CURRICULUM VITAE, LAWREN SACK Address Department of ...

CURRICULUM VITAE, LAWREN SACK Address Department of ...

CURRICULUM VITAE, LAWREN SACK Address Department of ...


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<strong>CURRICULUM</strong> <strong>VITAE</strong>, <strong>LAWREN</strong> <strong>SACK</strong><strong>Address</strong><strong>Department</strong> <strong>of</strong> Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Tel: 310-825-6525University <strong>of</strong> California, Los Angeles Fax: 310-825-9433621 Charles E. Young Drive South email: lawrensack@ucla.eduLos Angeles, CAUSA 90095-1606Faculty web page: http://www.eeb.ucla.edu/indivfaculty.php?FacultyKey=8417Lab web site: http://www.eeb.ucla.edu/Faculty/Sack/Education and Research Positions• Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Plant Ecology, <strong>Department</strong> <strong>of</strong> Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, and AffiliateFaculty Member, Institute <strong>of</strong> the Environment, Center <strong>of</strong> Tropical Research, University <strong>of</strong>California Los Angeles, as <strong>of</strong> July 2011-• Associate Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Plant Ecology, <strong>Department</strong> <strong>of</strong> Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, andAffiliate Faculty Member, Institute <strong>of</strong> the Environment, Center <strong>of</strong> Tropical Research,University <strong>of</strong> California Los Angeles, 2007-2011• Affiliate Faculty Member, <strong>Department</strong> <strong>of</strong> Botany, University <strong>of</strong> Hawai‘i at Manoa, 2008-• Assistant Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Plant Physiology and Ecology, <strong>Department</strong> <strong>of</strong> Botany, and Ecology; andEvolution and Conservation Biology Program, University <strong>of</strong> Hawai‘i at Manoa, 2003-2007• Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Plant Biology, <strong>Department</strong> <strong>of</strong> Organismic and EvolutionaryBiology, Harvard University, 2000-2003• Ph.D. in Plant Ecology and Physiology, Cambridge University, UK, 2001, “Plant Responses toDeep Shade Plus Drought”• Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science in Biochemistry and second major English Literature. Great Distinction.McGill University, Canada, 1995• Research Assistantships, Experimental Evolution and Ecology, McGill University 1993-1995Research Interests• Ecology and physiology <strong>of</strong> plant species coexistence.• Hydraulics <strong>of</strong> plant water transport.• Evolution and functional consequences <strong>of</strong> diversity in leaf size, shape and venation.• Forest dynamics and ecohydrology.• Conservation physiology.

Curriculum Vitae, Lawren Sack 2Grants, Awards, Fellowships, and Organized Working Groups• “Vine responses to water deficit: a multidisciplinary study including plant physiology,metabolism and spectroscopy”. Participant Investigator, with Arnon Karnieli, Aaron Fait,Shimon Rachmilevitch, and Gregory Okin. Sol Leshin Program for Collaboration between BenGurion University and UCLA. 2010. $26,000.• “Salinity tolerance along an aridity gradient: linking physiological processes withmorphological constraints on leaf function in mangroves”. Partner Investigator, with ChiefInvestigators Marilyn Ball, Brendan Choat, and Catherine Lovelock. Australian ResearchCouncil 2009-2012. AUS$507,352.• “PROMETHEUS: toward a web wiki for protocols and standard methods in plant ecologyand physiology”. Multi-participant workshop proposed and organized for the AustralianVegetation Research Network (http://www.vegfunction.net/wg/68/68_Prometheus.htm).Organizer, with Lou Santiago and Will Cornwell. Australian National University, October2009.• “The crown concert: division <strong>of</strong> labour among tree canopy modules”. Research team member,with Principal Investigator Luis Balaguer. Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion, 2009-2011. 129,000 euros.• “The evolution <strong>of</strong> leaf form in Viburnum (Adoxaceae)”. Collaborative Principal Investigator,with Erika Edwards and Michael Donoghue. National Science Foundation 2008-2011.$750,597.• “Tolerance <strong>of</strong> temperature extremes under drought: linking physiological processes withmorphological constraints on leaf function”. Partner Investigator, with Chief InvestigatorsMarilyn Ball, Adrienne Nicotra, and Gary Bryant, and other Partner Investigator MissyHolbrook. Australian Research Council 2007-2010. AUS$553,015.• “CAREER: The coordination <strong>of</strong> leaf hydraulics, structure and gas exchange”. PrincipalInvestigator. National Science Foundation 2006-2011. $887,989.• “Drought responses <strong>of</strong> C 4 plants: resolving the effects <strong>of</strong> physiological pathway fromphylogenetic history”. Project partner (with Principal Investigator Colin Osborne, co-PrincipalInvestigator Ian Woodward, and two other project partners). Natural Enviroment ResearchCouncil 2006-2009. GB£475,000.• “Synergistic effects <strong>of</strong> light and water on physiological diversification in the Hawaiianlobeliads”. Project Collaborator (with Principal Investigator Rebecca Montgomery, and ProjectCollaborator Tom Givnish). National Science Foundation 2006-2009. $230,000.• “Ecohydrology in Hawaii: Linking Volume and Quantity <strong>of</strong> Water Flow through Soil, Streams,Vegetation and Atmosphere, from Mountain to Coastal Discharge”. Co-coordinator <strong>of</strong> acollaborative team <strong>of</strong> Principal Investigators across University <strong>of</strong> Hawaii campuses. 2007-2009. Hawaii EPSCoR.

Curriculum Vitae, Lawren Sack 3• “Hawaii Permanent Forest Plots Network (HIPPNET) – A permanent forest plot network forresearch, education and conservation”. Principal Investigator with other PIs Becky Ostertag,Susan Cordell and Christian Giardina. 2007-2009. Hawaii EPSCoR.• “University <strong>of</strong> Hawaii EPSCoR II: Research Infrastructure”. Focus Area Leader for Ecology(with Principal Investigator Jim Gaines, co-Principal Investigators Ken Kaneshiro and DonPrice, and five other Focus Area Leaders). National Science Foundation 2006-2009.$9,000,000.• “Bridging ecology and genetics for a key adaptive radiation: phylogeny, and evolutionary andconservation physiology <strong>of</strong> the Hawaiian Chamaesyce”. Principal Investigator (with otherPrincipal Investigator Cliff Morden). Hawaii NSF EPSCoR Research Enhancement ActivitiesProgram 2006-2007. $24,429.• “Development <strong>of</strong> microsatellite (SSR) markers for ecological and evolutionary studies <strong>of</strong> themodel tree species, Metrosideros polymorpha.” Collaborator (with Principal InvestigatorHeather Sahli and six other collaborators). Hawaii NSF EPSCoR Research EnhancementActivities Program 2006-2007. $24,960.• “Key instrumentation for inter-disciplinary botanical training” Principal Investigator.University <strong>of</strong> Hawai‘i Educational Improvement Grant 2004. $2700.• Principal Investigator. University <strong>of</strong> Hawai‘i Travel Grants 2004-2005. $3300.• Arnold Arboretum <strong>of</strong> Harvard University Putnam Research Fellowship 2002-2003.• Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute Short-Term Fellowship 2003.• Frank Smart Studentship, Plant Sciences <strong>Department</strong>, Cambridge University, 2000• Cambridge Commonwealth Trust Bursary, Cambridge University, 1999-2000• National Science and Engineering Research Council <strong>of</strong> Canada Postgraduate Scholarship 1998-2000.• Junta de Andalucia (Spanish government) Research Grant 2000.• University <strong>of</strong> British Columbia Graduate Fellowship, University <strong>of</strong> British Columbia 1997(awarded but declined)• University <strong>of</strong> Glasgow Postgraduate Scholarship, University <strong>of</strong> Glasgow 1997 (awarded butdeclined)• Dean’s Honour List, McGill University, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995• McConnell Award, Emily Crawford Scholarships, Charles Snyder Scholarships, McGillUniversity 1993, 1994, 1995.

