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Pandora - Kodak

Pandora - Kodak


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Learning <strong>Pandora</strong>English<strong>Pandora</strong>version 2.0652-00025A-Bwww.creo.com

<strong>Pandora</strong>version 2.0Learning <strong>Pandora</strong>

CopyrightCopyright © 2002 Creo Inc. All rights reserved.No copying, distribution, publication, modification, or incorporation of this document, in whole or part, ispermitted without the express written permission of Creo. In the event of any permitted copying, distribution,publication, modification, or incorporation of this document, no changes in or deletion of author attribution,trademark legend, or copyright notice shall be made.No part of this document may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, published, used for commercialexploitation, or transmitted, in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, orotherwise, without the express written permission of Creo Inc.This document is also distributed in Adobe Systems Incorporated's PDF (Portable Document Format). You mayreproduce the document from the PDF file for internal use. Copies produced from the PDF file must bereproduced in whole.. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .TrademarksThe Creo wordmark, Creo logo, and the names of the Creo products and services referred to in this document aretrademarks of Creo Inc.Adobe, Acrobat, Adobe Acrobat Reader, the Acrobat logo, and PDF are registered trademarks of Adobe SystemsInc., and are registered in the US Patents and Trademark Office and may be registered in other jurisdictions.Apple, AppleTalk, AppleShare, EtherTalk, LocalTalk, Macintosh, and Laserwriter are trademarks of AppleComputer Inc.Microsoft, Microsoft Windows NT, Microsoft Windows 2000, and Windows are trademarks or registeredtrademarks of Microsoft Corp.Other brand or product names are the trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Limitation of LiabilityThe product, software or services are being provided on an "as is" and "as available" basis. Except as may be statedspecifically in your contract, Creo Inc. expressly disclaims all warranties of any kind, whether express or implied,including, but not limited to, any implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and noninfringement.You understand and agree that Creo Inc. shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special,consequential or exemplary damages, including but not limited to, damages for loss of profits, goodwill, use, dataor other intangible losses (even if Creo has been advised of the possibility of such damages), resulting from: (i)the use or the inability to use the product or software; (ii) the cost of procurement of substitute goods andservices resulting from any products, goods, data, software, information or services purchased; (iii) unauthorizedaccess to or alteration of your products, software or data; (iv) statements or conduct of any third party; (v) anyother matter relating to the product, software, or services.The text and drawings herein are for illustration and reference only. The specifications on which they are basedare subject to change. Creo Inc. may, at any time and without notice, make changes to this document. Creo Inc.,for itself and on behalf of its subsidiaries, assumes no liability for technical or editorial errors or omissions madeherein, and shall not be liable for incidental, consequential, indirect, or special damages, including, withoutlimitation, loss of use, loss or alteration of data, delays, or lost profits or savings arising from the use of thisdocument.. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Creo Inc.3700 Gilmore WayBurnaby, B.C., CanadaV5G 4M1Tel: (1) (604) 451-2700Fax: (1) (604) 437-9891http://www.creo.com.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Catalog No. 652-00025A-BRevised December 2002

ContentsUsing This ManualWho Should Use This Manual .................................................................................................................. xiiPDF Document ........................................................................................................................................ xiiFor More Information .............................................................................................................................. xii1 Overview of <strong>Pandora</strong> and ShopMap 1<strong>Pandora</strong>.................................................................................................................................................... 2Overview ........................................................................................................................................... 2ShopMap.......................................................................................................................................... 3Job Windows.................................................................................................................................... 32 Input Files 5Input Files................................................................................................................................................. 6Overview ........................................................................................................................................... 6Snapping-to-Die Functionality ............................................................................................................ 6Specifications for Dies............................................................................................................................... 7Specifications for PDF ............................................................................................................................... 83 Setting Up <strong>Pandora</strong> 9Preferences............................................................................................................................................. 10Overview ......................................................................................................................................... 10Language and Units of Measure ...................................................................................................... 10Setting Display Colors ...................................................................................................................... 11Setting the Image Preview Resolution .............................................................................................. 12Setting the Keyline Display Preference.............................................................................................. 12Setting User Marks Folder Location .................................................................................................. 13Turning Tool Tips On and Off........................................................................................................... 13Using Shortcut Keys on a Macintosh G4 .......................................................................................... 144 Setting Up the ShopMap Palette 15Setting Up the ShopMap Palette............................................................................................................. 16Overview ......................................................................................................................................... 16Adding a Resource to the ShopMap Palette ..................................................................................... 16Materials ................................................................................................................................................ 17Adding a Press Sheet ....................................................................................................................... 17Adding a Plate ................................................................................................................................. 17Adding a Film Size ........................................................................................................................... 18Equipment.............................................................................................................................................. 18Adding an Output Device ................................................................................................................ 18xiiLearning <strong>Pandora</strong>

viLearning <strong>Pandora</strong>Calibrating the Output Device and Media ........................................................................................ 20Adding a Press................................................................................................................................. 22Exporting and Importing a ShopMap Resource ....................................................................................... 23Creating a New Entry by Duplicating an Existing Entry ............................................................................ 255 Working in <strong>Pandora</strong> 29Working in <strong>Pandora</strong> ............................................................................................................................... 30Using the <strong>Pandora</strong> Job Windows ............................................................................................................ 30Starting a New Job .......................................................................................................................... 30Selecting Materials and Equipment for a Job.................................................................................... 31Importing a Die into a Job ............................................................................................................... 33Importing and Aligning Artwork in a Job ......................................................................................... 34Adding a Mark to a Job ................................................................................................................... 35Replacing Materials and Equipment in a Job .................................................................................... 35Deleting an Item from a Job ............................................................................................................ 35Removing Artwork, Marks, or a Die from the JIV Only ..................................................................... 36Saving a Job ........................................................................................................................................... 36Exercise: Die-Cut Job .............................................................................................................................. 376 Object Adjustments 39Object Adjustments................................................................................................................................ 40Overview ......................................................................................................................................... 40Selecting Objects in the JIV .............................................................................................................. 40Grouping Objects ................................................................................................................................... 41Using the Control Palette ....................................................................................................................... 42Positioning an Object in an Imposition ............................................................................................. 43Aligning Objects in Relation to Each Other....................................................................................... 44Changing the Size of an Object ....................................................................................................... 45Scaling the Size of an Object ........................................................................................................... 46Rotating Objects.............................................................................................................................. 47Locking an Object............................................................................................................................ 48Adding Crop Marks to a Job............................................................................................................ 48Bleeds .................................................................................................................................................... 49Creating a Bleed Path ...................................................................................................................... 49Resolving Overlapping Bleeds .......................................................................................................... 50Reverting and Undoing Overlap Resolutions..................................................................................... 51Adjusting Bleed Margins and Bleed Paths ........................................................................................ 51Zooming in the Job Imposition View....................................................................................................... 547 Step and Repeat 55Step and Repeat..................................................................................................................................... 56Overview ......................................................................................................................................... 56Step and Repeat One Item in the JIV................................................................................................ 57Step and Repeat Multiple Items in the JIV ........................................................................................ 58Learning <strong>Pandora</strong>

ContentsviiStep and Repeat Artwork from the JOV ........................................................................................... 59Nesting............................................................................................................................................ 60Exercise: Label Job .................................................................................................................................. 618 Press Sheet Optimization 63Press Sheet Optimization ........................................................................................................................ 64Overview ......................................................................................................................................... 64Optimization Summary .................................................................................................................... 64Setting Artwork Parameters ............................................................................................................. 65Setting Press Sheet Parameters ........................................................................................................ 66Creating Solutions and Making a Selection ...................................................................................... 679 Marks 69Marks..................................................................................................................................................... 70Overview ......................................................................................................................................... 70Using the Provided Marks ....................................................................................................................... 70Labels .............................................................................................................................................. 70SmartMarks ..................................................................................................................................... 70ScenicSoft Marks ............................................................................................................................. 71Adding a Mark to a Job ................................................................................................................... 71Binding a Mark to a Die Station ....................................................................................................... 72Applying a Mark to Matching Die Stations ....................................................................................... 72Deleting a Mark............................................................................................................................... 73Creating Custom Marks.......................................................................................................................... 74Specifying Variable Color ................................................................................................................. 74Specifying Variable Content............................................................................................................. 76Specifying Automatic Positioning and Step-and-Repeat Functionality ............................................... 77File Naming ..................................................................................................................................... 77Importing User Marks into the Marks Palette .......................................................................................... 7810 Die Mirroring 79Die Mirroring.......................................................................................................................................... 80Overview ......................................................................................................................................... 80Creating a Mirrored Die ................................................................................................................... 80Creating a Double-Sided Job Using Die Mirroring............................................................................. 8111 Die Station Numbering 83Die Station Numbering ........................................................................................................................... 84Overview ......................................................................................................................................... 84Setting a Numbering Order.............................................................................................................. 85Binding a Die Station Numbering Mark to a Die Station ................................................................... 85Applying a Die Station Numbering Mark to Matching Die Stations ................................................... 86Setting the Appearance of the Die Number...................................................................................... 87Learning <strong>Pandora</strong>

viiiLearning <strong>Pandora</strong>12 Printing 89Printing .................................................................................................................................................. 90Overview ......................................................................................................................................... 90Setting up an Output Device............................................................................................................ 90Setting Color Separation Options..................................................................................................... 91Viewing PPD Settings....................................................................................................................... 91Printing a Job .................................................................................................................................. 9213 Review Exercise 95Combo Job ............................................................................................................................................ 96Learning <strong>Pandora</strong>

