MESSMER TODAY Sum - Messmer Catholic Schools

MESSMER TODAY Sum - Messmer Catholic Schools

MESSMER TODAY Sum - Messmer Catholic Schools

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SCHOOL NEWSphotos and videos, and serves as a greatyear-in-review.Broadcast Media students werefortunate to be visited by many speakersfrom the Milwaukee journalismcommunity who imparted their realworldinsight and knowledge. Field tripsto print and broadcast media facilitiesgave the students exciting looks at theinner workings of local news operationsand helped them put context to whatthey were learning in class.Senior Chabeli Romero describes,“The class is a great way to find yourselfthrough communications, whether ornot you are thinking of journalism asa career.” The course is taught by Ms.Maripat Wilkinson.Scholarship winners attendluncheon with local dignitariesGiovanni Rodriguez, Kevonna Nathaniel, Jade Hendricksand Crystal Marmolejo receive recognitionOn May 17, thirty Wisconsin highschool seniors received scholarships ata luncheon, attended by Mayor TomBarrett, Common Council PresidentWillie L. Hines, Jr. and other Milwaukeearea dignitaries. <strong>Messmer</strong> High <strong>Schools</strong>eniors Giovanni Rodriguez, KevonnaNathaniel, Jade Hendricks and CrystalMarmolejo were among the awardrecipients.In honor of the recipients,McDonald’s arranged a recognitionevent at Milwaukee’s City Hall followedby a lunch at the InterContinentalMilwaukee Hotel that included specialtransportation to and from school vialimousine and a special opportunity tomeet and dine with dignitaries from thecommunity.“The scholarships are a great way tocontribute to our community’s future,”said Robert Pyles, local McDonald’sowner/operator and president of thesoutheastern Wisconsin co-op. Presidentand <strong>Messmer</strong> High School Principal Br.Bob Smith joined the students and theirfamilies at the event.<strong>Messmer</strong> hosts fifth annualfundraising dinner forWaukesha West<strong>Messmer</strong> High School hosted the fifthannual spaghetti dinner to raise funds forWaukesha West High School’s AcademicDecathlon team. This year, over $2,500went directly to funding the team’s travelexpenses. The team just returned fromNational competition, winning its eighthconsecutive Division II National title andfinishing third overall in the nation.In 2007, <strong>Messmer</strong> High School’sNational Honor Society (NHS)members stepped in to help fundraisefor the Waukesha West AcademicDecathlon team when they learned theteam had insufficient funding to travelto the national competition in Hawaii.That year, <strong>Messmer</strong>’s students planned,organized and ran a spaghetti dinner in<strong>Messmer</strong> and Waukesha West students celebrate theirachievementWaukesha that raised nearly $12,000 forthe team’s travel.A special bond developed betweenthe two schools, and the tradition hascontinued five years running. WaukeshaWest students and families have returnedtheir support the last five years bysponsoring tables at <strong>Messmer</strong>’s ownannual fundraising event to benefitstudent scholarships, solidifying theunlikely and remarkable relationshipbetween the schools.Duane Stein, Waukesha West’sAcademic Decathlon Coach explains,“This is some ‘magic’ that is happeningin our schools today. A city school anda suburban school supporting each other.”Heart of the NationStudents in <strong>Messmer</strong> High School’schoir lifted their voices in song in Massesrecorded for Heart of the Nation, anorganization which seeks to renew,reawaken and support the faith of<strong>Catholic</strong>s through televised and onlineMasses. The Masses are available forstreaming on the Heart of the NationWebsite, and were also televised onSunday mornings throughout Lent onWITI Channel 6.Broadcasts are archived at www.heartofthenation.org.Business simulation challengesstudentsThe Junior Achievement of WisconsinBusiness Challenge is a businesssimulation competition that challengesstudents to apply skills in managementand knowledge of economics in order towin. 32 teams from 24 different schoolsin the Milwaukee area participated in thiscompetition.<strong>Messmer</strong> High School studentsCierra Childs, Sabatia McGee, and12 <strong>MESSMER</strong> <strong>TODAY</strong>

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