Curriculum Vitae, Lawren Sack 4• National Science and Engineering Research Council <strong>of</strong> Canada Undergraduate Fellowships1993, 1994Scientific Infrastructure Organization and Development• “Prometheus Wiki: Protocols in ecological & environmental plant physiology. Proposed andco-led multi-participant workshop that developed and established the innovative wiki journalpublished by CSIRO (http://prometheuswiki.publish.csiro.au/tiki-index.php)• “National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON), Pacific Domain”. Co-leader, withRebecca Ostertag, Susan Cordell and Christian Giardina, <strong>of</strong> successful “Request ForInformation” documents co-authored by over 80 participants from across University <strong>of</strong> Hawaiicampuses, and other research and land management agencies, leading to the designation <strong>of</strong>Core, Observation and Experimental components for the NEON in Hawaii. 2007.• Hawaii Permanent Forest Plot Network (2006-), co-PI <strong>of</strong> proposal and development <strong>of</strong> two 4-ha plots with trees mapped and tagged, now part <strong>of</strong> the Center for Tropical Forest Scienceinternational plot network.• Participant and contributor to TRY Database for compiling and providing access to plantfunctional trait data worldwide (http://www.try-db.org/index.php)Experience and Awards for Mentorship, Teaching and Curriculum Development• Awarded the first annual Achievements in Diversity Award <strong>of</strong> the Ecological Society <strong>of</strong>America, 2010, “This prestigious award recognizes his outstanding mentorship <strong>of</strong> students andfellow ecologists and exemplary inclusivity <strong>of</strong> women and minorities in all aspects <strong>of</strong> hispr<strong>of</strong>essional career.”• Awarded the Faculty Distinguished Teaching Award <strong>of</strong> the UCLA Ecology and EvolutionaryBiology <strong>Department</strong>, 2010, “In recognition <strong>of</strong> his excellence in teaching exhibited both in andout <strong>of</strong> the classroom.”• Graduate student mentorship: UCLA (2007-) Chair <strong>of</strong> committee for four PhD students in theEcology and Evolutionary Biology <strong>Department</strong>. Supervisor <strong>of</strong> four visiting graduate students.Member <strong>of</strong> committee for five PhD students in EEB <strong>Department</strong>. University <strong>of</strong> Hawai‘i (2003-)Chair <strong>of</strong> committee for one MS student (graduated 2008), and <strong>of</strong> three PhD students (twograduated in 2010-11) in the Botany <strong>Department</strong>. Member <strong>of</strong> MS and PhD permanentcommittees for ten students in the Botany, Natural Resources and EnvironmentalManagement, and Tropical Plant and Soil Sciences (Agriculture) departments. Member orChair <strong>of</strong> interim MS and Ph.D committees for numerous students in the Botany <strong>Department</strong>.Harvard University (2003) supervisor <strong>of</strong> visiting PhD student.• Postdoctoral researcher mentorship: Mentor <strong>of</strong> three postdoctoral fellows who have completedtheir training at UCLA (2007-8), and at University <strong>of</strong> Hawai‘i (2006-2009); trained threevisiting postdocs (2008-2010).• Course teaching: UCLA (2008-) Lecturer and developed curriculum for undergraduateadvanced ‘Plant Physiology’, and ‘Ecology and Physiology <strong>of</strong> World Vegetation’ courses andgraduate course in ‘Plant Hydraulic Design’. University <strong>of</strong> Hawai‘i (2003-7); lectured and

Curriculum Vitae, Lawren Sack 5developed curriculum for undergraduate courses: ‘Plant Physiology’, ‘Plant PhysiologyLaboratory’, ‘Plant Ecophysiology and Environmental Measurements’, ‘Hawaiian Ecosystems’,‘Natural Resources Issues and Ethics’, ‘Strategies in Hawaiian Resource Use’, and ‘HawaiianResource-Use Strategies Internship’; and graduate courses, ‘Foundations <strong>of</strong> Current Botany’,and ‘Botanical Seminars’, and ‘Environmental Physiology’. Member <strong>of</strong> the new “Hui KonohikiProgram” at University <strong>of</strong> Hawai‘i, an initiative to bring together Hawaiian knowledge andpractices and contemporary scientific tools and methods to provide interdisciplinary trainingfor land and resource management and environmental careers. University <strong>of</strong> Cambridge (1995-2000) Supervisor and demonstrator <strong>of</strong> Plant Sciences courses, including Biology <strong>of</strong> Organisms,Dynamics and Physiology <strong>of</strong> World Vegetation, Plant Sciences, Ecology, Cell BiologyLaboratory, Plant Sciences Laboratory, and Statistics Laboratory. Organization <strong>of</strong> TropicalStudies. Instructor in OTS PASI Program course: Expanding the frontier in tropical ecologythrough embedded sensors (August 2010).• Undergraduate mentorship (worked with 61 undergraduate assistants from 2001 onward):UCLA (2007-) Mentor or co-mentor <strong>of</strong> 37 undergraduate research assistants; University <strong>of</strong>Hawai‘i (2003-) Developed the “Integrated Mentorship in Hawaiian Research, Education andOutreach” program, and mentored or co-mentored ten indigenous undergraduate sciencestudents in ongoing research in this program and in the NSF-funded Kumu Ola, andUndergraduate Mentorship in Environmental Biology programs; mentored six otherundergraduate research assistants. Harvard University (2001-2003) Mentor <strong>of</strong> twoundergraduate research assistants and an undergraduate thesis student in <strong>Department</strong> <strong>of</strong>Organismic and Evolutionary Biology; mentor <strong>of</strong> five undergraduate students in HarvardForest Research Experience for Undergraduates program.Editorial and Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Positions• Editor for Frontiers in Functional Plant Ecology (2011-)• Editor for PrometheusWiki: Protocols in ecological & environmental plant physiology (2010-)• Associate Editor for Functional Ecology (2006-)• Associate Editor for American Journal <strong>of</strong> Botany (2009-)• Editorial Review Board for Tree Physiology (2005, 2007)• Advisor to Editorial Board for New Phytologist (2006-2011)• Referee <strong>of</strong> 161 manuscripts, for 42 journals and book publishers: Acta Oecologica; AmericanJournal <strong>of</strong> Botany (7); American Naturalist; Annals <strong>of</strong> Botany (4); Australian Journal <strong>of</strong>Botany (3); Biologia Plantarum; BioScience; Biotropica (3); Botanical Journal <strong>of</strong> the LinneanSociety; Botany; Bulletin <strong>of</strong> Mathematical Biology (2); Canadian Journal <strong>of</strong> Forest Research(2); Ecography; Ecological Applications; Ecological Monographs (2); Ecology (3); EcologyLetters (2); Evolution; Functional Ecology (7); Functional Plant Biology (4); Global ChangeBiology, International Journal <strong>of</strong> Plant Sciences (2); Journal <strong>of</strong> Arid Environments; Journal <strong>of</strong>Ecology (6); Journal <strong>of</strong> Experimental Botany; Journal <strong>of</strong> the Torrey Botanical Society (3); NewPhytologist (33); New Zealand Journal <strong>of</strong> Ecology; Oecologia (9); Physiologia Plantarum (2);Planta; Plant, Cell and Environment (14); Plant and Soil; Plant Ecology (2); Plant Physiology(12); Plant Physiology and Biochemistry; Proceedings <strong>of</strong> the National Academy <strong>of</strong> SciencesUSA; Proceedings <strong>of</strong> the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences (2); Science; Tree Physiology (8);Trees—Structure and Function (7); for the edited volume, Holbrook, NM & Zwieniecki, MA(2005) Vascular Transport in Plants (3); and <strong>of</strong> a book manuscript for New York BotanicalGarden Press.

