Rockvale Middle School Bands

Rockvale Middle School Bands

Rockvale Middle School Bands


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<strong>Rockvale</strong> <strong>Middle</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>Bands</strong>http://www.rms.rcs.k12.tn.us/Teachers/quartok/quartok.htmKathy Quarto, DirectorDebbie Hice, Assistant Director(615) 904-6745, ext. 30739 (615) 904-6745, ext. 30741quartok@rcs.k12.tn.ushiced@rcs.k12.tn.usDear Parents,Welcome to the <strong>Rockvale</strong> <strong>Middle</strong> <strong>School</strong> Band Program! We are very excited about your child’s decision toparticipate in instrumental music at our school. This packet of information is intended to acquaint you withsome of the activities and policies of the <strong>Rockvale</strong> <strong>Middle</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>Bands</strong>. Please read this information andfamiliarize yourself with the schedule of activities for this school year.General Information8 th Grade: Must have previous band experienceUse Student <strong>School</strong> Agenda book for class assignmentsAutomatically a part of Football Pep BandOpportunity to audition for Jazz BandOpportunity to audition for All Mid-state and Rutherford County Honor BandParticipation in Concert Band FestivalParticipation in Solo and Ensemble FestivalChristmas and Spring ConcertsSpring Tour of Elementary <strong>School</strong>sMaterials Needed:Essential Elements 2000 - Book 2 (Red) andFoundations for Superior Performance Method BookLyre and Flip FolderBand Folder (provided)Instrument and maintenance supplies for the instrumentPep Band Shirt (cost - $10)7 th Grade: Must have previous band experienceUse Student <strong>School</strong> Agenda book for class assignmentsAutomatically a part of Football Pep BandOpportunity to audition for Jazz BandOpportunity to audition for All Mid-state and Rutherford County Honor BandParticipation in Concert Band FestivalParticipation in Solo and Ensemble FestivalChristmas and Spring ConcertsMaterials Needed:Essential Elements 2000 – Book 1 (Yellow) & Book 2 (Red)Lyre and Flip FolderBand Folder (provided)Instrument and maintenance supplies for the instrumentPep Band Shirt (cost $10)

6 th Grade: No experience requiredUse Student <strong>School</strong> Agenda book for class assignmentsOpportunity to be nominated for Rutherford County All-Star BandParticipation in Solo and Ensemble FestivalFall and Spring ConcertsMaterials Needed:Essential Elements 2000 - Book 1 (Yellow)Instrument and maintenance supplies for the instrumentBand Folder (provided)Pep Band Shirt May be purchased (cost $10)A separate letter will follow with more specific information for sixth grade band.

Local Music SuppliesStudents may need supplies for their instrument at times throughout the school year. The "Music Stop" comesto our band room each week with reeds, oils and supplies for students to purchase. This store also has qualifiedrepair technicians to repair instruments. Students must have parent permission to send an instrument to berepaired.The Music Stop310 West Main St.Murfreesboro, TN. 37130(615) 217-6165Grade RequirementsBand is a hands-on learning activity. We consider daily classroom work and performances as the vehiclesthrough which learning takes place. It is for this reason that we are absolutely insistent upon each student'sdaily participation. Satisfactory classroom participation (rehearsal technique), practice records and playingand/or written tests are the areas which will determine 70% of your child's grade for each six weeks.PERFORMANCES ARE VIEWED AS MAJOR TESTS, WHICH CANNOT BE DUPLICATED IN A PRACTICE ROOM ORDURING REGULAR REHEARSAL TIMES. Performances will count 30% toward the final grade for that given sixweekperiod. Students will need dress clothes including dress shoes for concerts. Young ladies should havedresses, skirts and blouses or dress pants and blouses for concerts. Young gentlemen should have dress pants,dress shirts and ties. Jackets or suits are optional.On occasion, your child's instrument may need repair. To protect a student’s grade while his/her instrument isbeing repaired, we need the student to bring us a note from his/her parent letting us know when the studentwill have their instrument back at school.Football Pep BandBelow is a listing of the home football games. The home games will take place at Eagleville High <strong>School</strong>. All 7 th& 8 th grade band members are required to attend.Your child's grade will be based not only on classroom performance, but also on participation in all bandactivities throughout the entire school year. It is our sincere belief that both dedication and commitment areneeded to have any good organization and we are excited that you and your child have decided to become apart of our musical family. Thank you for your support of our band program and of your instrumentalist.Home Football Schedule 2009August 25 Tuesday Blackman vs. <strong>Rockvale</strong> (band will not perform)September 15 Tuesday LaVergne vs. <strong>Rockvale</strong>September 29 Tuesday Stewarts Creek vs. <strong>Rockvale</strong>October 20 Tuesday Rock Springs vs. <strong>Rockvale</strong>Report time – 5:00 PM at Eagleville <strong>School</strong> Band Room - Walk to Eagleville StadiumPerforming of our National Anthem - 5 minutes before game timeFootball Games begin – 6:00 P.M.Football Games end - approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes after they beginFootball pep band shirts must be worn at all games.