Using This ManualWho Should Use This Manual .......................................................... .xiiPDF Document.................................................................................. xiiFor More Information........................................................................ xiiLearning <strong>Pandora</strong>

xiiUsing This ManualWho Should Use This ManualThis manual is intended as an introduction to <strong>Pandora</strong> 2.0 for new users.It covers most of the features and functionality of <strong>Pandora</strong>. For moredetailed information, refer to the <strong>Pandora</strong> 2.0 User Guide, available in PDF(Portable Document Format)on the <strong>Pandora</strong> 2.0 CD and on our Web siteat www.scenicsoft.com.To use this manual, you should:• Have a working knowledge of prepress operations• Be familiar with the Windows® operating system• Be familiar with the Macintosh® operating systemThis manual assumes that:• All the hardware, software, and network components of your systemare installed, configured, and operating correctly.PDF DocumentThis manual is also provided in PDF.The PDF document can be used for online viewing and printing usingAdobe Acrobat® Reader. When printing the manual, please print the entiremanual, including the copyright and disclaimer statements.For More InformationVisit Creo at www.creo.com for documentation, training courses,downloads, and service and support contacts.Learning <strong>Pandora</strong>

Chapter 1OVERVIEW OF PANDORAAND SHOPMAP<strong>Pandora</strong>OverviewShopMapJob Windows

<strong>Pandora</strong> – Learning <strong>Pandora</strong> 2.0PANDORAOverview<strong>Pandora</strong> is a packaging imposition solutionthat allows you to import, align, and stepand repeat artwork, dies, and marks quickly andeasily, to create a job file ready for printing. <strong>Pandora</strong>uses the latest technologies, including PDF (Adobe ®Portable Document Format), PJTF (Adobe PortableJob Ticket Format), JDF (Job Definition Format),Java ® , and XML (Extensible Markup Language).Minimum System RequirementsMacintosh ®• Power Mac ® -based G4 Macintosh (400 MHzminimum) with USB port• Apple ® Mac OS 9.x• 70 MB of hard disk space for <strong>Pandora</strong>• 256 MB of RAM• 512 MB total memory including virtual memory• Macintosh Runtime for Java ® (MRJ) 2.2.3(available on the <strong>Pandora</strong> CD, and automaticallyinstalled if not present on the system) requires anadditional 10 MB of hard disk space and 16 MB ofRAMWindows ®• Pentium ® -compatible PC (400 MHz minimum)with USB port• Microsoft ® Windows NT ® 4.0 or Windows 2000with Services for Macintosh installed (for printingto AppleTalk ® devices)• 90 MB of hard disk space available for <strong>Pandora</strong>• 256 MB of RAM• 256 MB of virtual memory• Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 1.1.8 (availableon the <strong>Pandora</strong> CD) requires an additional 20 MBof hard disk space and 20 MB of RAMDemo Version of <strong>Pandora</strong> vs Standard VersionThe demo version of <strong>Pandora</strong> is a fully functionalversion of <strong>Pandora</strong> with the exception that it can notsave or print a job.2 CREO

Chapter 1 – Overview of <strong>Pandora</strong> and ShopMapShopMapResident within the <strong>Pandora</strong> application is theShopMap palette, which opens as <strong>Pandora</strong> islaunched.The ShopMap palette works with <strong>Pandora</strong>, storinginformation about all your shop’s materials (presssheets, plates, and film) and equipment (outputdevices and presses) that you plan to use with<strong>Pandora</strong> jobs. You enter information about all theseresources into the ShopMap palette, then theresources are available for use with jobs. Using theShopMap palette saves you the trouble of enteringresource specifications every time you start a new<strong>Pandora</strong> job, or every time you add an installation of<strong>Pandora</strong> to your shop.Job WindowsWhen beginning a job, <strong>Pandora</strong> opens a singlewindow for each job. The job window has two panes:the Job Order View (JOV) on the left and the JobImposition View (JIV) on the right.• The Job Order View or JOVlists all the components of a job.• Job Imposition View or JIVbackground is a pasteboard uponwhich you lay out your job, andacts as a visual representation ofthe job.JOVJIVCREO 3

Chapter 2INPUT FILESInput FilesOverviewSnapping to Die FunctionalitySpecifications for DiesSpecifications for PDF

<strong>Pandora</strong> – Learning <strong>Pandora</strong> 2.0INPUT FILESOverviewThe artwork must be a PDF file and needsto have a spot color for the die line if youintend the artwork to automatically snap to a die file.To be used in <strong>Pandora</strong>, the die file must be in eitherCFF2, DXF, or DDES2 format. The die file maycontain multiple die stations. Only one die file maybe brought into a single <strong>Pandora</strong> job.Snapping-to-Die FunctionalityWhen snapping to the die, <strong>Pandora</strong> first rotates theart, then aligns the art to the die station. The rectangularboundaries of the die station are used to centerthe art relative to the die station. For most jobs, theart must be rotated by the snap-to-die function toensure it is positioned correctly. If you place theartwork in the JIV separate from the die, rotate itusing the Control palette, then snap to die, theartwork may not align to the die correctly. This isbecause the snap-to-die function uses the keyline forpositioning, while the Control palette uses the trimbox (designated by the artwork “handles”) formeasurements.The die must be created in a specific manner in theCAD application to ensure the rotation information isincluded in the multi-up die.To create the die:• Draw a single die station (1-up).• Create a block from the die station.• Use the 1-up block to layout the multi-up die. Anyrotation done in this step is saved in the die file.Note: Some CAD applications allow you to“explode” blocks when saving the die. This optionshould not be used because it saves the die withoutthe rotation information.6 CREO

Chapter 2 – Input FilesSPECIFICATIONS FOR DIESEach job can include only one die, whether it is singleor multiple-up. Die formats can be CFF2 or DXF;however, CFF2 is the recommended format because itis specifically intended for packaging, while DXF is aCAD format, intended for industrial design.The Die FileA die file contains one or more die stations, placedand rotated into desired positions by a CAD system,that is capable of saving the file in either a CFF2 orDXF format. CFF2 is the preferred format for<strong>Pandora</strong> as it contains the simplest object groups forrecognition as the die line. While the DXF file works,it may contain complicated elements which <strong>Pandora</strong>may not correctly recognize.A Die Station Within a DieWhen a die file is parsed upon import into <strong>Pandora</strong>, itis examined for die stations in a very simple manner.<strong>Pandora</strong> scans for all top-level drawing object groups(BLOCK in DXF and SUB in CFF2). If no objectgroups are found, then the whole die is treated as onedie station.What Happens if the Die File is Altered AfterIncluding it in a <strong>Pandora</strong> Job?If, after you bring the die into a <strong>Pandora</strong> job, youmake changes to the die file that modify the outline,position, or rotation of the die station(s) within thedie, then both the die file and art file must beremoved from the JOV and replaced.If changes are made to the die file when <strong>Pandora</strong> isnot running, the changes in the die are reflected in<strong>Pandora</strong> the next time the job is opened.CREO 7

<strong>Pandora</strong> – Learning <strong>Pandora</strong> 2.0SPECIFICATIONS FOR PDFArtwork files brought into <strong>Pandora</strong> need to be PDFversion 1.3 or later.When you create the artwork in a native application,there are several criteria to consider.• The die line within the artwork must be set as aunique spot color (if you name the spot color “DieLine” in the drawing program, Die Line is offeredas the default die line color when you import theart). When you import the artwork into <strong>Pandora</strong>,you select the die line color, and <strong>Pandora</strong> uses thedie line to align the artwork to the die automatically.<strong>Pandora</strong> needs this correlation between thedie line colors to automatically snap the artwork tothe die station(s). It is important that the spot colorused for the die line is not used anywhere else inthe artwork.• For nesting to work correctly in <strong>Pandora</strong>, thesoftware used to create the original art mustsupport transparent backgrounds. Distilling a filefrom an application that sets the background towhite creates a PDF with an opaque whitebackground. Acrobat ® Distiller ® cannot convertthe white background to transparent.• <strong>Pandora</strong> does not do any font processing and doesnot rely on utilities such as Suitcase and ATMDeluxe to handle fonts. Therefore, it is mandatorythat all fonts be embedded within the PDF filewhen distilling it from the original artwork file.• <strong>Pandora</strong> doesn’t fully support any color spacetypes other than Device CMYK and Separation.(<strong>Pandora</strong> tolerates the other color spaces, but youwon’t be able to re-map those colors. <strong>Pandora</strong>complains if it finds any.)• <strong>Pandora</strong> does not accept password protected files.• Pre-Separated PDF’s: <strong>Pandora</strong> acceptspre-separated PDF’s. Output choices are limited toPJTF and JDF.8 CREO