Curriculum Vitae, Lawren Sack 6• Referee for the National Science Foundation, Directorate for Biological Sciences (12proposals): Ecological & Evolutionary Physiology 2004, Environmental and Structural Systems2005, Ecological Biology 2006, Research Experiences for Students, Office <strong>of</strong> InternationalScience and Engineering 2008, Physiological and Structural Systems 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010Ecosystem Studies 2008, 2009, 2010.• Referee for Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO, the Dutch NSF) for VIDI(Innovative Research) proposal, 2005.• Referee for Sigma Delta Epsilon / Graduate Women in Science Eloise-Gerry Fellowship, 2006.• Referee for University <strong>of</strong> Wisconsin Milwaukee Research Growth Initiative Panel, 2007• Referee for Mildred Mathias Grant, University <strong>of</strong> California, 2008.• External examiner for PhD Program, Victoria University <strong>of</strong> Wellington, NZ (2004) and forMSc Program, University <strong>of</strong> KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa (2007)Pr<strong>of</strong>essional SocietiesAmerican Society <strong>of</strong> Plant Biologists, Association <strong>of</strong> Tropical Biology and Conservation, BotanicalSociety <strong>of</strong> America, British Ecological Society, Ecological Society <strong>of</strong> AmericaPublications (alphabetical order by year; *undergraduate co-author)60. Hao G-Y, Goldstein G, Sack L, Holbrook NM, Liu Z-H, Wang AY, Harrison RD, Su Z-H,Cao KF. in review. Ecology <strong>of</strong> hemi-epiphytism in fig species is based on evolutionarycorrelation <strong>of</strong> hydraulics and carbon economy. For Ecology59. Kattge J, Díaz S, Lavorel S, Prentice IC, Leadley P, Bönisch G, Garnier E, Westoby M, ReichPB, Wright IJ, Cornelissen JH, Violle CV, Harrison SP, van Bogedom PM, Reichstein M,Soudzilovskaia NA, Ackerly DD, Anand M, Atkin O, Bahn M, Baldocchi D, Blanco C,Blonder B, Bond W, Bradstock R, Bunker DE, Casanoves F, Cavender-Bares J, ChambersJ, Chapin FS, Chave J, Coomes D, Cluesener-Godt M, Cornwell WK, Craine JM, DurkaW, Dickie J, Duarte L, Elser J, Enquist BJ, Esser G, Estiarte M, Fagan W, Fang J,Fernández F, Fidelis A, Finegan B, Fitter A, Flores O, Ford H, Frank D, Freschet G, FyllasN, Gallagher R, Gillison A, Green W, Hickler T, Higgins S, Hodgson JG, Jalili A, JansenS, Joly C, Kerkh<strong>of</strong>f AJ, Kirkup D, Kleyer M, Klotz S, Kramer K, Kühn I, Kurokawa H,Lange O, Laughlin D, Leishman M, Lens F, Lenz T, Lewis S, Liu K, Lloyd J, Louault F,Mahecha MD, Manning P, Massad T, Medlyn B, Messier J, Moles A, Montserrat-MartíG, Müller S, Nadrowski K, Naeem S, Niinemets Ü, Nöllert S, Nüske A, Ogaya R, OleksynJ, Ordoñez J, Onipchenko VG, Overbeck G, Ozinga W, Paula S, Pausas J, Peñuelas J,Pillar V, Poorter H, Poorter L, Poschlod P, Proulx R, Rammig A, Reinsch S, Reu B, SackL, Salgado B, Soussana J, Shiodera S, Shipley JW, Sosinski E, Swaine E, Swenson N,Thompson K, Thornton P, Waldram M, Weiher E, White M, Wright SJ, Zaehle S, ZanneAE, Wirth C. in revision. TRY - a global database <strong>of</strong> plant traits. For Global ChangeBiology

Curriculum Vitae, Lawren Sack 758. Sc<strong>of</strong>foni C, McKown AD, Rawls M*, Sack L. in revision. Dynamics <strong>of</strong> leaf hydraulicconductance with water status: quantification and analysis <strong>of</strong> species differences understeady-state. For Journal <strong>of</strong> Experimental Botany57. Sc<strong>of</strong>foni C, Rawls M*, McKown AD, Cochard H, Sack L. in review. Decline <strong>of</strong> leaf hydraulicconductance with dehydration: relationship to leaf size and venation architecture. ForPlant Physiology.56. Sommerville KE, Sack L, Ball MC. In revision. Hydraulic conductance <strong>of</strong> Acacia phyllodes(leaves) is driven by primary nerve (vein) conductance and density. For Plant, Cell &Environment.55. Buckley TN, Sack L, Gilbert ME. 2011. The role <strong>of</strong> bundle sheath extensions and life form instomatal responses to leaf water status. Plant Physiology, in press.54. Choat B, Medek DE, Stuart SA, Pasquet-Kok J, Egerton JJG, Salari H, Sack L, Ball MC. 2011.Xylem traits mediate a trade-<strong>of</strong>f between resistance to freeze/thaw-induced embolism andphotosynthetic capacity in over-wintering evergreens. New Phytologist, in press.53. Creese C, Lee A*, Sack L. 2011. Drivers <strong>of</strong> morphological diversity and distribution in theHawaiian fern flora: trait associations with size, growth form, and environment. ForAmerican Journal <strong>of</strong> Botany, in press.52. Gaoue O, Sack L, Ticktin T. 2011. Human impacts on leaf economics in heterogeneouslandscapes: the effect <strong>of</strong> harvesting non-timber forest products from African mahoganyacross habitats and climates. For Journal <strong>of</strong> Applied Ecology, in press.51. Markesteijn L, Poorter L, Paz H, Bongers L, Sack L. 2011. Hydraulic niche partitioningamong saplings <strong>of</strong> tropical dry forest species: coordination <strong>of</strong> species moisture and lightrequirements. New Phytologist, in press.50. Markesteijn L, Poorter L, Paz H, Sack L, Bongers L. 2011. Ecological differentiation in xylemcavitation resistance is associated with stem and leaf structural traits. Plant, Cell &Environment 34, 137-148.49. Sellin A, Sack L, Õunapuu E, Karusion A. 2011. Impact <strong>of</strong> light quality on leaf and shoothydraulic properties: a case study in silver birch (Betula pendula) Plant, Cell &Environment, in press.48. Waite M, Sack L. 2011. Does global stoichiometric theory apply to bryophytes? Tests acrossan elevation × soil age ecosystem matrix on Mauna Loa, Hawaii. Journal <strong>of</strong> Ecology 99.122-134.47. Waite M, Sack L. 2011. Shifts in moss carbon isotope ratio across an elevation and soil agematrix on Mauna Loa, Hawaii: do mosses behave like vascular plants? Oecologia. inpress.46. Brodribb TJ, Feild TS, Sack L. 2010. Viewing leaf structure and evolution from a hydraulicperspective. Functional Plant Biology 37: 488-498.

