of Europe’s largest medical universities.He continues to fund the Dr. Peter WallenbergScholarship, which was established at <strong>Villanova</strong> <strong>University</strong>by his life-long friend, Ambassador Charles A.Heimbold, Jr. ’54 A&S, to provide worthy Swedishscholars the opportunity to attend the <strong>University</strong> forone year as a visiting student.Fall <strong>2010</strong> 5

167th <strong>Commencement</strong> of <strong>Villanova</strong> <strong>University</strong>Lindback Award for Teaching ExcellenceRandy Weinstein, Ph.D., professor andchair of Chemical Engineering anddirector of the Sustainable Engineeringprogram, received the <strong>University</strong>’s LindbackAward for Teaching Excellence during<strong>Commencement</strong>. Since joining theCollege of Engineeringin 1998,Dr. Weinstein hasdemonstratedpassion for anddedication toteaching, researchand service.“It feels verygood to receivethe award—thereare a lot of excellentteachershere,” he says. “Iam not necessarilyknown as oneof the easier professors, but students feellike they learn a lot and that I help themalong the way.”Being honored with this year’s LindbackAward only bolsters his growing listof accolades at <strong>Villanova</strong>. He earned theFarrell Award in 2001, the inaugural InnovativeTeaching Award in 2008 and was asemi-finalist for the Lindback Award infour previous years.The Lindback Award for TeachingExcellence is sponsored by The ChristianR. and Mary F. Lindback Foundation,which makes grants primarily to culturaland educational institutions and othercharitable organizations in SoutheasternPennsylvania and Southern New Jersey.Brave HeartMemorial sword commemorates alumna’s courageous spiritFrank Falcone, A.P., P.E., ’70, ’73 hashad ample opportunity to observeheroic deeds. In his 30 years with the U.S.Naval Reserve, this now retired captaincompleted two tours of duty in SoutheastAsia, held major command positions andearned an array of medals and awards. Butnowhere did Falcone witness greater couragethan on the home front, as his daughterJessica Falcone ’98 A&S waged afierce, 13-year battle against acute lymphocyticleukemia.“Jessie was the most courageous personI ever knew,” says Falcone, an associateprofessor of Civil and EnvironmentalEngineering at <strong>Villanova</strong>. Diagnosed atthe age of 13, Jessie endured extensivetreatments, lengthy hospital stays anddebilitating side effects, and she agreed totry an experimental drug that had neverbeen administered to humans. Overcomingthe odds, she persisted through highschool and college and held a job beforepassing away in 2002 at the age of 26.To honor their daughter, Falcone andhis wife, Linda, created the Jessica FalconeMemorial Sword in 2008. They presentthis sword at the <strong>Villanova</strong> <strong>University</strong>Naval ROTC Unit’sSpring Review—held this year onApril 20 on MendelField—to a graduatingmidshipman whoexhibits the qualitiesof courage, tenacityand commitment andwho upholds the finesttraditions of theU.S. Navy andMarine Corps.This year’s recipientwas Midshipman1st Class NicoleDeMicco, USNR,battalion operationsofficer. Col. BrianManthe, USMC,commanding officerof the NROTC Program,had nominatedDeMicco, describingher as bright, motivated, mature, professionaland respected by her peers.“It was an honor to have been selectedfor this award,” said DeMicco, a SociologyAt the Naval ROTC Unit’s Spring Review on April 20, Professor FrankFalcone and his wife, Linda, presented now Ensign Nicole DeMicco,USNR, with the sword that honors the memory of their daughter JessicaFalcone ’98 A&S.and Criminal Justice major. After graduation,DeMicco took up duties as a surfacewarfare officer in San Diego.6 <strong>Villanova</strong> Magazine

College of NursingTo celebrate the achievements of theClass of <strong>2010</strong>, College of Nursing facultyand staff joined students’ families andfriends in the St. Thomas of <strong>Villanova</strong>Church for the annual Convocation onMay 15. In preparing for their new professionalroles or advanced nursing practicepositions, these degree candidates had contributedto the <strong>Villanova</strong> community, toregional and global health and to the manysuccesses that marked the academic year.Class actsn Included in the 157 students whoearned their B.S.N. degree were 54accelerated second-degree adult learnersand three newly commissioned officersin the U.S. Navy or Army Nurse Corps.Three registered nurses from the UnitedStates and 20 nurses from the Sultanateof Oman also earned their B.S.N.n At the graduate level, 26 studentsreceived master’s degrees, two earneddoctoral degrees and 10 completedpost-master’s certificates.n The College presented awards foracademic achievement, service andleadership to nine degree candidatesand acknowledged the distinguishedservice of retiring faculty Elise Pizzi,M.S.N., CRNP, and Maureen Sullivan,Ph.D., R.N.Milestones and innovationsn The College completed a positive10-year reaccreditation process for theCommission on Collegiate NursingEducation and inaugurated the Centerfor Global and Public Health.n The first flight of students enrolled inthe Graduate Nursing Program’s newFamily Nurse Practitioner option,which had been approved by the PennsylvaniaState Board of Nursing.n Through a signed agreement, <strong>Villanova</strong><strong>University</strong> and the College formalizedtheir relationship with the School ofNursing, American <strong>University</strong> of Beirut.The partner schools will collaborateon projects in nursing educationthat involve faculty and students.n The 16-year agreement with the Sultanateof Oman’s Ministry of Healthcontinued.n The College’s first endowed graduatenursing scholarship was established.n The <strong>Villanova</strong> chapter of the StudentNurses’ Association of Pennsylvania(SNAP) again was named “Most OutstandingChapter in Pennsylvania.”Scholars in actionn M. Louise Fitzpatrick, Ed.D., R.N.,F.A.A.N., Connelly Endowed Deanand Professor, was elected to the internationalboard of trustees of the Commissionon Graduates of Foreign NursingSchools (CGFNS).n Two faculty and several alumni participatedin humanitarian missions inearthquake-devastated Haiti.n Nine students created and deliveredhealth-education classes to communityAbove: College of Nursing degree candidatesdisplay the awards they received at the Convocation.With M. Louise Fitzpatrick, Ed.D., R.N.,F.A.A.N., Connelly Endowed Dean and Professor(center), are (left to right) Nancy J. Wise’09 M.S.N.; LaTrina A. Bailey ’10 B.S.N.;Lindsay J. Dudek ’10 B.S.N.; Mudhar AlAdawi ’10 B.S.N., of the Sultanate of Oman;Annette Simiriglia, M.S.N. candidate; KathrynK. Grasing ’10 B.S.N.; and Rebecca L. Fisher’10 B.S.N. Not pictured: Giovanna M. Palermo’10 B.S.N. and Adaorah Azotam ’09 M.S.N.Left: Senior Serena Hong teaches a young boy inWaslala, Nicaragua, about his heart sounds.health workers in Waslala, Nicaragua,in March. Two months later, a contingentof Nursing, Engineering andBusiness students and faculty traveledto Waslala to collaborate on a healthcareproject.n Forty-seven students participatedin multicultural or internationalnursing experiences; 39 of themwere partially funded through theConnelly-Delouvrier InternationalScholars Program.n Ten students were awarded scholar shipsfrom a $100,000 grant to the College aspart of the Robert Wood Johnson FoundationNew Careers in Nursing program.The grants provide scholarshipsto college graduates from underrepresentedand disadvantaged backgroundswho are transitioning into nursing in anaccelerated B.S.N. program.Fall <strong>2010</strong> 7

167th <strong>Commencement</strong> of <strong>Villanova</strong> <strong>University</strong>College of EngineeringThe College of Engineering developstechnically excellent engineers whonot only benefit from a foundation in theliberal arts and leadership development,but also see the potential for engineeringto advance the common good. In the2009–<strong>2010</strong> academic year, students andfaculty brought this mission to life in avariety of ways.Class actsn The College presented awards to sixoutstanding undergraduate and graduatedegree candidates at its RecognitionCeremony on May 15.n At <strong>Commencement</strong>, engineering studentsearned degrees at every level—206 bachelor’s, 36 master’s and onedoctoral—while two of the College’sfaculty were recognized by the <strong>University</strong>for outstanding teaching andservice, respectively.n Two Civil Engineering majors wereawarded National Science FoundationGraduate Research Fellowships; a thirdwas named a <strong>2010</strong> Udall Scholar.n A Mechanical Engineering majorreceived a Fulbright English TeachingAssistantship in Nepal.Milestones and innovationsn The College implemented a new firstyearcurriculum in fall 2009. One ofthe most innovative freshman engineeringexperiences in the country, thecurriculum features a core course onengineering fundamentals and eachstudent’s choice of two multidisciplinaryengineering projects.n The new M.S. degree program in SustainableEngineering, among the first inthe country, also launched this year.Students can take core courses and electivesin alternative and renewableenergy technology, watershed sustainabilityand environmental sustainability.n The College unveiled the <strong>Villanova</strong>Center for the Advancement of Sustainabilityin Engineering (VCASE).Its mission is to protect and restore theenvironment through research on theintegration of sustainability principlesand engineering practice.n The College opened three newlaboratories: the Biothermal SciencesLaboratory, Core Genomics Laboratoryand Materials Science Laboratory.Scholars in actionn Faculty continued to secure competitiveresearch grants from the NationalScience Foundation, Office of NavalResearch and other highprofileorganizations.n Electrical and ComputerEngineering faculty and graduatestudents are helping theorganization WE CARESolar optimize the design andimpact of its Solar Suitcase,which brings reliable solarelectricity to health clinics indeveloping countries.n The College expanded itsoutreach efforts to increaseinterest among middle andhigh school students inSTEM (science, technology,engineering and math)subjects.n By strengthening its relationshipswith universities in Chile, Australia,Ireland, France, Germany and Turkey,the College opened more doors forcollaborative research and student andfaculty exchanges.n Collaborating with transportationagencies, Civil Engineering studentsconducted a technical and economicfeasibility study of a fifth DelawareRiver crossing.In the College of Engineering’s new state-of-the-art CoreGenomics Lab, engineers from a variety of disciplines caninvestigate engineering research projects at the gene level.8 <strong>Villanova</strong> Magazine

College of Liberal Arts & SciencesOn May 15, the College of Liberal Arts& Sciences celebrated the academicachievements of the Class of <strong>2010</strong> at tworecognition ceremonies. In the Pavilion,faculty and administrators paid tribute tograduating seniors, while 176 master’s andtwo doctoral recipients were honored at agathering on Mendel Field. The eventsmarked the culmination of another banneryear for the College.Class actsn Thirty-eight seniors in the Honors Programdefended their theses; 22 seniorswere inducted into the Pennsylvaniachapter of Phi Beta Kappa.n Two Biology majors received FulbrightEnglish Teaching Assistantships, and asenior majoring in Physics and CivilEngineering was awarded a NationalScience Foundation GraduateResearch Fellowship.n Three Astronomy and Astrophysicsmajors earned Honorable Mention inthe <strong>2010</strong> Barry M. Goldwater Scholarshipcompetition.n At the <strong>2010</strong> National Conference onUndergraduate Research, 12 <strong>Villanova</strong>students had their papers accepted forpresentation.n M.A. students were admitted with fullscholarship to doctoral programs atThe City <strong>University</strong> of New York,<strong>University</strong> of Delaware, Georgetown<strong>University</strong> and Temple <strong>University</strong>.Milestones and innovationsn The College concluded a nearly threeyearprocess to re-imagine its corecurriculum. The new curriculum willtake effect in fall 2011.n The College offered itsfirst fully online graduatedegree, an M.S. inHuman Resource Development,and approvedthe implementation of aPost-Master’s Certificatein Mathematics.n The Master of PublicAdministration programwas fully accredited forthe first time by theNational Association ofSchools of Public Affairsand Administration.Scholars in actionn Students in the socialjustice documentarycourse added two incisivefilms to their vault.Coming Off the DL profilestwo students whohave cerebral palsy andwork as managers of themen’s and women’sbasketball teams, respectively.Meh Sha tells thestory of a 17-year-oldBurmese refugee livingin Philadelphia.n As part of an ongoingproject, faculty and studentsfrom the Communicationand ComputingScience departmentslaunched virtual-realitytours of two more Vatican sites: theBasilica of St. John Lateran and theSistine Chapel. The project has gainedinternational attention.n Among the graduate conferences andsymposia hosted by the College was theGraduate Program in Hispanic Studies’Poetry Festival, which attracted poetsand scholars from 10 countries.n Among the grants faculty receivedwere awards from the National Endowmentof the Humanities and theNational Science Foundation.Thanks to a series of virtual tours created by faculty and studentsin the Communication and Computing Science departments, armchairtravelers can enjoy detailed views of Michelangelo’s frescoesand other Vatican attractions with only a click of a mouse.Fall <strong>2010</strong> 9

167th <strong>Commencement</strong> of <strong>Villanova</strong> <strong>University</strong><strong>Villanova</strong> School of BusinessAt the Graduates’ Recognition Ceremonyon May 15, James M. Danko,The Helen and William O’Toole Dean,<strong>Villanova</strong> School of Business, urged studentsto embody the motto of the <strong>University</strong>and the spirit of St. Augustine bybeing servant leaders. As the successes ofthe past year indicate, faculty and studentsalready embrace this message in and outsideof the classroom.Class actsn Over the last academic year, VSBawarded 665 undergraduate degrees and262 graduate degrees.n Two months before graduation, 92 percentof accountancy students hadaccepted full-time positions or wereheaded to graduate school.n Seven undergraduate and eight graduatestudents received Bartley Medallionsin recognition of outstandingachievement in a specific discipline.Three faculty members took honors forexcellence in research, excellence inteaching and outstanding merit ininnovation and creativity.Milestones and innovationsn After two years of study, 16 studentsbecame VSB’s first recipients of anM.S. in Church Management. Thedegree program educates church leadersand managers to address managementissues from a faith-based perspective.n VSB launched the Center for BusinessAnalytics, the mission of which is topromote education, research and bestpractices in that field. The Center willwork closely with industry professionalsand will host roundtable sessions, conferencesand workshops.n In April, the Daniel M. DiLella Centerfor Real Estate hosted the inaugural<strong>Villanova</strong> Real Estate Challenge, anational real estate development casecompetition for students from topundergraduate real estate programs.VSB students placed third in what isthe largest event of its kind in theUnited States.n Anticipating new requirements thatstudents complete 150 credit hours andhave one year of public accountingexperience before being eligible to earnthe CPA license, VSB redesigned thedelivery of its Master of Accountancyprogram. In the new format, VSB studentscan be “150-ready” the summerafter senior year.Scholars in actionn Launched in 2008 by four VSB seniors,Business Without Bordershas attracted morethan 100 members andhas completed missionsto Kenya, Nicaragua andthe Philippines.n As part of their internationalimmersion, 24EMBA students visitedMalaysia and Vietnam inApril. They met withcompanies such as GrantThornton, Nhabeco,Johnson & Johnson,SABMiller, Sime Darby,Royal Selangor, Densoand Scomi Group.n Four MSF students wonsecond place and $5,000in the fourth annualACG Philadelphia Cup,a private equity/investment bankingcase study contest sponsored by theAssociation for Corporate Growth.n Thanks to a $250,000 gift from RonaldCruse ’77 A&S, The Cruse EndowedInternational Fellowships providefinancial resources for undergraduatesin VSB and the College of Liberal Artsand Sciences to participate in globalwork and study opportunities.From left: George Diehl, business fellow; Gary Loveman,chairman, president and CEO, Harrah’s Entertainment, Inc.;Matthew J. Liberatore, Ph.D., John F. Connelly Chair in Managementand director, Center for Business Analytics; and JamesM. Danko, The Helen and William O’Toole Dean, <strong>Villanova</strong>School of Business, gathered to celebrate the launch of the Centerfor Business Analytics. To mark the event, Loveman delivered aspeech on the value of analytics in the business world.10 <strong>Villanova</strong> Magazine

