Harry Potter and the Triangle Prophecy - Sahits

Harry Potter and the Triangle Prophecy - Sahits

Harry Potter and the Triangle Prophecy - Sahits


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figured it out <strong>and</strong> flew round. It l<strong>and</strong>ed on <strong>Harry</strong>’s shoulder <strong>and</strong> he took <strong>the</strong> large creamyparchment envelope from its beak. As it flew off again, <strong>Harry</strong> turned it over, seeing <strong>the</strong> greenink <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> Hogwarts seal he had been expecting. When he returned to <strong>the</strong> breakfast table, hesaw that Uncle Vernon, quivering, had put his newspaper over his head, <strong>and</strong> his Aunt wasclutching Dunkirk to her chest while <strong>the</strong> little dog whined piteously. Their eyes were veryround. <strong>Harry</strong> thought of <strong>the</strong> eagle owls that used to deliver Draco Malfoy’s sweets packages,<strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> ominous falcons Lucius Malfoy had employed to deliver <strong>the</strong> Death Eater recruitmentletters. Dunkirk would probably have been considered a tasty snack by <strong>the</strong> large birds. Tryingnot to smirk, he sat, ignoring <strong>the</strong>ir predictable owl-terror, breaking <strong>the</strong> purple wax seal <strong>and</strong>taking <strong>the</strong> letter out of <strong>the</strong> envelope. He read it over quickly, not taking much note of <strong>the</strong>names of <strong>the</strong> new prefects (he didn’t really know many people in that year) but when he wasdone he looked up, grinning at his aunt <strong>and</strong> uncle, saying, “Well. It’s official.”They had gone back to eating <strong>the</strong>ir breakfasts <strong>and</strong> ignoring him.“I said it’s official,” he repeated, very loudly <strong>and</strong> clearly.Now his aunt looked up from her plate, muttering, “Oh, are you still here?” Her eyes wentback down again.<strong>Harry</strong> frowned. They knew he had a letter from Hogwarts, <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong>y were being more beastlythan usual. They wouldn’t care, he knew, but he had to say it anyway.“I’m Head Boy.”There, he’d said it. And as per usual, when he said anything concerning Hogwarts, <strong>the</strong>ybehaved as though he didn’t exist, sometimes going so far as to say things like, Petunia,dumpling, do you hear <strong>the</strong> wind blowing? Ra<strong>the</strong>r blustery <strong>and</strong> pointless, don’t you think?while she simpered <strong>and</strong> responded, Yes, Vernon, utterly windy <strong>and</strong> useless.Of course, <strong>the</strong>y’d spent <strong>the</strong> last fifteen-<strong>and</strong>-a-half years trying to forget he existed at all, so<strong>the</strong>ir present behavior was hardly surprising. He’d known since <strong>the</strong> last prefects’ meeting of<strong>the</strong> year that all of <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r prefects had voted unanimously for him as Head Boy <strong>and</strong>Hermione as Head Girl, but seeing it on paper made it more real, somehow. It meant that <strong>the</strong>teachers hadn’t overridden <strong>the</strong> choice of <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r prefects (not that that would be likely--in<strong>Harry</strong>’s limited experience <strong>the</strong> teachers generally just rubber-stamped <strong>the</strong> students’ choices).Well, he could tell Aberforth <strong>and</strong> Sam anyway. That would be something. He could even tellNigel <strong>and</strong> Trevor, although of course, <strong>the</strong>y would think he was Head Boy at a public school,having no idea that he was a wizard.“Well,” he said, carrying his plate <strong>and</strong> glass to <strong>the</strong> sink, giving up on <strong>the</strong>m taking any noticeof his Head Boy announcement. “I’m off. Dick’s picking me up at Mrs. Figg’s. Draco’sworking for him too--you know, as a lark,” he added, keeping up Draco’s son-of-<strong>the</strong>-lord-of<strong>the</strong>-manoract for no particular reason except it would be too complicated to reveal <strong>the</strong> truth to<strong>the</strong>m. “He doesn’t need <strong>the</strong> money, like I do,” he added, having succeeded for six years inkeeping <strong>the</strong> secret of his gold-filled Gringott’s vault. He wasn’t about to let on to <strong>the</strong>m nowthat he had a fairly large inheritance, mostly in solid-gold coins. He wasn’t sure <strong>the</strong>y actuallycared how he’d afforded school for <strong>the</strong> previous six years; maybe <strong>the</strong>y thought Hogwarts hadtaken him on as a charity case. He also knew <strong>the</strong>y’d sooner st<strong>and</strong> in <strong>the</strong> middle of TrafalgarSquare extolling <strong>the</strong> virtues of James <strong>and</strong> Lily <strong>Potter</strong> before <strong>the</strong>y’d admit to being curiousabout this, if in fact <strong>the</strong>y were.28

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