2009 Foundation Annual Report - Rhode Island Bar Association

2009 Foundation Annual Report - Rhode Island Bar Association

2009 Foundation Annual Report - Rhode Island Bar Association


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Officers & Board of Directors<strong>2009</strong>- 2010John A. TarantinoPresidentMichael A. St. PierreVice PresidentJames A. JacksonTreasurerAllan M. ShineSecretaryBoard of Directors<strong>Bar</strong>bara L. BennettJohn BoyajianJoseph M. FernandezRobert G. Flanders, Jr.Richard S. HumphreyLauren E. JonesPeter V. LacoutureLynette J. LabingerRichard W. MacAdamsMarifrances McGinnHon. Edward H. NewmanR. Kelly SheridanPatricia A. SullivanDeborah M. TateHon. Joseph R. WeisbergerPast President DirectorsSusan Leach DeBlasioJoseph J. RoszkowskiExofficio DirectorsVictoria M. AlmeidaLise M. IwonWilliam J. DelaneyExecutive DirectorHelen D. McDonaldProgram DirectorGinny CaldwellCo-sponsored by the United States Bankruptcy Court and the <strong>Rhode</strong> <strong>Island</strong> <strong>Bar</strong> <strong>Association</strong>’sVolunteer Lawyer Program, the CLE seminar, Updates in Bankruptcy Practice and Procedures,was held at the <strong>Rhode</strong> <strong>Island</strong> Law Center in April. Members of the Volunteer LawyerProgram and the Pro Bono Program for the Elderly, who accepted a pro bono case, attended theseminar free of charge. As a result, over 50 cases were placed for families in need. Both of thesePro Bono Programs are supported by the <strong>Bar</strong> <strong>Foundation</strong>.Our MissionFounded in 1953, the <strong>Rhode</strong> <strong>Island</strong> <strong>Bar</strong> <strong>Foundation</strong> isa non-profit, charitable <strong>Foundation</strong> with the followinggoals and objectives:• To foster and maintain the honor and integrityof the profession of law;• To study, improve and facilitate theadministration of justice;• To promote the study of the law, researchtherein, and the diffusion of knowledge thereof;• To cause to be published and to distributeaddresses, reports, treatises and other literaryworks on legal subjects;• To promote suitable standards of legal education;• To support the delivery of legal servicesto those without sufficient means tosecure them otherwise.Front Cover: Providence, <strong>Rhode</strong> <strong>Island</strong> by Brian McDonald

John A. Tarantino<strong>2009</strong>-2010President’s MessageThis past year has been one marked by both changes andchallenges. In March <strong>2009</strong>, changes to the Rules of ProfessionalResponsibility dealing with Interest on Lawyers’ Trust Accounts(IOLTA) went into effect, mandating IOLTA accounts for allnon-exempt attorneys, i.e., any attorney or law firm that holdsclient money must now establish an IOLTA account. The rulesalso were changed to ensure that the financial institutions whereattorneys and law firms establish their IOLTA accounts pay thesame interest rates on IOLTA accounts that they pay on non-IOLTA accounts so long as the accounts have the same minimumbalance or other requirements. Consequently, attorneys andlaw firms must establish their IOLTA accounts in financial institutionswith interest rate parity.The rule changes have worked well; hundreds of newIOLTA accounts have been established. Despite what are stillsubstantial problems in the real estate market (i.e., real estatetransactions generate the vast majority of IOLTA interest) andhistorically low interest rates paid by financial institutions, wehave been able to continue to fund many valuable programs thatmeet the <strong>Foundation</strong>’s mission to educate people about the lawand provide needed resources for legal services to the poor andunderprivileged.But there have also been challenges. The sour economy hasforced the <strong>Bar</strong> <strong>Foundation</strong> to reduce its IOLTA funding tograntees. However, unlike some other bar foundations, we havebeen able to do so modestly rather than dramatically. Somefoundations have had to close up shop, as the economy has devastatedtheir funding and, consequently, their programs. Somepredicted that the same tragic fate would befall our own<strong>Foundation</strong>. But just as William Faulkner “declined to acceptthe end of man” when he gave his speech upon receiving theNobel Prize, we have declined to accept the end of our<strong>Foundation</strong> and all of its good works. And just as Faulkner alsopredicted that “man will not merely endure, he will prevail,” so,too, do we have the same foresight about our <strong>Foundation</strong>. Withyour help, support and hard work, we will not only endure, butprevail, continuing to make significant grants to provide legalservices to the poor, improve the delivery of legal services, promoteknowledge and awareness of law, and improve the administrationof justice.We pledge to do our best to ensure that our most significantsources of revenue, which come from attorney participation inthe IOLTA program, as well as the annual contributions wereceive from our Fellows, will be used wisely to meet thesegoals. Additionally, through the generosity of the Thomas F.Black, Jr. Memorial Scholarship Fund, which was establishedmore than 20 years ago to support and foster legal practice standards,we will continue to assist <strong>Rhode</strong> <strong>Island</strong> residents whoshow the promise of one day become outstanding lawyers andleaders of the <strong>Bar</strong>, and who presently need financial assistance inorder to continue their legal studies.The Board of Directors and the Fellows of the <strong>Bar</strong><strong>Foundation</strong> vow to continue these good works and we look forwardto maintaining the strong relationships we have with ourIOLTA grantees. We will work with them as we continue tohold these truths as self-evident: all men and women are notonly created equal, but are entitled to equal access to justiceunder the law.In closing, I thank the <strong>Bar</strong> <strong>Foundation</strong> Board of Directors,the Fellows and our excellent staff for all that they do. I amhonored to work with you all and to serve as your President.Together we have faced the worst and we have endured.