School of LawAt <strong>Villanova</strong> Law School’s 55th <strong>Commencement</strong>ceremony, Richard L.Trumka ’74 J.D., president of AFL-CIO,the nation’s largest labor federation,received the <strong>University</strong>’s MedallionAward and gave the address. Trumkaencouraged graduates to prevail againstthe country’s mood of anger and frustrationby channeling those feelings “intohope, not hate; reform, not repression;and progress, not polarization.” This is justthe kind of challenge that the Law Schoolprepares its graduates to accept.Class actsn <strong>Villanova</strong> Law School awarded 223Juris Doctor degrees and 11 Master ofLaws in Taxation degrees.n A record number of graduates werehonored for public service this year,with 47 graduates receiving the DorothyDay Award for Pro Bono Service.This award recognizes students whohave given a minimum of 40 hours ofpro bono service.Milestones and innovationsn The Class of 2013 started in the newLaw School building, which featuresstate-of-the-art classrooms and stunningspaces in which to study andgather. Dedication ceremonies wereheld in October.n First-year students experienced curriculuminnovations that provide a transactionalpracticum in either Propertyor Contracts, giving students an opportunityto draft documents that applydoctrine to real-world settings.n The Law School was honored by theAmerican Bar Association (ABA)Council for Racial and Ethnic Diversityin the Educational Pipeline andthe ABA Judicial Division in recognitionof <strong>Villanova</strong>’s long-standing supportof and participation in the ABA’sJudicial Clerkship Program.n The <strong>Villanova</strong> Law J. Willard O’BrianAmerican Inn of Court receivednational recognition from the AmericanInns of Court Foundation for twoof their programs. The American Innsof Court are designed to improve theRight: Judge Marjorie O. Rendell’73, Chief Judge Anthony J.Sirica and Governor Edward G.Rendell ’68 presided over theReimel Moot Court final competitionin the Martin G. McGuinnCeremonial Courtroom.skills, professionalism andethics of the bench andbar. Membership comprisesjudges, lawyers, law professorsand students.Scholars in actionn The 50th annual Honorable TheodoreL. Reimel Moot Court Competitionfinals were judged by Chief JudgeAnthony J. Sirica of the 3rd U.S. CircuitCourt of Appeals, the HonorableEdward G. Rendell ’68, governor of thecommonwealth of Pennsylvania, andJudge Marjorie O. Rendell ’73 of the3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.n Students participated in service trips toNorth Carolina and Haiti. They providedlegal services to help the poor inrural North Carolina deal with immigrationissues, domestic violence, workerscompensation and tax preparation.A third-year student organized morethan 120 volunteers and thousands ofdollars of aid and materials for a relieftrip to Haiti. He also created a foundationto raise funds and support humanitarianefforts in Haiti.n Students raised more than $47,000 duringthe year through <strong>Villanova</strong> LawSchool’s Walter Lucas Public InterestFellowship Program, which supportsstudents who perform public-interestlegal work during the summer.Fall <strong>2010</strong> 11

CulturalTransforShreya Trivedi ’10 A&S had everyexcuse to feel overwhelmed. Just asophomore at <strong>Villanova</strong>, she wasthree time zones away from home,presenting a scientific poster at her firstmajor biology conference and facing hundredsof top-tier international researchers.Instead of wilting, she was fearless,completely in her element among theexperts. Trivedi divided her schedulebetween studying, attending lectures andmaking new friends and professional connections.“I learned that if I put my wholeheart and mind into an effort I couldaccomplish anything,” she says. The experienceproved to be a turning point, buildingconfidence and motivating her to keepworking hard.This faith in her abilities has beenhard-won. Born in Gujarat, India, Trivediand her family moved to the United Stateswhen she was in first grade. For a girl whohad been part of India’s highest caste, theexperience was “total culture shock.” Hercousin had advised her to raise her handoften so the teacher would know she wassmart, so she did as soon as possible—inthe classroom doorway. The other studentsgiggled at her faux pas and even morewhen they heard Trivedi’s foreign accent.12 <strong>Villanova</strong> Magazine

mationNew graduate’s journeyleads her to FulbrightGrant in South KoreaBy Sh aw n Pr o c t o r“I would speak one word and people wouldlaugh,” she recalls. Embarrassment onlymade her more determined to fit in.By seventh grade, however, she realizedthat in her rush to embrace American cultureshe had actually denied her Indianheritage, an equally important part of heridentity. She decided to enroll in SundaySchool to learn Gujarati, her native language,and later taught in the school.“Now I’m proud of my differences. I’mproud of who I am,” she says.(Left) Shreya Trivedi ’10 A&S will teach Englishto an underserved community in South Korea.To build a communityPossessing a growing self-understanding,she wanted to continue exploring the twocultures upon entering <strong>Villanova</strong>, saysTerry Nance, Ph.D., assistant vice presidentfor Multicultural Affairs. “The processof self-identification was one she usedto reconcile what civil rights activist andscholar W.E.B. Du Bois called ‘twoness’—her Indian self and American self—and,in turn, she encouraged others to thinkabout their own particular stories.”Her experiences at <strong>Villanova</strong> helpedTrivedi understand herself as both anAmerican and Indian, and she ultimatelybecame the co-chair of <strong>Villanova</strong>’s SouthAsian Multicultural Organized StudentsAssociation.As she learned more about herself,Trivedi wanted to add even more to thesense of community and social justice at<strong>Villanova</strong>. She founded the Martin LutherKing, Jr., Day of Service on campus andensured the mantle will be carried into thefuture. “Shreya is not just interested indoing things: they have to fit into the bigger,broader picture. She speaks with a centerednessthat is beyond her years and askshard questions about humanity and what itmeans to be human,” Dr. Nance explains.As one of about 20 Presidential Scholarsat <strong>Villanova</strong>, she excelled in biologystudies, earning a 3.94 G.P.A. and provingherself time and again, everywhere fromthe classroom to the bench. As a PresidentialScholar actively engaged in undergraduateresearch, Trivedi received the<strong>Villanova</strong> Undergraduate Research Fellowshipfor three consecutive years inaddition to a competitive undergraduateresearch internship at the <strong>University</strong> ofPennsylvania. Her research prowessearned her Honorable Mention from theBarry M. Goldwater Scholarship Program,a nationally competitive scholarship forundergraduate science students. This pastyear, Trivedi was recognized for her academicachievements and community leadershipwith the awarding of a FulbrightU.S. Student Grant.Under the mentorship of Louise Russo,Ph.D., Trivedi worked to finalize data setsto prepare a multi-year research on uterinetissue remodeling for publication in ReproductiveBiology and Endocrinology. It washer dedication to finalizing the work thatallowed the researchers to submit thepaper to journal. “Shreya has contributedmore quantitatively data-wise and possessesthe greatest skill set and breadth ofapplication of any student I have mentored,”Dr. Russo says.Dr. Nance adds that she is bright,incredibly caring and the kind of rare,intrepid student “who doesn’t ask how todo something, only when it is due.”“An amazing journey”Experiences at <strong>Villanova</strong> gave her morethan just a library’s worth of book smarts.She has gained worldly perspective,reflected in her decision to delay medicalschool while she teaches English to secondaryschool students in South Korea.She credits <strong>Villanova</strong> faculty with helpingher to find the courage to discover theright path. “What I needed was to feed mysoul, not to do something just because itwas logical or looked good on paper,” shesays. “I’m always excited for a new challengeand living out of open-mindedness.”Trivedi plans to work with her students and people in the community tocreate an atmosphere in which genuine curiosity and understanding aboutdifferent experiences and perspectives occur, ultimately leading to growth.Trivedi plans to work with her studentsand people in the community to createan atmosphere in which genuine curiosityand understanding about different experiencesand perspectives occur, ultimatelyleading to growth. The unique culturesof South Korea and the United States havemuch to offer each other, and she hopes toserve as a bridge between the two nationsby writing and creating videos abouther experiences.Outside of the classroom, she intendsto utilize her biology training to servein a clinic working with a disadvantagedpopulation, which will give her moreinsight into education’s role outside of aclassroom. She believes the experiencein South Korea will facilitate her emergenceas a culturally adept physician andprofessor in the United States. “It is apowerful statement about who she is now,”Dr. Russo says.Although Trivedi had her choice oftop-ranked universities, <strong>Villanova</strong> amongthem, she chose <strong>Villanova</strong> because of itsequal commitment to scholarship andcommunity. “The last four years at <strong>Villanova</strong>have been such an amazing journey,”she says. “This was the right environmentfor me to grow and succeed.”Fall <strong>2010</strong> 13

Stronger TogetherThree-college collaboration focuses onimproving access to health care in NicaraguaBy Su z a n n e We n t z e lWhen set to aRodgers andHammersteinscore, the actsof climbingmountains and fording streams arerousing metaphors for pursuingself-fulfillment. But for the impoverishedpeople living in remotecommunities around Waslala,Nicaragua, these are real legs ofthe arduous, daylong journey tothe region’s one hospital. Thosewho are sick, injured or dealingwith a medical condition face adilemma. Making the journey maycost them precious days away fromtheir families and livelihoods. Notmaking the journey may costthem their lives.Led by Pritpal Singh, Ph.D.,professor and chair of Electricaland Computer Engineering, aninterdisciplinary team of facultyand students has resolved toimprove access to health care inthese communities by takingadvantage of one of today’s most popularforms of communication: text-messaging.If their project succeeds in Waslala—aregion in which <strong>Villanova</strong>ns have beenproviding health education and water-relatedengineering services since 2004—they hope to apply their solution in othercountries. In the meantime, the membersof this eclectic group are discovering whatthey can accomplish when they put theirheads and hearts together to address realworldproblems.“We have a duty to be global citizensand to share our knowledge and skills athome and abroad,” says senior Derek Ferguson’11 VSB.Texting their way to better healthThe plan is predicated upon two preexistingconditions: the availability, althoughDr. Pritpal Singh (left), chair of Electrical and Computer Engineering,and Tim Hansell (right), coordinator of Waslala’s IntegralHealth Program, equip a community health worker with a Solar Suitcase,a portable power system that can be used to charge cell phones.spotty, of cell phone coverage in ruralareas; and the existence of a network ofvolunteer community health workers(CHWs) who liaise between their respectivecommunities and the health professionalsin Waslala. “It is wonderful to seethese volunteers,” says Ruth McDermott-Levy, Ph.D., R.N., assistant professor.“With minimal resources and education,they are providing the best care they can.”The long-term goal of Dr. Singh andhis team is to equip CHWs with cellphones and teach them how to text-message(a cheaper form of communicationthan voice) patient information to aserver that will be housed in the Waslalahospital. The server will store the data andalert a doctor if a situation requires medicalattention. The doctor or other trainedperson will reply by text message with thediagnosis and next steps. “Using thissystem, health promoters can preventpeople from coming to town unnecessarilybut also identify emergencysituations,” says Elizabeth Keech,Ph.D., R.N., assistant professor.Conducting the assessmentTo test the feasibility of their project,some two dozen faculty and studentsfrom the colleges of Engineeringand Nursing and the <strong>Villanova</strong>School of Business (VSB), and sundryparticipants outside of <strong>Villanova</strong>,traveled to Nicaragua in May. WhenTim Hansell, coordinator of theIntegral Health Program in Waslala,greeted the new arrivals, he felt aripple of panic. How would thiskaleidoscopic cohort’s diverse interestscoalesce? Before the end of theirvisit, Hansell could see the big picture.“Everyone shared their perspectives,and we all became clearer onhow the various components willcome together.”From the beginning, representativesof different disciplines accompaniedeach other as they went about their business.For the engineers, that businessincluded assessing Waslala’s cell phone andpower infrastructure, as well as the capabilitiesof the hospital’s computer system.They also discussed their project with thelocal cell phone company, which is consideringproviding phones and services plansto CHWs.Meanwhile, the nursing contingentmet with key health informants, touredthe hospital and conducted a qualitativestudy of the needs of CHWs and theircommunities. When they shadowed one ofthe CHWs on a visit, the experiencehelped them appreciate what this volunteercommitment entails. “We went toassess a boy with a heart problem, andwithin 10 minutes people started comingFall <strong>2010</strong> 15

In the next steps, the nursing groupwill analyze the data and recommend whatpatient information should be tracked andhow. On the basis of the data collected,they also will develop education programsto be implemented during the College ofNursing’s trip to Waslala in March. Besidesconstructing appropriate business models,VSB participants will delve more deeplyinto Waslala’s micro-financing practicesand follow up on potential business opportunities.Engineers will develop the solarpoweredcharging system for the cellphones (see sidebar), as well as the softwareneeded for the coding, transmission,storage and retrieval of data. The teamhopes to test a prototype system in the fall.From left: Katherine Weatherbie ’11 NUR; Caitlin Krenek ’11 NUR; Dr. Christine North (OhioNorthern <strong>University</strong>); Dr. Elizabeth Keech; Dr. Ruth McDermott-Levy; Fruna LaraVaamonde ’11NUR; Tim Hansell; Brendan McCoy ’11 E.E.; Peter Shaw ’11 E.E.; Andrew Robinson ’11 E.E.;Dr. James Klingler; Dr. Pritpal Singh; visiting anthropologist Nayantara Premakumar; ChristinaRadossi ’11 VSB; Craig Baumer ’11 Cp.E. Missing from photo: Dr. Sarvesh Kulkarni; RebeccaLaMarca ’11 NUR; Derek Ferguson ’11 VSB; Tyler Weinrich ’12 VSB.from everywhere looking for help,” recallssenior Katherine Weatherbie.Finally, VSB delegates learned aboutthe local economy so that they can devisea sustainable business model for the cellphone initiative. They interviewed businessowners, visited micro-financing institutionsand investigated regional businessopportunities, such as eco-tourism.Because a separate group of <strong>Villanova</strong>engineering students is designing a microhydroelectricpower system for one of thecommunities, VSB students hope to examinewhether having reliable powerincreases entrepreneurial opportunity.Got synergy?Collaborating with the “client” helped thedisciplinary groups to think more broadlyand not to impose their own assumptions.Yes, they want to improve access to healthcare, but as Sarvesh Kulkarni, Ph.D., associateprofessor of Electrical and ComputerEngineering, points out, “this trip taughtus that we can’t do anything without thesupport of the people on the ground.”Equally beneficial was the exchange ofideas and expertise among themselves.Gathered one evening to compare notes,the team members found themselves askingquestions and voicing opinions thatwould not have occurred to them a weekearlier. “As I listened to nursing studentsshare a business insight and engineeringstudents give a medical insight, I realizedthey were already thinking differently,”says James Klinger, Ph.D., assistant professorof Management & Operations andassociate director of VSB’s Center forInnovation, Creativity and Entrepreneurship.To the ears of faculty, such fruitfuldialogue was the sound of music.For more information on this project,e-mail Dr. Pritpal Singh at pritpal.singh@villanova.edu.Taking stockThe trip uncovered hidden challenges andyielded valuable insights. For example,although the CHWs are, Dr. Singh says,“eager to learn and give the best service totheir community,” they have limited educationaland technological training. Thus,the engineers must develop a system thatwill be easy to use and maintain. The VSBcohort, meanwhile, must design a businessmodel suited to a culture that values collectiveover individual advancement.“Everyone realizes that cultural understandingis a prerequisite for the successfulplanning of this project,” says senior PeterShaw E.E.Packing the PowerWhen the student-faculty team left Waslala, they left behind one piece of luggage.The “Solar Suitcase” is a portable power system developed by Laura Stachel, M.D.,M.P.H., co-founder of WE CARE Solar, to reduce maternal mortality in Africa by providinghealth care workers with reliable lighting, communication and blood bankrefrigeration.The Nicaragua team equipped a community health worker with a Solar Suitcaseand will monitor how she uses the device over the next year and what opportunitiesthe availability of electricity creates. Tim Hansell, coordinator of Waslala’s IntegralHealth Program, already is seeing changes.“Now that the CHW and her family have light at night, they stay up talking,neighbors come to visit them and their children can finish their homework.” Hansellalso gave the CHW a cell phone that can be charged by the suitcase.In addition, faculty and students in Electrical and Computer Engineering are collaboratingwith WE CARE Solar to advance the suitcase’s capabilities.16 <strong>Villanova</strong> Magazine