Jazz BandWe will be offering Jazz Band during the school day to interested students. A student who is a member of theJazz Band must choose to give up the other elective classes in order to fit it into his/her schedule. This group isopen to any 8 th grade band member and is selected by audition. Auditions will take place during the first 6weeks, and the class will begin the second 6 weeks. A student must be a member of the band in order toparticipate in Jazz Band. This group will perform at Concerts, Solo & Ensemble, the Coffeehouse and a SpringTour, which includes performing for some of the elementary schools that feed into <strong>Rockvale</strong> <strong>Middle</strong> <strong>School</strong>.______________________________TEAR HERE______________________________Please sign and return this and all other information by the end of the first week of band.Parent and Student AgreementI have received the information packet and agree to abide by the policies and schedules for thebands of <strong>Rockvale</strong> <strong>Middle</strong> <strong>School</strong> for the 2009-2010 school year.____________________________________PARENT SIGNATUREDATE____________________________________STUDENT SIGNATUREGRADE

STUDENT HEALTH HISTORY / CONSENT TO TRAVELPlease printStudent's Name___________________________________________________________Address ________________________________ Date of Birth____________________Parents or Legal Guardians _________________________________________________Father ________________________________ Work Phone________________Mother _______________________________ Work Phone________________Home Phone______________________Emergency Contact _________________________ Phone___________________Student's Health History or Current Health Problems___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ has my permission to travel with the <strong>Rockvale</strong> <strong>Middle</strong><strong>School</strong> Band to the following event(s): (Place a check beside the event you have given your childpermission to attend) I fully understand and agree that because of risk associated with any fieldtrip, my child is expected to: 1) act and behave appropriately at all times, 2) to abide by all schooland safety rules, and 3) to follow the directives and instructions of any teacher, administrator,chaperone or any other adult associated with the field trip. Furthermore, I understand that mychild may be subject to appropriate disciplinary action for his/her failure to do so.Football Pep Band performances, Sept. 15, Sept. 29 & Oct. 20, at Eagleville High <strong>School</strong>(All 7 th & 8 th grade band students)8 th Grade Band Night, Sept 25 – Blackman High <strong>School</strong> (8 th graders zoned for Blackman)8 th Grade Band Night, TBA – Riverdale High <strong>School</strong> (8 th graders zoned for Riverdale)8 th Grade Band Night, TBA – Eagleville High <strong>School</strong> (8 th graders zoned for Eagleville)All Mid-State Band Auditions, Dec. 12th, 2009 in Nashville/ McGavock High <strong>School</strong>(7 th and 8 th grades voluntarily)All Mid-State Band, Jan. 7-9, 2009 at M.T.S.U. and Siegel High <strong>School</strong>(7 th and 8 th grades by audition)Joint Concert with 8 th Graders and Blackman High <strong>School</strong> Band, Feb. 11(All 8 th grade band members)Rutherford County Honor Band---TBA, (All grades by audition or nomination)Concert Festival, March 3-5 (7 th & 8 th grade bands)(specific dates TBA)Solo and Ensemble Festival at Eagleville <strong>School</strong>, April 24 (All grades)Spring Tour, May - TBA (Jazz Band) Band performs for our feeder schools,Scales Elementary & Cason Lane and possibly a few othersChaperones: Kathy Quarto and Debbie Hice. Any additional parents are welcome to come with usif you wish to do so.Parent Signature______________________________ (authorizes emergency medical treatmentand permission to travel)Date__________________

ROCKVALE MIDDLE SCHOOL BAND SHIRT ORDER FORM(please return with payment)This year we will be ordering new band shirts. All 7 th & 8 th grade band students will need topurchase a shirt, as this is the Football Pep Band and Jazz Band uniform shirt. (6 th graders maypurchase a shirt as well, but it is not required.) Shirts cost $10.00 each. All shirts are “Adult”sizes.Please mark the size or sizes you wish to order and sign the form. All checks should be madepayable to <strong>Rockvale</strong> <strong>Middle</strong> <strong>School</strong>.Shirt (circle size) S M L XL XXL XXXLQuantity ________TOTAL __________Student Name _________________Parent Signature ___________________Payment Type:CashCheck #

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