Thank you to the <strong>Rhode</strong> <strong>Island</strong> <strong>Bar</strong><strong>Foundation</strong> FellowsMembership as a Fellow is deemed aprofessional honor. Fellows shall be selectedfrom those members of the <strong>Rhode</strong> <strong>Island</strong> <strong>Bar</strong><strong>Association</strong> whose professional, public andprivate careers have demonstrated theiroutstanding dedication to the welfare of thecommunity and maintenance of the objectivesof the <strong>Rhode</strong> <strong>Island</strong> <strong>Bar</strong> <strong>Foundation</strong>.* Denotes that member is a Lifetime Fellow.Lifetime Fellows are asked to contribute $100each year after their pledge has been paid in full.Antonio Afonso, Jr. *Ellen Evans Alexander *John R. Allen *Victoria M. Almeida *Edmund L. Alves, Jr.Stephen J. Angell *Thomas C. Angelone *Albert Knight Antonio *James V. Aukerman *Dennis S. BaluchBrian G. <strong>Bar</strong>dorf *Herbert <strong>Bar</strong>low, Jr. *Armando E. BatastiniDavid N. BazarHon. Haiganush R. BedrosianGregory L. Benik *<strong>Bar</strong>bara L. Bennett *Judge Janette A. Bertness *Edward J. Bertozzi, Jr.*John M. Boehnert *Norman Jay Bolotow *John F. Bomster *Kenneth P. Borden *Richard M. Borod *John Boyajian *Robert M. Brady *Russell Bramley *Stephen E. BreggiaRobert P. BrooksMatthew F. CallaghanE. Colby Cameron *Bernard P. Campbell *Paul A. Campellone *Hon. Stephen J. CapineriFrank Caprio *James Cardono *Joseph B. Carty, Jr. *Joseph V. Cavanagh, Jr. *Hon. Frank J. CeneriniMark A. CharlesonVincent J. Chisholm *Andrew J. ChlebusLeonard F. Clingham, Jr. *Timothy J. Conlon *Edward B. Corcoran *Hon. Robert D. CorrenteJohn F. Corrigan *Frederick A. CostelloHon. Margaret E. Curran *David D. Curtin *Richard P. D’AddarioKatherine D’ArezzoMelissa E. Darigan *Karen L. DavidsonSusan Leach DeBlasio *Leonard Decof *Mark B. Decof *Karen G. DelPonteChristopher T. Del Sesto *Ronald W. Del Sesto *William J. Delaney *Amato DeLuca *Gerald C. DeMaria *Harold W. Demopulos *Edward W. Dence *Mark O. Denehy *Vincent A. DiMonteJoseph M. DiOrioJohn F. Dolan *Mark P. Dolan *William M. Dolan, III *Sarah T. Dowling *Robert M. Duffy *Renee EvangelistaAlfred Factor *Stephen A. Fanning *Joyce A. FaraoneCarol Bourcier Fargnoli *Robin E. Feder *Joseph M. Fernandez *Diane FinkleRobert G. Flanders, Jr. *Alan S. Flink *Linn Foster Freedman *Mark W. FreelAllan W. Fung *Dana H. Gaebe *Robert B. Gates *Lawrence S. Gates *Stephen Geanacopoulos *Alfred J. Gemma *Elia Germani *Anthony A. Giannini, Jr. *Sherry Giarrusso-Mulhearn *Thomas D. Gidley *Seth K. Gifford *Robert D. Goldberg *Michael R. Goldenberg *Maria J. Goncalves *Roberto Gonzalez *John Gorham *Sanford H. Gorodetsky *Gerard R. Goulet<strong>Bar</strong>bara E. GradyDavid B. Green *Calvert C. Groton *Patrick A. GuidaJoseph M. Hall *Howard R. Haronian *Alden C. HarringtonHon. Edward V. Healey, Jr. *Mary P. Heffner *<strong>Bar</strong>ry G. Hittner *Justin S. Holden *Marvin S. Holland *Constance A. HowesRichard S. Humphrey *Robert N. Huseby