Inspiring the MindInterdisciplinary courses prepare students for multidisciplinary careersBy Je n n i f e r Sc h uIt’s not every day you’ll find a top executiveat one of the world’s largest pharmaceuticalfirms passing out his businesscards to a classroom full of college students.Yet that’s exactly what happened this pastspring semester in an innovative new interdisciplinarycourse, “The Global PharmaceuticalIndustry.” A full collaborationbetween the <strong>Villanova</strong> School of Business(VSB) and the College of Engineering, thecourse attracted students from both Collegesand exemplified the type of partnershipthat is a major academic initiative ofthe <strong>University</strong>’s Strategic Plan.Developed by William Kelly, Ph.D. ofthe College of Engineering and JonathanDoh, Ph.D. of VSB, the course wasdesigned to provide cross-disciplinaryexposure to the global pharmaceuticalindustry, offering engineering and businessstudents alike a wealth of in-depth knowledgeof the industry’s issues and practices.It integrated different engineering andbusiness topics and teaching styles.“In the College of Engineering, therehas been an increased interest in providingour students and faculty with moreinterdisciplinary experiences, since thestudents will surely find themselves workingon interdisciplinary teams when theygraduate,” Dr. Kelly says.VSB leadership was likewise eager tooffer such an experience to their students—manyof whom find employmentin the pharmaceutical industry.“It was a great course for business students,because we hadn’t seen chemistrysince high school,” says Andrea Loulakis’10 VSB, who recently accepted a job offerwith Johnson & Johnson. “I wanted acourse that would offer some insight intoboth the business aspects of the pharmaceuticalindustry as well as the chemicalmakeup of the different drugs I’d be workingwith.”A collaboration across CollegesDr. Kelly notes that the Chemical Engineeringdepartment already had severalcourses at the graduate and undergraduatelevel that prepare students for the technicalchallenges of a career in the pharmaceuticalindustry. However he felt thatEngineering students interested in thatcareer path also needed a course that dealtwith technical and global business issues,since the drug industry is increasingly marketingand manufacturing in countriessuch as China and India.“I knew of our business school’s excellentreputation and was even more convincedof the great potential for this novelcourse to succeed after I met and beganinteracting with Dr. Doh,” he says. “I wasencouraged by his ideas on course content.”Dr. Kelly and Dr. Doh—who had nevermet before—began planning the coursecontent in the summer of 2009. “Honestly,I was a bit hesitant at first because itseemed like a great deal of work—and itwas,” Dr. Doh says. “But it was definitelyworth it.”One of the challenges was a difference inteaching styles. In Dr. Kelly’s regular classes,he adopts a pedagogical style typical inEngineering—presenting a lecture first andhaving the students follow it with assignedreading. In a typical VSB course, it’s oftenthe reverse; students are asked to read materialbeforehand and prepare to discuss itduring class. The solution the professorscame up with was constant communicationwith students via e-mail and in person toprevent frustration with teachingapproaches that varied from class to class.Another issue was preparing tests thatwould not give either Engineering or Businessstudents an unfair advantage. The twoprofessors decided that each test wouldinclude multiple choice science and engineeringquestions along with short andlong essay questions on business topics.From the outset the two saw the benefitof bringing in outside speakers from toppharmaceutical firms to provide expertopinions and perspectives on current topicsin their respective areas. They realizedthey both had considerable contacts in thepharmaceutical industry and quicklyreached out to them.“We were pleased and a bit surprisedthat all of our top choices were interestedin participating—for no fee—and wereflexible with their speaking dates so thattheir topic would integrate well into theflow of the course,” Dr. Kelly says.With a focus on the fundamentaldrivers and essential elements that characterizethe global pharmaceutical industry,the course offered students the opportunityto meet industry leaders such as BobMcMahon ’79 VSB, senior vice presidentof U.S. Commercial Operations at Merck& Co. Inc. He offered students an insidelook on details such as Merck’s $41 billionmerger with Schering Plough, making itone of the largest pharmaceutical companiesin the world.Impressed by the students’ questionsand engagement in the class, he gave eachone of them his business card.“The world has been moving towardmore multidisciplinary capabilities,”McMahon points out. “Engineers whoare aspiring to work in pharma should bebetter prepared by being able to understandwhat the business challenges are.On the flip side, it’s important to havebusiness people understand the expense,challenges and risk that go into manufacturingpharmaceuticals.”Accounting and International Businessmajor Maureen McElligott ’11 enjoyed thevariety of speakers. “They provided insightinto issues that affect the industry and inturn how those issues impact consumers.”Future plansThe success of the course has led to talkof more collaboration between VSB andthe College of Engineering. “Jonathan andI learned so much from each other in termsof material and approaches to teaching,”Dr. Kelly says.“The two Colleges have collaboratedand will continue to collaborate across arange of curricular and extracurricular initiatives,especially in the areas of entrepreneurship/innovationand internationalservice,” adds Dr. Doh. “It’s excitingbecause interdisciplinary learning is one ofthe key components of <strong>Villanova</strong>’s StrategicPlan.”Fall <strong>2010</strong> 17

ProfilesinLeadership Profiles in LeaProfiles ProfilesinLeadership LeadershipeadershipProfilesinLeadershipProfilesinLeadershipJames F. Orr III ’65 A&SJames Orr came to <strong>Villanova</strong>determined to contribute; hegraduated from <strong>Villanova</strong>determined to give back. Hislegacy of giving and involvement…showsthat he still goesthe distance for <strong>Villanova</strong>.Even a hint of swagger would beunderstandable. After all, howmany people can say theyreceived a full track scholarshipto a university that grooms Olympians?That their relay team broke its own indoorworld record? That they served as CEOof two different companies? That theywere selected to be chairman of theRockefeller Foundation?James F. Orr III ’65 A&S can claimthese honors and more. Yet he chooses toclothe himself with humility, and in hiscase, the clothes do make the man. Orrcame to <strong>Villanova</strong> determined to contribute;he graduated from <strong>Villanova</strong> determinedto give back. His legacy of givingand involvement, especially as a member ofthe <strong>University</strong>’s Board of Trustees, showsthat he still goes the distance for <strong>Villanova</strong>.Competing with the bestIn high school, Orr emerged as a nationalstandout in the half-mile. Colleges viedfor his signature, but the offer from thetrack and field powerhouse outside Philadelphiawas “as good as it got.”At <strong>Villanova</strong>, legendary coach James“Jumbo” Elliott impressed upon Orr andhis teammates the importance of excellingnot just on the track but in the classroom—advicethat Orr heeded.“Jim was very studious and a real teamleader,” says Thomas Sullivan, M.D., ’65A&S, who, along with Orr, Al Adams ’65VSB and the late Noel Carroll ’65 VSB,was formidable in the two-mile relay. “Icould tell from the way he carried himselfthat he was going to succeed in life.”Orr’s track record in financial servicesproves how prescient Sullivan was. Afterearning his MBA from Boston <strong>University</strong>,he advanced from bank executive to presidentand CEO, first of Unum (which laterbecame UnumProvident Corp.) and thenof United Asset Management Corp. In2002, he founded Landing Point Capital,a private investment firm.Expressing his gratitudeOrr has always felt indebted to the schoolthat set him on the path to success. Hemade it a priority to pay <strong>Villanova</strong> backfor his education. In addition, he hasserved on the <strong>University</strong>’s Board of Trusteessince 2002, helping to clarify the institution’svision and guide its progress. He isespecially proud to have been part of thedevelopment of the Strategic Plan and isconfident that, as a result of its implementation,“stronger and stronger students willcome to <strong>Villanova</strong>.”For much of his term as trustee, Orrplayed a central role in the TransformingMinds and Hearts campaign. He enjoyedengaging other alumni and was among thefirst to make a gift at the $1 million level,establishing The James F. Orr III EndowedFund for Athletic Leadership and InternationalCompetition in Track and Field.This endowment—Orr’s second at<strong>Villanova</strong>—enables students to train forcompetition and hone their coachingskills while in graduate school.“Thanks to this fund, I can continueracing at an elite level while I enhance myacademic credentials,” says Adrian Blincoe’03 VSB, an Olympian and the assistantcoach for the men’s team.Supporting Orr in his career and philanthropyhas been his teammate for life,Ann. They enjoy golfing, boating andtraveling from Florida to Boston to visittheir daughters. Orr is thrilled that thenumber of his grandchildren (all female)will soon double from three to six. “Bothour daughters are pregnant with girls, andone is expecting twins.” Some things hecan’t help boasting about.18 <strong>Villanova</strong> Magazine

ProfilesinLeadership ProfilesinLProfiles ProfilesinLeadership LeadershipLeadershipProfilesinLeadershipProfilesinLeadership ProfilesinLeadershipKimble A. Byrd, Esq., ’73 A&SIt is not surprising that orienteeringactivities that involve finding treasureshidden by other gamers appealto Kimble A. Byrd, Esq., ’73 A&S.As a lawyer, teacher, scholar, entrepreneur,consultant and <strong>Villanova</strong> <strong>University</strong>trustee, Byrd has amassed stores of wisdomand experience. But he also has made it apoint to share these treasures to help peoplerealize their potential and achievetheir dreams.“My primary goal is to ‘do good’ and todo well,” Byrd says. “It is not sufficient todo well for myself. I want to assist, guideand elevate other people.”Gaining and giving knowledgeJudged against that benchmark alone,Byrd has had a spectacular career. Heearned his J.D. from <strong>University</strong> of PennsylvaniaLaw School in 1976 and headedto Washington, D.C. There he racked upexperience as a legal advisor for theDepartment of Commerce, a partner in acommercial law firm and a consultant tosmall-business entrepreneurs. At Howard<strong>University</strong>, he found another niche: teaching.“I derived as much satisfaction fromfacilitating students’ learning as I did frombusiness and law.”Byrd twined these threads of expertisewhen he accepted a faculty post at Rowan<strong>University</strong>. An award-winning scholarand teacher, he specializes in entrepreneurialfinancing, blending theory withthe practical knowledge he continues toacquire through his own consulting firm,Venture Analytix.“Kimble is a pioneer in entrepreneurshipeducation in the Delaware Valley,”says James Klingler, Ph.D., assistant professorof Management & Operations andassociate director of the Center for Innovation,Creativity and Entrepreneurship inthe <strong>Villanova</strong> School of Business. “Whenwe were launching our program, he gaveus wonderful feedback on our ideas.”Equipped for life at <strong>Villanova</strong>The liberal arts education Byrd received at<strong>Villanova</strong> gave him the broad-basedknowledge and skills he needed to strikeout in any direction. Through his politicalscience courses, he came to appreciate theimportance of social responsibility; servingas president of the Black Student Leaguecultivated his leadership skills. Above all,<strong>Villanova</strong>’s sense of community helpedhim form lasting relationships—especiallywith his wife of 37 years, Lora Graves Byrd’73 A&S. They have three children andlive in Wilmington, Del.Byrd had the chance to reengage withthe <strong>Villanova</strong> community when he wastapped for the Alumni Association’s Boardof Directors in 1996. In 2002, he began histerm on <strong>Villanova</strong> <strong>University</strong>’s Board ofTrustees and “was honored to contributeto his alma mater’s strategy and governance.”He has drawn upon his backgroundin law, business and higher educationto serve on numerous committees,including the Academic Affairs and Trusteescommittees.Ever the teacher, Byrd gives superlativemarks to <strong>University</strong> President the Rev.Peter M. Donohue, Ph.D., O.S.A., ’75A&S. “Father Peter has brought togetherdisparate constituent elements, as well ascorporate partners, and blended them intothe mosaic of the <strong>University</strong>.” Byrd isespecially pleased that the Strategic Planbuilds upon the <strong>University</strong>’s intellectualand spiritual legacy and is designed tobring about well-focused, incrementalimprovements.“My primary goal is to ‘dogood’ and to do well. It is notsufficient to do well for myself.I want to assist, guide andelevate other people.”This dedication to <strong>Villanova</strong>’s growthand mission, says longtime friend MaghanKeita, Ph.D., professor of History anddirector of <strong>Villanova</strong>’s Institute for GlobalInterdisciplinary Studies, “is one of Kimble’smost endearing qualities. When itcomes to knowing what kinds of changeshave been made and what kind of changescould be made, Kimble is a treasure trove.”And <strong>Villanova</strong> doesn’t even have touse navigational tools to find him.—Suzanne WentzelFall <strong>2010</strong> 19

Fedigan GoesBy Em i ly Wa l s h ’10 A&S, Su z a n n e We n t z e l a n d Je n n i f e r Sc h uLiving in an eco-friendly dorm ishabit-forming, as the studentswho called Fedigan Hall homethis past year quickly discovered.In summer 2009, the 80-year-oldresidence hall had received a sustainabilitymakeover, and in no time the more thanone hundred male and female sophomoresassigned to live there for the 2009-<strong>2010</strong>academic year grew accustomed to anenergy-efficient, water-conserving, environmentallysustainable lifestyle.“It definitely made me think moreabout my habits when it came to usingwater and turning off lights,” says MaggieEmerson ’12 A&S. “If everyone on campuscould get used to living as we did inFedigan, I think we could be well on ourway to a much safer and healthier planet.”The extensive renovations made toFedigan—which is named after former<strong>University</strong> President the Rev. John J.Fedigan, O.S.A., a visionary leader who inthe 1890s initiated one of the <strong>University</strong>’slargest building campaigns—elevated thebuilding to the status of “green dorm” andmade it a model of sustainability for the<strong>Villanova</strong> campus. New technologiesintroduced include light switches withbuilt-in occupancy sensors, dual flushtoilets and low-flow shower heads (seediagram for all the upgrades).The Facilities Management Officejoined forces with the College of Engineeringto consider how to incorporateinto Fedigan Hall’s renovation renewableenergy practices that would provide learningand research opportunities for facultyand students. For example, since 2007,Alfonso Ortega, Ph.D., the College’s associatedean for Graduate Studies andResearch and the James R. Birle Professorof Energy Technology, and a team of graduateand undergraduate students had beenconducting sponsored research to makethe heat exchange in geothermal wellsused in ground source heat pumps moreefficient. It made sense, then, to installgeothermal wells to support a portion ofFedigan’s heating and cooling load andthen study their performance. “Engineeringstudents were able to carry outresearch in the lab and apply what theyhad learned to a real-world project,”Dr. Ortega said.The Fedigan project is just one of themany green-building initiatives of theFMO, which is pursuing a Silver Leadershipin Energy and Environmental Design(LEED) for Existing Buildings certification.In summer <strong>2010</strong>, Sheehan and Sullivanhalls began to be renovated, andother buildings on campus are slated toundergo similar upgrades in the comingyears. “<strong>Villanova</strong> has made a consciousdecision to make all of its new constructionand renovations LEED certified,”says Robert Morro, associate vice presidentfor Facilities Management. “Fediganis the first existing building that wehave renovated with the goal of gainingLEED certification.”Recycling: During the renovation,90 percent of construction wastewas diverted from landfills through arecycling effort. Students are encouragedto use recycling stations forglass, paper, plastic and cans. ts Geothermal wells: The building is nowair conditioned, and each room has a thermostatso that occupants can adjust the temperatureto suit their needs. Geothermal wellsthat were installed in front of the buildinghave been integrated into Fedigan’s heatpump system and support a portion of thebuilding’s heating and cooling load, reducingthe reliance on fossil fuel energy.Lights: Occupancy sensors are builtinto the light switches in each room. Thesensor can detect motion and body heatand will turn off if the occupants leave theroom and forget to turn off the light.s20 <strong>Villanova</strong> Magazine

GreenTheresidence hall becomes a modelof sustainable living at <strong>Villanova</strong>Rain barrels: Downspouts along theback of Fedigan divert water intorain barrels, which are used to waterplants via soaker hoses, thus reducingthe amount of storm water thatdrains into storm sewers. ts Showers: Eachshower stall has a lowflowshower head with amechanical timer. Pullingthe string once starts thetimer. If the water stopsand the user needs moretime, the string can bepulled again. The devicereminds users to keepshowers short.s Porous asphalt and pavers: New walkwaysare made of materials that allow rainwater toinfiltrate the ground. Less water running intosewers means less treatment and greener plants.Rain gardens: Storm water from the roof isdiverted into two rain gardens in front of the building.The garden on the left side returns regular rainfallto the atmosphere through evapo-transpirationand pipes excess amounts into the sewer system. Thegarden on the right side relies on bio-infiltration, bywhich water filters into the ground. tToilets: Dual flush toilets helpsave water. Users press thesmaller button for less waterto flush liquids and the largerbutton for more water toflush solids. tFall <strong>2010</strong> 21

