Invoice Address Booking form The Venue Delegate ... - Nasen

Invoice Address Booking form The Venue Delegate ... - Nasen

Invoice Address Booking form The Venue Delegate ... - Nasen


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About nasennasen is the leadingorganisation promotingthe advancement anddevelopment of allindividuals with special andadditional educational needs.It promotes the developmentof children and young peoplewith special and additionaleducational needs andsupports those workingin this field.nasen is an invaluableresource for teachersand provides a wealth ofin<strong>form</strong>ation and supportthrough its ContinualProfessional Development.How can nasenevents supportmy work?nasen events aim to help:• Develop knowledgeof special and additionaleducational needs.• Keep up to date wit hlegislation and createpolicies for your setting.• Improve skills in workingwith children with specialand additionaleducational needs.• Provide a safe environmentand opportunities foryou to explore newways of working.• Provide opportunities foryou to network withcolleagues from similarsettings.IntroductionSince the identification of the need for the Special Educational NeedsCoordinator (SENCO)* role there has been debate about what is thedefinitive role and how realistic are the demands on this role within schools.<strong>The</strong> introduction of the SENCO regulations in 2008 and the requirementfor all new SENCOs to have accredited training from September 2009will have a significant impact on the role of our future SENCOs. SENCOsplay a key role in ensuring that schools meet the needs of children andyoung people with SEN and disabilities. <strong>The</strong>y are also an important point ofcontact for parents. This conference will aim to meet some of the trainingneeds to develop skills essential to the role of the SENCO.Conference Programme09:00 - 09:30 Registration & Refreshments09:30 - 09:40 Welcome & Introduction -Lorraine Petersen, nasen’s CEO09:40 - 10:10 Keynote 1 - Phil Snell, TDA10:10 - 10:40 Keynote 2 - Carol Frankl, Southover Partnership10:40 - 10:45 Questions from the floor to keynote speakers10:45 - 11:00 Refreshments & Exhibition11:00 - 12:30 Morning Workshop SessionA. <strong>The</strong> SENCO role leading andmanaging change - Carol FranklB. SENCO as trainer and coach- Liz GerschelC. A workshop for new and aspiringSENCOs - Helen JacksonD. How the role of the SENCO can/shouldsupport the new secondary curriculum- Nell Banfield12:30 - 13:00 SENCO Network13:00 - 14:00 Lunch & Exhibition14:00 - 14:30 SENCO Network14:30 - 16:00 Afternoon Workshop SessionA. <strong>The</strong> SENCO role leading andmanaging change - Carol FranklB. SENCO as trainer and coach- Liz GerschelC. A workshop for new and aspiringSENCOs - Helen JacksonD. How the role of the SENCO can/shouldsupport the new secondary curriculum- Nell Banfield16:00 Conference ends*<strong>The</strong> term Special Educational Needs Coordinator or SENCO applies to English educational policy.Policy and terminology may differ in Ireland, Scotland and Wales but best practice may be transferable / interpretedto fit as appropriate. Where possible we will try to accommodate policy from other areas but this may not bepossible in all cases. Please check limitations prior to booking.www.nasen.org.uk

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