Product Catalogue 2012 - Bertolini

Product Catalogue 2012 - Bertolini

Product Catalogue 2012 - Bertolini


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Looking aheadLooking at natureInvesting in research and development also means makingstrides in terms of product quality and eco-sustainability.Whereas on the one hand, the improvement of our machinesis aimed at meeting the practical needs of users, on theother hand this innovation is developed on the basis of anincreasingly marked and shared environmental awareness.Emak was one of the first companies in the sector toprovide a concrete response to the growing publicconcern over environmental issues, transforming wordsinto hard facts and real products.For operators in this sector, respect for nature is an evenstronger and deep-rooted value. Because nature is notsimply the environment; it is also the work environment. Itis not an abstract reference but a daily affirmation, a preciseplace, a context of real-life experiences. And it is thereforetruer than ever that respecting nature means respectingourselves.That’s why the introduction of Euro 2 standards was a naturalstep. Cutting emissions by up to 80% and reducing fuelconsumption by up to 40% were targets that the companyhad already identified as essential. And which it had alreadyachieved. It’s no coincidence that Emak is among the top1,000 companies in Europe in terms of R&D investment,confirmation of a corporate commitment that is renewed andstrengthened every year. A belief in the market and in its owngrowth potential that sees in the difficulties of this periodearly signs of new development opportunities.Because he who seeks shall find.Designing today for the needs of tomorrow. Innovatingmeans setting new standards. Interpreting the needsof consumers, supplying original solutions. It meansanswering questions that are yet to be asked.To innovate therefore requires, first and foremost, athorough understanding of the market and its players.An understanding that Emak broadens and refines byengaging in a constant dialogue with consumers andby monitoring purchasing dynamics. It is this study andanalysis that Emak uses as its starting point for thedevelopment of new products.<strong>Product</strong>s that are created to meet practical needs and whichreflect the philosophy of a company that identifies with itstarget market.In fact, Emak grows together with its customers. That’s whythe company’s relationship with its customers is not limitedto offering a range of products, but is complemented by a360° programme of services and extras.To make every customer feel that they are at the centre ofa plan aimed at satisfying their every need. In fact Emakconstantly assesses and checks feedback from consumersin order to keep its customer satisfaction index at maximumlevels.To maintain its position as a market benchmark, thecompany currently dedicates 60% of its investment to thedevelopment of new products. This is a strategy that isbearing fruit. Each year, the company releases and markets8-10 new models and 30% of turnover comes from productslaunched within the previous 3 years. Innovation pays.Especially if the innovation process is based on precisefeedback from users. In fact the company’s productdevelopment plans are informed by the findings of theCustomer Acceptance Test that Emak submits to itscustomers to measure their satisfaction, record anycritical feedback and gather information useful for makingimprovements and developing new solutions. An effectivepartnership between company and consumers that alwaysdelivers results.Yes, we care.We were the first in our field to obtain certifications in threecrucial areas of business sustainability, namely Ethics,Environment and Quality. Yes we were.The entire Emak system, the whole production chainfrom design through to distribution, is covered by qualitycertification that attests to its value and reliability.Because we have always believed that before making a stepforward, it is essential to know where that step will lead.We believe that respect is the basis of growth and socialcohesion. Yes, we do.We believe in responsibility and planning.We believe that the world does not exist to serve us and thatprogress is also measured with awareness.We believe that nature is not a resource to be exploitedbut a treasure to be preserved. For us and for thegenerations to come. Yes, we care.8

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