Curriculum Vitae, Lawren Sack 845. Cavaleri MA, Sack L. 2010. Comparative water use <strong>of</strong> native and invasive plants at multiplescales: a global meta-analysis. Ecology 91: 2705-2715.44. Hao G-Y, Sack L, Wang A-Y, Cao K-F, Goldstein G. 2010. Differentiation <strong>of</strong> leaf water fluxand drought tolerance traits in hemiepiphytic and non-hemiepiphytic Ficus tree species.Functional Ecology 24: 731-740.43. Inman-Narahari F, Giardina C, Ostertag R, Cordell S, Sack L. 2010. Digital data collection inforest dynamics plots. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 1: 274-297.42. McKown AD, Cochard H, Sack L. 2010. Decoding leaf hydraulics with a spatially explicitmodel: principles <strong>of</strong> venation architecture and implications for its evolution. AmericanNaturalist 175: 447-460.41. Pasquet-Kok J, Creese C, Sack L. 2010. Turning over a new “leaf”: multiple functionalsignificances <strong>of</strong> leaves versus phyllodes in Hawaiian Acacia koa. Plant, Cell &Environment 33, 2084-2100.40. Sack L, Cornwell WK, Santiago LS, Barbour M, Choat B, Evans JR, Munns R, Nicotra A.2010. A unique web resource for physiology, ecology and the environmental sciences:PrometheusWiki. Functional Plant Biology 387: 687-693.39. Waite M, Sack L. 2010. How does moss photosynthesis relate to leaf and canopy structure?Trait relationships for ten Hawaiian species <strong>of</strong> contrasting light habitats. New Phytologist185: 156-172.38. Coomes DA, Sack L. 2009. Response to "Comment on Coomes et al. 2008, 'Scaling <strong>of</strong> xylemvessels and veins within the leaves <strong>of</strong> oak species' by CA Price and BJ Enquist". BiologyLetters 3, 381-382.37. Dunbar-Co S, Sporck MJ, Sack L. 2009. Leaf trait diversification and design in seven raretaxa <strong>of</strong> the Hawaiian Plantago radiation. International Journal <strong>of</strong> Plant Sciences 170, 61-75.36. Kagawa AK, Sack L, Duarte K, James S. 2009. Hawaiian native forest conserves water relativeto timber plantation: species and stand traits influence water use. Ecological Applications19: 1429-1443.35. Arcand N, Kagawa AK, Sack L, Giambelluca TW. 2008. Scaling <strong>of</strong> frond form in Hawaiiantree fern Cibotium glaucum: compliance with global trends, and application for fieldestimation. Biotropica 40, 686-691.34. Coomes DA, Heathcote S*, Godfrey ER*, Shepherd JJ*, Sack L. 2008. Scaling <strong>of</strong> xylemvessels and veins within the leaves <strong>of</strong> oak species. Biology Letters 4, 302-306.33. Ho<strong>of</strong> J, Sack L, Webb DT, Nilsen ET. 2008. Contrasting structure and function <strong>of</strong> pubescentand glabrous varieties <strong>of</strong> Hawaiian Metrosideros polymorpha at high elevation. Biotropica40, 113-118.

Curriculum Vitae, Lawren Sack 932. Pratt RB, Jacobsen AL, North GB, Sack L, Schenk HJ. 2008. Plant hydraulics: new discoveriesin the pipeline. Meeting Report. New Phytologist 179, 590-593.31. Quero JL, Villar R, Marañón T, Zamora R, Vega D, Sack L. 2008. Relating leafphotosynthetic rate to whole plant growth: drought and shade effects on seedlings <strong>of</strong> fourQuercus species. Functional Plant Biology 35, 725-737.30. Sack L, Dietrich EM*, Streeter CM*, Sánchez-Gómez D, Holbrook NM. 2008. Leaf palmatevenation and vascular redundancy confer tolerance <strong>of</strong> hydraulic disruption. Proceedings <strong>of</strong>the National Academy <strong>of</strong> Sciences USA 105, 1567-1572.29. Sc<strong>of</strong>foni C, Pou A, Aasamaa K, Sack L. 2008. The rapid light response <strong>of</strong> leaf hydraulicconductance: new evidence from two experimental methods. Plant, Cell & Environment31, 1803-1812.28. Cavender-Bares J, Sack L, Savage J. 2007. Atmospheric and soil drought reduce nocturnalconductance in live oaks. Tree Physiology 27, 611-620.27. Choat B, Sack L, Holbrook NM. 2007. Diversity <strong>of</strong> hydraulic traits in nine Cordia speciesgrowing in tropical rainforests with contrasting precipitation. New Phytologist 175, 686-698.26. Cornwell WK, Bhaskar R, Sack L, Cordell S, Lunch C. 2007. Adjustment <strong>of</strong> structure andfunction <strong>of</strong> Hawaiian Metrosideros polymorpha at high versus low precipitation.Functional Ecology 21, 1063-1071.25. Martin RE, Asner GP, Sack L. 2007. Genetic variation in leaf pigment, optical andphotosynthetic function among diverse phenotypes <strong>of</strong> Metrosideros polymorpha grown ina common garden. Oecologia 151, 387-400.24. Royer DL, Sack L, Wilf P, Lusk C, Jordan GJ, Niinemets Ü, Wright IJ, Westoby M, CariglinoB, Coley PD, Cutter AD, Johnson KR, Labandeira CC, Moles AT, Palmer MB, ValladaresF. 2007. Fossil leaf economics quantified: calibration, Eocene case study, and implications.Paleobiology 33, 574-589.23. Niinemets Ü, Sack L. 2006. Structural determinants <strong>of</strong> leaf photosynthetic potentials and lightharvesting capacity. Progress in Botany, Vol 67. Springer Verlag, Berlin, 385-419.22. Sack L, Frole K*. 2006. Leaf structural diversity is related to hydraulic capacity in tropicalrainforest trees. Ecology 87, 483-491.21. Sack L, Holbrook NM. 2006. Leaf hydraulics. Annual Review <strong>of</strong> Plant Biology 57, 361-381.20. Sack L, Melcher PJ, Liu WH*, Middleton E* Pardee T*. 2006. How strong is intra-canopyleaf plasticity in temperate deciduous trees? American Journal <strong>of</strong> Botany 93, 829-839.19. Nakahashi C*, Frole K*, Sack L. 2005. Bacterial leaf nodule symbiosis in Ardisia: does itcontribute to seedling growth capacity? Plant Biology 7, 495-500.