HolyHarvestPastoral associate Barbara Purnell-Smallhas been directing St. Francis of Assisi’sgospel choir since 2001. Her courses inChurch Management taught her to harmonizeparish efforts so that “everything we dosupports our mission, which is to continuethe work of Jesus Christ.”By Su z a n n e WentzelGraduates of the <strong>Villanova</strong> School of Business’ M.S. inChurch Management program see the fruit of their laborsWhen the Wall Street Journalarticle caught his eye, it waslike an answer to a prayer.Stan Zerkowski, a secularFranciscan, had been puzzling over onequestion: how could St. Brendan the NavigatorParish more effectively reach out to itsKatrina-ravaged “sister” parish in Louisiana?It wasn’t that the coffers were low.St. Brendan saw its population of 1,200families triple—and its collection increase—every year when out-of-state “snowbirds”wintered in Ormond Beach, Fla.Still, as director of Liturgy and Outreach,Zerkowski believed that if the parishpossessed better strategies for harnessingthe congregation’s stewardship, managingresources and integrating outreach withprayer, it could do more to build up God’skingdom nationally and globally.Zerkowski scanned the article, whichfeatured Charles Zech, Ph.D., director ofthe Center for the Study of Church Managementin the <strong>Villanova</strong> School of Business.He pondered Dr. Zech’s insights intostewardship and faith-based managementpractices. Then he flipped open his phone.Six states of separationSitting at her desk in the rectory of St. Francisof Assisi Parish in Northwest Philadelphia,pastoral associate Barbara Purnell-Small mentally paged through her week:visit the inter-parochial school that afternoon;oversee religious education classes onTuesday; welcome the seniors group onWednesday; run gospel-choir practice onThursday; manage the office … every day.A lot for one person, she knew, but ifpeople wanted to help, they would comeforward, right? Besides, with parishmembership hovering at 200 families, thevolunteer pool was limited. St. Francisresembled other struggling urban parishes,where funerals equaled or outnumberedbaptisms. She had seen old photos depictingthe neighborhood’s once robust Catholiccommunity and longed to help herbeloved parish thrive again, but how?When her new pastor, the Rev. EugeneSheridan, C.M., showed her an ad for amaster’s degree in Church Managementat <strong>Villanova</strong> and said, “This programwould be good for you,” Purnell-Smallhad her answer.Sharing one destinyIn May <strong>2010</strong>, Zerkowski, Purnell-Smalland their online classmates became<strong>Villanova</strong>’s first recipients of an M.S. in22 <strong>Villanova</strong> Magazine

Church Management. Though separatedby geography—the most distant studentlived in Hong Kong—the members of thiscohort had texted, posted and bloggedtheir way to mutuality and kinship duringtwo years of study.Their professors, meanwhile, hadchallenged them to explore innovativeapproaches in the ecclesial environment,with one foot on the bedrock of business,the other on the foundation of faith.Neither a strictly-business nor a piety-inthe-skymentality would suffice. “Wetalked about the reality of praying, servingthe Lord and keeping our books in order,”Purnell-Small says.Students acquired competencies such asstrategy formation, budgeting and organizationalmanagement. Because projectspaired Catholics with Protestants, accountantswith liturgists, and laypeople withreligious, participants picked up each other’svocabulary. “Being able to talk aboutspreadsheets and Web technology has mademe a better manager,” Zerkowski says.One beauty of the online program wasthat students could continue working intheir ministries while taking courses—and Zerkowski and Purnell-Small did notwait until graduation to try out theirnewfound knowledge.attributes these accomplishments to strategiesprovided by <strong>Villanova</strong>.Identifying your missionand your marketMeanwhile, new strategies helped Purnell-Small energize St. Francis. For example,she began to recruit volunteers and delegateresponsibility by walking up topeople, shaking their hand and askinghow they wanted to help the parish.“St. Francis may be small in number, butit is generous in heart,” she says.Purnell-Small discovered that to effectivelyproclaim the gospel and evangelize,St. Francis would have to articulate itsmission and put its dollars behind it. “Otherwise,we are a church without direction.”She and Father Sheridan created a stewardshipcommittee to help parishionerstake ownership of this process. The parishalso began to do “market research” to findout who it was serving, what their needswere and how to reach to them.Above all, Purnell-Small started communicatingin relevant, appropriate ways.She directed people to an up-to-date Website and used language that spoke to theun-churched. For example, she promotedthe Ash Wednesday liturgy to everyone inthe community, not just churchgoers.Afterward, a family new to the neighborhoodexpressed their gratitude for thewarm welcome, and one woman asked ifshe could have her children baptized.“Our faith is so rich!” Purnell-Smallsays. “Why wouldn’t we do everythingpossible to share it?”Lighting the worldThese graduates have no intention of hidingtheir lamps under a bushel. Purnell-Small discusses marketing strategies withother church leaders; Zerkowski recentlypublished an article titled “ForecastingExpenses, Partnering for Solutions.” Theyencourage others to enroll in <strong>Villanova</strong>’sprogram and, with their classmates, haveestablished a scholarship in memory of theRev. James Hynes, O.F.M., a fellow studentwho died in 2008.Their enthusiasm is good news to RobertMiller, Ed.D., director of Research andPlanning for the Archdiocese of Philadelphiaand an adjunct professor. It is imperative,he says, that Church Managementdegree holders be reflective practitioners.“If they put to good use what they havelearned and inspire others to do the same,they have the potential to change theworld, one parish at a time.”Letting the left hand knowIn the crucible of 2008’s economic meltdown,Zerkowski tested the worthiness ofthe mantras he was learning at <strong>Villanova</strong>:transparency and accountability. To paytheir bills and still assist people in need,he and other administrators at St. Brendandecided to cut funds to services not essentialto the parish’s mission and to partnerwith local businesses to sustain those thatwere. They disclosed how every pennywas being spent.“Parishioners and visitors share theirtime, talent and treasure to do God’swork,” Zerkowski says, “but in return, theyexpect accountability and transparency.When we give them that, we show themrespect and acknowledge their role.”This policy succeeded. Parishionersdonated a record $40,000 and two tons offood for the Christmas outreach. Whenthe Rev. John Ryan, St. Brendan’s pastor,incorporated details of this generosity intohis Epiphany homily, the dream that hadprompted Zerkowski to enroll in thedegree program was realized.“We bring everything back to thetable of the Lord,” he says. “If learning‘best practices’ makes us better stewards,God is praised and our prayer becomesmore efficacious.”Parishioners donated more in 2009 andexceeded by more than 100% their goalfor the Catholic Appeal. Father RyanA that’s-the-way-we’ve-always-done-it policy no longer works for Stan Zerkowski, director of Liturgyand Outreach at St. Brendan the Navigator Parish. The Church Management program has given him“a new lens with which to identify better strategies and methods.”Fall <strong>2010</strong> 23

Cable ImagineTina Waters has asong in her heartfor her alma materGalComcast’sBy Je n n i f e r Sc h ubeing a top customer serviceexecutive in an industry that hashistorically taken heat for its customerrelations. For some, that wouldbe a challenge. For Tina Waters ’89 VSB,it’s a dream job. As Comcast’s senior vicepresident, Human Performance, she headshuman resources for all customer operationsand has a gift for building relationships.That’s also what makes her an idealappointment to the <strong>Villanova</strong> <strong>University</strong>Alumni Association board.Take for example her first day on thejob as a call center supervisor for BellAtlantic (now Verizon). Just turned 21and the ink barely dry on her <strong>Villanova</strong>diploma, she had 15 employees reportingto her—all more seasoned than she was.24 <strong>Villanova</strong> Magazine

One 20-year employee made her opinionquickly apparent. “She looked me upand down and said, ‘I’ve got socks olderthan you,’” Waters recalls with a laugh.Instead of feeling insulted, Watersreached out to the woman. “I told herI wanted to learn from her, and she tookme under her wing,” she recalls. Twodecades later, “Elaine is like a memberof my family.”Waters’ <strong>Villanova</strong>-hewn talents caneven transcend fierce cross-town collegebasketball rivalries.“Tina does a tremendous job managingrelationships across the organization, promotinginnovation in Comcast’s work processesand keeping the customer front andcenter,” says Dan Gallagher, vice president,Comcast <strong>University</strong>, and a formerSaint Joseph’s <strong>University</strong> Hawk mascot.“There’s only one day a year I cannot workwith Tina—the day of the ‘Holy War.’”“<strong>Villanova</strong>ns are‘Renassiance people’”A customer service call center can be likea hotly contested basketball game—full oftension, with emotions running high.Yet Waters found she had a knack forcustomer contact and creative problemsolving and enjoyed being at the center ofthe action. She was quickly recognized forher talents, transitioning from her managementtrainee position at Bell Atlanticto serving 1.5 million customers as callcenter manager for PECO Energy.In 2000 she was recruited by Comcast.Since then she has been frequentlyrecognized as one of the Top 50 MostInfluential Minorities in Cable and MostPowerful Women in Cable by CableworldMagazine and was named a “Womanof Distinction” by the PhiladelphiaBusiness Journal.Throughout her career she’s drawn uponher experiences as a <strong>Villanova</strong> undergraduate,using skills acquired during both classesand extracurricular activities. She waspresident of the Glee Club, a FreshmanOrientation counselor and a member ofthe Black Cultural Society and <strong>Villanova</strong>Student Union, among other activities.“You hear about the ‘Renaissance Man.’<strong>Villanova</strong>ns are ‘Renaissance people.’ Wecan create a spreadsheet, we can speak toan auditorium of a thousand people, we canbuild a house for Habitat for Humanity, wecan be on the band or on the footballteam,” Waters says. “<strong>Villanova</strong> encouragesyou to develop the whole person, not justthe part of you that’s going to work 9 to 5.”She says the foundation she received at<strong>Villanova</strong> better prepared her for the realworld. “People aren’t going to do what youwant them to do just because you have atitle behind your name. You have to havehealthy disagreement. You learn more bylistening than by talking.”She makes good use of those skills atComcast. “Tina’s methodology is simple—get the right people in the room and makereal conversations happen,” Gallagher says.She’s engaging and caring, a “familyperson” who enjoys downtime at homewith her husband and her mother, wholives with them. When she makes a friend,it’s for life.“Five of us who met at the beginning offreshman year still get together a couple oftimes a year, and Tina’s house is the placeeveryone wants to be,” says classmateKathryn Quigley ’89 A&S. “She’s thisgreat combination of silly and goofy yetserious and determined.”She adds with a laugh, “Tina had GleeClub running like clockwork. She’s musicaland artistic and fun but also very organized.We were 50 girls and we traveled alot. With Tina in charge, we always madeit to where we were supposed to be—andon time!”A pivotal momentFrom the day she stepped onto campus forthe first time, Waters loved <strong>Villanova</strong>—yet she almost had to leave the <strong>University</strong>.Midway through her college years, “I had agap between my financial aid and my costs.”She remembers calling her mother froma pay phone, crying. “I was devastated. Ithought I was going to have to drop out.”<strong>Villanova</strong> administrator Edward Collymore,Ph.D., ’59 VSB, found an emergencyanonymous donor who closed the gap,enabling Tina to continue at <strong>Villanova</strong>.Waters has never forgotten thatexperience, and says her first goal as a<strong>Villanova</strong> <strong>University</strong> Alumni Associationboard member is to raise the alumnidonor participation rate. “I don’t wantany other kid to go through that. It wastraumatic. If we get our giving participationup, we’ll be able to help more of thetop tier students.”The board is lucky to have Waters andher relationship building skills. Comcasthas continued to earn higher marks in theAmerican Customer Satisfaction Indexreport based on the May <strong>2010</strong> report.“Tina’s business experience, energy andcommitment to the <strong>University</strong> will proveto be valuable resources to the mission ofthe Alumni Association,” says Gary Olsen’74 A&S, ’80 G.S., associate vice presidentfor Alumni Relations.After Waters’ first board meeting, “I wasfloating on air. I realized how we have toleverage our amazing <strong>Villanova</strong> network.”Fall <strong>2010</strong> 25

BrainTrustPresident’s Leadership Circle to help <strong>University</strong>achieve goals of Strategic PlanBy Je n n i f e r Sc h uWhen Michael J. O’Neill, vicepresident for <strong>University</strong>Advancement, looked aroundthe room at the <strong>Villanova</strong> ConferenceCenter last April 26, he saw 47 dedicated,distinguished <strong>Villanova</strong> alumni who hadwillingly given up two days in their busyschedules to come back to campus to discusshow they could contribute their timeand talent to their alma mater.It was the first full meeting of the President’sLeadership Circle, recently formedas a specific priority for <strong>Villanova</strong> Presidentthe Rev. Peter M. Donohue, O.S.A.,Ph.D., ’75 A&S. Members of the President’sLeadership Circle will work directlywith Father Donohue, serving as a valuablesounding board and providing himwith advice and support.To O’Neill, the excitement and enthusiasmof the group were quickly apparent.“I knew immediately that this group isgoing to really help the president withsome impactful initiatives associated withthe <strong>University</strong>’s Strategic Plan,” he says.Father Donohue’s vision is that theLeadership Circle will be instrumental inraising the <strong>University</strong>’s national profile,increasing alumni engagement andinvolvement and helping <strong>Villanova</strong>to enhance its reputation as apremier national universityand to be recognized as apreeminent Catholicuniversity.“I’m looking forwardto challenging themembers and beingchallenged in return aswe work collaborativelyto identify and advancepriorities for the <strong>University</strong>,”Father Donohue says.“A great opportunity togive back to <strong>Villanova</strong>”The Leadership Circle is designed toengage key alumni who have exhibited ahigh level of interest in and involvementwith <strong>Villanova</strong>, attract new individualswho want to become more involved andprovide a venue for former <strong>Villanova</strong>Board, Campaign and Advisory Councilcommittee members to stay connectedand share their expertise. It also willprepare its members to assume futureleadership roles at <strong>Villanova</strong> and providea pool of candidates for considerationfor the Board of Trustees and vitalCampaign committees.“We look at it as a way toleverage not just the financialbut the intellectualcapital of our alumni,”O’Neill explains.“These are <strong>Villanova</strong>nswho can really help usby mentoring students,fundraising and more—and it’s a way to do it ata very high level.”The 48 charter membersof the Leadership Circle willserve a three-year term and haveagreed to contribute a minimum of$25,000 annually, with young alumni(post-1999 graduates) contributing$10,000 annually.Ed Welsh ’66 VSB, president andowner of ADCO Electrical Corp., hasbeen appointed chair of the LeadershipCircle executive committee.The charter members of the LeadershipCircle are excited about this new chanceto serve the <strong>University</strong>. “My education at<strong>Villanova</strong> made it possible for me to enjoya number of exciting and fulfilling jobs inEdward J. Welsh ’66 VSB, chair, President’sLeadership Circle executive committeeCatherine Barr Windels ’75 A&S, member,President’s Leadership Circle executive committeePatrick M. McMahon ’85 VSB, member, President’sLeadership Circle executive committee26 <strong>Villanova</strong> Magazine

which I was able to travel the world,”notes Catherine Barr Windels ’75 A&S.“This is a great opportunity to give backto <strong>Villanova</strong>.”During her career Windels has workedin the U.S. federal government as associateand acting director of the President’sCommission on White House Fellowships.She currently serves on the boards ofseveral organizations, including the GalenInstitute, an influential health policythink tank in Washington, D.C., and theFraser Institute, the leading Canadianfree market think tank. Her experienceis expected to help <strong>Villanova</strong> nurturecorporate and foundation relationshipsacross the country.Getting down to workBy the conclusion of the first President’sLeadership Circle meeting, four initialpriorities had been identified and presentedto members, and executive committeemembers had been assigned tospearhead them. The initiatives aredevelopment; mentoring; corporationand foundation relations; and admissions.Father Donohue and members will identifyother areas for involvement as thegroup moves forward.Windels will head corporation andfoundation relations, with the goal ofleveraging those relationships to createopportunities for both students andalumni. She will start by having her committeemembers work with <strong>University</strong>Advancement to prepare an overview ofkey contacts and create a matrix matchingthose potential funders to appropriateprojects or departments at <strong>Villanova</strong>.“For example, committee memberswith contacts in the health care industrymight be able to find alumni support forprojects in the College of Nursing,”Windels explains. “The aim is to identifyareas in which we can have some earlysuccesses and create momentum.”Patrick M. McMahon ’85 VSB, principaland co-chief investment officer ofMKP Capital Management, LLC, willlead the mentoring effort. It is designedto provide current students and youngalumni with professional advice and offeralumni the opportunity to participate inprograms such as the Executive in ResidenceProgram, which includes meetingwith faculty, conducting seminars andoffering career guidance.“As I’ve interviewed <strong>Villanova</strong> graduatesand students over the years, it’sbecome apparent to me that having a significantmentoring program will not onlyhelp the students, but also the <strong>University</strong>’sbrand,” McMahon says.He adds, “There’s a very strong commitmentto <strong>Villanova</strong> among the alumnifrom Wall Street. With an organizedmentoring program—which can takestudents through college and through thefirst few years of their careers—we canraise the profile and brand awareness of<strong>Villanova</strong> across the financial world, aswell as other sectors.”The admissions committee of the LeadershipCircle, led by Gen. Anthony C.Zinni, USMC (Ret.), ’65 VSB, will assistthe Office of <strong>University</strong> Admission withpre-admissions interviews, outreach topotential applicants and participation infocus groups. Fundraising, spearheaded byChristopher J. Maguire ’89 A&S, will providephilanthropic support and leadership.Facilitating the work of the President’sLeadership Circle is Robert M. Melchionni’69 VSB, principal gifts officer in <strong>University</strong>Advancement. “This group is going tohave a big impact on our next campaignand on <strong>Villanova</strong>’s future,” he notes.“The enthusiasm has been great,” saysO’Neill. “Now the real work begins.”1st Row Left to Right: Christine Tanona ’97; Lillian J. Walsh ’73; Timothy J. Caffrey, Parent; The Honorable Joseph T. McCullen, Jr. ’57; KristinReed ’88; George W. Coleman ’78; Gen. Anthony C. Zinni, USMC (Ret.) ’65; Kevin R. Morano ’88, James F. Crowley ’71; Raymond M. Tierney,III ’81; Sheila Murphy Smith ’87; Robert G. Catalanello ’86.2nd Row Left to Right: Miguel Lausell, Esq. ’66; David N. Clark ’94; Thomas W. Hofmann ’94 MT; Thomas P. Prior ’83; Maureen GallagherTopper ’77; Christopher J. Maguire ’89; Robert J. Darretta, Jr. ’68; Patrick M. McMahon ’85; Margaret E. Sheetz ’99; Thomas J. Holt, Jr. ’85;William F. Tanona ’96; Robert M. Birmingham ’66; Catherine Barr Windels ’75; William J. Donnell ’77; Rebecca Morano ’88; Kevin M. Curley ’80;Edward J. Welsh ’66 (Chair); William G. Davis ’85; Rev. Peter M. Donohue, O.S.A. ’75, President.3rd Row Left to Right: Michael J. O’Neill, Vice President for <strong>University</strong> Advancement; Barbara L. Dugan ’88; Michael J. Mruz ’67; Michael B.Picotte ’69; William S. Foley ’76; Francis J. Van Kirk ’71; Kerry O. Kittles ’96; James E. Yacobucci ’73; Francis F. Boulton ’73; Donald H. Nikolaus,Esq. ’64; Tyson C. Reed ’88; Jerome Schretter ’86; Robert M. Melchionni ’69, Principal Gift Officer.Missing from picture: Charles P. Connolly, Jr. ’70; Joseph E. Dugan ’87; Nicholas J. Ferrara, Jr. ’63; William P. Melchionni ’66; Thomas A. WagnerIII ’92; Brian E. Wynne ’86.Fall <strong>2010</strong> 27