Hon. Gilbert V. Indeglia *Marcia McGair Ippolito *Hon. Joseph P. Ippolito, Jr. *Hon. Richard J. Israel *Lise M. Iwon *James A. Jackson *Lauren E. Jones *Patrick T. Jones *Stanley J. Kanter *John V. Kean *Scott K. Keefer *Joseph A. Kelly*Michael A. Kelly *Peter L. Kennedy *Mary Louise Kennedy *DeWitte T. Kersh, Jr. *Wayne M. Kezirian *Frederick C. Kilguss *Joseph G. Kinder *Allen M. Kirshenbaum *Erika Leigh Kruse *Lynette J. Labinger *Peter V. Lacouture *Raymond A. LaFazia *Sandra A. LanniBruce A. Leach *Beverly E. Ledbetter *S. Michael LevinPeter L. Lewiss *Matthew L. Lewiss *Doris J. Licht *Thomas J. Liguori *Stephen G. LinderHon. Howard I. Lipsey *Anne Maxwell LivingstonJohn D. Lynch *Thomas W. Lyons, IIIRichard W. MacAdams *Thomas W. Madonna *Edward L Maggiacomo *Brooks R. MagrattenMark S. Mandell *Raymond A. Marcaccio *<strong>Bar</strong>bara Margolis *Hon. David L. Martin *James P. Marusak *Thomas J. McAndrewGail E. McCannJohn E. McCann, III *Dennis J. McCarten *Robert E. McCorry, Jr. *Michael R. McElroy *Joseph J. McGair *Peter J. McGinn *Marifrances McGinnMatthew J. McGowan *Hon. Susan E. McGuirl *Jerry McIntyre *Hon. Maureen McKenna Goldberg *James J. McKenna *Julius C. Michaelson *Michael W. MillerPeter J. Miniati, IIIThomas L. MirzaRichard S. Mittleman *Vincent D. Morgera *Thomas V. Moses *Christopher M. Mulhearn *Edward J. Mulligan *Arthur W. Murphy *James E. Murphy *John Austin MurphyWilliam C. Mutterperl *Elizabeth Murdock Myers *Hon. Edward H. Newman *Kenneth J. NotaJames A. O'Leary *David J. Oliveira *Matthew T. Oliverio *Robert D. OsterRaymond A. Pacia *Richard C. PancieraRobert S. ParkerJohn J. Paterra, II *Thomas W. Pearlman *Richard M. Peirce *Karen A. Pelczarski *Laura A. PisaturoEustace T. Pliakas *Hon. Daniel A. ProcacciniThomas D. Pucci *Arthur M. Read, II *James P. Redding *Walter G.D. Reed *Stephen J. Reid, Jr.*Ronald J. Resmini *Sanford J. Resnick *John C. Revens, Jr.David T. Riedel *Dennis J. Roberts *William P. Robinson, IIIPatricia K. Rocha *John M. Roney *Joseph J. Roszkowski *Hon. Allen P. Rubine *Paul J. Russo *Robert M. Sabel *Lester H. Salter *Paul M. Sanford *Michael G. Sarli *Debra A. SaundersJonathan N. Savage *David A. Schechter *Jeffrey C. Schreck *Anthony B. Sciaretta *Marilyn Shannon McConaghy *Hon. Donald F. Shea *R. Kelly Sheridan *Deming E. Sherman *Allan M. Shine *Robert M. Silva *Hon. Michael A. Silverstein *James M. Sloan *Hon. William E. SmithAdrienne G. Southgate *Scott T. SpearIn MemoriamG. Chandler BealsJoseph P. FerrucciRichard P. McMahonWilliam F. McMahon

Fellows (continued)Gary R. St. Peter *Michael A. St. Pierre *Milton Stanzler *Brian P. Stern *Walter R. StoneE. Martin Stutchfield *Patricia A. Sullivan *Bruce Sundlun *Michael F. Sweeney *Mark G. Sylvia *A. David Tammelleo *John A. Tarantino *Thomas A. Tarro, III *Alan R. Tate *Deborah M. Tate *Angel M. TaverasMartin M. Temkin *Joshua Teverow *Alfred G. Thibodeau *Robert O. Tiernan *Bentley Tobin *Hon. Ernest C. TorresJohn Tramonti *Michael A. UrsilloNatale L. Urso *Gail M. Valuk *George M. Vetter *Girard R. Visconti *Hon. Netti C. Vogel *Philip M. Weinstein *Hon. Joseph R. Weisberger *J. Robert Weisberger, Jr. *Joachim A. Weissfeld *Miriam Weizenbaum *Joseph F. Whinery, Jr. *Benjamin V. White *William E. White *Senator Sheldon Whitehouse *David P. WhitmanHon. Frank J. Williams *Harold H. Winsten *Max H. Wistow *Richard W. Zacks *Carol A. Zangari *Melvin L. Zurier *Samuel D. Zurier *A Special Thank You to the Contributors to the Scholarship ProgramTHE HORACE A. KIMBALL AND S. ELLA KIMBALL FOUNDATIONTHE CHAMPLIN FOUNDATIONTHE NICHOLAS J. CALDARONE FOUNDATIONFounded in 1958, the <strong>Rhode</strong> <strong>Island</strong> <strong>Bar</strong> <strong>Foundation</strong> is the non-profit philanthropic arm ofthe state’s legal profession. Its mission is to foster and maintain the honor and integrity of the legalprofession and to study, improve, and facilitate the administration of justice.The <strong>Foundation</strong> receives support from members of the bar, other <strong>Foundation</strong>s, and fromhonorary and memorial contributions. The <strong>Foundation</strong> invites you to join in meeting the challengesahead by contributing to the <strong>Foundation</strong>’s Tribute Program. The <strong>Foundation</strong>’s Tribute Programhonors the memory, accomplishments, or special occasion of an attorney, a friend, a loved one, his orher spouse, or another family member. Those wishing to honor a colleague, friend, or family membermay do so by filling out the form and mailing it, with their contribution, to the <strong>Rhode</strong> <strong>Island</strong><strong>Bar</strong> <strong>Foundation</strong>,115 Cedar Street, Providence, RI 02903. You may also request a form by contactingthe <strong>Rhode</strong> <strong>Island</strong> <strong>Bar</strong> <strong>Foundation</strong> at 401-421-6541. All gifts will be acknowledged to the family.RHODE ISLAND BAR FOUNDATION TRIBUTE PROGRAM GIFTTo contribute to the <strong>Rhode</strong> <strong>Island</strong> <strong>Bar</strong> <strong>Foundation</strong> in memory of someonewho has died or in honor of a special occasion, please complete this formand mail it with your contribution. We will send a card to the person honoredor to the family member of the deceased.PLEASE PRINTI am enclosing a special gift in the amount of $________________________________________In Memory of ______________________________________________________________________In Honor of ________________________________________________________________________To celebrate his/her/their __________________________________________________SEND ANNOUNCEMENT OF GIFT TO:Name ______________________________________________________________________________Address ____________________________________________________________________________City/State/Zip ______________________________________________________________________INDICATE ON ACKNOWLEDGMENT THAT GIFT IS BEING MADE BY:Your Name(s)The <strong>Rhode</strong> <strong>Island</strong><strong>Bar</strong> <strong>Foundation</strong>______________________________________________________________________Address ____________________________________________________________________________City/State/Zip ______________________________________________________________________Phone (in case of questions) __________________________________________________________Email: ______________________________________________________________________________<strong>Rhode</strong> <strong>Island</strong> <strong>Bar</strong> <strong>Foundation</strong>,115 Cedar Street, Providence, R.I. 02903Telephone: (401) 421-6541All gifts are acknowledged in the <strong>Foundation</strong>’s annual report.