Chapter 3SETTING UP PANDORAPreferencesOverviewLanguage and Units of MeasureSetting Display ColorsSetting the Image Preview ResolutionSetting the Keyline Display PreferenceSetting User Marks Folder LocationTurning Tool Tips On and OffUsing Shortcut Keys on a Macintosh G4

<strong>Pandora</strong> – Learning <strong>Pandora</strong> 2.0PREFERENCESOverviewPreferences in <strong>Pandora</strong> allow you to controlthe language in which <strong>Pandora</strong> runs, thegeneral unit of measure, the default size of bleedmargins, nudge distance, snap distance, the display ofcolors, how keylines are rendered in the JIV, and thelocation of the folder in which you keep your custommarks.Language and Units of Measure<strong>Pandora</strong> runs in English, French, Spanish, andGerman. The <strong>Pandora</strong> default settings are appropriatefor the language in which you installed theprogram. You can change any of the settings.To set preferences to the desired language:From the Edit menu, select Preferences.In the Preferences dialog box under Locale,from the Language list, select the languageyou want <strong>Pandora</strong> to use.To set preferences to the desired units:From the Units of measure list, select the unitsyou want <strong>Pandora</strong> to use as the default.From the DXF default measure list, select theunits of measurement you want <strong>Pandora</strong> to usewhen scaling a DXF file.Note: If you change the DXF units after importing adie, you need to delete the die and re-import it toapply the new units.You can set the defaults for the bleed margins andnudge distance in any units you prefer, regardless ofthe default units of measurement.To set default measurements for bleed margins andnudge distance:In the Preferences dialog box, under Measurements,select the desired units from the Bleed margins listand type the bleed margin amount in the box.10 CREO

Chapter 3 – Setting Up <strong>Pandora</strong>To set the nudge distance:Select the desired units from the Nudge distancelist and type the nudge distance amount in the box.You can set the default snap distance only in pixels.The snap distance is how close an object must be to aguide before it automatically snaps to the guide.To set the snap distance:In the Preferences dialog box, type the defaultamount for snap distance in pixels in the Snapdistance box.When you have finished changing settings in thePreferences dialog box, click OK.The new settings take effect immediately.Setting Display ColorsYou can set display colors (not printing colors) forguides, die, and bleed trim. You cannot change thecolor of text in art files in <strong>Pandora</strong>; if you want tochange the color, you must do so in the drawingprogram used to create the art file.To set display colors:From the Edit menu, select Preferences.In the Preferences dialog box under Colors, clickthe color square for the display element you wantto change.In the Select Color dialog box, click the tab thatoffers the method of color setting you want to use.• Swatches allows you to pick from a setof colors• HSB allows you to manipulate the hue,saturation, and brightness to create thedesired color• RGB allows you to set proportions of red,green, and blue to create the desired colorAfter selecting the desired color for the displayelement, click OK.Or to return to the default color setting:Click Reset.When you have finished changing settings in thePreferences dialog box, click OK.The new settings take effect immediately.CREO 11

<strong>Pandora</strong> – Learning <strong>Pandora</strong> 2.0Setting the Image Preview Resolution<strong>Pandora</strong> uses a CPSI RIP that provides a trueWYSIWYG view in the JIV. Manipulating artworkfiles in the JIV may cause delays while the previewRIP re-renders the artwork. To reduce these delays,you can apply image caching by setting the desiredpreview resolution. Each artwork file is then renderedusing the desired resolution and the preview image iscached, allowing <strong>Pandora</strong> to reuse the preview,eliminating the time needed to re-render the imageeach time the view is changed.To allow for precise aligning, at any time youcan re-render the current view in high-resolutionby clicking on the High Res Preview icon in theToolbar.To increase or decrease the image previewresolution and use image caching:From the Edit menu, select Preferences.Under Screen Cache Size move the slider tothe desired setting.Selecting the Always RIP at MaximumResolution check box gives high resolutionconsistently but re-RIPs every time the view ischanged.Setting the Keyline Display PreferenceKeylines are used for preview in the JIV and forpositioning artwork to die stations. The settings underKeyline Preview determine how keylines arerendered in the JIV display. The choices are asfollows:• Die Keylines as Bitmaps: Renders the keylines asan image. The image is displayed more slowlybecause it has to be RIP’ed before the keylines canbe rendered. This setting also slows down the“snap to die” process because the keyline imagemust RIP before the art can snap to it.• Die Keylines as Vectors: Works with most but notall keylines.• Use Trim Box instead of Keyline: Uses the trimbox from the artwork for the keyline. You are notprompted to select a keyline color when importingartwork.12 CREO

Chapter 3 – Setting Up <strong>Pandora</strong>Setting User Marks Folder Location<strong>Pandora</strong> comes with a wide selection of marks, butyou can also add your own custom marks. Thedefault location for your custom marks is the “User”folder, located in the “<strong>Pandora</strong>:Marks:User” folder.You can keep the “User” folder in its default location,move it elsewhere on your computer, or move it to anetwork server to allow sharing among differentinstallations of <strong>Pandora</strong>. If you move the “User”marks folder, you need to identify the new locationand/or new name for the folder in the Preferencesdialog box. You can also create your own subfolderswithin the “User” folder for organizational purposes.You do this using the functionality of the computer’soperating system.To set the location for your “User” marks folder on aserver:From the Edit menu, select Preferences.In the Preferences dialog box, under FolderLocations, click Choose.• On a Macintosh, in the Choose Marks Folderdialog box, navigate to the folder where you wantto keep your user marks, select the folder, thenclick Choose.• On Windows, in the Browse for Folder dialogbox, browse to the folder where you want to keepyour marks, then click OK. If you want to create anew folder, do so in Windows Explorer beforeopening the Browse for Folder dialog box.Turning Tool Tips On and Off<strong>Pandora</strong> has tool tips that identify many items in thework area and dialog boxes. These tool tips areparticularly useful when you are learning to use<strong>Pandora</strong>, so tool tips are turned on by default whenyou first install and start the application.To display a tool tip for an item:From the Help menu, select Show Tool Tips.Place the mouse pointer on the item; the tool tipappears.To turn tools tips off:From the Help menu, select Hide Tool Tips.CREO 13

<strong>Pandora</strong> – Learning <strong>Pandora</strong> 2.0Using Shortcut Keys on a Macintosh G4Several functions in <strong>Pandora</strong> have keyboard shortcuts.For these shortcuts to function on a MacintoshG4, the Use F1 through F15 as Function Keyscheck box must be selected in the MacintoshKeyboard control panel (the check box is not selectedby default).On Windows, the shortcut keys function without thisadditional step. On both platforms, the shortcut keysdo not work in <strong>Pandora</strong> if you have custom mappedthem to other functions.14 CREO

Chapter 4SETTING UP THESHOPMAP PALETTESetting Up the ShopMap PaletteOverviewAdding a Resource to theShopMap PaletteMaterialsAdding a Press SheetAdding a PlateAdding a Film SizeEquipmentAdding an Output DeviceCalibrating the Output Device and MediaAdding a PressExporting and Importing aShopMap ResourceCreating a New Entry byDuplicating an Existing Entry

<strong>Pandora</strong> – Learning <strong>Pandora</strong> 2.0SETTING UP THE SHOPMAP PALETTEOverviewThe ShopMap palette works with <strong>Pandora</strong>,storing information about all your shop’smaterials (press sheets, plates, and film) and equipment(output devices and presses) that you plan touse with <strong>Pandora</strong> jobs. The ShopMap palette consistsof two sets of tabs: one set for materials and the otherset for equipment. You enter information about allthese resources into your ShopMap palette, then theresources are available for use with all <strong>Pandora</strong> jobs.The ShopMap PaletteShopMap Materials ShopMap EquipmentPress sheetsOutput devicesIdeally you should populate the ShopMap palettebefore you start using <strong>Pandora</strong>, and keep theShopMap palette up to date by adding new equipmentand materials as needed, as well as removingresources from the ShopMap palette when you nolonger use them.PlatesFilmPressesResources can be added to the ShopMap palette bytyping in the information, or by importing data fromthe ShopMap palette of another installation of<strong>Pandora</strong>. After you create a resource in the ShopMappalette, you then add it to any job by dragging it fromthe ShopMap palette into the Job Imposition View(JIV). ShopMap materials then appear both in theJIV and on the appropriate tab in the Job OrderView (JOV); ShopMap palette equipment appearsonly in the JOV.Adding a Resource to the ShopMap PaletteButtons represented by icons are used to assist inmanaging the ShopMap assets. They are used toCreate, Duplicate, Add to Job, and Delete a resourcealong with Importing and Exporting those resources.To add a resource to the ShopMap palette:Select the appropriate tab for the resource, clickthe Options arrow on the ShopMap palette, thenclick New to continue.Or, click the New button at the bottom of theShopMap palette.Duplicating, deleting, importing, exporting, andadding a resource to a job are all performed in thesame manner.16 CREO

