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overview of immigration consequences of state court criminal ...


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DRAFTQQOwning, managing, or supervising a prostitution business;QQSexual exploitation <strong>of</strong> children;QQRacketeering, as defined in Federal law;QQMoney laundering if the amount exceeds $10,000;QQTax fraud in excess <strong>of</strong> $10,000;QQFraud with loss to victim exceeding $10,000;QQForgery <strong>of</strong> an <strong>immigration</strong> document with a sentence <strong>of</strong>one year or more;QQCrimes compromising national security or intelligence;QQFailure to appear for service <strong>of</strong> sentence where theunderlying <strong>of</strong>fense is punishable by imprisonment for 5years or more;QQCommercial bribery, counterfeiting, or forgery, includingtrafficking in vehicles with an altered Vehicle IdentificationNumber, with a sentence <strong>of</strong> one year or more;QQObstruction <strong>of</strong> justice or perjury; andQQFailure to appear to answer a felony charge with a possiblesentence <strong>of</strong> two years or more.The following have been found to be crimes <strong>of</strong> violence.QQStalking when under a temporary restraining order.QQUnauthorized use <strong>of</strong> a motor vehicle in that it involves asubstantial risk <strong>of</strong> the use <strong>of</strong> force.QQManslaughter in the first degree that requires intent tocause death or serious harm.Misdemeanors as Aggravated FeloniesExamples <strong>of</strong> misdemeanors that could be aggravated feloniesas crimes <strong>of</strong> violence if the actual sentence is 1 year or moreQQOffensive touching.QQReckless endangerment.QQAssault.QQUnlawful imprisonment.QQMenacing or threatening.QQCoercion.QQTheft.The <strong>immigration</strong> <strong>court</strong> must take the crime as charged andconvicted in the <strong>state</strong> <strong>court</strong>, even if the prosecutor’s chargewas initially fashioned or later modified, even retroactively, tominimize <strong>immigration</strong> <strong>consequences</strong>.Where the length <strong>of</strong> sentence is a part <strong>of</strong> the definition <strong>of</strong> anaggravated felony, the sentence as modified by the trial <strong>court</strong>nunc pro tunc is the effective sentence for <strong>immigration</strong> purposeswithout regard to the trial <strong>court</strong>’s reasons for the modification,even if the sentence was modified solely to mitigate <strong>immigration</strong><strong>consequences</strong> for the defendant.Crime <strong>of</strong> ViolenceFederal <strong>criminal</strong> law defines a crime <strong>of</strong> violence as:1. An <strong>of</strong>fense that involves the use, attempted use, orthreatened use <strong>of</strong> physical force against the person orproperty <strong>of</strong> another, or2. Any other <strong>of</strong>fense that is a felony and that, by its nature,involves a substantial risk that physical force against theperson or property <strong>of</strong> another may be used in the course<strong>of</strong> committing the <strong>of</strong>fense.CRIME INVOLVING MORAL TURPITUDEThe term “crime involving moral turpitude” is not defined in theFederal <strong>immigration</strong> statutes. As a result, the following discussionis based entirely on case law from Board <strong>of</strong> Immigration Appealsdecisions.Definition from case lawQQA crime involving moral turpitude is one that shocksthe public conscience as being inherently base, vile, ordepraved, contrary to the rules <strong>of</strong> morality and the dutiesowed between persons, either to individuals or society ingeneral.QQThe crime must involve evil or malicious intent or inherentdepravity.QQThe statute and not the actual behavior controls: theaspect <strong>of</strong> moral turpitude must be a necessary element<strong>of</strong> the crime as defined by <strong>state</strong> statute. If a person couldbe convicted <strong>of</strong> the crime, as defined by statute, withoutan aspect <strong>of</strong> moral turpitude, it is not a crime <strong>of</strong> moralturpitude.For more information, please contact Steve Weller: sweller@indra.com

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