<strong>Rhode</strong> <strong>Island</strong> <strong>Bar</strong> <strong>Foundation</strong>Scholarship ProgramAmy E. Moses, Esq., 2001 Thomas F. Black, Jr.Memorial Scholar, addressed the audience and metwith the <strong>2009</strong> Scholarship recipients and guestsThe <strong>Rhode</strong> <strong>Island</strong> <strong>Bar</strong> <strong>Foundation</strong> Scholarship Programwas established to support “high legal practice standards byproviding financial assistance to <strong>Rhode</strong> <strong>Island</strong> residents whoshow promise that they will become outstanding lawyers whowill adhere to such standards and who need such assistance inorder to study law at quality law schools.” The Board ofDirectors of the <strong>Foundation</strong> grants annual awards for scholarshipon the basis of a student’s “demonstrated good character,scholastic achievement, and financial need.”In 1984, the trustees of The Horace A. Kimball and S. EllaKimball <strong>Foundation</strong> contributed a substantial gift to the<strong>Foundation</strong>’s Scholarship Program which established TheThomas F. Black, Jr. Memorial Scholarship Fund to memorializeMr. Thomas F. Black, Jr., a lawyer and legal scholar (andformer President of Old Stone Bank) with a well-earned reputationfor integrity and participation in many civic and charitablecauses. Since that time, the Board of Directors, throughthe Thomas F. Black Jr. Memorial Scholarship Fund, has awarded44 scholarships to promising law students from <strong>Rhode</strong><strong>Island</strong>, totaling many thousands of dollars. Students who haveattended law school as Thomas F. Black, Jr. Memorial Scholarsare now practicing – many in their home state of <strong>Rhode</strong><strong>Island</strong> – in private firms, with government agencies, and ascorporate counsel.<strong>2009</strong> Scholarship Recipients, Joshua Bouchard and MatthewKimberlin, with Allan M. Shine, Esq., and R. KellySheridan, Esq., at the annual meeting in June.For the <strong>2009</strong>-2010 academic year, the ScholarshipProgram has awarded three scholarship awards in theamount of $15,000. Joshua Bouchard of Pawtucket, JiaLeung of Cranston, and Matthew Kimberlin of Westerlyhave each been awarded $15,000 toward their first yearof law school. Mr. Bouchard is attending the Universityof Connecticut Law School and Ms. Leung and Mr.Kimberlin are attending Boston University School of Law.Joshua Bouchard with his mother, Alisha Mal and her guest,Scott DeGirolamo, at the annual meeting in June.Matthew Kimberlin with his father, Keith Kimberlin,at the annual meeting in June.

<strong>Foundation</strong> <strong>Annual</strong> MeetingThe <strong>Rhode</strong> <strong>Island</strong> <strong>Bar</strong> <strong>Foundation</strong> held its <strong>Annual</strong>Meeting and Fellows Luncheon on June 18, <strong>2009</strong> atthe Westin Hotel in Providence. President John A.Tarantino and the Board of Directors welcomed andthanked the <strong>Foundation</strong> Fellows who, through theirprofessional, public and private careers have demonstratedoutstanding dedication to the welfare of thecommunity and objectives of the <strong>Foundation</strong>. Duringthe luncheon, the newest fellows of the foundation aswell as representatives from organizations receiving<strong>2009</strong> IOLTA grants were recognized. This year, over$1.2 million was granted for the provision of <strong>Rhode</strong><strong>Island</strong> legal services and the administration of justice.The recipients of the <strong>2009</strong>-2010 Thomas F. Black, Jr.,Memorial Scholarship were also recognized.President John A. TarantinoStephen A. Fanning, Esq., <strong>Rhode</strong> <strong>Island</strong> <strong>Bar</strong> <strong>Foundation</strong> and <strong>Rhode</strong><strong>Island</strong> <strong>Bar</strong> <strong>Association</strong> Past President, City of Cranston Mayor Allan W.Fung, Esq., Fellow and 1992 Thomas F. Black, Jr. Memorial Scholar,and James A. Jackson, Esq., <strong>Rhode</strong> <strong>Island</strong> <strong>Bar</strong> <strong>Foundation</strong> Treasurer.R. Kelly Sheridan, Esq. Chairperson of the Scholarship Committee, Paul D. Lynch, Trustee of the Kimball <strong>Foundation</strong>, JoshuaBouchard, <strong>2009</strong> Scholarship recipient, Matthew Kimberlin, <strong>2009</strong> Scholarship Recipient, Norman D. Baker, Jr., Trustee of the Kimball<strong>Foundation</strong>, John A. Tarantino, President of the <strong>Rhode</strong> <strong>Island</strong> <strong>Bar</strong> <strong>Foundation</strong>, and Thomas F. Black, III., Trustee of the Kimball<strong>Foundation</strong>. Scholarship Recipient Jia Leung was unable to attend the meeting.