Curriculum Vitae, Lawren Sack 1018. Orians CM, Smith SDP*, Sack L. 2005. How are leaves plumbed inside a branch? Differencesin leaf-to-leaf hydraulic sectoriality among six temperate tree species. Journal <strong>of</strong>Experimental Botany 56, 2267-2273.17. Sack, L, Tyree, MT. 2005. Leaf hydraulics and its implications in plant structure and function.In Vascular Transport in Plants. eds N.M. Holbrook and M.A. Zwieniecki.Elsevier/Academic Press, Oxford, 93-114.16. Sack L, Tyree MT, Holbrook NM. 2005. Leaf hydraulic architecture correlates withregeneration irradiance in tropical rainforest trees. New Phytologist 167, 403-413.15. Tyree MT, Nardini A, Salleo S, Sack L, El Omari B. 2005. The dependence <strong>of</strong> leaf hydraulicconductance on irradiance during HPFM measurements: any role for stomatal response?Journal <strong>of</strong> Experimental Botany 56, 737-744.14. Angeles G, Bond B, Boyer JS, Brodribb T, Brooks JR, Burns MJ, Cavender-Bares J, ClearwaterM, Cochard H, Comstock J, Davis SD, Domec J-C, Donovan L, Ewers F, Gartner B, HackeU, Hinckley T, Holbrook NM, Jones HG, Kavanagh K, Law B, López-Portillo J, LovisoloC, Martin T, Martínez-Vilalta J, Mayr S, Meinzer FC, Melcher P, Mencuccini M, Mulkey S,Nardini A, Neufeld HS, Passioura J, Pockman WT, Pratt RB, Rambal S, Richter H, Sack L,Salleo S, Schubert A, Schulte P, Sparks JP, Sperry J, Teskey R, Tyree M. 2004. Letter: Thecohesion-tension theory. New Phytologist 163, 451-452.13. Sack L. 2004. Responses <strong>of</strong> temperate woody seedlings to shade and drought: do trade-<strong>of</strong>fslimit potential niche differentiation? Oikos, 107: 107-127.12. Sack L, Streeter CM*, and Holbrook NM. 2004. Hydraulic analysis <strong>of</strong> water flow throughleaves <strong>of</strong> sugar maple and red oak. Plant Physiology 134, 1824-1833.11. Sack L, Cowan PD*, Jaikumar NJ*, Holbrook NM. 2003. The ‘hydrology’ <strong>of</strong> leaves:coordination <strong>of</strong> structure and function in temperate woody species. Plant, Cell andEnvironment 26, 1343-1356.10. Sack L, Cowan PD*, Holbrook NM. 2003. The major veins <strong>of</strong> mesomorphic leaves revisited:testing for conductive overload in Acer saccharum (Aceraceae) and Quercus rubra(Fagaceae). American Journal <strong>of</strong> Botany 90: 32-39.9. Sack L, Dechmann D. 2003. Design <strong>of</strong> paradise. Review <strong>of</strong> ‘A Magic Web’ by E.G. Leigh andC. Ziegler. Nature 424, 132.8. Sack L, Grubb PJ. 2003. Crossovers in seedling relative growth rates between low and highirradiance: analyses and ecological potential. Functional Ecology 17, 281-287.7. Sack L, Grubb PJ, Marañón T. 2003. The functional morphology <strong>of</strong> juvenile plants tolerant <strong>of</strong>strong summer drought in shaded forest understories in southern Spain. Plant Ecology 168,139-163.6. Sack L, Grubb PJ. 2002. The combined impacts <strong>of</strong> deep shade and drought on the growth andbiomass allocation <strong>of</strong> shade tolerant woody seedlings. Oecologia 131: 175-185.

Curriculum Vitae, Lawren Sack 115. Sack L, Marañón T, Grubb PJ. 2002. Global allocation rules for patterns <strong>of</strong> biomasspartitioning. Science 296: 1923a.4. Sack L, Melcher PJ, Zwieniecki MA, Holbrook NM. 2002. The hydraulic conductance <strong>of</strong> theangiosperm leaf lamina: a comparison <strong>of</strong> three measurement methods. Journal <strong>of</strong>Experimental Botany 53: 2177-2184.3. Zwieniecki MA, Melcher PJ, Boyce CK, Sack L, Holbrook NM. 2002. The hydraulicarchitecture <strong>of</strong> the leaf venation in Laurus nobilis L. Plant, Cell and Environment: 25: 1445-1450.2. Sack L, Grubb PJ. 2001. Why do species <strong>of</strong> woody seedlings change rank in relative growthrate between low and high irradiance? Functional Ecology 15: 145-154.1. Sack L, Zeyl C, Bell G, Sharbel T, Reboud X, Bernhardt T, Koelewyn H. 1994. Isolation <strong>of</strong>four new strains <strong>of</strong> Chlamydomonas reinhardtii (Chlorophyta) from soil samples. Journal <strong>of</strong>Phycology 30, 770-773.Published protocols1. Sack L and PrometheusWiki contributors. "PROTOCOL: Leaf pressure-volume curveparameters." PrometheusWiki. 01 Jan. 2010 Web. 09 Apr. 2011.2. Sack L, Sc<strong>of</strong>foni C and PrometheusWiki contributors. "PROTOCOL: Minimum epidermalconductance (g min , a.k.a. cuticular conductance)." PrometheusWiki, 25 Mar. 2011 Web. 09Apr. 2011.Recommendations / CommentariesRana Munns. 2010. Editorial: New ventures in scientific publication. On Sack et al.(2010)Functional Plant Biology article. Functional Plant Biology 37: 687-693.David J. Beerling and Peter J. Franks. 2010. News & Views: The hidden cost <strong>of</strong> transpiration. OnMcKown, Cochard & Sack (2010) American Naturalist article. Nature 464, 495-496.Michael C. F. Proctor. 2010. Commentary: Trait correlations in bryophytes: exploring analternative world. On Waite & Sack (2010) New Phytologist article. New Phytologist185: 1-3.Evan DeLucia. 2008. On Sack et al. (2008) PNAS article. Faculty <strong>of</strong> 1000 Biology.Peter Reich. 2008. On Choat et al. (2007) New Phytologist article. Faculty <strong>of</strong> 1000 Biology.Guy Riddihough. 2007. Editor's Choice, on Royer et al. (2007) Paleobiology article. Science 318:1219.

Curriculum Vitae, Lawren Sack 12Coverage by Popular Press"Exotic Timber Plantations Found To Use More Than Twice the Water <strong>of</strong> Native Forests", pressrelease by the Ecological Society <strong>of</strong> America. Reposts include ScienceDaily, RedOrbit, 15September 2009.“$888,000 Grant to Botany Pr<strong>of</strong>essor”. Honolulu Advertiser, 28 August 2006, p. B2.“What is Leaf Hydraulics?” Interview on ThinkTech Hawaii, Hawaii Public Radio, June 2006.“UH Teacher to Study Leaf Hydraulics.” Pacific Business News, May 2006.Crites J. “Water in Peril.” Malamalama, May 2005.Presentations at pr<strong>of</strong>essional meetings (alphabetical order by year)65. Creese C, Sack L. 2010. The coordination <strong>of</strong> structure and function in 15 fern species fromSouthern California. Contributed paper. Botanical Society <strong>of</strong> America Meeting, Providence,RI.64. Inman-Narahari F, Ostertag R, Giardina C, Cordell S, Sack L. 2010. Hawaii Permanent PlotNetwork: First Census Results and Ongoing Research. Contributed paper. Botanical Society<strong>of</strong> America Meeting, Providence, RI.63. Inman-Narahari F, Ostertag R, Giardina C, Cordell S, Sack L. 2010. Seedling dynamics innative dominated Hawaiian rain forest. Contributed paper. Botanical Society <strong>of</strong> AmericaMeeting, Providence, RI.62. Locke AM, Sack L. Ort DR. 2010. Response <strong>of</strong> leaf hydraulic conductance to changes inatmospheric CO 2 and temperature. Contributed paper. American Society <strong>of</strong> Plant BiologistsMeeting, Montreal, Canada.61. Nicotra AB, Cornwell WK, Sack L, Santiago LS. 2010. PrometheusWiki: PROtocols,METHods, Explanations and Updated Standards for ecological and environmental plantphysiology. Contributed paper. Botanical Society <strong>of</strong> America Meeting, Providence, RI.60. Nicotra AB, Sack L, Santiago L, Cornwell WK. 2010. PrometheusWiki: Protocols, methods,explanations and updated standards for ecological and environmental plant physiology.Contributed paper. Association <strong>of</strong> Tropical Biology and Conservation Meeting, Bali.59. Nicotra AB, Sack L, Santiago L, Cornwell WK. 2010. PrometheusWiki: Protocols, methods,explanations and updated standards for ecological and environmental plant physiology.Contributed paper. Ecological Society <strong>of</strong> America Meeting, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.58. Pasquet-Kok J, Creese C, Sack L. 2010. Turning over a new “leaf”: multiple functionalsignificances <strong>of</strong> leaves versus phyllodes in Hawaiian Acacia koa.Contributed paper. Botanical Society <strong>of</strong> America Meeting, Providence, RI.

