Jamaica Authorities - On TRACK against Corruption

Jamaica Authorities - On TRACK against Corruption

Jamaica Authorities - On TRACK against Corruption


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<strong>Jamaica</strong>Commission for the Prevention of <strong>Corruption</strong>1. StructureThe Commission for the Prevention of <strong>Corruption</strong> consists of fivemembers/commissioners.2. Function(1)To receive and keep on record statutory declarations furnished by public servantspursuant to the Act;(2)To examine such statutory declarations and to request from a public servant anyinformation relevant to a statutory declaration made by him, which in its opinionwould assist in its examination;(3)To make such independent enquiries and investigations relating to a statutorydeclaration as it thinks necessary;(4)To receive and investigate any complaint regarding an act of corruption;(5)To conduct an investigation into an act of corruption on its own initiative, if it issatisfied that there are reasonable grounds for such investigation3. Resourceshttp://www.moj.gov.jm/index.phpThe Police Public Complaints Authority (UnderMinistry of Justice)1. HistoryThe Authority is an independent, non-police agency with the power to investigateallegations of misconduct filed by members of the public <strong>against</strong> members of the<strong>Jamaica</strong> Constabulary Force and its Auxiliaries. Investigations are conducted in animpartial and objective fashion by the Authority’s Investigative Staff which is madeup solely of civilian employees.2. Structure

The Authority consists of three persons appointed by the Governor General in hisdiscretion by instrument under the Broad Seal (one of whom is appointed ExecutiveChairman).3. Function(1)To monitor the investigation by the Force of any complaint or other matter towhich the Act applies with a view to ensuring that such investigation is conductedimpartially(2)To supervise the investigation of complaints by the Force(3)To undertake direct investigation of complaints(4)To evaluate and report to the Minster of Justice from time to time on the system ofhandling complaints4. Resourceshttp://www.moj.gov.jm/node/view/15Office of the Contractor-General <strong>Jamaica</strong>1. HistoryThe main purpose of the OC-G is to provide resources for the Contractor-General inorder that he may carry out his mandate as stated under the Contractor-General Act of1983. These include human, administrative financial and physical resources. TheOC-G does not approve, endorse, recommend for award or award Governmentcontracts. The OC-G is also the secretariat for the National Contracts Commission2. StructurePresently, the staff organization of the OCG is structured into 5 divisions.●Finance and Administration●Technical Services●The Inspectorate for Construction Contracts●The Inspectorate for Non Construction Contracts, Licenses and Permits●Information SystemsWithin this May 1999 Parliamentary approved organization, there are 57 approvedstaff positions. Thirteen are currently vacant, due largely to employment restrictionswhich have been imposed by the Ministry of Finance and Planning.3. Function

The Mission of the Office of the Contractor General is to effectively discharge therequirements of the Contractor-General Act and, in so doing, to:• Monitor and investigate the award and implementation of contracts, licences,permits, concessions and the divestment of government assets;Improve andmake fair and equitable the system of awarding contracts, licences, permits,concessions and the divestment of government assets;• Ensure that all public sector agencies give the widest possible opportunity toqualified persons to bid for contracts and divestments or to apply for licencesand permits;• Create a positive image of the public procurement process by promotingintegrity, professionalism, transparency, efficiency and, in so doing, to therebyengender public confidence.4. Achievement2005 Operating Performance HighlightsThrough its two (2) Inspectorate Divisions and its Technical Services Division, theOC-G has accomplished the following in 2005:• Monitored and/or investigated, island-wide, 330 government contracts, licencesand permits, with a staff of only nine (9) Inspectors.• Monitored scores of tenders and the procurement processes of Public Bodies,both on a routine and general basis as well as in greater depth, as the need arose;• Conducted 526 contractor verification visits;• Completed 890 contract monitoring and inspection site trips, travelling 169,853km;• Attended, facilitated and fully supported 49 NCC meetings;• Attended and monitored approximately 280 NCC Sector Committee meetings;• Provided support for the NCC to comprehensively review and endorse 401government contract award recommendations of approximately J$27 billion in value;• Processed applications for, and completed the registration of, approximately 300new goods and services contractors and approximately 250 new works contractors;• Conducted several off-site educational workshops for a variety of Public SectorAgencies.5. ContactYou may also contact us via e-mail at: general@ocg.gov.jm; by Telephone (876)929-6460; (876) 929-8560; by Fax (876) 929-7335; in surface mail addressed to: TheContractor-General, 17 Knutsford Blvd., Kingston 5.

6. Resourceshttp://www.ocg.gov.jm/ocg/overview.php

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