Olympic Games Activity Flyer - Zart Art

Olympic Games Activity Flyer - Zart Art

Olympic Games Activity Flyer - Zart Art


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Lucky CharmsMaterialsWooden Pen DollOriental Decorative PaperCreative Metallic BraidPellicano CottonFolley Bells 10 mm GoldPlasticine BlackSupertacPosca Marker7.5 cm Cardboard ConeWooden Bead 30 mm and 25 mmWooden Bead 14 x 25 mmCreative Bead Box AssortedJug BeadsPrinting FoamMountboard Tags BlackSilkee PaperRice PaperLow Melt Glue GunLiquitemp Metallic Paint – GoldWooden Pen DollCharmsUse a marker on thepen head to draw on thehair and facial featuresof the doll.Add hair withPlasticine or PellicanoCotton and CreativeMetallic Braid.Wrap and glue a pieceof Oriental DecorativePaper around the bodyof the pen.Use Pellicano Cottonor Creative MetallicBraid to thread and tiebeads and bells on todecorate the charm.Cone CharmsCover a Cardboard Cone withOriental Decorative Paper. Gluesmall bows of Creative MetallicBraid down the front of thecone.Use a marker to draw thehair and facial features of a dollon to a round 30 mm WoodenBead.Fold a long length ofCreative Metallic Braid in halfand knot a loop at the topbefore threading the lengthdown through the bead andcone. Glue the length insidethe bead head at the knotso that the loop remains atthe top of the head.Glue the bead head to thetop of the decorated cone.Thread and tie on beadsalong the braid below the coneand tie on a tassel of braid tothe end of this length. Tasselsare made by cutting CreativeMetallic Braid in equal lengths,folding the numerous lengthsin half and tying braid aroundthe fold at the mid point tosecure. A length of Braid isthen wound around thefolded braid just downfrom the top to form atassel.knotBead CharmsCover an oval WoodenBead with Rice Paper.Use a marker to draw hairand facial features on to around 25 mm Wooden Bead.Thread a length of PellicanoCotton and Creative MetallicBraid through the two beadsand glue the two beadstogether.Tie a loop in the top of eachthread and glue the knots ofthese two loops inside the beadhead.Tie on an assortment ofbeads and bells to the twolengths of thread below the ovalbead.RDREAMER Steps®ResearchLucky Emblems or Charms can take on anyform and may be man-made or fromnature. Use books or the Internet todiscover the folklore behind such luckycharms as a rabbit’s foot, a horse shoe,four leaf clovers etc.See our website for Hama Bead and PolyEgg charms. DREAMER Steps® is a strategy for teaching.Please refer to page 16 for moreinformation.Wooden PenDolls designed by <strong>Zart</strong> <strong>Art</strong>e©2008 <strong>Activity</strong> and notTag CharmsDraw a design that may beyour lucky emblem, on to apiece of Printing Foam. Thedesign needs to be slightlysmaller than a Mountboard Tag.Use gold paint to roll on to thedrawn design and print the imageon to a piece of Silkee Paper. Setaside to dry.Cover a Mountboard Tag withOriental Decorative Paper.Tie beads and bells along twolengths of Creative Metallic Braid.Glue a loop of Creative MetallicBraid to one end of the tag andglue the beaded lengths of braid tothe opposite end.Create a tassel with Creative MetallicBraid and glue this on to the tag.Glue the printed Silkee Paper designon to the covered Tag, covering the endsof braid where they are glued to the tag.10

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