Curriculum Vitae, Lawren Sack 1357. Pivovar<strong>of</strong>f A, Sharifi R, Sack L, Rundel PW. 2010. Best <strong>of</strong> both worlds: gas exchange andhydraulics <strong>of</strong> shade and drought tolerant species Ruscus aculeatus and R. microglossum(Ruscaceae). Contributed paper. Ecological Society <strong>of</strong> America Meeting, Pittsburgh,Pennsylvania.56. Sack L, Sc<strong>of</strong>foni C, Barron R, Frole K, Zanne A. E. 2010. The evolution <strong>of</strong> maple leafdiversity. Contributed paper. Botanical Society <strong>of</strong> America Meeting, Providence, RI.55. Schmandt KR, Donoghue MJ, Sack L, Schmerler SB, Williard A, Clement WL, Edwards EJ.2010. Leaf lifespan is controlled by branching patterns in Viburnum (Adoxaceae).Contributed paper. Botanical Society <strong>of</strong> America Meeting, Providence, RI.54. Sc<strong>of</strong>foni C, Rawls M, McKown AD, Sack L. 2010. Decline <strong>of</strong> leaf hydraulic conductanceduring desiccation: relationships to venation architecture. Contributed paper. BotanicalSociety <strong>of</strong> America Meeting, Providence, RI.53. Sporck MJ, Sack L. 2010 Adaptive radiation <strong>of</strong> leaf venation and the meaning <strong>of</strong> disjunctveins in the C 4 Hawaiian Euphorbia. Contributed paper. Botanical Society <strong>of</strong> AmericaMeeting, Providence, RI.52. Waite M, Sack L. 2010. Shifts in moss carbon isotope composition across an elevation andsoil age matrix on Mauna Loa, Hawaii: do mosses behave like vascular plants? Contributedpaper. Association <strong>of</strong> Tropical Biology and Conservation Meeting, Bali.51. Cavaleri MA, Sack L, Cordell S, Michaud JD, Ostertag R. 2009. Hawaiian ecohydrology:Water use <strong>of</strong> native and invasive trees in a lowland tropical rainforest. Contributed paper.Ecological Society <strong>of</strong> America Meeting, Albuquerque, NM.50. Creese C, Sack L. 2009. From frond to fern flora: An analysis <strong>of</strong> the Hawaiian pteridophytetrait database. Contributed paper. Ecological Society <strong>of</strong> America Meeting, Albuquerque,NM.49. Inman-Narahari F, Nelson-Kaula, Ostertag R, Cordell S, Giardina C, Sack L. 2009.Regeneration patterns in a native dominated Hawaiian montane wet forest. Contributedpaper. Ecological Society <strong>of</strong> America Meeting, Albuquerque, NM.48. Inman-Narahari F, Ostertag R, Giardina C, Cordell S, Sack L. 2009. The Hawaii PermanentPlot Network: Research Infrastructure for Studying the Effects <strong>of</strong> Climate Change andForest Dynamics. Contributed Poster, Hawaii Conservation Conference, Honolulu, HI.47. Nakahashi CD, Sack L. 2009. The determinants and significance <strong>of</strong> stomatal responses tovapor pressure deficit in native Hawaiian wet and dry forest species. Contributed poster.American Society <strong>of</strong> Plant Biologists Meeting, Honolulu, HI.46. Nakahashi CD, Sack L. 2009. The determinants and significance <strong>of</strong> stomatal responses tovapor pressure deficit in native Hawaiian wet and dry forest species. Contributed poster.Ecological Society <strong>of</strong> America Meeting, Albuquerque, NM.

Curriculum Vitae, Lawren Sack 1445. Nelson-Kaula KK, Inman-Narahari F, Ostertag O, Giardina G, Cordell S, Sack L. 2009.Digital data collection methods for tree and seedling census data in forest dynamics plots.Contributed poster. Ecological Society <strong>of</strong> America Meeting, Albuquerque, NM.44. Orona GM, Ramirez AR, Sack L, Kaneakua IN, Sc<strong>of</strong>foni C, McKown A, Davis SD. 2009.Water transport properties in leaves <strong>of</strong> the chaparral shrub, Heteromeles arbutifolia, in apost-fire environment. Contributed poster. Ecological Society <strong>of</strong> America Meeting,Albuquerque, NM.43. Sack L, Havran JC, Nakahashi CD, McKown A, Ballard HE, Jr. 2009. Structural versusfunctional leaf trait coordination in the adaptive radiation <strong>of</strong> Hawaiian violets.Contributed poster. Ecological Society <strong>of</strong> America Meeting, Albuquerque, NM.42. Sack L, Havran JC, Nakahashi CD, McKown A, Ballard HE, Jr. 2009. Structural versusfunctional leaf trait coordination in the adaptive radiation <strong>of</strong> Hawaiian violets.Contributed poster. American Society <strong>of</strong> Plant Biologists Meeting, Honolulu, HI.41. Sack L. 2009. The function and scaling <strong>of</strong> the leaf venation architecture. Contributedpresentation. Leaf Summit Meeting. Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC.40. Sporck MJ, Sack L. 2009. The adaptive radiation <strong>of</strong> leaf venation in Hawaiian Chamaesyce(including disjunct veins). Contributed poster. American Society <strong>of</strong> Plant BiologistsMeeting, Honolulu, HI.39. Sporck MJ, Sack L. 2009. Extraordinary diversification <strong>of</strong> leaf surface characters in theadaptive radiation <strong>of</strong> Hawaiian Chamaesyce. Contributed poster. Association <strong>of</strong> TropicalBiology and Conservation Meeting, Marburg, Germany.38. Waite M, Sack L. 2009. Stoichiometry <strong>of</strong> mosses across an elevation and temperature gradienton Mauna Loa, Hawaii: Testing predictions from global theory. Contributed poster.American Society <strong>of</strong> Plant Biologists Meeting, Honolulu, HI.37. Waite M, Sack L. 2009. Stoichiometry <strong>of</strong> mosses across an elevation and temperature gradienton Mauna Loa, Hawaii: Testing predictions from global theory. Contributed poster.Ecological Society <strong>of</strong> America Meeting, Albuquerque, NM.36. Yang Y, Morden CW, Sack L, Sporck MJ, Berry PE. 2009. Phylogeny and adaptive radiation<strong>of</strong> woody Hawaiian Chamaesyce from herbaceous and annual ancestors in subtropicalNorth America (Euphorbia-Euphorbiaceae). Contributed paper. Botanical Society <strong>of</strong>America Meeting, Snowbird, Utah.35. Cavaleri MA, Sack L. 2008. Impacts <strong>of</strong> plant invasions on ecosystem hydrology: a globalmeta-analysis. Contributed paper. Ecological Society <strong>of</strong> America Meeting, Milwaukee, WI.34. Kagawa AK, Sack L, Duarte K, James SA. 2008. Does native forest conserve water? Speciescomposition and stand structure influence water use for a Hawaiian wet forest.Contributed paper. Ecological Society <strong>of</strong> America Meeting, Milwaukee, WI.