Chapter 4 – Setting Up the ShopMap PaletteMATERIALSThe Materials window in the ShopMap palettecontains information regarding the characteristics ofpaper (press sheets), plates, and film.Adding a Press SheetTo add a press sheet to the ShopMap palette:If the ShopMap palette is not currently displayed,from the Window menu, select Show ShopMapPalette.Select the Materials option.Select the Press Sheet tab.Click the Options arrow on the ShopMap palette,then click New, or click the New button at thebottom of the ShopMap palette.In the New Press Sheet dialog box in the Unitslist, select the measurement units you want to useto define the press sheet size.Type the height and width of the press sheet in theHeight and Width boxes.Select the option for the grain setting; the choicesare Long Grain, Short Grain, and No Grain.Click Create.The specifications of the press sheet appear in thelower part of the ShopMap palette.Adding a PlateTo add a plate to the ShopMap palette:If the ShopMap palette is not currently displayed,from the Window menu, select Show ShopMapPalette.Select the Materials option.Select the Plate tab.Click the Options arrow on the ShopMap palette,then click New, or click the New button at thebottom of the ShopMap palette.In the New Plate dialog box in the Units list,select the measurement units you want to use todefine the plate size.In the Height and Width boxes, type the dimensionsof the plate.From the Base list, select the plate material orprocess to be used.Click Create.CREO 17

<strong>Pandora</strong> – Learning <strong>Pandora</strong> 2.0Adding a Film SizeTo add a film size to the ShopMap palette:If the ShopMap palette is not currently displayed,from the Window menu, select Show ShopMapPalette.Select the Materials option.Select the Film tab.Click the Options arrow on the ShopMap palette,then click New, or click the New button at thebottom of the ShopMap palette.In the New Film dialog box in the Units list,select the measurement units you want to use todefine the film size.In the Height and Width boxes, type the dimensionsof the film.Click Create.Note: If the output device is a portrait device, theorientation of the plate or film could appear incorrectlyuntil the output device applied to the JIV hasan accurately configured punch.EQUIPMENTSimilar to the Materials window, the Equipmentwindow contains information regarding characteristicsof the equipment in your shop, including OutputDevices and Presses, and includes alignment informationalong with dimensions.Adding an Output DeviceTo add an output device to the ShopMap palette:On the ShopMap palette, select the Equipmentoption, then select the Output Device tab.Click the Options arrow on the ShopMap palette,then click New, or click the New button at thebottom of the ShopMap palette.In the New Output Device dialog box, type anickname for the output device in the Nicknamebox. This nickname is the way you identify theoutput device in the ShopMap palette.Under AppleTalk Connection, in the left column,click the zone in which this device is located, thenselect the device name in the right column.18 CREO

Chapter 4 – Setting Up the ShopMap PaletteNote: AppleTalk zones update every ten minutesautomatically. You can update the zone and deviceinformation in the dialog box immediately byclicking the Refresh button.RefreshbuttonUnder PPD, click the Open button to displaythe New Output Device dialog box that allowsyou to browse to the location of the PPD youwant to use for the selected device.Click the PPD file, then click Open.It may take several seconds for the path to thePPD file to appear. When the path appears in thePPD box in the New Output Device dialogbox, click Create.The new device appears in the ShopMap palette,showing the PPD file and the AppleTalkConnection.Updating an Existing PPD in the ShopMapPaletteAnytime the information in the PPD changes, youneed to refresh the PPD settings in the ShopMappalette. For example, if you obtain a new version ofthe PPD for an output device in the ShopMappalette, you can replace the old PPD in MacintoshFinder or Windows Explorer. Then you update thePPD in the ShopMap palette.To update the PPD in the ShopMap palette:Click the nickname for the output device.Click the Refresh button under Source PPD.You can update the PPD in the same way if you havemanually edited the PPD to change settings.CREO 19

<strong>Pandora</strong> – Learning <strong>Pandora</strong> 2.0Calibrating the Output Device and MediaBefore using an output device you have added to theShopMap palette, you may need to calibrate thepunch setting for each size of film and/or plates to beoutput by this device to ensure proper placement ofimage relative to the punch. The ShopMap palettecontrols for calibration become available when youhave both an output device and a media size in theShopMap palette.To calibrate the punch setting:If the ShopMap palette is not currently displayed,from the Window menu, select Show ShopMapPalette.On the ShopMap palette, select the Equipmentoption, then select the Output Device tab.Select the output device’s nickname from the list(not the Default profile below the nickname).Scroll down to Punch Location.Select the Film Resource tab or the PlateResource tab, whichever medium you need tocalibrate for that device.A red button indicates that this resource has notyet been calibrated. A green check mark indicatesthat the resource has been calibrated. Click the redbutton by the film or plate size you want tocalibrate.In the Punch Location dialog box, select anorientation number from the Orientation list.Note: When you are calibrating standard sizeswhose orientations are controlled by the PPD, thisfunction is not available.Under Punch, select the units of measure youwant to use for the punch coordinates.Click Orientation Test.Examine the results. The rectangle of the imageshould be oriented to align with the rectangle ofthe output media and no image should be cut off.Repeat the procedure until the proper orientation isobtained.Next you output a calibration test. To output acalibration test and set the calibration, clickOutput Test.20 CREO

Rulers are Fractional Inches1 2 3 4 5Rulers are Fractional InchesChapter 4 – Setting Up the ShopMap PaletteAfter the calibration test is output, you can examinethe test to determine what adjustments, if any,you need to make to the punch placement.To set the calibration:Select the option button for the letter thatcorresponds to the side of the media that has thepunch. In the X and Y boxes, type the distancesthat the punch center resides from both of theaxes.To output another punch test to verify thecalibration, click Check. The resulting imagehas a large > that will have its point at the centerof the punch.When satisfied with the calibration, click Save.A1 2 3 4 51 2 3 4Rulers are Fractional InchesBDRulers are Fractional Inches1 2 3 4CA green check mark beside the media size on theOutput Device tab in the ShopMap palette indicatesthat the resource has been calibrated.Note: Only material dimensions that can be output bya device are listed under the device. Custom sizes areonly available if the device supports custom sizes.Sizes that are outside the devices supported range arenot listed.CREO 21

Chapter 4 – Setting Up the ShopMap PaletteEXPORTING AND IMPORTINGA SHOPMAP RESOURCEYou may find it convenient to set up a ShopMappalette in one installation of <strong>Pandora</strong> with some or allof the equipment or materials you plan to use, thenexport each equipment or material resource from theShopMap palette as an XML file. These XML filesare then available to be imported into otherShopMap palettes in other <strong>Pandora</strong> installations,saving you the time and trouble of having to repeatthe same setup procedure for each resource in each<strong>Pandora</strong> installation.Note: You cannot export an output device profileseparately because it is part of the device configuration.Nor can you import a resource that is identicalto a resource already in this ShopMap palette.Exporting a ShopMap Palette ResourceTo export a ShopMap palette resource to an XML file:If the ShopMap palette is not currently displayed,from the Window menu, select Show ShopMapPalette.Click either the Materials button or the Equipmentbutton, depending on the resource you wantto export.Click the tab for the type of resource you want toexport.In the list on the tab, select the resource you wantto export.From the Options menu, select Export.In the Export dialog box, browse to the folderwhere you want to place the XML file you areexporting.In the Name box, type a name for the XML fileyou are creating, then click Save.Exporting the Entire ShopMap PaletteIf you want to export the entire ShopMap palette,rather than one device at a time, copy the entire“ShopMap” folder from within the “<strong>Pandora</strong>” folderto another copy of <strong>Pandora</strong>. (This does not workcross-platform.)CREO 23

<strong>Pandora</strong> – Learning <strong>Pandora</strong> 2.0Importing a ShopMap Palette ResourceAfter exporting XML files that describe individualresources of material and equipment from theShopMap palette in a <strong>Pandora</strong> installation, you canimport these files into the ShopMap palette inanother <strong>Pandora</strong> installation.To import a resource from an XML file:If the ShopMap palette is not currently displayed,from the Window menu, select Show ShopMapPalette.Select either the Materials option or the Equipmentoption, depending on the resource you wantto import.Click the tab for the type of resource you want toimport.From the Options menu, select Import.In the Import dialog box, browse to the file youwant to import.Select the file, then click Import.The resource is added in the list on the ShopMappalette tab.24 CREO

Chapter 4 – Setting Up the ShopMap PaletteCREATING A NEW ENTRY BYDUPLICATING AN EXISTING ENTRYAfter you add a resource to the ShopMap palette, itssettings are no longer editable. If later you find thatyou need to edit a setting, you can do so by creating aduplicate and making changes to the duplicate. Thenyou can decide whether to keep or delete the originalresource.You can also save time by creating a duplicate to adda new resource to the ShopMap palette that hasattributes similar to those of a resource already in theShopMap palette. You can create a duplicate of anyresource in the ShopMap palette as long as youchange at least one attribute so that the duplicate isnot identical to the original, and as long as the namesof the two resources are different.In the case of output devices, you can duplicateprofiles for the device, but not the device itself. Theprocedure for duplicating an output device andmodifying settings is more complex than theprocedure for other resources.Creating a New Resource From a Duplicate ofan Existing EntryTo create a new resource from a duplicate of anexisting entry:If the ShopMap palette is not currently displayed,from the Window menu, select Show ShopMapPalette.On the ShopMap palette, select either theMaterials option or the Equipment option.Select the tab of the type of resource you want toduplicate.On the tab, click the resource you want toduplicate.On the ShopMap palette, click the Options arrow,then select Duplicate, or click the Duplicatebutton at the bottom of the ShopMap palette.In the dialog box that opens, edit the attributes asnecessary.Click Create.CREO 25