News28 <strong>Villanova</strong> Magazine

Heartof aChampionIt’s been quite a year for Matt Szczur ’11.He was signed by the Chicago Cubs,earned All-BIG EAST first team honors inbaseball and was named a first team All-American in football. Last December hehelped lead the <strong>Villanova</strong> football team toits first-ever national championship. Yethis biggest accomplishment in 2009-<strong>2010</strong>has nothing to do with sports.The <strong>Villanova</strong> student-athlete recentlydonated bone marrow to try to save the lifeof a 19-month-old girl he has never met.Each year since 1992, <strong>Villanova</strong> headfootball coach Andy Talley and his teamhave hosted a bone marrow testing driveon <strong>Villanova</strong>’s campus. Last fall, Szczurwas identified as a bone marrow match forthe tiny leukemia patient—who had onlya 1-in-80,000 chance of finding one. “Iwas so excited,” Szczur says.Thousands of patients with leukemiaand other life-threatening diseases needbone marrow transplants and depend onthe Be The Match Registry to find a donor.Among 20 million registrants, only a fewhundred matches are found each year.The medical procedure was originallyscheduled for December 2009—whichmeant Szczur would miss the nationalfootball playoffs. (The medication donorsmust take beforehand enlarges the spleen,so sports are off-limits for a time.)For Szczur the choice was clear. “Mybest friend from high school is in remissionfrom leukemia. There’s alwaysanother football game, but how often doyou get the opportunity to save a life?Anyone else would do the same thing ifgiven the chance.”When the procedure was moved to May<strong>2010</strong> for the benefit of the patient, Szczurmissed ten baseball games—yet still led theBIG EAST conference in batting.On June 7, Szczur was drafted by theChicago Cubs in the fifth round of theMajor League Baseball Draft. He hopes toone day meet the little girl. “I can’t waituntil she is well enough to come to one ofmy games and see me play.”Szczur’s contract with the Cubs willallow him to return to <strong>Villanova</strong> this falland play his senior year of football for theWildcats. “I’m thrilled that I can help myteammates defend our national championship,”he says.“There’s a quote on my office door:‘It’s nice to be important, but it’s moreimportant to be nice,’” says Talley. “MattSzczur is an All-American both on thefield and off it.”Fall <strong>2010</strong> 29

NewsSullivan and SheehanHalls Have New LookTwo <strong>University</strong> residence halls arelooking a lot different these days—thanks to planned renovations that beganthis summer. Built in the 1950s, Sullivanand Sheehan halls now feature new,updated bathrooms featuring Corian ®shower surrounds, terrazzo shower bases,porcelain ceramic tile walls and stainlesssteel sinks. The halls’ traditional small,built-in closets have been replaced byexpansive wardrobes that allow studentsadded flexibility in setting up their rooms.Additional electric circuitry has beenadded to each room to accommodate students’increasing technology needs. Therenovations also include safety and securityfeatures such as new sprinkler and firealarm systems and guard stations in eachbuilding. Sullivan Hall also boasts a newlobby. Fresh paint, carpeting, furniture andlighting in both buildings completed thetransformation this summer. The renovations—whichare part of the <strong>University</strong>’sCampus Master Plan—will continue inthe summer of 2011 and will include theinstallation of air conditioning.Moving Documentaries Celebrate Human SpiritTwo compelling student films, producedas part of the Department ofCommunication’s social justice documentarycourse, have captured stories of peopletriumphing over adversity.Meh Sha chronicles the journey ofMeh Sha Lin, who, with his family, fleesBurma and emigrates to Philadelphia,only to meet racial tensions. Lagging sixgrade levels behind and working an afterschooljob to keep his family afloat, hestrives to overcome cultural obstaclescommon to modern immigrants. “This isa story about seeing the uniqueness ineveryone,” says Hezekiah Lewis, assistantprofessor, who led the documentary.Coming Off the DL—or “disabled list,”as it is known to athletes—focuses onFrank Kineavy and Nick Gaynor, twostudents with cerebral palsy who work asmanagers of the men’s and women’s basketballteams, respectively. Each transcendsCP’s physical, academic andsocial challenges. Together, they striveto change how people think of ability.“This film demonstrates the power ofthe human spirit,” says Stephen McWilliams,director of International Studentsand Human Services at <strong>Villanova</strong>.Great Eats<strong>Villanova</strong> Dining Services joined rarefiedcompany when Tim Dietzler,director, took home International FoodserviceManufacturers Association’s GoldPlate Award, one of the industry’s top honors.This marks only the second time auniversity or college has received theannual prize in its 56-year history.The winner of the Gold Plate Award isselected by a jury of foodservice media andprior recipients. Dietzler expressed gratitudeto his family, professional colleaguesand the <strong>University</strong> in accepting the award,but saved special thanks for his dining servicesteam.Frank Kineavy (left) and Nick Gaynor, two students with cerebral palsy who work as managersof the <strong>Villanova</strong> men’s and women’s basketball teams, challenge viewers of the documentary filmComing Off the DL to redefine “ability.”30 <strong>Villanova</strong> Magazine

Outside the classroom, VIEW students had the opportunity to learn team-building skills during group outings that included a trip to a local rock-climbing gym.Pew Grant Supports College Preparation ProgramTasha Mason, 15, wants to be a pediatrician.Brittany Rodriquez, 16, dreams ofbecoming a nurse. Eighteen-year-old LorraineDiaz is interested in a career in criminaljustice, while Jade Marie Nesbitt, 17,plans to attend law school.All four Philadelphia high school studentsspent three weeks on campus thissummer as part of a new program calledthe <strong>Villanova</strong> Initiative for EngagingWomen (VIEW).This spring, <strong>Villanova</strong> received a threeyearcommitment of $225,000 from ThePew Charitable Trusts’ Pew Fund forHealth and Human Services to supportVIEW, a year-round program to helpminority young women from Philadelphiapublic high schools pursue post-secondaryeducation. It is the second largest gift <strong>Villanova</strong>has received from Pew, accordingto Kristen Gladsky, director, FoundationRelations at <strong>Villanova</strong>.“The VIEW program exemplifies<strong>Villanova</strong>’s enduring commitment toserving the Philadelphia community andprovides an opportunity for these youngwomen to see that higher education iswithin their reach,” Gladsky says. “The<strong>University</strong> is very proud to count ThePew Charitable Trusts as a partner inthis important initiative.”The goal of VIEW, which is runthrough <strong>Villanova</strong>’s Center for MulticulturalAffairs, is to promote universityacceptance and attendance and to preparestudents for success in college. During theresidential summer session, VIEW studentsreceive mentoring and follow a universitylikeschedule with classes in English,mathematics, visual literacy and globalcitizenship, as well as elective workshops.“VIEW prepares students for collegelife and helps them avoid some of theminefields they may encounter as freshmen,”says Linda Coleman, associatedirector for Multicultural Affairs.The grant enabled 60 young women tolive and study on the <strong>Villanova</strong> campusthis summer. VIEW also has an afterschoolcomponent conducted in thestudents’ high schools.The Pew Fund for Health and HumanServices, part of The Pew CharitableTrusts’ Philadelphia Program, providesfunding for three groups of at-risk populations:vulnerable adults; the isolated andfrail elderly; and disadvantaged children,youth and their families. The Pew CharitableTrusts is driven by the power ofknowledge to solve today’s most challengingproblems. Pew applies a rigorous, analyticalapproach to improve public policy,inform the public and stimulate civic life.Fall <strong>2010</strong> 31

NewsPoetry Reading Occasions Three MilestonesAdmirers sat shoulder to shoulder, waiting for the mellifluentvoices of two of Ireland’s most acclaimed poets to penetratethe dimly lit stillness of the <strong>Villanova</strong> Room. First to captivatewas Peter Fallon. Founder of The Gallery Press, Ireland’s preeminentpublishing house, Fallon offered samples from his extensivecollection, including “The Gate”:It clings to rusty hinges / on chiselled stone,It hardly infringes on the course of stock.Nobel Laureate Seamus Heaney followed. Among his readingswas “Mid-Term Break,” which recalls his coming home fromschool for his younger brother’s funeral:He lay in the four foot box as in his cot.No gaudy scars, the bumper knocked him clear.Held April 20, the poetry reading culminated the Departmentof English’s 12th annual Literary Festival; marked the 10th anniversaryof the Charles A. Heimbold, Jr. Chair in Irish Studies(Fallon was the first Heimbold Professor); and paid tribute toEnglish professor James Murphy, Ph.D., who was stepping downafter 30 years as director of <strong>Villanova</strong>’s Irish Studies Program.“Seamus and I are here not only as an act of homage to theChair and <strong>Villanova</strong> but also in appreciation of the personalpresence of Jim Murphy,” Fallon said in an interview.Fallon’s and Heaney’s joint appearance was an encore of sorts.A decade earlier, the two luminaries had read at the inaugurationof the Heimbold Chair. Since being formally endowed in2000, the Chair has attracted, said Dr. Murphy, “the best of Irishwriters to <strong>Villanova</strong>” each spring semester.At a reception preceding this year’s poetry reading, the <strong>University</strong>celebrated the prestige of <strong>Villanova</strong>’s Irish Studies Program,the dedicated leadership of Dr. Murphy and the generosityof Charles A. Heimbold Jr., Esq., ’54 A&S and his wife, Monika.Other guests included John McAuliffe, the Heimbold Chair inspring <strong>2010</strong>, and Breandan O’Caollai, Deputy Consul Generalof Ireland.Charles A. Heimbold Jr., Esq., and his wife, Monika, were guests ofhonor at a reception marking the 10th anniversary of the HeimboldChair. The <strong>University</strong> presented the couple with a set of books by Irishauthors. The volumes were encased in a wooden box adorned with animage of St. Thomas of <strong>Villanova</strong> Church.Following the reception, poets Seamus Heaney (left) and Peter Fallonconferred before taking the stage to read selections of their work to a fullhouse in the Connelly Center’s <strong>Villanova</strong> Room.32 <strong>Villanova</strong> Magazine

College UpdatesCollege of EngineeringEnvironmental Research Group Secures Grant for “FOG” ConversionRather than signal the last stop onwastewater’s journey back into theenvironment, the wastewater treatmentprocess might be the first step toward asecond life as a renewable energy source.Dr. Metin Duran, associate professor ofCivil and Environmental Engineering,and the Environmental Microbiology andBiotechnology (EMB) research grouphave secured a $40,000 grant from thePhiladelphia Water Department to investigatethe conversion of fats, oils andgrease (FOG) present in wastewater intomethane gas.For five years, the group has workedwith the Philadelphia Water Departmentto develop technologies that convert wastewaterbyproducts into renewable energy.For this research study, the group willexplore anaerobic co-digestion of FOG,which accumulates during wastewater treatmentand is typically sent to landfills.“At the municipal level, it costs about$80 per ton simply to send this FOG tothe landfill,” says Dr. Duran. “Convertingit to an energy source saves money and isbetter for the environment. This projectalso fits well into Philadelphia’s sustainabilityinitiative, as the city has plans tobuild a co-generation plant to convertmethane into electricity.”Dr. Metin Duran, associate professor of Civil and Environmental EngineeringDean Gary Gabriele Elected to Board of Directorsof ASEE’s Engineering Research CouncilGary Gabriele, Ph.D., Drosdick Endowed Dean of Engineering,will join the board of directors of the American Societyof Engineering Education’s Engineering Research Council,having been elected vice-chair/chairperson-elect for the term<strong>2010</strong>-2012.In this role, Dr. Gabriele will provide leadership to the Councilas it seeks to fulfill its primary objectives to• Provide a forum for discussion of problems and exchange ofinformation pertaining to the research activities of ASEEmembers• Provide programs at meetings• Represent and speak on behalf of research and its administration• Improve the effectiveness of research operations at ERC memberinstitutions• Liaise with other organizations concerned with research andits administration.The Council supports and enhances the efforts of educationorganizations as they conduct research into engineering, technology,computing and applied-science topics.Fall <strong>2010</strong> 33

College UpdatesCollege of EngineeringDr. Kei-Peng JenAwarded BoeingWelliver FacultyFellowshipBoeing, the world’s largest aerospacecompany, has selected Dr. Kei-PengJen, associate professor of MechanicalEngineering, to participate in its highlycompetitive Welliver Faculty Fellowshipprogram.Each summer, Boeing invites nineprofessors from engineering, business,manufacturing or computer sciencerelatedfields to work alongside its professionalsand offer suggestions toimprove Boeing’s processes. The programpromotes a working relationshipbetween industry and academia. Dr.Jen also plans to use this experience tofurther enhance his undergrad uateteaching and research projects.“My objective is to deliver up-todateinformation to my students abouthow the latest technologies areemployed in the aerospace industry,”says Dr. Jen. “Boeing is the ideal placefor me to learn about the most recentdevelopments in aerospace vehicledesign, materials selection, fatigue control,nondestructive evaluations andcost-reduction strategies.”<strong>Villanova</strong> School of BusinessSymposium Focuses on Issues inCompetition and RegulationSix days after the biggest one-day pointdrop ever recorded on the New YorkStock Exchange, more than 100 alumni,faculty and students of the <strong>Villanova</strong>School of Business gathered for a symposiumentitled “Current Issues in Competitionand Regulation.”SEC Commissioner Kathleen L. Caseyserved as the luncheon’s keynote speakerand discussed how governments and regulatorsaround the world are contemplatingchanges to financial regulation that canreduce systemic risk and enhance therobustness and integrity of financial marketsand institutions.Commissioner Casey was joined byMichael Pagano, the Daretta EndowedChair in Finance, who moderated a panelof industry experts. The panel featuredJoseph Mecane, executive vice president,co-head of U.S. Cash and Listings, NYSEEuronext, Inc.; Jamil Nazarali, managingdirector, head of Electronic Trading,Knight Capital Group, Inc.; ChristopherConcannon, partner, Virtu Financial; andGreg Tusar, managing director, head ofU.S. Electronic Trading, The GoldmanSachs Group.The event was sponsored by KnightCapital Group with support from theNational Italian American Foundation.SEC Commissioner Kathleen L. Casey with Professor Michael Pagano (left) and panelistsVSB Hosts 4th Annual Marketing Professionals ShowcaseMore than 200 students attendedVSB’s fourth annual MarketingProfessional Showcase, held on campusMarch 4. The event brought marketingstudents together with marketing professionalsfor presentations and networking.Attendees heard from keynote speakerJohn Hayes PA ’12, chief marketingofficer of American Express. Hayes sharedhis four principles about how studentsshould approach their professional andpersonal lives.“Number one,” he said, “hold on toyour values. Your values define who youare and what you stand for. Second, it’snoble to serve. American Express, forexample, is a company and brand that hasendured for more than 160 years becauseof its promise to serve the needs of its customers.Third, make a difference. Have awillingness to be different and to make adifference. Leave your own unique indeliblemark on your work and on your community.And finally, don’t forget to laugh.It’s your career and your life. Enjoy it.”The Marketing Showcase is sponsoredby the Center for Marketing and PublicPolicy Research, the Clay Center andthe Department of Marketing and BusinessLaw.34 <strong>Villanova</strong> Magazine