Curriculum Vitae, Lawren Sack 1533. McKown AD, Cochard H, Sack L. 2008. Decoding the leaf venation architecture: testinghydraulic design features with a spatially explicit model. Contributed paper. BotanicalSociety <strong>of</strong> America Meeting, Vancouver.32. Nakahashi CD, Sack L. 2008. The determinants and significance <strong>of</strong> stomatal responses to dryair in Hawaiian wet and dry forest species. Contributed paper. Botanical Society <strong>of</strong>America Meeting, Vancouver.31. Ostertag R, Giardina C, Cordell S, Sack L, Ellsworth L, Inman F. 2008. HIPPNET: Hawaii’sPermanent Plot Network for Research, Monitoring and Education. Contributed poster.Hawaii Conservation Conference, Honolulu.30. Sack L. 2008. Design, dynamics and evolution <strong>of</strong> the leaf hydraulic system. Symposium,“Structure and Function <strong>of</strong> Plant Hydraulic Systems.” Invited paper. California StateUniversity, Fullerton.29. Sack L, Sc<strong>of</strong>foni C, Frole K, McKown AD, Havran CJ, Tran S. 2008. The scaling <strong>of</strong> leafvenation architecture: General laws, functional implications, and paleo-applications.Contributed paper. Ecological Society <strong>of</strong> America Meeting, Milwaukee, WI.28. Sack L, Sc<strong>of</strong>foni C, Frole K, McKown AD, Havran CJ, Tran S. 2008. The scaling <strong>of</strong> leafvenation architecture: laws, functional implications and paleo-applications. Contributedpaper. Botanical Society <strong>of</strong> America Meeting, Vancouver.27. Sporck MJ, Sack L. 2008. Exceptional diversification <strong>of</strong> leaf surfaces in the HawaiianChamaesyce. Contributed paper. Botanical Society <strong>of</strong> America Meeting, Vancouver.26. Sporck MJ, Sack L. 2008. Hyperstomaty in Hawaiian Chamaesyce, a remarkable case <strong>of</strong>adaptive radiation. Contributed paper. Ecological Society <strong>of</strong> America Meeting,Milwaukee, WI.25. Waite M, Sack L. 2008. Do mosses measure up to vascular plants in functional traits?Interlinkages <strong>of</strong> photosynthetic light responses and structure and function. Contributedpaper. Botanical Society <strong>of</strong> America Meeting, Vancouver.24. Choat B, Sack L, Holbrook NM. 2007. Diversity <strong>of</strong> hydraulic traits in nine Cordia speciesgrowing in tropical rainforests with contrasting precipitation. Contributed paper.Ecological Society <strong>of</strong> America Meeting, San Jose.23. Kagawa AK, Sack L, Duarte TK, James SA. 2007. Does Hawaiian native forest conservewater? Lower uptake rates at tree and stand scale by Metrosideros polymorpha relative toplantation species. Contributed paper. American Geophysical Union Meeting, SanFrancisco.22. Royer DL, Sack L, Wilf P, Lusk C, Jordan GJ, Niinemets U, Wright IJ, Westoby M, CariglinoB, Coley PD, Cutter AD, Johnson KR, Labandeira CC, Moles AT, Palmer MB, ValladaresF. 2007. Fossil leaf economics quantified: calibration and Eocene case study. Contributedpaper. Botanical Society <strong>of</strong> America and American Society <strong>of</strong> Plant Biology Joint Congress,Chicago.

Curriculum Vitae, Lawren Sack 1621. Sack L. 2007. Needs for research on rare Hawaiian plants. Contributed paper. HawaiiEcosystem Project Symposium, Volcano, Hawaii.20. Sack L, Cordell S, Ostertag R, Giardina C, Cole C. 2007. How do Hawaiian native forestsfunction over the long-term? The Hawaii Permanent Plot Network (HIPPNET) formonitoring, research and education. Contributed poster. Hawaii Conservation Conference2007—Conservation Strategies: Matching Science and Management.19. Royer DL, Sack L, Wilf P, Lusk C, Jordan GJ, Niinemets U, Wright IJ, Westoby M, CariglinoB, Coley PD, Cutter AD, Johnson KR, Labandeira CC, Moles AT, Palmer MB, ValladaresF. 2006. Fossil leaf economics from scaling principles. Contributed paper. GeologicalSociety <strong>of</strong> America Meeting, Philadelphia.18. Sack L. 2006. Ecohydrology: Exploring the relationship between water quantity andvegetation in Hawaiian forested ecosystems. Invited paper and panel discussion. HawaiiAssociation <strong>of</strong> Watershed Partnerships Symposium.17. Sack L. 2006. Petiole-lamina scaling. Invited paper. Working Groups on Stomata and Leaves,Australian Research Council Research Network for Vegetation Function, MacquarieUniversity, Sydney, Australia.16. Sack L. 2006. The coordination <strong>of</strong> leaf hydraulics, structure and function. Contributed paper.Hawaii Ecosystem Project Symposium, Volcano, Hawaii.15. Sack L, Dietrich E, Sanchez D, Streeter C, Holbrook NM. 2005. Palmate versus pinnate leafvenation systems: Do they diverge in function? Contributed paper. Ecological Society <strong>of</strong>America Meeting. Montreal.14. Sack L, Dietrich E, Sanchez D, Streeter C, Holbrook NM. 2005. Palmate versus pinnate leafvenation systems: how do they differ in function? Invited paper. Symposium, “Land plantarchitecture: multifunctional design and evolution.” XVII International BotanicalCongress, Vienna.13. Cornwell W, Bhaskar R, Sack L, Cordell S. 2005. Hydraulic strategies <strong>of</strong> Metrosiderospolymorpha at high and low precipitation. Contributed paper. Ecological Society <strong>of</strong>America Meeting. Montreal.12. Sack L. 2005. Leaf hydraulics. Invited paper. Working Group on Leaves, Australian ResearchCouncil Research Network for Vegetation Function, Macquarie University, Sydney,Australia11. Sack L, Ostertag B, Cordell S, Montgomery R, Price J. 2005. A comprehensive database <strong>of</strong>functional traits and distributions <strong>of</strong> Hawaiian native and alien plants: a toolfor research and management. Contributed paper. Hawai‘i Ecosystem Project Symposium,Volcano, Hawaii.

