01/07/2013 - New Zealand Institute of Highway Technology - NZIHT

01/07/2013 - New Zealand Institute of Highway Technology - NZIHT

01/07/2013 - New Zealand Institute of Highway Technology - NZIHT


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The aim <strong>of</strong> this conference is to explore the issue <strong>of</strong> quality design and construction <strong>of</strong> road infrastructure projectsand are they delivering the desired performance outcomes. Are Clients getting what they are paying for? Over thepast 20 years there appears to have been a decline in quality and hence the useful life <strong>of</strong> projects and we wish toexplore if this is dependent on the lack <strong>of</strong> attention to issues such as drainage systems, aggregate selection, binderselection, construction techniques, design criteria, appropriate specifications, quality systems etc.We are pleased to announce that the 15th Annual NZTA/<strong>NZIHT</strong> conference will be held from3-5 November 2<strong>01</strong>3 at the Holiday Inn, Manukau.The theme <strong>of</strong> this year’s conference is:“Did we get what we wanted?” – A Review <strong>of</strong> “value formoney” and quality in today’s infrastructure world? Theaim <strong>of</strong> this conference is to explore the issue <strong>of</strong> quality designand construction <strong>of</strong> road infrastructure projects and are theydelivering the desired performance outcomes. Are Clientsgetting what they are paying for? Over the past 20 years thereappears to have been a decline in quality and hence the usefullife <strong>of</strong> projects and we wish to explore if this is dependent onthe lack <strong>of</strong> attention to issues such as drainage systems,aggregate selection, binder selection, construction techniques,design criteria, appropriate specifications, quality systems etc.THIS IS A CALL FOR TECHNICAL AND POLICYPAPERS AND REGISTRATIONS OF INTEREST.If you would like to present a paper please submitan abstract <strong>of</strong> 200 to 450 words by 31st July 2<strong>01</strong>3.Also include a brief biography and full contact details.COST. $750.00 + gstPRESENTER FEE. $375.00 + gstTOPICS» Do performance-based contracts and » Are clients really clear on what theyspecifications always deliver the right want, and have they worked out howincome?to convey it? Knowledgeable clients!!!!» Why do we frequently find new-build » How mature is the industry’s graspprojects do not meet expectations <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> risk?performance?» Does the quality assurance system» How do we make ‘design-build’really deliver? What is needed t<strong>of</strong>it-for-purpose rather than lowestmake it work better?cost for greatest risk?» What is the best way to agree» What part do skills and knowledge ‘best-practice’ industry-wide?play in the quality <strong>of</strong> the industry’s » Are we too slow to adopt goodoutputs?ideas for improving quality and» How important is the process forvalue for money?selectionIf you would<strong>of</strong> supplierslike toinpresentdetermininga paper please » Howsubmitdo weangetabstractthe right treatment<strong>of</strong> 200 to 450thewordsultimateby 31stoutput?July 2<strong>01</strong>2. Also include a briefat thebiographyappropriateand fullqualitycontactanddetails.costCOST. $750.00 + gst PRESENTER FEE. $375.00 + gstwhen the Contractor/Consultant/Clientcan have different drivers/motivators.Should it not always be what isbest for the Network (infrastructure)Customers/Stakeholders etc.» Why don’t we use past performance<strong>of</strong> our pavements/surfacing todetermine what has been successfuland lasted the design life and whathas not?» What innovations are there out thereto help the client/customer getbetter “value for money” and life forinvestment in road infrastructure,particularly pavements and surfacing?FOR INFORMATION PLEASE CONTACT.Jill Warner, Conference Co-ordinatorNZ <strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Highway</strong> <strong>Technology</strong> LtdP. 06 759 7065 ext. 709 E. jill@nziht.co.nzwww.nziht.co.nz12 |TRAINING TALK JULY 2<strong>01</strong>3

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