THE FOUNDATION WELCOMED14 NEW FELLOWSAT THE ANNUAL MEETINGNominations for new Fellows are submitted to the Boardof Directors by existing Fellows for recommendation eachyear. In considering any potential nominee, Fellowsshould keep in mind the standard for selection containedin the Articles as follows:“those members of the <strong>Rhode</strong> <strong>Island</strong> <strong>Bar</strong> <strong>Association</strong>selected for such professional honor by the Board ofDirectors of the <strong>Foundation</strong> whose professional, publicand private careers have demonstrated their outstandingdedication to the welfare of the community and maintenanceof the objectives of the <strong>Foundation</strong>”Fellows are asked to contribute $1,500 over a five-yearperiod. Payments can be made in full, $300 annually or$150 semi-annually.David N. BazarKatherine D’ArezzoMelissa E. DariganRenee EvangelistaJoyce A. FaraoneLinn F. FreedmanMark W. Freel<strong>Bar</strong>bara E. GradyRobert S. ParkerLaura A. PisaturoDebra A. SaundersAdrienne G. SouthgateScott T. SpearMiriam Weizenbaum

<strong>Rhode</strong> <strong>Island</strong> <strong>Bar</strong> <strong>Foundation</strong>ContributorsWe wish to thank the supporterswhose generous contributionsmake the programs of the<strong>Foundation</strong> possible:Gregory R. AbramRichard R. AckermanGary R. AlgerThomas F. AlmeidaEdmund L. Alves, Jr.Victor J. AmbroseRobert J. AmeenManuel AndrewsThomas C. AngellLisa W. ArdenteSana AsstafanLouis E. BaldiCharles H. Balkam, Jr.Chad F. BankJames H. <strong>Bar</strong>rett, Jr.Daniel C. <strong>Bar</strong>utiJohn P. <strong>Bar</strong>ylickGinger BaylesPeter B. BazarCharles S. BealBruce P. BeausejourJennifer L. BelangerThomas R. BenderGregory L. BenikEmilie A. BenoitA. Larry BerrenJay C. BiancoErica P. BigelowRobert J. BevilacquaAndrew R. Bilodeau<strong>Bar</strong>bara R. BinderChristopher R. BlazejewskiHarmony Conti BodurthaLenette F. BoisselleJohn F. BomsterGail BonnerRebecca E. BookEdward A. BoppLinda A. BorerAllayne P. BoruchJohn H. BrackenMichael F. BreadyDavid O. BrinkRobert M. BradyWilliam G. BrodyColleen A. BrownJohn H. BrownTodd L. BrownJames T. BuchananKaren A. BuchananTheresa T. BuchananRobert S. BurnettDaniel Calabro, Jr.Michael F. CampopianoJohn P. CapaldiGeorge M. CappelloStephen A. CardiAmey F. CardulloPeter F. Carr, IIDeidre E. CarrenoScott M. CarrollFrederick G. CassDenise S. CassisiBenedetto A. Cerilli, Jr.Peter J. CerilliDeborah M. CerulloTimothy J. ChapmanJoel S. ChaseMichael J. ChazanNancy Fisher ChudacoffJohn S. CiolliNoelle K. ClaphamDeborah Phee ClarkeLisa H. CloutierJoseph M. CodegaElliot S. CohenMarc R. ColagiovanniRobert V. ColagiovanniKenneth A. ColalucaSteven A. ColantuonoColin A. ColemanJohn A. ColettiRae B. CondonMary Jane CostelloBruce H. CoxWalter R. CraddockRobert E. CravenRobert S. CroninChristine M. CurleySusan L.B. DarnellMaureen M.R. DarrowEmily R. DavisJohn D. DeaconCarmine J. D'EllenaAnthony W. DiLorenzoMatthew J. DelMastroWilliam G. DeMagistrisWilliam Paul DennisJohn A. DeSano, Jr.Anthony DeSistoRaymond Dettore, Jr.Esme N. DeVaultThomas A. DevinePeter A. DiBiasePaul T. DiCristofaraNadine N. DonovanRonald W. Dunbar, Jr.Debra A. DunleavyWilliam D. DurandSusanna DyerThomas C. EarpRobert H. EderMichaela A. FanningJohn E. FarleyGregory F. FaterMichael J. FeeneyChristine C. FergusonGary R. FergusonPaul J. FernsDavid H. FerraraAlfred Ferruolo, Jr.Campbell D. FieldJohn C. FinchDiane FinkleMatthew N. FlynnGail Higgins FogartyJohn S. FoleyBrenda FortuneDavid F. FoxDavid J. FoxGordon D. FoxRichard J. FressilliMark P. GagliardiGirard A. GalvinMark L. GalvinNeil P. GalvinAnthony P. GemmaSusan GershkoffTheresa M. GiannavolaCharles H. Gifford, IIICynthia G. GiffordVirginia M. GirouxAnnie GoldbergBrian N. GoldbergAlycia L. GoodyCharles GreenwoodDeborah J. GriffinKevin A. HackmanKathleen M. HagertyWilliam F. Hague, Jr.Leslie M. HarnishBrian M. HarringtonBenjamin P. HarrisHerbert E. Harris, Jr.Casby Harrison, IIISteven J. HartEdward J. HartwigPartrick O'Neil Hayes, Jr.Susan A. HaysBernard P. HealyMary P. HeffnerPatricia M. HesslerAndrea D. HogarthLisa S. HolleyChristopher R. HollidayWilliam F. HoltJames P. HoweScott M. HulganErnest D. HumphreysJames F. HymanMichael A. Ialongo, Jr.Ann-Marie L. IgnasherPaul G. IgoeJerry F. ImsMichael B. IsaacsPaul V. JabourValerie A. JacobyAnthony L. JarretAndrew J. JohnsonJennifer JohnsonAbigail A. Jones-HerriottRobert Kando