<strong>Villanova</strong> School of BusinessCEO of Harrah’sDiscusses the Power ofBusiness AnalyticsThe Center for Business Analytics welcomedGary Loveman, chairman,chief executive officer and president ofHarrah’s Entertainment, Inc., who spoketo students, faculty, alumni and corporatepartners about the importance of analyticsin successful casino management. “We useanalytics as a strategic initiative, even intough economic times,” he said.Loveman also spoke about the importanceand interconnectedness of employeesatisfaction, customer satisfaction andshareholder value. His visit was part of anongoing relationship with the Harrah’scompany, which invited a VSB analyticsclass to Atlantic City for an inside look atanalytics in action. The event marked theofficial launch of VSB’s Center for BusinessAnalytics.College of Liberal Arts & SciencesNew Name andExpanded OfferingsTo more accurately describe its academicprogram offerings, the Departmentof Modern Languages and Literatureshas changed its name to the Departmentof Romance Languages and Literatures.Because all the programs—undergraduateand graduate—in the department pertainto romance languages and literatures(French and Francophone Studies, HispanicStudies and Italian Studies), thedepartment has adopted a name thatreflects the coherency of these programs.In addition, starting in fall <strong>2010</strong>, thedepartment, in conjunction with the LatinAmerican Studies Program, is offering Portuguese.<strong>Villanova</strong> joins other prestigiousinstitutions of higher education in havinga department devoted exclusively to theoverarching theme of Romance Studies.For Lizards, aGlobal WarningIf climate change trends continue, onefifth of the world’s lizards may go theway of the dodo by 2080, according toAaron Bauer, Ph.D., the Gerald M. LemoleEndowed Chair in Integrative Biologyand professor of Biology. He was part of aninternational research team that hasattributed local lizard extinction patternson five continents to rising temperatures.“It’s striking. They have so little time duringthe day to forage and so little time toreproduce that conditions become untenable,”says Dr. Bauer, co-author of thestudy which was published in the May 14issue of Science.Flu Expert Named <strong>2010</strong> Mendel MedalistWily, persistent and ever-changing,influenza viruses afflict people andanimals. Infections cause everything froma few days’ discomfort to death and pandemic.The good news is that RobertWebster, Ph.D., is no less clever and tenacious.Professor in the Division of Virology,Department of Infectious Diseases, atSt. Jude Children’s Research Hospital,where he also holds the Rose MarieThomas Chair, Dr. Webster has dedicatedalmost 50 years to studying the emergenceand control of flu viruses.To honor his significant contributions,<strong>Villanova</strong> <strong>University</strong> has named Dr. Websterits <strong>2010</strong> Mendel Medalist. Dr. Websterwill deliver the Mendel Medal Lectureon Friday, September 24, at 2 p.m. in theConnelly Center. The lecture, “The roleof waterbirds in the genesis of pandemicinfluenza viruses,” is free and open to thepublic.“I am delighted to have been chosen asthe <strong>2010</strong> Mendel Medalist,” Dr. Webstersaid. “Mendel established the basis of ourunderstanding of genetics and was one ofmy heroes. I look forward to receiving themedal and presenting the lecture on influenzaand how it continues to outfox us.”The Mendel Medal was established inhonor of Gregor Johann Mendel, Abbot ofthe Augustinian Monastery, Brünn, Austria,who discovered the celebrated laws ofheredity. The Mendel Medal is awarded tooutstanding scientists who have donemuch to advance the cause of science and,by their lives and their standing before theworld as scientists, have demonstratedthat no intrinsic conflict exists betweentrue science and true religion.Dr. Robert G. Webster, <strong>2010</strong> Mendel MedalistFall <strong>2010</strong> 35

College UpdatesCollege of NursingCollege Honors Four Distinguished AlumnaeThe College of Nursing honored fouralumnae with its highest award, theCollege of Nursing Medallion. ConnellyEndowed Dean and Professor M. LouiseFitzpatrick, Ed.D., R.N., F.A.A.N., presentedthe awards at the 21st Annual Massand Alumni Awards Ceremony on April17 in St. Thomas of <strong>Villanova</strong> Church.The event is co-sponsored by the Collegeand its Nursing Alumni Association.<strong>2010</strong> Medallion RecipientsMedallion for DistinguishedContributions for Nursing EducationMary Ellen Smith Glasgow ’87 M.S.N.,associate dean for UndergraduatePrograms, MSN Programs and CE,Drexel <strong>University</strong>Dr. Glasgow brought Drexel’s cooperativemodel to its undergraduate programsand developed the standardized patientlaboratory experience for undergraduatenursing students. She implemented theuse of mobile technology in the clinicalsetting and created the accelerated careerentry BSN program. At the graduatelevel, Dr. Glasgow served on the planningcommittee for Drexel’s Doctor of NursingPractice and Doctor of Philosophyprograms. She called her master’seducation at <strong>Villanova</strong> “a strong, relevantacademic program.”Medallion for Excellence inClinical PracticeJocelyn Bessette Gorlin ’80 B.S.N.,nurse practitioner, Hematology Department,Minneapolis Children’s Hospitalsand ClinicsGorlin was honored for her care ofchildren with hemophilia and for theexpertise she shares with the underservedworldwide. She has created models toeducate school personnel about studentswith hemophilia and is a representativeon the boards of the National HemophiliaFoundation and World Federation ofHemophilia. With her <strong>Villanova</strong> educationas the bedrock supporting her work,Gorlin acknowledged the children who“taught me that I was not the teacher;I was the student.”Medallion for Distinguished Leadershipin Administration of Nursing and HealthCare ServicesCarol J. Quinn ’70 B.S.N., president andCEO, Mercy Home Health and MercyLIFE, and senior VP, Mercy Health SystemQuinn was recognized for her ability toinfluence quality care through managementof vital community and home healthservices and for expressing <strong>Villanova</strong>’s valuesin her work. She has grown the businessesshe leads, navigated the web ofindustry regulations and exceeded nationaland industry quality standards, whilebringing sensitive, sensible care to thecommunity her organizations serve.Regarding her undergraduate education,Quinn recalled the influence of the “outstandingcurriculum and faculty dedicatedto excellence.”Medallion for Distinguished Service tothe College and Nursing AlumniFlorence Benas Smoczynski ’62 B.S.N.,assistant professor, George Mason<strong>University</strong>Dr. Smoczynski was honored for hersupport of nursing education at <strong>Villanova</strong>and her pioneering efforts in the use oftechnology in nursing education. Sheencourages faculty to venture beyond traditionalmodes of instruction to hone students’ability to make critical judgmentsand institute appropriate clinical interventions.Dr. Smoczynski has been among themost loyal of College of Nursing alumniand credits the leadership, support androle modeling of <strong>Villanova</strong> faculty for herprofessional growth.Connelly Endowed Dean and Professor M. Louise Fitzpatrick, Ed.D., R.N., F.A.A.N.; Medallionrecipients Jocelyn Bessette Gorlin ’80 B.S.N., Florence Benas Smoczynski ’62 B.S.N., Carol J.Quinn ’70 B.S.N. and Mary Ellen Smith Glasgow ’87 M.S.N.; and <strong>University</strong> President the Rev.Peter M. Donohue, O.S.A., Ph.D., ’75 A&S.36 <strong>Villanova</strong> Magazine

Fall <strong>2010</strong>Open HouseSchedule<strong>Villanova</strong> School of BusinessSunday, September 26Sunday, October 3Liberal ArtsSunday, September 12SciencesSunday, September 26EngineeringSaturday, October 2NursingSunday, October 3Legacy DaySunday, October 24DO YOU HAVE ACHILD APPLYING TOTHE CLASS OF 2015?Application DeadlinesDeadlines for a completed Common Application with <strong>Villanova</strong> <strong>University</strong> supplement:November 1November 1December 1January 7Early ActionHealth Affiliation ProgramsPresidential Scholarship nominationand completed applicationRegular DecisionClass of 2014 Admission Statistics14,300 Freshman applications received1,630 Targeted freshman class size82 Percentage of students who ranked inthe top 10 of their graduation class*98 Percentage of students who ranked inthe top 20 of their graduation class*3.80-4.20/4.00 weighted scale GPA range for the typical accepted applicant1330-1440/1600 The middle 50 percent range of SAT scores forthe typical accepted applicant30-33 The middle 50 percent range of ACT scores for thetypical accepted applicant* where class rank is reportedFor Open House reservations,a general campus visit scheduleor more information, please visitwww.admission.villanova.edu oremail us at gotovu@villanova.edu

No AlumnusLeft BehindNew VUAA President Robert Byrnes seeks to increase alumni engagementBy Su z a n n e We n t z e lOpportunity never knocks on thedoor of Robert S. Byrnes ’76 VSB.Long before it reaches his threshold,Byrnes sees it coming and runs toembrace it.When Byrnes moved to North Jerseyin 1978, for example, he discovered thatthe local alumni chapter had flatlined.He called the Alumni Relations Officeand announced, “I’m here to change that.”As its president, he helped transformthe chapter into one of the most robustin the country.Then in 1991, newly transplanted toNorth Carolina, Byrnes noticed that thecar ahead of him on the highway had a<strong>Villanova</strong> sticker. He got the driver topull over, and their roadside chat inspiredJohn Lighthall ’49 E.E. (now deceased) todonate $500 to fund the startup of aCharlotte chapter. Byrnes was elected itsinaugural president.Several months ago, Byrnes learnedthat <strong>Villanova</strong> freshmen were coming toNorth Carolina for a Habitat for Humanityservice trip. He and two other alumnidrove 130 miles to welcome the studentsand arranged for the Carolinas Chapter toprovide them with lunch every day oftheir stay.Such behavior is quintessential Byrnes.“Bob has always been a great leader andnetworker, someone whose relationshipstranscend cliques and personality types,”says Douglas Mazzuca, D.O., ’76 VSB, asurgical ophthalmologist and one ofByrnes’ Delta Tau Delta brothers. “Heloves <strong>Villanova</strong> more than anyone I know.”Inaugurated as president of the<strong>Villanova</strong> <strong>University</strong> Alumni Associationin May, Byrnes continues to be a passionateplaymaker, determined to get moreof <strong>Villanova</strong>’s 106,000 alumni into thegame by increasing their involvementand stewardship.“Almost every <strong>Villanova</strong>n I meet isextraordinarily passionate about theschool and proud of their education. Weneed to translate those positive experiencesinto generosity to the <strong>University</strong>.”The keys, he believes, are telling alumni38 <strong>Villanova</strong> Magazine

the <strong>Villanova</strong> story and asking clearly fortheir support. For a grassroots guy likeByrnes, that’s business as usual.<strong>Villanova</strong> and Byrnes:Perfect togetherA Rhode Island native who grew up inScotch Plains, N.J., Byrnes first saw <strong>Villanova</strong>when he arrived as a freshman. Heknew instantly that the school was a fit.Because he loved basketball, he volunteeredto manage the men’s freshmanteam. When that team was eliminated, heco-managed the varsity squad under newcoach Rollie Massimino. Although manyresponsibilities rested on the shoulders ofByrnes and head manager Gary Becker ’76VSB, working under Coach “Mass” andtrainer Jake Nevin more than compensatedfor the long hours, missed dinnersand post-practice cleanups. “Rollie wasbigger than life,” Byrnes recalls. “It wasexciting to be a part of his program and tomeet so many people.”Joining DTD fraternity also helpedByrnes forge lifelong friendships—althoughit was a short-term goal thatprompted him to pledge. As a freshman,he had walked to Rosemont’s campus,hoping to introduce himself to some girls.He arrived in time to see ten female studentspile into a VW Beetle to attend aDTD party in Overbrook. “By sophomoreyear, I was the brother driving the car.That’s how I was able to get a date!”DTD connected Byrnes with men whoare now luminaries in their fields: Dr. Mazzuca;Daniel DiLella ’73 VSB, presidentand CEO of BPG Properties, Ltd.; andAlfonso Martinez-Fonts ’71 A&S, a fellowof the U.S. Chamber of Commerce andmember of the Alumni Association Boardof Directors. At <strong>Villanova</strong>, Byrnes alsomet the classmate who is still one of hisclosest friends: Chuck Ciarrocchi ’76A&S, president and CEO of ModernMushroom Farms.After graduating, Byrnes embarked on asuccessful career. He pursued an MBA atHofstra <strong>University</strong>, hoping to land a job inNew York’s Financial District. His father,whose manufacturers’ rep agency sold elastomerproducts, enticed Byrnes to comework for him for a year instead. “Dad knewthat once I started, I would never go back.”When his father retired in 1988, Byrnessucceeded him as president, reopening thefirm under the name of R.S. Byrnes Associates,Inc., and eventually moving it andhis family to North Carolina.Byrnes has been married for 27 years. A<strong>Villanova</strong>n in spirit,his wife, Tracy, hasplayed a leading rolein her husband’salumni activities,hosting everythingfrom student picnicsto game-watch parties.Although theByrnes’ children,Jeffrey, Morganand Cory, electedto attend otheruniversities, theyshare their parents’<strong>Villanova</strong> pride.Co-managing the ’73–’74 Wildcats under new head coach Rollie Massimino(seated third from left) helped define the <strong>Villanova</strong> experience for sophomoreBob Byrnes (second row, far right). “I was given an enormous amount ofresponsibility at an early age.”Clarion call to alumniOne of Byrnes’ first tasks as president wasdelivering the Graduate Pledge of Loyaltyat <strong>Commencement</strong>. As he invited theClass of <strong>2010</strong> to repeat the words that arehis life’s anthem, Byrnes could not suppresshis joy. Later, the mother of a graduatetold Gary Olsen ’74, ’80, associatevice president for Alumni Relations, thatit was one of the most poignant momentsin the ceremony.The accolade reconfirmed what Olsenhas known for years: no person is betterqualified to be VUAA president. “BobByrnes’ commitment, leadership andpassion will inspire others to support<strong>Villanova</strong>’s mission and its strategic plan,”Olsen says.That strategic plan includes engagingthe broadest spectrum of alumni andfriends in the life of the <strong>University</strong>.Byrnes’ predecessor, Paul Tufano ’83 VSB,’86 J.D., made significant strides in reachingout to alumni. Now, Byrnes says, “wehave to keep that momentum going.” Hedoesn’t hesitate to flash the number 19everywhere he goes. That’s the percentageof alumni who support <strong>Villanova</strong>—compared to 26 percent at Boston College,34 percent at Bucknell and 42 percent atNotre Dame.Besides increasing the percentage ofalumni who invest in <strong>Villanova</strong>’s future,Byrnes and the board plan to position theVUAA as one of the best alumni associationsin the nation. They also are workingto create an alumni welcome center inGarey Hall, the VUAA’s new home.Byrnes’ gaze is fixed on these goals. Oncampus, during road trips and in his correspondence,he exhorts alumni to “be thedifference; give to <strong>Villanova</strong> today!” Tomake his case, he points to the milestonesthe <strong>University</strong> has reached under the presidencyof the Rev. Peter M. Donohue,O.S.A., Ph.D., ’75 A&S—among them,the strategic plan, the campus master planand the opening of Driscoll Hall. “FatherPeter and the Board of Trustees are doingtheir part. Alumni need to play a biggerrole in supporting them.” One can almosthear the next words revving Byrnes’ mentalengine: “I’m here to help them do that.”Alumni Association Board Welcomes New MembersTwo alumnae passionate about their alma mater now have the opportunity tocontribute to the strategic direction of the <strong>Villanova</strong> <strong>University</strong> AlumniAssociation. Tina Waters ’89 VSB (see article on p. 24) and Laura Savino ’94 A&Seach have been elected to a three-year term on the VUAA Board of Directors.A seasoned leader of and participant in alumni activities, Savino has sharedher time and talent to organize numerous events, from game watches toscholarship golf outings, and has worked as a reunion volunteer. AfterHurricane Katrina, she participated in the alumni Habitat for Humanity trip toSlidell, Louisiana. To prepare for her role on the board, Savino recently steppeddown after a long and fruitful tenure as president of the Long Island Chapter.Fall <strong>2010</strong> 39

