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DISCUSSIONS IN EDUCATION SERIESschools are already involved in ‘Professional LearningCommunities’. Whilst the opportunities for trainingfrom Local Authority advisers and consultants may bemore limited in light of the Comprehensive SpendingReview (2010), University Training Schools may evenstrengthen such communities of practice. Theultimate guiding light should be the quality of learningexperience and outcomes of learning for children(and consequently for adults). If there has been adifficulty in recruiting schools to existing initial teachereducation partnerships, it could be that there hasbeen an insufficient focus on the impact on children’slearning of initial teacher education.Together schools and universities can work togetherfor the common good of children and all learners.There is uncertainty, but there is also great potentialfor the future. Courage, principle and collaborationare the way ahead for teacher education.ReferencesBlack, P. and Wiliam, D. (1998) Assessment and classroomlearning. Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy andPractice, 5 (1), 7-74.Browne, J. (2010) Independent review into higher educationfunding and student finance. Securing a sustainable future forhigher education. London: HMSO.Claxton, G. (1990) Teaching to learn. London: Cassell.DfE (2010) The importance of teaching: schools white paper.London: HMSO.HM Treasury (2010) Spending Review 2010. London:The Stationery Office. http://cdn.hm-treasury.gov.uk/sr2010_completereport.<strong>pdf</strong> [accessed 16 March 2011]Palinscar, A.S. and Brown, A.L. (1984) Reciprocal teachingof comprehension-fostering and comprehensionmonitoringactivities. Cognition and Instruction, 1, 117-175.16

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