Walter J. KaneJudith KapuscinskiKathleen KarlRobert T. KarnsMichael W. KeableNancy KellyAllen KirshenbaumCharles S. KirwanKenneth E. KoriothLaura M. KrohnErika Leigh KruseLynette J. LabingerRonald P. LangloisSandra A.LanniJohn N. LemieuxJames M. LenaghanAnthony R. LeoneAlbert J. LeporeMatthew H. LeysRpbert E. LiguoriEdward K. LincolnStephen G. LinderValentino D. LombardiMichael W. LongBiagio L. LongoStephen S. LymanJames M. LynchKristen Sloan MacciniKenneth J. MacksoudThomas W. MadonnaKaren F. MahoneyCourtney L. ManchesterJohn C. ManniFrank J. ManniMargaret MansonPeter S. MarguliesCarol A. MarineFrank A. MarinelliG. Anthony MarroccoPaul MartellinoTerrance S. MartiesianDonald T. MartinJeffrey Paul MartrulloFrederic A. MarzilliNicholas A. MattielloJohn B. MaynardThomas J. McAndrewMarion V. McEttrickJohn V. McGreenRebecca C. McSweeneyH. Jefferson MelishThomas MelloMary H. MiglioriRobert A. MitsonSteven A. MorettiDouglas A. MorganDaniel J. MorrisseyStephen T. MorrisseyMark B. MorseCarrie E. MoscaAlbin S. MoserAmy E. MosesBrian T. MoynihanJames J. MullenChip MullerGordon C. MulliganEmily J. MurphyKerri J. MurphyKevin B. MurphyMark W. MurphyWilliam T. MurphyRobert D. MurrayTracey-Anne N. NapolitanoAmy L. NashJohn F. NearyAnne R. NicollGerald G. NorigianJoseph T. Nottie, IIIMaria L. NunezWilliam J. O’Brien, Jr.James K. O'DonnellF. Thomas O’Halloran, IIIMerlyn P. O’KeefeJoseph H. Olaynack, IIIRobert S. OvoianJohn A. Pagliarini, Jr.Deborah PannulloWilliam F. PaquinJason ParentArthur D. PariseRobert D. ParrilloGeorge T. PattonLinda M. PatzPaul P. Pederzani, IIIWilliam F. PepperCherrie R. PerkinsMichael C. PerryTherese M. PicardPaul J. PisanoCharles A. Pisaturo, Jr.George A. PliakasJames PowderlyGary E. PowersMichael D. PusheeBenjamin A. PushnerJoseph P. QuinnGregory P. RameakaThomas D. RamseyJohn RaoStephen M. ReckCynthia S. ReedSenator John F. ReedChristine V. ReillyLawrence J. ReillyWayne G. ResminiSanford J. ResnickDennis H. RicciAmy G. RiceVivian A. RiddickLouis F. RobbioJoel RobinsonJohn H. RobinsonKristine Keates RocheJohn M. RoneyRoger Roots<strong>Bar</strong>bara Jean RosielloSarah J. RotzJohn A. RussoJanet A. RyanMark T. RyanArmand E. SabitoniJanis SallingerRichard A. SauberDavid E. SchafferVito L. ScioltoJoseph H. ScottAnthony A. SenerchiaGuy J. SettipaneMerrill E. ShermanAllan M. ShineProf. David E. ShipleyGregory J. SieczkiewiczAndrew P. SigalPaula R. SilberthauRonald P. SimonRichard A. SinapiJohn M. SkenyonDavid S. SlepkowMatthew D. SlepkowFrancis X. SmallBrendan P. SmithMark L. SmithSandra H. SmithJohn F. Smollins, Jr.Abigail B. SneedAndrew J. SockolCharles S. SoloveitzikDonna M. SouzaSusan B. SquiresNancy C. StantonBradley L. SteereBradley L. Steere, IIWilliam C. StoneE. Martin StutchfieldBrendan V. SullivanTimothy D. SullivanKathleen C. TaddeiSarah Taft-CarterThomas R. TeehanA. David TammelleoJeffrey J. TeitzJoseph L. TiberiMel A. TopfRaymond T. TrebisacciStephen H.S. TryonThomas J. TuytschaeversElizabeth Tobin TylerMarco P. UriatiFrank L. VetoJ. Michael VittoriaJoseph J. VoccolaMaxine G. WalkerElaine D. WallorThomas J. WalshEdythe C. WarrenWarren D. WeinsteinRichard G. WhalenWilliam F. WhiteLauren D. WilkinsTimothy A. WilliamsonMax H. WistowBruce A. WolpertMichael H. WrightJohn Zompa, Jr.Samuel D. ZurierAdditional <strong>Rhode</strong> <strong>Island</strong><strong>Bar</strong> <strong>Foundation</strong> Contributors:The Gertrude N. Goldowsky andSeebert J. Goldowsky <strong>Foundation</strong>Community Mediation Center of<strong>Rhode</strong> <strong>Island</strong>

