Solar Writer - Zodiac Child - Esoteric Technologies

Solar Writer - Zodiac Child - Esoteric Technologies

Solar Writer - Zodiac Child - Esoteric Technologies


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<strong>Solar</strong> <strong>Writer</strong> <strong>Zodiac</strong> <strong>Child</strong> - Prince Christian Page 10 11 12 13 14 156789member or the death of a pet.Mars is Quincunx The SunNow here is an active youngster! Prince Christian loves to be stimulated and is keen to have a go at most things. Infact he is likely to experience all sorts of adventures at a young age. Although Prince Christian won't thank anyonewho stops him exploring, he does need some guidance, particularly from his father.Young Prince Christian needs to learn how to safely take part in activities that are challenging. Otherwise he will bethe sort of child who is making regular visits to the doctor for bumps on the head and other such accidents. PrinceChristian just loves to take risks. His abundant energy can be channelled into safe activities such as football,baseball, basketball, cycling, fencing, or any sport that requires energetic application. Prince Christian's father playsan important part in his life, although at times there may be arguments and clashes of will. Nevertheless PrinceChristian enjoys a firm and kind male influence. The lesson for the important man in young Prince Christian's life ispatience and assertion, definitely not aggression! Prince Christian has quite a temper when roused, and so it is vitalthat parents make every effort to distract his attention, provide plenty of demanding activities, and remain calm. If allelse fails, time out in a safe environment could give everyone some much-needed peace.Uranus is Sesquisquare The SunFrom the moment Prince Christian is born, family life takes a different direction. In fact even his birth may havetaken his parents by surprise and challenged family members to make changes. Prince Christian is one of a kind. Heis a restless baby, fed up with inactivity and eager to be on the move. It is true that Prince Christian is easily bored.He quickly outgrows activities, friends and even family members. He may not enjoy cuddles and the safety of awarm home, but rather takes pleasure in exploring new things. Prince Christian enjoys doing things on his own, aswell as playing with others. However, he is more likely to be a leader than a follower. He is also likely to beimpulsive and determined to have his own way. Young Prince Christian can be quite stubborn. This can causefriction with any adult in a position of responsibility, particularly men.Prince Christian's father, or a father figure, plays an important role in his life. In some cases his father may have anunusual occupation or hobby that takes him away from his family responsibilities. Or perhaps Prince Christian'sfather is absent at a crucial stage of his development. As a result Prince Christian may become rebellious, evenuncontrollable for a period. In other cases, it may simply be that his father is an independent person capable ofencouraging Prince Christian's independent spirit in a positive manner. It is important that Prince Christian's fatherprovide safe limits for little Prince Christian's explorations so that he can discover new activities without takingunnecessary risks. Prince Christian's father, or a father figure, needs to have an abundance of patience as he teststhe limits.Saturn is Square MercuryNow here's a child who needs a lot of approval and support, particularly from his father or an important malementor. The more love and kindness that Prince Christian receives, the more he is able to express himself in his dailylife with confidence. The reason for this is that the combination of the planets Saturn and Mercury can be a difficultone, presenting some pitfalls in early childhood development. In other words young Prince Christian may facedifficulties in his ability to learn and communicate. This, in turn, affects his self-confidence.Prince Christian may be shy, preferring the safety of his home rather than venturing out and about. Prince Christiancould be slow to talk and read. Perhaps school seems a bit overwhelming to young Prince Christian. He prefers tospend time reading in his own room rather than socialising with his friends. Prince Christian is sensitive to criticism,particularly any harsh words from his father or a prominent male member of the family. On the other hand PrinceChristian slowly blossoms when praised by his father. He also responds well to a male mentor's patient words ofwisdom. With calm handling Prince Christian gradually gains self-understanding and a wisdom that is beyond hisyears. Another positive note is that most of Prince Christian's learning difficulties are experienced in his early youth.

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