Sedimentation Equilibrium of Mixtures of Charged Colloids

Sedimentation Equilibrium of Mixtures of Charged Colloids

Sedimentation Equilibrium of Mixtures of Charged Colloids


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species, and (B) L i = 2 × (250/Z i ) 3/2 mm. Case B mimics the situation forspheres <strong>of</strong> different size but the same mass density and surface charge density,such that Z i is proportional to the surface area and L i to the inverse volume<strong>of</strong> species i, i.e. L 2 i Zi3 is a constant independent if i. The density pr<strong>of</strong>iles,numerically obtained by solving the Eqs.(A.3) and (A.4) for H = 20cm,λ B = 2.3nm, ρ s = 3µM, and ¯η tot = ∑ 21i=1 ¯η i = 0.005, are shown in Fig.3 forall 21 components. Case A shows pr<strong>of</strong>ound lifting and layering, where theordering is again determined by mass-per-charge as illustrated by the threedashed curves (for Z i = 250, 279, and 299) showing that the colloids in thehigh-charge wing <strong>of</strong> the distribution reside at high altitudes. Fig.3(b) showsthe density pr<strong>of</strong>iles for case B, which does exhibit lifting, but hardly anylayering, and no density inversion at all. This is completely consistent withthe picture that the ordering is determined by Z i L i , which for case B is suchthat Z i L i /Z j L j = √ Z j /Z i , i.e. the highly-charged particle are expected atthe bottom while the relative spread in Z i L i is relatively small compared tocase A, where Z i L i /Z j L j = Z i /Z j . The inset <strong>of</strong> (b) shows the total packingfraction pr<strong>of</strong>iles η tot (x) = ∑ 21i=1 η i(x) <strong>of</strong> both case A and B together with theone-component pr<strong>of</strong>ile (n = 1) with Z 1 = 250 and L 1 = 2mm at ¯η 1 = 0.005.Perhaps surprisingly there is hardly any distinction between the pure systemand case B, whereas there is a small difference with case A. These pr<strong>of</strong>ilesshow that the main distinction between these polydisperse systems and theunderlying one-component one concerns the layering phenomenon (providedZ i L i varies sufficiently for all the species), and not the total distribution <strong>of</strong> thecolloids. Perhaps this fractionation effect could be exploited experimentallyto purify a polydisperse mixture.A.6 Conclusions and discussionWe have studied sedimentation equilibrium <strong>of</strong> n-component systems <strong>of</strong> chargedcolloidal particles at low salinity by minimising a Poisson-Boltzmann-likedensity functional w.r.t. density pr<strong>of</strong>iles on a one dimensional grid <strong>of</strong> heights.For n = 1 the theory reduces to the one-component studies as presented inRef.[8, 14], and for n = 2 we quantitatively reproduce the simulation results<strong>of</strong> Ref.[15], where density inversion was found. These effects are caused by aself-consistent electric field that lifts the higher charged (heavy) particles tohigher altitudes than the lower charged (lighter) colloids. We show that thelayering <strong>of</strong> the colloids according to mass-per-charge can persist for ternary(n = 3) as well as for polydisperse (here n = 21) mixtures. Given the goodaccount that the present theory gives for simulations [14] and experiments[11, 12, 13] <strong>of</strong> one-component systems, and for the simulations <strong>of</strong> binary60

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