download entire yearbook - Harding University Digital Archives

download entire yearbook - Harding University Digital Archives

download entire yearbook - Harding University Digital Archives


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Girl's TrioFreshman Girl's QuartetEnthusiasm displayed in the first meetings of the musIC ensembles on thecampus was maintained throughout the <strong>entire</strong> year. Several new groups were startedin the field of music and met with quite laudable success.LeollJrd Kirk, director of ensembles, and Mrs. Florence Jewell, voice insrruc·ror, were added to the music {acuity with very evident results. The weekly T ucsdayafternoon broadcasts proved an exce llent medium for the expression of varioustalents.The Girls' Trio has accompanied rhe Men's Glee Club on all of its trips, andhas been featured on numerous broadcasts during the year. The Freshmen Girls'Quarter, with a freshman girl for an accompanist, has also proved popular.Under the direccion of Mrs. J ewell, the Girls' Glee C lub has studied varioustypes of three-part women's voice arrangements.Girl'sGlee Club

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