Family Fun Top Cat LuncheonWelcome Back,Reliving residence hall days gone by,1,400 alumni and their familiesjour neyed to campus tocommemorate their past at <strong>Villanova</strong>during Alumni Reunion Weekend.At class dinner receptions on Fridayattendees rekindled friendships, reveled innostalgia and discovered new additions tothe venerable <strong>University</strong> grounds. Theclass of 1985 marked its Silver Anniversaryby presenting a special class videocreated by the class committee.The weekend’s most senior alumnus,Ambrose “Russ” Flanigan ’35 E.E. feelstime has transformed the school hegraduated from three-quarters of a centuryago. “<strong>Villanova</strong> was a wonderful placeback then, a great big campus with veryfew buildings. Look at what it has becomenow—this is amazing!” he remarked at theTop Cat Luncheon, an event for graduatesof more than 50 years.Former students learned on Saturdayabout what to expect in the decades ahead.Alumni celebrate college memories at Reunion WeekendAcademic deans met with alumni, discussedthe institution’s vision for the futureand led a tour of the academic facilities.Later, alumni were invited to the ConnellyCenter to enjoy coffee and conversationwith the Rev. Peter M. Donohue, O.S.A.,Ph.D., ’75 A&S, <strong>Villanova</strong> president.Fun in the sunHighlighted by a retrospective mix ofmusic provided by <strong>Villanova</strong> Radioalumni, the Reunion Family Picnic gavekith and kin the chance to enjoy a specialafternoon of entertainment in the shadowof the church. The Wildcat mascot posedfor photos, as did members of the men’sbasketball team (when not perched insidethe dunk tank).Inside St. Thomas of <strong>Villanova</strong>Church, more than 100 couples said, “Ido!” all over again by reaffirming theirwedding vows and receiving a communalblessing. Other alumni celebrated theirenduring faith by attending a vigil Mass.The day’s festivities culminated withdinner, dance and song at the AlumniGala, held in the Pavilion. Chico’s Vibe, apremier event band, provided hours ofgrooving entertainment and conga lines,and Father Donohue took the microphoneto sing the school fight song and a<strong>Villanova</strong>-themed version of FrankSinatra’s “My Kind of Town.”Bob Byrnes ’76 VSB, president of theAlumni Association, says, “It waswonderful to welcome so many alumniback to campus for the weekend. Theenthusiasm and support of our talentedalumni has been instrumental infacilitating the great things happening at<strong>Villanova</strong> today. Thank you to all whocontributed to their Class Gift. Yourgenerosity allows <strong>Villanova</strong> to continue itscommitment to academic excellence whileadvancing a deeper understanding ofAugustinian values.”—Shawn Proctor40 <strong>Villanova</strong> MagazineWedding Vow Renewal Class Reunion

Wildcats!Vigil MassFamily PicnicConversation with the DeanHalf CenturyDinnerGalaFamily PicnicFall <strong>2010</strong> 41

Your Alumni AssociationNew Student ReceptionsSave the DateforHomecoming<strong>2010</strong>and theFive-YearReunionfor theClass of 2005From California to the New York Island (andmany places in between) alumni hosted morethan 30 New Student Receptions for incomingfreshmen and their families in recent months.Fun and informal, the receptions helped theClass of 2014 learn more about <strong>Villanova</strong>.They allowed them to meet alumni and otherlocal students, preparing them for <strong>University</strong>life, even before arriving on campus. Seephotos from this year’s events by visitingwww.villanova.edu/advance/alumni/eventsand clicking “New Student Receptions”then “Photo Galleries.”October 22-24.Visit alumni.villanova.edufor the schedule of events.Play a Round for NovaAll summer, <strong>Villanova</strong> alumni have teed up fortheir local chapter’s “Great Golf, Great Cause”charity events. More than just a way to play18 holes and reconnect with alumni andfriends, VUAA golf outings support studentscholarships, based on academic achievementand financial need. The events, held fromupstate New York to Georgia, have raised$25,000 to date this year. Fore!Rev. Peter M. Donohue, O.S.A., Ph.D., ’75 A&S introduces the student scholarship recipients at the DetroitScholarship Golf Outing.We’re onthe MoveAlumni Relations hasrelocated to the newAlumni Center in GareyHall on West Campus.You’re invited to plan avisit—look for newsabout the upcomingOpen House onwww.villanova.edu/advance/alumni.42 <strong>Villanova</strong> Magazine

Your Alumni AssociationVolunteer Leaders Recognized for Service, InnovationAt the <strong>2010</strong> Volunteer Leaders Conference,the VUAA recognized alumni who haverolled up their sleeves to bolster the <strong>University</strong>.Their service ensures <strong>Villanova</strong> students,faculty and programs will have the resourcesto reach their full potential.Francis “Chip” Moynihan ’70 A&Sreceived the Distinguished Service Award forhis diligent and faithful commitment to the<strong>University</strong> over the years. In recognition ofthe Nursing Alumni Association’s (NAA)exemplary leadership and superb efforts instrategic planning and instituting new initiatives,the entire NAA Board received the<strong>2010</strong> Leadership Award.The <strong>Villanova</strong> <strong>University</strong> AlumniAssociation’s Greater Philadelphia Chapterwas awarded the Rev. Jackson CommunityService Award for its dedication to severalcommunity organizations, includingPhilabundance and Project H.O.M.E.–Women’s Emergency Respite Center. Andthe Singers Alumni Society received theCreative Achievement Award for the creationof the <strong>Villanova</strong> Singers Legacy, whichensures the singers’ traditions are passedfrom generation to generation.The Singers Alumni entertain attendees with a tune as they receive the CreativeAchievement Award.The Nursing Alumni Association accepts the Leadership Award.Francis “Chip” Moynihan ’70 A&S (center),winner of the Distinguished Service Award, joinsthe Rev. Peter M. Donohue, O.S.A., Ph.D., ’75A&S, <strong>Villanova</strong> president, and Paul A. Tufano,Esq., ’83 VSB, ’86 J.D., VUAA past president.VUAA’s Greater PhiladelphiaChapter displays the Rev. JacksonCommunity Service Award.Fall <strong>2010</strong> 43

Class NotesClass of 1946: 65thReunion, June 10-12, 20111950sClass of 1951: 60thReunion, June 10-12, 2011Class of 1956: 55thReunion, June 10-12, 2011Emanuel Rubin, M.D., ’50 A&S,Bio., distinguished professor ofPathology, Anatomy and Cell Biologyat Jefferson Medical College,was honored as a benefactor bythe Hebrew <strong>University</strong> of Jerusalemand American Friends of theHebrew <strong>University</strong>. The Hebrew<strong>University</strong> also established The Dr.Emanuel Rubin Endowed Chairin Medical Science to recognizehis longstanding contributions.1960sClass of 1961: 50thReunion, June 10-12, 2011Class of 1966: 45thReunion, June 10-12, 2011John Benigno ’68 A&S, Soc., is anaward-winning fine arts photographer.His work recently was featuredin the Quattro Amici Plus: 24 Eyesexhibit at the <strong>Villanova</strong> Art Gallery.John Kilduff ’68 A&S, Pol.Sci., has been named to the Board ofAdvisors of the Skinny NutritionalCorp., maker of Skinny Water ® .He retired from his position aspresident/chief operating officerof the Dr. Pepper Co. in 2002.1970sClass of 1971: 40thReunion, June 10-12, 2011Class of 1976: 35thReunion, June 10-12, 2011Teresa Cavenagh, Esq., ’73 A&S,Psy., was a panelist for the “Womenin Leadership” symposium organizedby the Pennsylvania DiversityCouncil. She is a partner in theTrial Practice Group of the law firmDuane Morris LLP in Philadelphia.Kevin Kolmer ’74 VSB, Bus.Adm., was recognized in Barron’smagazine as one of “America’s Top1,000 Advisors: State-by-State.”Kolmer is a financial advisorwith the Kolmer Group of MerrillLynch Wealth Management.W. Michael Perrige Jr.,D.D.S., ’74 A&S, Gen., welcomedkindergarten students from schoolsin Gibbstown, N.J., to his officeThe Rites of Stone, a new book ofpoetry by Robert Lima ’57 A&S,Arts, ’61 G.S.Theat., has beenpublished by The Orlando Pressand is availableat Lulu.com.The book presentsthe awardwinningpoet’sperspective onthe archaeologicalsitesof the Andesand Rapa Nui.as part of Dental Health Month.Dr. Perrige, the Dental Defendersand Mister Thirsty workedtogether to teach kids about theimportance of dental hygiene.Richard Ranieri ’74 A&S, Arts,is senior vice president of HumanResources at the Dendreon Corp., abiotechnology company that developsnew therapies to target cancer.Previously, he served as the executivevice president of Human Resourcesand Administration at Sepracor Inc.Dawn Chism, Esq., ’77 A&S,Hon., has been inducted intoWest Philadelphia Catholic HighSchool’s 2009 Hall of Fame for law.Michael J. McColgan ’77VSB, Acct., a partner at PricewaterhouseCoopersin New YorkCity, recently was appointedmanaging partner of the EastRegional Assurance Practice.Stephen Umberger ’79 VSB,Bus.Adm., is the Baltimore districtdirector of the U.S. Small BusinessAdministration (SBA). Heis responsible for the delivery andmanagement of the SBA’s financial,business development andgovernment contracting programsthroughout most of the state ofMaryland (excluding Prince George’sand Montgomery counties).1980sClass of 1981: 30thReunion, June 10-12, 2011Class of 1986: 25thReunion, June 10-12, 2011Michael Raquet ’80 A&S, Arts,president of Client AlignmentInc., is the author of Selling Big:Growing Your Business Within LargeCompanies, released by PraegerPublishers. He also launched theBusiness Alignment Board, apeer advisory group of businessChristopher J. Pippett, Esq.,’81 VSB, Acct., has joinedFox Rothschild as a partnerin Corporate Department.professionals that meets monthlyin the Philadelphia area.Grace Ann Spena, R.N.,M.S.N., ’80 Nur., ’85 M.S.Nur.has been recognized by CambridgeWho’s Who for demonstrating dedication,leadership and excellencein health care support services. Sheis director of Health and WellnessInitiatives for MontgomeryCounty Community College.Joseph Flotteron ’82 VSB,Acct., was recognized as one of“America’s Top 1,000 Advisors:State-by-State ” by Barron’s magazine.He is a financial advisor withMerrill Lynch Wealth Management.Byrne Mulrooney ’82 M.E. ischief executive officer of the Korn/Ferry company Futurestep, a leaderin recruitment process outsourcing.He also serves on Korn/Ferry’sglobal operating committee.Mary Ellen Boyle Lorenz’83 Nur. is director of ClinicalSystems Support at IndependenceBlue Cross in Philadelphia.Catherine Keating ’84 A&S,Engl., was one of six womenhonored by the Girl Scout Councilof Greater New York for outstand-Joseph W. Fanelle, M.D. ’83 A&S,Bio., received the CompassionateCare Award at the annualPhysician Recognition AwardsCeremony in Pittsgrove, N.H. Dr.Fanelle, chairman of the Departmentof Radiation Oncology atScarpa CancerPavilion,was selectedfrom a groupof morethan 400physicianson staff atSouth JerseyHealthCare.John G. Reidy, P.E. ’88 C.E.has joined O’Brien & Gere asvice president in its Alpharetta,Ga., office. Reidy will leadthe office’s water practice.ing achievement and leadership.She is chief executive officer ofU.S. Private Bank, J.P. Morgan.Patrick J. Gavin ’85 VSB,Acct., is president of Crozer-ChesterMedical Center in Springfield,Pa. Previously, he was the chiefoperating officer at ReadingHospital and Medical Center.V. Scott Macom ’86 A&S,Engl., has written two screenplays:“Coal Black Hole,” a story based ontruth about the coal mining regionsof Northeastern Pennsylvania, and“Buck Fever,” a comedy. He wasone of the youngest attorneys everappointed to the bench in Ohio.Katherine Yeh ’86 VSB, Bus.Adm., wrote a children’s book,You’re Lovable to Me, publishedby Random House. Her secondbook, tentatively titled TheMagic Brush, will be published byWalker Books later this year.Anthony Amendola ’87 A&S,Pol.Sci., is director of Sales &Marketing at the Hilton StamfordHotel & Executive Meeting Centerin Stamford, Conn. Previously, hewas director of sales and marketingfor the Paramount and MillenniumUN Plaza hotels in Manhattan.Brian Joseph Hill, ChFC, ’87VSB, Bus.Adm., was named a<strong>2010</strong> Five Star Wealth Manager byBoston magazine. He is a partner atCapital Analysts of New England.Lou Belmonte ’88 C.E., districttraffic engineer for District 6 forthe Pennsylvania Department ofTransportation (PennDOT),received a Star of Excellence Awardfrom the PennDOT Secretary ofTransportation. Belmonte earnedthis recognition for outstandingperformance and for demonstratingthe department’s values ofservice, performance and integrity.44 <strong>Villanova</strong> Magazine

Brian Smith ’89 VSB, Bus.Adm., is general director ofZ.C. International, Ltd., in HoChi Minh City, Vietnam.Craig F. Zappetti, Esq., ’89VSB, Acct., ’89 A&S, Comm., hasedited the 20th editions of <strong>2010</strong> SECReporting Rules for Forms 10-K, 10-Qand 8-K and <strong>2010</strong> Reporting Rules forProxy Statements. He is a partner ofSaul Ewing LLP.1990sClass of 1991: 20thReunion, June 10-12, 2011Class of 1996: 15thReunion, June 10-12, 2011Daniel E. Cummins, Esq., ’90A&S, Engl., has been selected towrite the annual Supplement tothe Pennsylvania Trial AdvocacyHandbook. Cummins, a partnerin the Scranton, Pa., law firmof Foley, Cognetti, Comerford,Cimini & Cummins, also writes amonthly civil litigation column inPennsylvania Law Weekly.Charles A. Wright III ’90Michael Migliaccio, Esq., ’93 A&S,Eco., has joined the national lawfirm of Quarles & Brady LLP. Hewill serve Of Counsel in the CommercialBankruptcy, Restructuringand Creditors’ Rights Group.A&S, Gen., has joined Peirce Collegeas vice president, InstitutionalAdvancement. He is responsible forcreating, developing and implementingalumni relations and communityrelations plans for the college.Maureen Elizabeth Hill Nigro’92 A&S, Psy., ’96 G.S.Hum.Org.Sci. was featured as a Top 40Under 40 finalist by The Irish Echoweekly newspaper. A former MissMayo of Philadelphia, Nigro is acompensation consultant with StateStreet Bank in Boston, Mass.Matthew Spahn ’92 VSB,Eco., welcomed a girl.Vincent Donohue, Esq., ’93VSB, Acct., has been appointedto the Paoli Hospital Foundation’sBoard of Trustees. Donohueis a partner at the law firm LambMcErlane, PC, in West Chester, Pa.Cristina Hawes Mohr ’94A&S, Gen.Arts, and Richard Mohr’94 VSB, Mgt., welcomed a boy.Kristina Parker ’94 VSB,Acct., is one of the 40 under-40winners selected by the PhiladelphiaBusiness Journal. Parkeris an audit partner at KPMG.Kelly Drometer Alley ’95VSB, Mgt., welcomed a girl.Sean Haley ’95 A&S,Pol.Sci., welcomed a boy.Monica Emmons Hyjek ’95A&S, Edu., welcomed a girl.Alfred Maduro ’95 VSB,Mgt., welcomed a girl.Melissa McManus Welch ’95A&S, Comm., welcomed a girl.North Highland has appointedRobert Hogan ’97 M.B.A.vice president and local officeleader in New York. Hoganspecializes in financial management,finance transformationand related technologies.John Naberezny ’95 VSB,Acct., welcomed a girl.Christine Peterson Cappello’95 A&S, Pol.Sci., welcomed a girl.Mark Blazejewski ’96VSB, Mgt., welcomed a girl.Kristen Cirillo Ecklord ’96VSB, Mkt., welcomed a son.Let’s Work Together for <strong>Villanova</strong>’s Success!<strong>Villanova</strong>ns are known for coming together to make a difference. When it comes to alumni annual givingwe need every member of our community to participate. Our giving percentage is lowerthan our peers, but if we all pitch in we can keep moving forward. Join your fellowalumni by making a gift to <strong>Villanova</strong> today. Working together,alumni participation will continue to climb and help uspaint an even brighter future for our students.VILLANOVA ANNUAL FUND800 LANCASTER AVENUE I VILLANOVA, PA 19085 I 1.800.486.5244 I VILLANOVA.EDU/MAKEAGIFTFall <strong>2010</strong> 45