Chapter 4 – Setting Up the ShopMap PaletteThe new profile is added to the ShopMap palette.After you drag the output device into the JIV to addit to the job, the feature set lists and their respectivesettings become available for viewing (not forediting) when you click the output device profile onthe Materials & Equipment tab on the JOV.CREO 27

<strong>Pandora</strong> – Learning <strong>Pandora</strong> 2.028 CREO

Chapter 5WORKING IN PANDORAWorking in <strong>Pandora</strong>OverviewUsing the <strong>Pandora</strong> Job WindowsStarting a New JobSelecting Materials andEquipment for a JobImporting a Die into a JobImporting and Aligning Artwork in a JobAdding a Mark to a JobReplacing Materials andEquipment in a JobDeleting an Itemfrom a JobRemoving Artwork,Marks, or a Die fromthe JIV OnlySaving a JobExercise: Die-Cut Job

<strong>Pandora</strong> – Learning <strong>Pandora</strong> 2.0WORKING IN PANDORAOverview<strong>Pandora</strong> opens a single window for eachjob; you can have only one copy of eachjob open at a time. You can have several differentjobs open at the same time; each job opens in aseparate window.The job window has two panes: the Job OrderView (JOV) on the left and the Job ImpositionView (JIV) on the right.USING THE PANDORA JOB WINDOWSYou can add elements to a job in almost any order,but the suggested workflow is to fill out the JobInformation tab in the JOV, add equipment, addmaterials, then add artwork, a die (if any), andmarks.Starting a New JobTo start a new job:From the File menu, select New.Job Order ViewThe JOV lists all the components of a job:• The Job Information tab: Shows the job ID andcontact information• The Materials & Equipment tab: Shows thematerials and equipment you have added to the jobfrom the ShopMap palette• The Content tab: Shows the artwork, die, andmark files you have imported into the job• The SmartLayout tab: Available in the Proversion of <strong>Pandora</strong> only. <strong>Pandora</strong> can determinethe most efficient use of press sheets for a job thatincludes one or more artworks. You select thepress sheet sizes and grain directions that you want<strong>Pandora</strong> to consider, select a fill direction, andindicate whether you want the sheet set up to beguillotined. <strong>Pandora</strong> presents you with proposedsolutions, indicating how much of the press sheetarea would be used and how many sheets would beneeded for each solution.(Press Sheet Optimization is covered in Chapter 8,“Press Sheet Optimization.”)30 CREO

Chapter 5 – Working in <strong>Pandora</strong>• The Output Setup tab shows any output devices(proofers, platesetters, etc.) you have added to thejob from the ShopMap palette, and allows you tochange your device settings for this job• Items you add to the job by dragging them into theJIV from the ShopMap palette or Marks paletteare listed on the appropriate tabs in the JOVTo collapse or expand the JOV:Click the separator bar between the two views.To resize the JOV:Click the top or bottom portion of the separatorbar and drag.Job Imposition ViewThe JIV is a visual representation of the job. Youdrag materials and equipment into the JIV from theShopMap palette, and you drag artwork, dies, andmarks into the JIV from the JOV and the Markspalette.The JIV background is a pasteboard upon which youlay out your job. You can work with elements inplace on the press sheet, or you can work with themon the pasteboard, and move them to the press sheetlater. However, in order to be part of the final output,the elements must be on a press sheet, plate, or pieceof film.Selecting Materials and Equipment for a JobTo add a press sheet, plate, or film:If the ShopMap palette is not currently displayed,from the Window menu, select Show ShopMapPalette.On the ShopMap palette, select the Materialsoption.Select the Press Sheet, Plate, or Film tab.On the tab, select the press sheet, plate, or filmsize you want to use, then drag it into the JIV orselect Add to Job in the Options menu.Clicking the Add to Job button at the bottom ofthe tab also allows you add the requested optioninto the JIV.CREO 31

<strong>Pandora</strong> – Learning <strong>Pandora</strong> 2.0Adding an Output DeviceTo produce plates, film, or proofs, you need one ormore output devices.To add an output device:If the ShopMap palette is not currently displayed,from the Window menu, select Show ShopMapPalette.On the ShopMap palette, select the Equipmentoption.Select the Output Device tab.On the Output Device tab, select the profile in thedevice you want to use, then drag it into the JIVor click Add to Job in the Options menu. (Clickingthe Add to Job button at the bottom of the tabwill also add the output device to the JIV.)Repeat the above steps for any other outputdevices needed for the job.Adding a Press<strong>Pandora</strong> can pick up information such as setback,plate bend, and gripper when you add the press. Thesetback ensures correct positioning of an image onthe output material. The plate bend and gripper linesare visual guides only and do not print.To add a press:If the ShopMap palette is not currently displayed,from the Window menu, select Show ShopMapPalette.In the ShopMap palette, select the Equipmentoption.Select the Press tab.On the Press tab, select the press you want to use,then drag it into the JIV or click the Add to Jobbutton at the bottom of the tab or in the Optionsmenu.32 CREO

Chapter 5 – Working in <strong>Pandora</strong>Importing a Die into a JobYou can import only one die into each job; however,the die can have multiple die stations.To import a die into the job:From the File menu, select Import>Die.In the Import Die dialog box, browse to thelocation of the die file, select the file, and clickImport.When the die appears in the “Die” folder on theContent tab of the JOV, select it and drag it intothe JIV. If you have already imported a press sheetinto the JIV, <strong>Pandora</strong> automatically centers the dieon the press sheet.Aligning the DieWhen you drag a multiple-up die into the JIV ormove it within the JIV, the new coordinates aredisplayed in the Control palette.To position the die:If the Control palette is not currently displayed,from the Window menu, select Show ControlPalette.On the reference point diagram in the Controlpalette, click the reference point you want touse to position the object.In the X and Y boxes on the Control palette,type the coordinates of the position to whichyou want to move the die.You can also position the die by:• Dragging it into place• Using the arrow keys to nudge it into place; checkthe Control palette to see the coordinates of thenew position• Positioning guides where you want the die, thendragging the die to that positionNote: Die files can be rotated but they cannot bescaled.CREO 33

<strong>Pandora</strong> – Learning <strong>Pandora</strong> 2.0Importing and Aligning Artwork in a Job<strong>Pandora</strong> has the ability to automatically alignartwork to a die. You identify the die line colorwhen importing the artwork, and <strong>Pandora</strong> usesthe die line to align the artwork.To import and align artwork:From the File menu, select Import>Artwork.In the Import Artwork dialog box, browse tothe location of the artwork file, select the file,and click Import.In the Artwork Options dialog box, select thedie line’s spot color in the Select the keyline’scustom color list.If the artwork contains multiple pages, selectthe page you want in the Select which page touse list.Click OK.In the JIV, click the die to select it.When the artwork name appears in the“Artwork” folder on the Content tab in theJOV, drag it into the JIV.<strong>Pandora</strong> locates each die station, rotates theartwork according to how the station is rotated inthe die, and aligns the artwork to the die station.To snap to specific die stations:Click or marquee the die station(s), then addthe art to the job.34 CREO

<strong>Pandora</strong> – Learning <strong>Pandora</strong> 2.0Removing Artwork, Marks, or a Die from theJIV OnlyYou can remove artwork, marks, or a die from theJIV without removing the object from the job (thatis, the item remains available from the JOV).Note: Press sheets, plates, film and equipment suchas output devices and presses can only be removedfrom the JOV.To remove artwork, marks, or a die from the JIV:Click the item in the JIV. To select more than oneitem, hold down the Shift key and click each item,or drag a marquee around the items.Press the Delete key.The item is removed from the JIV, but remainsavailable for later use in the JOV.SAVING A JOBThe Save As dialog box opens the first time you savea job and when you select Save As or Save from theFile menu. If you have previously saved a job,<strong>Pandora</strong> saves it automatically when you select Savefrom the File menu.To save a job:From the File menu, select Save. If the job alreadyhas a name, the job file is saved with the changedinformation.In the Save As dialog box, browse to the locationwhere you want to save the job.If you need to add or change the name of the job,type the name in the Name box (Macintosh) or theFile name box (Windows).Click Save.On Windows, the .pnd (<strong>Pandora</strong>) extension is addedto the file name automatically.36 CREO

<strong>Pandora</strong> – Learning <strong>Pandora</strong> 2.038 CREO

Chapter 6OBJECT ADJUSTMENTSObject AdjustmentsOverviewSelecting Objects in the JIVGrouping ObjectsUsing the Control PalettePositioning an Object in an ImpositionAligning Objects in Relation to Each OtherChanging the Size of an ObjectScaling the Size of an ObjectRotating ObjectsLocking an ObjectAdding Crop Marks to ArtworkBleedsCreating a Bleed PathResolvingOverlapping BleedsReverting and UndoingOverlap ResolutionsAdjusting Bleed Marginsand Bleed PathsZooming in theJob Imposition View