IOLTACreated by the <strong>Rhode</strong> <strong>Island</strong> Supreme Court in 1985, the <strong>Rhode</strong><strong>Island</strong> Interest on Lawyers’ Trust Accounts (IOLTA) program generatesinterest that helps fund civil legal services for the poor, legal educationfor the public and improvements in the administration of justice.On December 11, 2008, the <strong>Rhode</strong> <strong>Island</strong> Supreme Court approved arequest (petition), filed by the <strong>Rhode</strong> <strong>Island</strong> <strong>Bar</strong> <strong>Foundation</strong> and<strong>Rhode</strong> <strong>Island</strong> <strong>Bar</strong> <strong>Association</strong>, to convert <strong>Rhode</strong> <strong>Island</strong>’s IOLTA programfrom opt-out to mandatory. The new rule went into affect onMarch 11, <strong>2009</strong>. All <strong>Rhode</strong> <strong>Island</strong> attorneys were notified of thischange. The most significant change is a requirement that all<strong>Rhode</strong> <strong>Island</strong> attorneys who handle client funds are nowrequired to open IOLTA accounts at eligible institutions.All <strong>Rhode</strong> <strong>Island</strong> <strong>Bar</strong> <strong>Association</strong> members, who are not currentlyparticipating in IOLTA, must complete the mandatory<strong>Rhode</strong> <strong>Island</strong> <strong>Bar</strong> <strong>Foundation</strong> Certification and ComplianceForm to insure their compliance with Rule 1.15 of theProfessional Rules of Conduct. The Compliance Form is neededto open new accounts and may also be used to file to be exempt fromthe program.What do I need to do?• If you already maintain your pooled client funds in IOLTA accounts, nothing.• If you need to convert an existing non-interest bearing client account to IOLTA, contact the <strong>Bar</strong><strong>Foundation</strong> or your financial institution.• If you are exempt from the program, and you have not already done so, you need to file theCertification and Compliance form with the <strong>Bar</strong> <strong>Foundation</strong>.<strong>Bar</strong> members may also receive assistance concerning the new IOLTA requirements, by contactingthe <strong>Rhode</strong> <strong>Island</strong> <strong>Bar</strong> <strong>Foundation</strong> office by telephone: (401) 421-6541 or email:gcaldwell@ribar.com. Compliance Forms and Information are also availabale on the <strong>Bar</strong><strong>Association</strong> website; www.ribar.com

IOLTAEntering its twenty-fifth year, the IOLTA programpools nominal or short-term deposits held bylawyers on behalf of their clients. These deposits,either because they are small or short-lived,would not otherwise generate a net return for theindividual clients. In either of these situations,the interest that might be earned for a clientwould be less than the cost of establishing andmaintaining a separate account. Traditionally,lawyers deposited these funds into combined, orpooled, trust accounts that contained other nominalor short-term client funds. Before state lawsand supreme court rules established IOLTAprograms, trust funds pooled in this manner didnot earn interest. Through the IOLTA program,attorneys who handle nominal or short-term clientfunds combine these funds in a single, pooled,interest-bearing trust account. Banks forward theinterest earned on these accounts directly to thestate IOLTA program. By aggregating these otherwiseunproductive assets, the IOLTA program yieldsincome to support the delivery of legal servicesfor the poor, the administration of justice, andlaw-related education in this state.Volunteer Attorney Frederic A. Marzilliconducted one of the <strong>Bar</strong> <strong>Association</strong>’s newHealth Care Durable Power of AttorneyClinics in North Providence. This was oneof the 34 free community outreach legalassistance programs offered by the <strong>Bar</strong><strong>Association</strong>’s ProBono Program for theElderly in <strong>2009</strong>.<strong>Bar</strong> <strong>Association</strong> President Victoria M.Almeida (l) and <strong>Foundation</strong> PresidentJohn A. Tarantino (r) accepted the <strong>Rhode</strong><strong>Island</strong> Coalition for the Homeless <strong>2009</strong>Homeless Legal Clinic Award fromCoalition Board President Rabbi AlanFlam, at the Homeless Coalition’s<strong>Annual</strong> Meeting in March