Class NotesSneha Desai ’96 VSB,Mgt., welcomed a girl.Lilah Al-Masri, M.S., R.D.,C.S.S.D., L.D., ’97 A&S, Bio.,co-authored 100 Questions andAnswers about Sports Nutrition andExercise, a nutrition book publishedby Jones and Bartlett Publishers.Denise Fessler ’97 M.S.Nur.was promoted to vice president ofClinical Management Services atCapital BlueCross in Harrisburg,Pa. She also oversees the company’sBetter Health Works Program.Brian Gallagher ’97 VSB,Fin., married Kerry McNamara.Michael Flanagan Lizzul ’97VSB, Acct., welcomed a girl.John Mundy ’97 VSB,Acct., welcomed twin girls.Kelly Pape Ennis ’97 VSB,Acct., welcomed a boy.Deena Brozek Brandow ’98VSB, Mkt., welcomed a girl.JoAnn Garbin ’98 M.E. waspromoted to program director ofInformation Services in the GlobalEnergy & Sustainability Innovationsgroup of Johnson Controls.Jennifer Antonacci ’99 A&S,Hum.Serv., was awarded a writingfellowship by Summer LiterarySeminars and was invited to attenda two-week program in Kenya.Antonacci’s work has been publishedin two short-story anthologies:Watching Time and Storied Crossings.Neil Connelly ’99 C.E. wel -comed a boy.Susan D’Ariano Pernetti ’99VSB, Fin., and Chris Pernetti’97 VSB, Fin., welcomed a girl.Gregory Gambel ’99 A&S,Pol.Sci., ’02 J.D. was promoted togeneral counsel of BET Investments.Victoria Heller Johnson’99 A&S, French, welcomedtwins, a boy and a girl.2000sClass of 2001: 10thReunion, June 10-12, 2011Class of 2006: 5thReunion, October 23, <strong>2010</strong>Elizabeth Bee Soriero ’00 A&S,Gen.Arts/Edu., and Kenneth Soriero’00 VSB, Acct., welcomed a girl.Jennifer Caponigro McConnell’00 VSB, Mkt., welcomed a girl.Angela Capron Deering ’00VSB, Acct./Fin. welcomed a girl.Nathan M. Cline, P.E.,SEO, ’00 C.E. has been namedYoung Engineer of the Year by theDelaware County Chapter of thePennsylvania Society of ProfessionalJoin the <strong>Villanova</strong> Community for the<strong>2010</strong> St. Thomas of <strong>Villanova</strong>Day of ServiceSaturday, September 11With the goal of engaging 6,000 volunteersthroughout Greater Philadelphia andaround the country, the <strong>2010</strong> eventis sure to be the biggest yet!Contact your chapter leader or visitwww.alumni.villanova.edufor nearby volunteer opportunities.Visit www.villanova.edu/stvc for information aboutthe St. Thomas of <strong>Villanova</strong> CelebrationGenerously Sponsored byLead SponsorChrista Martin, R.N., M.S.N., CPNP,’05 M.S.Nur. shares her personalstory about livingwith an addictin her bookGrace ThroughAddiction: Leavinga NarcoticAddict. The bookis availableonline at www.amazon.com.Engineers. Cline is the municipaldivision manager for PennoniAssociates’ West Chester office.Missy Cotter Smasal ’00A&S, Pol.Sci., welcomed a girl.Joseph Gulino, Esq., ’00 A&S,Pol.Sci., has joined the law firm ofDiaz Reus & Targ LLP. Gulino, whois multilingual, will serve the company’sItalian and French clients.Kara Malhame Shanley ’00VSB, Fin., welcomed a girl.Jennifer O’Donnell Dougherty’00 A&S, Comm., welcomed a boy.Anne Brezsnyak Williams’01 Nur. welcomed a boy.Joe Russell ’01 A&S,Comm., welcomed a boy.Katrina Wawer Kletzly ’01A&S, Pol.Sci., welcomed twin boys.Dana DalleMolle ’02 VSB,Acct., married Brian Neill.Sara Fabrizio ’02 A&S,Eco., has been named directorof Financial Communicationsat the U.S. division of Sun LifeFinancial Inc. In that role, shewill help develop and implementexternal communications plans.Pamela Mazur ’02 VSB,Fin., married Miroslav Vida.Jennifer Carrigan ’03 A&S,Psy., has been named clinical supervisorfor the residential treatmentprogram at Shawnee Academy.Vincent Sorgi ’03 M.B.A. hasbeen named vice president andcorporate controller for PPL Corp.Previously, Sorgi served as controllerof PPL’s Supply segment, thecompany’s largest business segment.Andrea Silknitter ’04 VSB,Fin., and Christopher Guild’04 VSB, Mkt., were married.Timothy Walsh ’04 E.E.completed his Ph.D. in electricalengineering at Rensselaer PolytechnicInstitute in New York. He hasaccepted a postdoctoral fellowship atthe U.S. Army Research Laboratory.Bryan Adams ’06 A&S,Comm., ’07 A&S, Geog., is aprocess advocate intern in Vanguard’sCenter of Excellence.Elyse Braxton, Lt., ’06 Nur. isstationed with the Marines of the3rd Medical Battalion in Okinawa,Japan. Lt. Braxton is the officer incharge of the S3 training area.Joseph H. Buesgen Jr. ’06VSB, Bus.Adm., welcomed a boy.Aaron Bibro ’07 MPA, Grad.Cert. in City Management, hasbeen named manager of RobinsonTownship in Pennsylvania. Previously,Bibro served as assistant manager.Anne Kelly ’07 A&S, Psy.,and John McDonnell ’05 A&S,Comp.Sci., were married.Erik W. Waryas ’08 M.E.has been promoted to surveyor atLloyd’s Register North America.He works in the Design SupportOffice, where he reviewsfire and safety plans for ships.Marcia Dorsey ’09 Nur.joined the PennsylvaniaState Nurses Association.In Memoriam1930sWalter A. D’Alonzo, M.D.,’35 A&S, Bio., on March 9.Philip DiGiacomo ’35E.E. on March 21.1940sWilliam E. Deasy ’41Ch.E. on April 15.Robert S. Boggiano ’42A&S, Arts, on April 18, 2009.Frederick W. Gerland ’42VSB, Eco., on March 18.Joseph Perna Jr. ’42 A&S,Arts, on January 15, 2008.Denis A. Boyle, M.D.,’43 Ch.E. on March 23.Joseph H. Hoffman’45 M.E. on March 7.Father Raymond Geisser’48 M.E. on April 6.Joseph A. Mahon ’48M.E. on April 15.Thomas P. Santry Sr.’48 C.E. on April 16.Frank T. Carroll Jr.’49 M.E. on March 3.Roy Schleicher ’49A&S, Edu., on Feb. 19.1950sAnthony P. Russo Sr. ’50 A&S,Edu., on November 15, 2009.James P. Jannuzzo ’51 A&S,Undeclared, on August 30, 2009.Robert M. Kelly ’51VSB, Eco., on January 25.Joseph I. McCreary ’51VSB, Eco., on April 15.William R. Davis ’52VSB, Eco., on April 30.William J. C. “Tex” Houston’52 VSB, Eco., on March 8.46 <strong>Villanova</strong> Magazine

Joseph A. Berry ’53 A&S,Bio., on April 1, 2009.John M. Birle ’54 VSB,Eco., on March 10.Donald A. Scaiano ’54 A&S,Edu., on November 15, 2009.Rita M. Fenwick ’55 Nur.on May 6.Robert E. Savarese ’55VSB, Eco., on March 27, 2009.Richard M. Shelton’55 E.E. on March 7.Ruth A. Weisser Pfizenmayer’55 Nur. on July 15, 2009.A. Kirk Brennan Jr. ’56Ch.E. on May 14, 2007.Robert J. Gross ’56VSB, Eco., on March 15.James A. Abel ’57 VSB,Eco., on March 25.Joseph F. Chase ’57VSB, Acct., on January 6.Ronald J. Girioni ’57Ch.E. on February 7.Thomas J. Brennan ’58VSB, Eco., on March 1.Thomas M. Collins, Lt.Col., USMC (retired), ’58VSB, Eco., on March 16.William H. Ickes ’58A&S, Engl., on March 7.James M. Mullen ’58VSB, Eco., on April 20.Robert P. Raikowski Sr.’58 VSB, Eco., on April 19.Edward J. Ryan ’58M.E. on February 7.Sister M. Pacelli Staskiel’58 G.S.Engl. on February 16.Kathleen Casey CollinsKendall ’59 Nur. March 29.Anthony Mullen ’59VSB, Acct., on April 27.1960sRonald B. Desilets ’60G.S.Arts on April 5.Vincent J. Olshefski’60 E.E. on March 22.Sister Madonna MarieCunningham ’61 A&S,Arts, on January 20.Edward F. Moriarty ’61VSB, Eco., on April 10.James D. Boyle ’62 A&S,Pol.Sci., on February 23.Donald G. Melega ’62A&S, Soc., on April 6.Otis P. Drayton ’63VSB, Eco., on March 2.William J. Lotze ’63 A&S,Arts, on January 17, 2009.Joseph W. Hoopes ’64A&S, Physics, on January 30.Daniel A. Brennan ’65G.S.French on February 16.Lionel R. Heath ’65VSB, Eco., on January 23.Class Notes Submission Form*Have you received an honor, award or promotion? Did you earnanother degree, get married or have a baby? Submit this Class Notesform via fax to (610) 519-7583 or mail to Kate Wechsler, <strong>Villanova</strong>Magazine, Alumni Office, Garey Hall, <strong>Villanova</strong> <strong>University</strong>,800 Lancaster Avenue, <strong>Villanova</strong>, PA 19085. Please send photos by mail or e-mail digitalphotos to alumni@villanova.edu. Digital photos should be jpeg or tif format that are300 dpi and preferably at least 3 x 5 inches.Please print or type:Name ________________________________________________________________________Class Year_____________ _ College_______ _ Major____________________________________Additional <strong>Villanova</strong> graduate degrees and years:______________________________________________________________________________Residential Address______________________________________________________________City_ _______________________________ _ State__________ _ ZIP______________________Telephone_ ____________________________________________________________________Employer______________________________________________________________________Position_______________________________________________________________________Business Address_ _______________________________________________________________City________________________________ _ State__________ _ ZIP______________________Telephone_____________________________________________________________________Preferred E-mail_________________________________________________________________News for Class Notes____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________*<strong>Villanova</strong> <strong>University</strong> reserves complete editorial rights to all content submitted for Class Notes,and posts and publishes listings as space permits.Fall <strong>2010</strong> 47

Class NotesRichard J. Jackson’65 E.E. on April 8.Thomas Lynam ’65 A&S,Arts, on August 19, 2009.Sister Catherine Edgar’66 A&S, Arts, on May 11.1970sJames W. Belk ’70 VSB, Bus.Adm., on March 6, 2009.Robert J. Drelick ’70 VSB,Bus.Adm., on August 15, 2009.W. Robert Hey ’70 VSB,Bus.Adm., on March 31.Fred Nicholas John Starasinic’70 M.C.E. on April 10.Edward M. Petruska ’71G.S.Chem. on April 18.Elizabeth J. Casey ’72G.S.Arts on March 6, 2009.John F. Cooper III ’72 VSB,Eco., ’92 G.S.Edu. on February 19.Barbara Speirs Stephens ’72A&S, Arts, on November 27, 2008.John C. Fitts ’73 A&S,Psy., on February 25.Marianna O’Neill Crawford’73 G.S.Lib.Sci. on March 5.John H. Hewlett ’74G.S.Arts on February 9.Steven B. Inman ’74 VSB,Bus.Adm., on March 6.John Supon ’74 A&S,Arts, on March 26.John R. Edwards ’75 A&S,Engl., on January 13, 2009.John J. Zeock ’76 A&S, Engl.,’78 G.S.Arts on March 30.1980sJeffrey St. Amour ’80 A&S,Edu., on March 19.Deborah Johnson Clarke’81 A&S, Soc., on April 30.Rev. John J. Sullivan ’81G.S.Arts on March 14.William E. Perley ’82A&S, Eco., on March 14.Robert C. Sabatino ’82A&S, Edu., on April 24.Kevin R. Scott ’85VSB, Acct., on April 13.Ernest Ferraro ’87 VSB,Bus.Adm., on March 23.Edward A. Ducsay ’89A&S, Comp.Sci., on March 3.1990sGlenn H. Astle ’92 VSB, Bus.Adm., on February 21.Brian C. Fiore ’93 VSB,Acct., on April 13.Gretchen R. Lips ’94A&S, Psy., on January 27.Marie L. Richard-Yates ’94G.S.Bio. on May 19, 2009.2000sMattei I. Radu ’03 A&S, Pol.Sci./Hist., ’06 J.D. on May 7.Gunther T. Bright Jr. ’07A&S, Pol.Sci., on March 21.StaffHorace “Jack” Dischert, aWorld War II veteran and formeremployee, on March 22, <strong>2010</strong>.FacultyGerald G. Hottenstein, Ed.D., whotaught in the Education Department,on February 11, <strong>2010</strong>.Class Notes Publication Policy<strong>Villanova</strong> <strong>University</strong> accepts submissionsof news of professionalachievements or personal milestonesfor inclusion in the Class Notes sectionof <strong>Villanova</strong> Magazine. Concisesubmissions can be submitted electronicallyor by mail. The <strong>University</strong>reserves the right to edit for content,accuracy and length. Every effort ismade to print submissions in a timelyfashion as space permits. Reasonablesteps are taken to verify theaccuracy of the information submitted,but the <strong>University</strong> cannot guaranteethe accuracy of all submissions.Publication of professional achievementsor personal milestones doesnot constitute endorsement by<strong>Villanova</strong> <strong>University</strong>.The Rev. Msgr. Michael J. Fitzgerald ’73 J.C.D.Named Auxiliary Bishop of PhiladelphiaDuring his career in the priesthood, the Rev. Msgr.Michael J. Fitzgerald ’73 J.C.D. has worked to spreadthe message of God and faith to the people to whom hehas ministered. Now he answers a new call to serve thechurch as Auxiliary Bishop of the nearly 1.5 millionmemberArchdiocese of Philadelphia.“In accepting this nomination I am conscious of thegreat responsibility that has been entrusted to me, but Iam even more aware of the providence of Almighty God incalling me to the priesthood and sustaining me happily inthe priesthood these past thirty years,” he said.Cardinal Justin Rigali ordained Fitzgerald to theepiscopacy August 6 at the Cathedral Basilica of SaintsPeter and Paul in Philadelphia.Fitzgerald attended Saint Charles Borromeo Seminaryand was ordained in 1980. He earned a B.A. from Temple<strong>University</strong>, a Licentiate in Canon Law from The Catholic<strong>University</strong> of America and a doctorate in Canon Law fromGregorian <strong>University</strong>, Rome. He has served as Vice-Rectorof St. Charles Seminary, Director of the Office for LegalServices and Judicial Vicar.“I sincerely ask for your prayers. Pray that I will be agood bishop and heed the words and example of theGood Shepherd, who said to his first disciples and to us:I have come not to be served but to serve and to give mylife in ransom for the many,” he said. —Shawn Proctor48 <strong>Villanova</strong> Magazine

Igniting the Heart.Inspiring the Mind.Illuminating the Spirit.“ Let nothing of the past prevent us fromlistening, and let no present things hinderus from giving thought to the future.Move on what lies ahead.”-St. AugustineJoin <strong>University</strong> President, theReverend Peter M. Donohue, O.S.A.,as he shares the <strong>University</strong>’s tenyearstrategic plan. Be there as the<strong>University</strong> embarks on a journey tofurther strengthen our tradition ofexcellence and ensure that <strong>Villanova</strong>thrives for generations to come.October 27 – PhiladelphiaOctober 28 – Bucks County, PANovember 17 – Dublin, IrelandNovember 18 – London, EnglandDecember 15 – Morris/Somerset, NJJanuary 18 – West Palm Beach, FLJanuary 19 – Miami, FLJanuary 20 – Naples, FLJanuary 26 – Monmouth Ocean, NJJanuary 27 – Central NJFebruary 1 – Lancaster, PAFebruary 2 – Lehigh Valley, PAFebruary 8 – New York City, NYFebruary 10 – Boston, MAFebruary 17 – Washington, DCFebruary 22 – Panama City, PanamaFebruary 24 – Puerto RicoMarch 2 – Fairfield/WestchesterApril 28 – Charlotte, NCMay 10 – Detroit, MIMay 11 – Chicago, ILMay 19 – Atlanta, GAJune 20 – Seattle, WAJune 21 – San Francisco, CAJune 22 – Los Angeles, CAJune 23 – San Diego, CAEvents and dates are subject to change.

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