<strong>Pandora</strong> – Learning <strong>Pandora</strong> 2.0OBJECT ADJUSTMENTSOverviewThe size, rotation, and position of objectssuch as art, dies, and marks can all bemodified when they are in the JIV. A die can only berotated or positioned but not re-sized. In order tomodify an object, you must first select it.Selecting Objects in the JIVYou can select artwork, dies, and marks in the JIV.Before you can move, copy, step and repeat, or deletean object in the JIV, you must select it. When youselect a die station, white selection handles appear atits corners. When you select artwork or marks, blackselection handles appear at the corners.To select an object:Click the object in the JOV to select all instancesof the object or, if the Tools palette is not currentlydisplayed, from the Window menu, select ShowTools.On the Tool palette, select the Pointer Tool.Click the object. Handles appear to show that theobject is selected.To de-select an object:Click outside the object. The handles disappear toshow that the object is no longer selected.Selected ObjectMultiple Objects SelectedTo select multiple objects:• Click and drag a marquee around all the objectsyou want to select, then release the mouse button.• Press Shift and click each object. Handles appearon each selected object.• If all the objects are copies of the same file, clickthe file name in the JOV.• If the objects are copies of different files, pressShift and click each file name in the JOV.To de-select one object when multiple objects areselected:Press Shift and click the object. Its handlesdisappear, but handles on the other selectedobjects remain.40 CREO

Chapter 6 – Object AdjustmentsMultiple ObjectsGROUPING OBJECTSYou can group objects (except for press sheets, platesand film) to apply changes to them as a unit.Grouping is different from selecting multiple objectsin that when you select multiple objects, changessuch as rotation are applied to each object individually,while changes to grouped objects are applied tothe group as a unit. Grouping allows you to controlthe group as a single object using the Control palette.To group objects:Press Shift and click each object you want toinclude in the group.From the Object menu, select Group.SelectedRotatedThe handles change to show the perimeter of thegroup.Grouped ObjectsTo ungroup objects:Click the group.From the Object menu, select Ungroup.Handles appear on each object that was grouped.SelectedRotatedCREO 41

<strong>Pandora</strong> – Learning <strong>Pandora</strong> 2.0USING THE CONTROL PALETTEThe Control palette allows you to position and rotatedies, art, and marks precisely, as well as to size andscale single or multiple art and mark objects. You cantype the coordinates of any reference point toposition a selected object or a group of objects. Whenyou change the position, size, or scale of an object,the new coordinates or dimensions are displayed inthe Control palette.The points in the Control palette reference pointdiagram correspond to points on the selected object.For example, when you click the point at the lowerleft corner of the reference point diagram, anysettings you type in the Control palette are appliedwith reference to the lower left corner of theobject. If you click the center point of the diagram,any settings you type are applied with reference tothe center of the object.You also use the Control palette to rotate objects orto lock them so that they cannot be changed.To make changes in the Control palette:If the Control palette is not currently displayed,from the Window menu, select Show ControlPalette.Select the object(s) in the JIV, type the changes,then press Enter, Tab, or click another box in theControl palette.42 CREO

Chapter 6 – Object AdjustmentsPositioning an Object in an ImpositionYou can choose between three methods that offervarying degrees of precision to position a die,artwork, or marks in an imposition.The Control palette provides the most precise way tomove objects in an imposition. Make sure that onlythe objects you want to move are selected; you cantell which items are selected by the handles thatappear on selected items.To position, size, or scale an object using the Controlpalette:If the Control palette is not currently displayed,from the Window menu, select Show ControlPalette.Click the object to select it. The coordinates ofthe current position of the selected item appearin the Control palette.There are three ways to position an object:• Click a reference point on the diagram, then typethe coordinates of the location where you want toplace the object in the X and Y boxes on theControl palette. Press Enter or click in anotherbox to apply the setting.• Click the object and drag it to a new location. Youcan drag guides from the rulers to help youposition the object precisely.• Click the object and use the arrow keys to nudge itinto place.CREO 43

<strong>Pandora</strong> – Learning <strong>Pandora</strong> 2.0Aligning Objects in Relation to Each OtherYou can use the Control palette to align objects, suchas copies of artwork, in relation to each other. Forexample, you can align multiple copies so the copiesshare an edge, or so their edges just touch.To select an object underneath another object:Press Command (Macintosh) or Control(Windows) and click the top object repeatedly.Each time you click, the focus moves to thenext object in the stack.To align objects in relation to one another:Click the first object to select it.On the Control palette, click a reference point onthe side where you want the two objects to touch(for example, the lower right corner).If you want to move the object, type new coordinatesin the X and Y boxes. Otherwise, simplynote the coordinates in the X and Y boxes.Click the second object to select it.On the Control palette, click the reference pointthat you want to touch the reference point on thefirst object (in the example, you would choose thelower left corner).In the X and Y boxes, type the coordinates younoted from the first object, or increase the numbersslightly to allow a small amount of spacebetween the two objects.Press the Enter key.44 CREO

Chapter 6 – Object AdjustmentsChanging the Size of an ObjectYou change the size of an object by typing desireddimensions or by scaling it (artwork and marks only;dies cannot be scaled).To change the size of an object:If the Control palette is not currently displayed,from the Window menu, select Show ControlPalette.Click the object to select it.In the Control palette, type the width and heightyou want to apply to the object in the W and Hboxes. Or after the current width or height figure,type the amount you want to add or subtract fromthat dimension (for example, after 13.44" in the Wbox, you can type +1 to increase the width by oneinch, or -1 to decrease the width by one inch.)Note: Be sure to place the cursor after the figurein the Control palette before you type the amountto add or subtract; if the figure in the Controlpalette is highlighted and you type +1, +1 replacesthe figure instead of adding to it.Press the Enter key.Notice that the size change you apply is also reflected inthe changed scaling percentages in the Control palette.CREO 45

Chapter 6 – Object AdjustmentsTo add or subtract from the dimensions of theselected objects, type in the W and/or H boxesthe amount you want to add or subtract. Forexample, to add half an inch to the width of theselected objects, type .5 or 1/2. To subtract halfan inch, type -.5 or -1/2.To scale the selected objects, in the horizontaland vertical % boxes, type the percentages towhich you want the objects scaled.Press the Enter key.Rotating ObjectsYou use the Control palette to rotate artwork,marks, and dies (you can rotate an entire die, but notindividual die stations).To rotate one or more objects:If the Control palette is not currently displayed,from the Window menu, select Show ControlPalette.In the JIV, select the object(s) you want to rotate.On the reference point diagram, click the pointaround which you want to rotate the object(s).If you want it to remain in the space it currentlyoccupies, click the center point.In the Edit selection orientation box, type theamount you want to rotate the object (you do notneed to type degrees).Press the Enter key.CREO 47

<strong>Pandora</strong> – Learning <strong>Pandora</strong> 2.0Locking an ObjectYou can lock one or more objects so that the position,size, rotation, and so on, cannot be changed. If youselect multiple objects and apply a change, thechange affects only those objects that are unlocked. Ifyou select a locked group and apply changes, thechanges are not accepted.To lock an object:Click the object.On the Control palette, click the open Lock.The lock closes and the object is locked.To unlock an object:Click the object.On the Control palette, click the closed Lock.The lock opens and the object is unlocked.Adding Crop Marks to a JobYou use the Control palette to add crop marks to diefiles and artwork.To add crop marks to a die file or artwork:If the Control palette is not currently displayed,from the Window menu, select Show ControlPalette.Click the arrow in the lower right corner of theControl palette to display the lower part of thepalette.In the JIV, select the die file or the artwork file(s)to which you want to add crop marks.Select the Add crop marks check box.Crop marks are added to the corners of the selecteddie file or artwork file(s).Note: <strong>Pandora</strong> automatically adds crop marks onlyto the corners of the artwork file(s) that will notoverprint adjacent artwork.48 CREO

<strong>Pandora</strong> – Learning <strong>Pandora</strong> 2.0Resolving Overlapping BleedsYou use the Overlap Tool on the Tool palette toresolve bleed overlaps.There are two methods for handling overlappingbleeds:• Set one overlap to take precedence over the other• Split the overlap region between two artworksTo set one overlap to take precedence over theother:On the Tool palette, select the Overlap Tool.In the JIV, click the overlap region, then clickthe artwork that contains the bleed you want totake precedence.To split the overlap region between two artworks:On the Tool palette, select the Overlap Tool.In the JIV, double-click the overlap region.To resolve three (or more) simultaneous overlaps:On the Tool palette, select the Overlap Tool.In the JIV, click the first overlap you want toresolve, then click the artwork that you want ontop in the selected overlap region.Click the next overlap you want to resolve, thenclick the artwork that you want on top in theselected overlap region.Repeat the above steps until all overlaps areresolved.Note: The image is screened back to highlight the overlap areas.Note: For any unresolved bleed overlaps, <strong>Pandora</strong>honors the bleed path of whichever artwork is on top.The placement of the artwork can be modified usingthe Bring to Front and Send to Back functions underObject>Arrange.50 CREO