<strong>2009</strong> IOLTA GrantsThe <strong>Rhode</strong> <strong>Island</strong> <strong>Bar</strong> <strong>Foundation</strong> awarded its<strong>2009</strong> Interest on Lawyers’ Trust Account (IOLTA)grants totaling $1,202,110.This year’s recipients are:<strong>Rhode</strong> <strong>Island</strong> Legal Services $ 731,760To help support the RI Legal Services’ Family Law Unit and itshandling of divorce, custody and visitation cases. Funds alsocontribute to the Battered Women’s Project, Housing Hotlineand Housing Law Center, Eviction Defense Clinic and PublicBenefits Unit.International Institute of <strong>Rhode</strong> <strong>Island</strong> $ 251,250Since 1987, IOLTA has funded the Immigration Law Project, toprovide direct legal immigration services and grassroots outreachon immigration law issues to thousands of immigrants andrefugees in <strong>Rhode</strong> <strong>Island</strong>. Additional funds were approved forthe expansion of their statewide legal immigration initiatives inthe State of <strong>Rhode</strong> <strong>Island</strong>.<strong>Rhode</strong> <strong>Island</strong> Coalition Against Domestic Violence$ 27,750Funds are used to continue the Superior Court componentof their Domestic Violence Victim Advocacy Program inorder to help victims seek civil and criminal relief fromdomestic violence.<strong>Rhode</strong> <strong>Island</strong> Coalition for the Homeless $ 15,000To continue to fund the Homeless Legal Clinic, to enablehomeless <strong>Rhode</strong> <strong>Island</strong>ers access to pro bono legal servicesthrough attorneys who volunteer at shelters and drop-in sites.<strong>Rhode</strong> <strong>Island</strong> <strong>Bar</strong> <strong>Association</strong> Legal Informationand Referral Service for the Elderly $ 49,350The primary objective of the Elderly Program is to make legalservices readily available to senior citizens. Approximately 2000seniors receive legal assistance on an annual basis. Pro Bonoand/or reduced fee referrals are available for the income eligible.The Referral Service continues to coordinate 25 or more “AskA Lawyer” and “Legal Clinic” programs on an annual basis atsenior organizations throughout the state.<strong>Rhode</strong> <strong>Island</strong> <strong>Bar</strong> <strong>Association</strong> Pro Bono Project $ 36,000The Pro Bono Project responds to domestic violence and familylaw cases and accepts conflict or overload cases from RI LegalServices’ Family Law Unit. Other areas of law accepted includeguardianship, education, landlord tenant and collections. Casesare prioritized by the urgency of the request, taking into considerationthe case type and assigned court dates. This year, legalclinics have been held at the <strong>Rhode</strong> <strong>Island</strong> Law Center in orderto respond to the increase in the number of clients in need ofadvice and representation in the area of collections.Community Mediation Center of <strong>Rhode</strong> <strong>Island</strong>$ 22,500To help support the landlord-tenant eviction prevention program.Day One $ 26,250To help support the advocacy services program providing supportand legal advocacy for victims of sexual assault, providing victimswith information and legal advocacy as their case proceedsthrough the criminal justice system.<strong>Rhode</strong> <strong>Island</strong> Legal/Educational Partnership Program$ 26,250To help support the <strong>2009</strong> <strong>Rhode</strong> <strong>Island</strong> Mock Trial Tournament.<strong>Rhode</strong> <strong>Island</strong> <strong>Bar</strong> <strong>Association</strong> Law RelatedEducation Project $ 15,000To administer a statewide Law Day program, maintain a statewidelaw-related education website, and cooperate and assist the otherlaw-related education providers in <strong>Rhode</strong> <strong>Island</strong> which dependon our volunteers to work with <strong>Rhode</strong> <strong>Island</strong>’s youth andeducate them about the legal system.The George Wiley Center $ 1,000To help support the “How to Access Utility Assistance”brochure and to continue and expand the utility consumer rights’knowledge and awareness campaign.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank the financialinstitutions that maintained IOLTA accounts this year:Bank of AmericaBank NewportBank <strong>Rhode</strong> <strong>Island</strong>Bristol County Savings BankCentreville Savings BankCitibank, N.A.Citizens BankCoastway Community BankColumbus Credit UnionDexter Credit UnionDime BankDomestic BankFirst Trade Union BankFreedom National BankIndependence BankMilford Federal Savings and Loan Assoc.Newport FedPeople’s Credit UnionRandolph Savings BankRockland Trust CompanySovereign BankThe Washington Trust CompanyUniBankWebster BankWesterly Community Credit UnionVolunteer attorneys, Sheryl Serreze, Esq., Gregory P.Massad, Esq., Michael A. Devane, Esq., and, Joseph J.Roszkowski, Esq., participated in Ask A Lawyer Programson Channel 10, answering viewer questions on Creditors’and Debtors’ Rights in May.<strong>Rhode</strong> <strong>Island</strong> Family Court Magistrate Edward H. Newman and retired <strong>Rhode</strong> <strong>Island</strong> FamilyCourt Associate Justice Howard I. Lipsey engaged in an animated give and take with teacherTammy McMichael’s <strong>Bar</strong>rington High School students during the <strong>2009</strong> <strong>Rhode</strong> <strong>Island</strong> Law Dayclassroom program. This was one of over 50 presentations delivered by volunteer teams of lawyersand judges to upper and middle school classrooms throughout <strong>Rhode</strong> <strong>Island</strong>.

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