Curriculum Vitae, Lawren Sack 1710. Sack L. 2004. Leaf laws and outlaws: scaling form and function from lamina to stomata.Invited paper. Symposium, “Evolutionary Constraints on Life History and PhysiologicalTraits in Tropical Plants.” Association <strong>of</strong> Tropical Biology and Conservation, Miami.9. Sack L. 2004. Leaf laws and outlaws: scaling form and function from lamina to stomata.Contributed paper. Hawai‘i Ecosystem Project Symposium, Volcano, Hawaii8. Orians CM, Smith S, Sack L. 2003. How are leaves plumbed on a branch? A new hydraulicmethod for measuring branch-level sectoriality. Contributed paper. Ecological Society <strong>of</strong>America Meeting, Savannah, Georgia.7. Sack L. 2003. Plant responses to deep shade plus drought. Invited paper. Workshop, “PlantResponses to Shade and Drought”. University <strong>of</strong> Madrid.6. Sack L, Holbrook NM. 2003. The ‘hydrology’ <strong>of</strong> tropical tree leaves: can hydraulics explain thediversity <strong>of</strong> leaf structure and function? Contributed paper. Association <strong>of</strong> TropicalBiology and Conservation Meeting. Aberdeen, UK.5. Sack L. 2002. Leaf hydraulics. Invited paper. Workshop, “Integration <strong>of</strong> Long-DistanceTransport Processes in Plants.” Harvard Forest, Petersham, MA.4. Sack L, Holbrook NM. 2002. Leaf ‘hydrology’: linking hydraulic conductance with structureand function in temperate woody species. Contributed paper. Ecological Society <strong>of</strong>America Meeting, Tucson, AZ.3. Sack L, Holbrook NM. 2002. The 'hydrology' <strong>of</strong> temperate deciduous leaves: linkages betweenleaf hydraulic conductance and leaf form, structure and function. Invited paper. 13 thAnnual Harvard Forest Ecology Symposium, Harvard Forest, Petersham, MA.2. Sack L. 2001. Temperate woody seedling responses to deep shade plus drought: testing for atolerance trade-<strong>of</strong>f. Contributed paper. Ecological Society <strong>of</strong> America Meeting, Madison,WI.1. Sack L. 2000. How does shade plus drought affect seedling growth? Contributed poster. BritishEcological Society/Ecological Society <strong>of</strong> America Meeting, Orlando, FL.Invited SeminarsUniversity <strong>of</strong> California, Santa Barbara, October 2010University <strong>of</strong> California, Los Angeles, September 2010Ecology Center, Utah State University, February 2010Xishuangbanna Tropical Garden, China, March 2009University <strong>of</strong> Nebraska, Lincoln, March 2009University <strong>of</strong> Illinois Urbana-Champaign, January 2009University <strong>of</strong> California, Irvine. April 2008.Pepperdine University. March 2008.University <strong>of</strong> Cambridge, UK. February 2008.Ohio University, Athens, Ohio. January 2008.University <strong>of</strong> California, Riverside. January 2008.University <strong>of</strong> California, Los Angeles. November 2006

Curriculum Vitae, Lawren Sack 18Botany <strong>Department</strong>, University <strong>of</strong> Hawaii. September 2006.Research School <strong>of</strong> Biological Sciences, Australian National University. May 2005.University <strong>of</strong> Hawai‘i at Hilo. October 2004.University <strong>of</strong> California, Berkeley. March 2004.Water Resources Research Center, University <strong>of</strong> Hawai‘i. December 2003Zoology <strong>Department</strong>, University <strong>of</strong> Hawai‘i. October 2003Botany <strong>Department</strong>, University <strong>of</strong> Hawai‘i., February 2003Organization <strong>of</strong> Tropical Studies Field Course Seminar, Panama. March 2003Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute Seminars, Panama. February 2003Harvard University Herbarium Seminar, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA. September 2002Universidad de Sevilla, Spain. March 2001University ServiceService at UCLA• Service to Ecology and Evolutionary Biology <strong>Department</strong>:o Chair <strong>of</strong> EcoLunch Committee (2008-10, helped develop transition to graduate studentleadership <strong>of</strong> that committee 2010-), Co-chair <strong>of</strong> Seminar Committee (2010-2011),DWQE Committee (2008-2010), Graduate Admissions and Support Committee(2007-2009, 2010-2011), Graduate Student Award Committee (2009-2010), IGERTCommittee (2008-9).• Service to local scientific community:o Organizing committee for symposium, “Structure and Function <strong>of</strong> Plant HydraulicSystems.” California State University, Fullerton, March 2008. (With Jochen Schenk, leadorganizer, and Gretchen North).• Service to University, Campus Level:oRepresentative from Ecology and Evolutionary Biology <strong>Department</strong> to the UCLALegislative Assembly (2008-11).o UCLA Representative to Organization <strong>of</strong> Tropical Studies Assembly <strong>of</strong> Delegates, 2010-o Reviewer for Mildred Mathias Grants 2008, 2009.Service at University <strong>of</strong> Hawaii• Service to University, System Level:o Co-leader (with Rebecca Ostertag, Susan Cordell and Christian Giardina) <strong>of</strong> successful“Request For Information” documents, leading to the designation <strong>of</strong> Core, Observationand Experimental components for the National Ecological Observatory Network(NEON), Pacific Domain (2007).o Member <strong>of</strong> the team that wrote the successful $9,000,000 National Science Foundationgrant for Research Infrastructure (“EPSCoR IMUA II”; 2006-2009), with PrincipalInvestigator Jim Gaines, co-Principal Investigators Ken Kaneshiro and Don Price, andwith five other Area Leaders, to promote productivity and develop researchinfrastructure at University <strong>of</strong> Hawaii. Leader <strong>of</strong> Ecology Area for University <strong>of</strong> Hawaiiat Manoa for administering this grant, with five other Area Leaders and senior mentorPeter Vitousek (Stanford University). Led writing <strong>of</strong> proposal with over 80 participantsfrom across University <strong>of</strong> Hawaii campuses, and State and Federal Agencies and otherresearch and land management institutions. With a widely-inclusive and transparent

Curriculum Vitae, Lawren Sack 19strategic planning process, $1,500,000 was allocated to research infrastructure projectsincluding over 80 researchers within UH, outside UH in Hawaii, and outside Hawaii.• Service to University, Campus Level:o Member <strong>of</strong> the UH Manoa Chancellor’s Council on Sustainability (October 2005-);University <strong>of</strong> Hawai‘i at Manoa Library Committee (2004-2006); University <strong>of</strong>Hawai‘i’s Task Force on the Lyon Arboretum (2004-2005).• Service to Botany <strong>Department</strong>:o Chair <strong>of</strong> Website Committee (2004-), Chair <strong>of</strong> Wilder Chair Committee (2004-2006),member <strong>of</strong> other Botany committes, including Graduate Curriculum InnovationCommittee, Undergraduate Curriculum Integration Committee, Graduate AdmissionsCommittee, Search Committee for Anatomy Position, Vehicle Committee, Chair’s SpaceAdvisory Committee, Greenhouse and Courtyard Garden Committee, Search ProceduresCommittee.• Service to Hui Konohiki Program:o Member <strong>of</strong> the five-person team that developed the Hui Konohiki Program, includingdesign <strong>of</strong> mission and the development, and ongoing teaching <strong>of</strong> four core courses. TheHui Konohiki Program at University <strong>of</strong> Hawai‘i combines faculty from Botany, Biologyand Hawaiian Studies, an initiative to bring together Hawaiian knowledge and practiceswith contemporary scientific tools and methods to provide interdisciplinary training forland and resource management and environmental research careers.• Service to Ecology, Evolution and Conservation Biology Program (EECB):o Appointed to EECB in Fall 2003. Member <strong>of</strong> the EECB Program DevelopmentCommittee (2004), Student Admissions Committee (2005, 2006)• Service to Lyon Arboretum:o Research affiliate at Lyon Arboretum from 2003 to 2006. Served as campus liaison<strong>of</strong>ficer to bridge the Lyon Arboretum with the Hui Konohiki Program, from Fall 2003 toSpring 2005.• Service to local community:o Advisor/supervisor to three local high school students for their senior science projects,including advising by email as well as supervising lab work and plant growthexperiments; Faculty Sponsor <strong>of</strong> the Hawaii Botanical Society 2004-2006

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