Chapter 6 – Object AdjustmentsReverting and Undoing Overlap ResolutionsThere are two methods of undoing bleed overlapresolutions.• Revert, which returns all selected bleeds to theiroriginal state, with any overlaps that existedinitially.• Undo, which cancels the most recent bleed overlapresolution. You can undo any number of bleedoverlap resolutions.To revert to the original bleed overlap state:Select the artwork that you want to revert. Toselect multiple artwork, hold down the Shift key asyou click each artwork.From the Object menu, select Revert Bleedpath.To sequentially undo an overlap resolution:From the Edit menu, select Undo Modify Bleed.Repeat the above step to undo other resolutions asappropriate, one at a time, in reverse order.Adjusting Bleed Margins and Bleed PathsYou use the Control palette to adjust rectangularbleed margins. Bleed paths are adjusted using theBleed Tool.Adjusting Rectangular Bleed MarginsRectangular bleed margins can be adjusted using theControl palette or the Object>Resolve RectangularBleeds menu. Bleed edges are relative to the originalorientation of the artwork, so if the artwork is rotated,the side that was the top before rotation is still the topin the Control palette.Note: The Bleed margin boxes in the Control paletteare available only if the bleed is rectangular.Non-rectangular bleed margins cannot be adjustedusing the Control palette and must be adjusted usingthe Bleed Tool.Note: Typing a value of 0 sets the bleed margin to thesize of the trim box. A negative number is used tocrop out extra image.CREO 51

<strong>Pandora</strong> – Learning <strong>Pandora</strong> 2.0To adjust rectangular bleed margins using theControl palette:If the Control palette is not currently displayed,from the Window menu, select Show ControlPalette.Click the artwork to select it.In the Control palette, click the disclosure arrowin the lower right corner to expand the Controlpalette to display bleed margin settings.You can adjust the bleed margins for each edgeindividually. Under Bleed margins, in the box fora particular edge, type the size of the bleed marginyou want to apply to that edge.To apply the adjustment, press the Tab key or theEnter key.To adjust rectangular bleed margins using the Objectmenu:From the Object menu, select Resolve RectangularBleeds.Note: You can hide the bleed trim lines by selectingHide Bleed Trim Lines in the View menu.Editing Bleed Paths Using the Bleed ToolYou can adjust bleed paths to any shape by addingpoints to the bleed path and dragging them to thedesired location. You can also delete points from thebleed path.To adjust a bleed path using the Bleed Tool:On the Tool palette, select the Bleed Tool.Select a point by clicking on it with the bleed tool.Drag the point to a new location.After dragging a point to the approximate location,type coordinates in the X and/or Y box of theControl palette to adjust the position precisely.Press the Tab key after typing a coordinate toapply it.To add a point to the bleed path:Select the Bleed Tool on the Tool palette.Hold down the Option key (Mac) or the Alt key(Windows) and click the bleed path where youwant to add a point.Drag the point to the desired location.52 CREO

Chapter 6 – Object AdjustmentsTo delete a point from the bleed path:Select the Bleed Tool on the Tool palette.Hold down the Option key (Mac) or the Alt key(Windows) and click the point on the bleed paththat you want to delete.Additional methods of adjusting a point:• Select the point you want to delete, then press theDelete key• Press the Arrow keys to move a point. The amountthe point is moved is determined by what isspecified in the Preferences dialog box in theNudge distance box.• Snap points to guidesTo move a section of the path:Click on the section you want to move to select it.Or:• Hold down the Option key (Mac) or Alt key(Windows) and drag a marquee over part of thesection to select it.Drag the selected section to a new location.To move the section at only 45º or 90º angles, holddown the Shift key as you drag it.To copy a bleed path from one artwork to another:Select the Bleed Tool on the Tool palette.Click the artwork file that has the bleed path youwant to copy.From the Edit menu, select Copy.Select the target artwork in the JIV, or if you wantto apply the bleed path to all instances of theartwork, select the target artwork in the JOV.From the Edit menu, select Paste.To view the results of the bleed path adjustment:Click the Apply Bleed Path button on theMenu bar.CREO 53

<strong>Pandora</strong> – Learning <strong>Pandora</strong> 2.0ZOOMING IN THE JOB IMPOSITION VIEWYou may want to zoom in the JIV to examine orresize a bleed or to make other changes.There are three ways to zoom in the Job ImpositionView:• From the View menu, select Zoom In, ZoomOut, or Zoom To (and select a percentage).• On Macintosh, press Command + + (plus) orCommand + - (minus). On Windows, pressControl + + (plus) or Control + - (minus).• Use the Zoom Tool from the Tools palette.If the Tools palette is not currently displayed, fromthe Window menu, select Show Tools.From the Tools palette, click the Zoom Tool.In the JIV, click the object you want to zoom. Tozoom out, press and hold Option (Macintosh) orAlt (Windows) when you click.Release the mouse button.To pan around an enlarged image so that you can seeareas not currently displayed, click the Hand Tool.Click the image and move the view around asnecessary.Note: To view the high-resolution image while zoomedin, press the Command + Enter keys (Macintosh), orthe Control + Enter keys (Windows).54 CREO

Chapter 7STEP AND REPEATStep and RepeatOverviewStep and Repeat One Item in the JIVStep and Repeat Multiple Items in the JIVStep and Repeat Artworkfrom the JOVNestingExercise: Label Job

<strong>Pandora</strong> – Learning <strong>Pandora</strong> 2.0STEP AND REPEATOverview“Step and repeat” is a technique used toduplicate objects (artwork, marks, andgroups of artwork and marks) multiple times. Yougenerally use Step and Repeat for jobs where artworkis not being automatically aligned to a die (e.g., somelabel jobs). Dies and locked imposition objectscannot be stepped and repeated.You can use the step-and-repeat function in three ways:• Step and repeat artwork or marks with one itemselected in the JIV• Step and repeat artwork or marks with multipleitems or a group selected in the JIV• Step and repeat one piece of artwork or one markfrom the JOV. This method saves time by combiningsteps.You can step and repeat artwork without the use of adie by specifying the horizontal and vertical offsets.When you set offsets, you measure from a particularpoint on one copy of the artwork to the same point onthe next copy of the artwork (such as from center tocenter), using a number that includes that distanceplus the width of the space you want between the twopieces of art.56 CREO

Chapter 7 – Step and Repeat-+-+Step and Repeat One Item in the JIVTo step and repeat one piece of artwork:From the File menu, select Import/Artwork.In the Import Artwork dialog box, browse to thelocation of the artwork.Select the artwork, then click Import.On the Content tab of the JOV, select the artwork,then drag it into the JIV. The artwork has handlesto indicate that it is selected.Accurately place this item in its first position.From the Object menu, select Step & Repeat.In the Step & Repeat dialog box under Original,the size and position of the bounding box of theoriginal are shown and the name of the itemappears in the File list.Note: To change the position of the original, underPosition, type new coordinates in the X and Yboxes.Under Repeat in the Horiz and Vert boxes, typethe desired number of horizontal and verticalrepetitions.Under Offset in the Horiz and Vert boxes, typethe horizontal and vertical distance you want fromone point on the first item to the same point on thenext item. The distance includes the width orheight of the trim box for the item being repeated,plus the space to allow between repetitions.Positive numbers move the placement up andright. Negative numbers move the placementdown and left (see the adjacent diagram).If you expect to use this particular step and repeatoperation again in this job, you can save thenumber of repeats and the position settings as yourjob defaults by clicking Save as Default. If thecurrent default settings are more appropriate, skipthis step.Click OK.CREO 57

<strong>Pandora</strong> – Learning <strong>Pandora</strong> 2.0Step and Repeat Multiple Items in the JIVYou can step and repeat multiple pieces of artworkand/or multiple marks at the same time.To step and repeat multiple items:Using the Control palette, position each objectyou plan to step and repeat in relation to the otherobjects.Press the Shift key and click each item in the JIVthat you want to step and repeat.From the Object menu, select Step & Repeat.In the Step & Repeat dialog box, the items to bestepped and repeated are identified in the File listas Multiple Selection.Note: To change the position of the originals,under Position, type the coordinates of thelocation where you want to position the originalcopy of the items to be stepped and repeated.Under Repeat in the Horiz and Vert boxes, typethe desired number of horizontal and verticalrepetitions of the selected items.Under Offset in the Horiz and Vert boxes, typethe horizontal and vertical distance you wantbetween each repetition. The distance includes thewidth or height of the item being repeated, plusthe space to allow between repetitions. Positivenumbers move the placement up and right.Negative numbers move the placement down andleft (see the adjacent diagram).If you expect to use this particular step and repeatoperation most of the time, you can save thenumber of repetitions and the position settings asyour job defaults by clicking Save as Default. Ifthe current default settings are more appropriate,skip this step.Click OK.-+-+58 CREO

