Improving health and safety at work: An effective regulatory framework

Improving health and safety at work: An effective regulatory framework

Improving health and safety at work: An effective regulatory framework


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In Confidencea. A facility or proposed facility would autom<strong>at</strong>ically be classified as a major hazardfacility <strong>and</strong> subject to the regul<strong>at</strong>ions, where very large quantities of particulardangerous substances are (or will be) processed, h<strong>and</strong>led, or stored on site.Early estim<strong>at</strong>es are th<strong>at</strong> there may be up to 60 of these facilities in New Zeal<strong>and</strong>(e.g. the oil refinery <strong>at</strong> Marsden Point, the methanol production plant <strong>at</strong> Motunui).The types of dangerous substances captured by the regime <strong>and</strong> thecorresponding threshold quantities applied would be based on thresholds set byexisting major hazard facility regul<strong>at</strong>ion in Europe (the ‘Seveso’ Directive), theUnited Kingdom, <strong>and</strong> Australia.b. A facility or proposed facility th<strong>at</strong> holds (or will hold) more than 10 per cent of thethreshold quantity may be subject to an inquiry by WorkSafe to determinewhether the facility should be classified as a major hazard facility <strong>and</strong> subject tothe regul<strong>at</strong>ions.c. WorkSafe would:i. consider whether there is potential for a major accident to occur <strong>at</strong> thefacility or proposed facility having regard to the following m<strong>at</strong>ters;The quantity or combin<strong>at</strong>ion of dangerous substances present orlikely to be present <strong>at</strong> the facility. The likelihood th<strong>at</strong> an inquiry will beheld would be gre<strong>at</strong>er for those facilities where the quantity ofdangerous substances is close to the threshold, or if inherentlyunstable or mutually incomp<strong>at</strong>ible substances are present insignificant quantities.The type of activities within the facility involving dangeroussubstances. Where the activities conducted <strong>at</strong> the facility are in someway intrinsically of higher hazard, then the likelihood of the facilitybeing determined to be a major hazard facility will be gre<strong>at</strong>er. Forexample: if substances are stored in rel<strong>at</strong>ively large closely groupedtanks; if the process has the potential to gener<strong>at</strong>e by-products ofextreme toxicity; if the process involves extremes of temper<strong>at</strong>ure<strong>and</strong>/or pressure; <strong>and</strong> if the process is complex, requiring advancedengineering controls to ensure <strong>safety</strong>.The l<strong>and</strong> use <strong>and</strong> other activities in the area surrounding the facility.The potential consequences of an incident <strong>at</strong> a facility in a highdensityresidential area would be higher than if the facility were in aremote non-residential area. Similar concerns exist where there is thepotential for escal<strong>at</strong>ion of any major incident to neighbouring facilities.ii.iii.consider any submission made by the facility oper<strong>at</strong>or <strong>and</strong> consult withinterested parties, for example <strong>health</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>safety</strong> represent<strong>at</strong>ives <strong>at</strong> thefacility, local emergency services, <strong>and</strong> territorial authorities; <strong>and</strong>following the inquiry, possibly design<strong>at</strong>e the facility as a major hazardfacility.d. Once a facility or proposed facility is design<strong>at</strong>ed as a major hazard facility, theoper<strong>at</strong>or of the facility would be required to:i. prepare a <strong>safety</strong> case (containing details of the dangerous substances, thefacility, the management system, the potential for major accidents, <strong>and</strong> themeasures to be taken to prevent, control <strong>and</strong> mitig<strong>at</strong>e the effects of majoraccidents) <strong>and</strong> submit it to the regul<strong>at</strong>or for assessment;ii.iii.prepare <strong>and</strong> implement an emergency response plan, in consult<strong>at</strong>ion withemergency services <strong>and</strong> the relevant territorial authority;investig<strong>at</strong>e any dangerous occurrence (an incident th<strong>at</strong> could be regardedas a ‘near miss’ for a major accident) <strong>and</strong> report to the regul<strong>at</strong>or on theoutcome of the investig<strong>at</strong>ion; <strong>and</strong>MBIE-MAKO-1460855716

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