Chapter 7 – Step and RepeatStep and Repeat Artwork from the JOVYou can save time by stepping and repeating artworkat the same time that you add it to the JIV.-+-+To step and repeat artwork and add it to the JIV atthe same time:From the File menu, select Import/Artwork.In the Import Artwork dialog box, browse to thelocation of the artwork.Select the artwork, then click Import.From the Object menu, select Step & Repeat.In the Step & Repeat dialog box, select theartwork you want to step and repeat from the Filelist.Note: This option is available only if the jobcontains more that one artwork file in the JOV.In the X and Y boxes under Position, type thecoordinates where you want to locate the originalof the artwork; step and repeat automatically usesthe bottom left corner of the selected object as thereference point.Under Repeat in the Horiz and Vert boxes, typethe desired number of horizontal and verticalrepetitions.Under Offset in the Horiz and Vert boxes, typethe horizontal and vertical distance you wantbetween each repetition. The distance includes thewidth or height of the item being repeated, plusthe space to allow between repetitions. Positivenumbers move the placement up and right.Negative numbers move the placement down andleft (see the adjacent diagram).If you expect to use this particular step and repeatoperation again in this job, you can save thenumber of repetitions and the position settings asyour job defaults by clicking Save as Default. Ifthe current default settings are more appropriate,skip this step.Click OK.CREO 59

<strong>Pandora</strong> – Learning <strong>Pandora</strong> 2.0NestingYou can overlap step-and-repeat artwork to nestimages. For an artwork file to be able to be nested,the program you use to create the artwork file mustsupport transparent backgrounds.To nest stepped and repeated items, follow the sameprocedure as “Step and Repeat Multiple Items in theJIV,” but use the Control palette to apply rotationand offset settings as necessary to position therepetitions in a nested arrangement.In the adjacent illustration, a single artwork file isduplicated, rotated, then moved into position to nestwith the first artwork file. Both artwork files are thenselected and stepped and repeated horizontally tocreate one row. The row is selected and stepped andrepeated vertically to fill the press sheet.60 CREO

Chapter 7 – Step and RepeatExercise: Label JobThe customer has supplied a PDF file as the artwork for a can label. The file needs to be repeated 28 times on thepress sheet. The artwork is imposed so that single cuts can be used where possible. Set up and build the <strong>Pandora</strong> jobfollowing the directions below.Create a new job:From the File menu, select New.In the ShopMap palette, create the following resources if needed:Press sheet: 28" x 40", Long GrainPlate: 30.312" x 40.5", MetalPress: SpeedmasterDrag the following resources from the ShopMap palette to the JIV:Press sheet: 28" x 40", longPlate: 30.312" x 40.5", MetalPress: SpeedmasterImport the following files to the Content tab of the JOV from the <strong>Pandora</strong> “Sample Files” folder:“Hungry Cat Label 1.pdf”“Hungry Cat Label 2.pdf”From the Object menu, select Step & Repeat.Select “Hungry Cat Label 1.pdf” from the File list and set the following:Repeat Horiz: 2Repeat Vert: 7Apply crop marks to allClick OK.From the Object menu, select Resolve Rectangular Bleeds.With all of the art selected, from the Object menu, select Group.On the Control palette select the lower right point on the reference point diagram and type:X: 19.875Y: .5Drag the artwork file “Hungry Cat Label 2.pdf” from the Content tab of the JOV to the press sheet in the JIV.On the Control palette, select the lower left point on the reference point diagram and type:X: 20.125Y: .5With “Hungry Cat Label 2.pdf” still selected, from the Object menu, select Step & Repeat.In the Step & Repeat dialog box, set the following:Repeat Horiz: 2Repeat Vert: 7Apply crop marks to allClick OK.Save the job as “ Hungry Cat Label.pnd.”CREO 61

<strong>Pandora</strong> – Learning <strong>Pandora</strong> 2.062 CREO

Chapter 8PRESS SHEET OPTIMIZATIONPress Sheet OptimizationOverviewOptimization SummarySetting Artwork ParametersSetting Press Sheet ParametersCreating Solutions and Making a Selection

<strong>Pandora</strong> – Learning <strong>Pandora</strong> 2.0PRESS SHEET OPTIMIZATIONOverview<strong>Pandora</strong> can determine the most efficientuse of press sheets for a job that includesone or more pieces of artwork. You select the presssheet sizes and grain directions that you want<strong>Pandora</strong> to consider, select a fill direction, andindicate whether you want the sheet set up to beguillotined. <strong>Pandora</strong> presents you with proposedsolutions, indicating how much of the press sheetarea would be used and how many sheets would beneeded for each solution. All you have to do is selectthe solution you prefer.Note: Press sheet optimization is available in the Proversion of <strong>Pandora</strong> only.Optimization SummaryThe main steps for press sheet optimization aresummarized below.• Import each artwork you want to include on anoptimized press sheet; if you want to applycustomized bleeds to an artwork, do so as usual,then capture the artwork.• Select each artwork one at a time and applyparameters.• Drag in each press sheet size that you want toconsider; select each press sheet one at a time andapply parameters.• Ask <strong>Pandora</strong> to generate proposed optimizedlayouts of the artwork for each press sheet size.Review each solution.• Select the solution you want and apply it to the job.64 CREO

Chapter 8 – Press Sheet OptimizationSetting Artwork ParametersTo begin optimization, you import each artwork youwant to print on the press sheet. Any artwork that youhave already imported into the job is listed automaticallyon the SmartLayout tab. After importing theartwork, you set parameters specific to each artwork.To set artwork parameters:Import the artwork.In the Job Order View (JOV), select theSmartLayout tab.Select an artwork.Select the check box beside the artwork to indicatethat you want to include it in the optimizationsolutions.Under Parameters, type in the MinimumAmount box the number of repetitions of theartwork that you want to print in this run.From the Grain Direction list, select the papergrain that the artwork requires (horizontal orvertical). If either grain is acceptable, keep thedefault setting of none.In the Step Angle box, type the rotations that areacceptable for nesting the artwork. For example,with the default setting of 90, the artwork can berotated 90º, 180º, or 270º. A setting of 0º means norotation.From the Priority list, select the priority of thisartwork as it relates to the other artwork printingon the press sheet. If you give two or moreartworks the same priority, <strong>Pandora</strong> orders themalphabetically. If all artworks in the optimizationhave equal priority, keep the default setting ofNormal.Under Bleeds, modify the size of the bleedmargins for each side of the artwork as appropriate.These settings are available only for art withrectangular bleeds. If the currently selected item isa placement of artwork to which you applied nonrectangularbleeds in the Job Imposition View(JIV), the Bleeds settings are omitted on theSmartLayout tab.CREO 65

<strong>Pandora</strong> – Learning <strong>Pandora</strong> 2.0Under Options, select the Guillotine Cut checkbox if you want the press sheet to be optimized insuch a way that it can be guillotined. This settingaffects how the art is laid out on the press sheet.In the Clearance box, type the amount of clearanceyou want between each repetition of artworkin the layout.Using Artwork with Non-Rectangular BleedsIf the artwork you want to optimize on the press sheetrequires nonrectangular bleeds, you set the custombleeds in the JIV, then capture the edited artwork foruse in the press sheet optimization.To use artwork with non-rectangular bleeds in anoptimization:Using the Selection Tool, select the artwork withmodified bleeds in the JIV.In the JOV, select the SmartLayout tab.On the SmartLayout tab, click Capture Selection.The art with the modified bleeds is thenlisted under Artwork as Placement #n: [artworkname].Setting Press Sheet ParametersYou begin preparing to determine which press sheetsizes can be used most efficiently by creating a list ofthe possible press sheets on the SmartLayout tab ofthe JOV. Any press sheets that you have alreadyadded to the job are listed automatically on theSmartLayout tab.To select a press sheet for consideration:If the press sheet sizes you want to consider arenot already in the ShopMap palette, add them.From the ShopMap palette, drag the press sheet tothe SmartLayout tab of the JOV.Select the press sheet.Select the check box beside the press sheet toindicate that you want to include it in the optimizationsolutions.66 CREO

Chapter 8 – Press Sheet OptimizationUnder Parameters, select one of the choices fromthe Fill Direction list (the fill direction is thedirection in which the layout grows — if youselect Vertical, horizontal rows of artwork areadded, building the layout vertically; if you selectHorizontal, vertical rows of artwork are added,building the layout horizontally).From the Start Corner list, select the location onthe press sheet from which you want filling tobegin. For example, if you select Lower Left, thefirst artwork is placed in the lower left corner ofthe press sheet, and the layout builds out fromthere.Under Margins, modify the margins of the presssheet as appropriate.Repeat the first four steps for each press sheet youwant to consider.Creating Solutions and Making a SelectionAfter importing all the artwork you want to includein the job, adding all the press sheets you want toconsider, and setting parameters for each artwork andpress sheet, you are ready to create solutions.To create optimization solutions:Verify that the check boxes of all the artwork andall the press sheets you want to include areselected on the SmartLayout tab. Uncheckeditems are not included in the solutions.Click Create Solution.<strong>Pandora</strong> generates the optimal solution for each presssheet size, based on your settings. As each solution isgenerated, it is added to the list on the SmartLayouttab.To select a solution:On the SmartLayout tab, select a solution to see athumbnail of the proposed layout for that presssheet size. Each artwork is outlined in a differentcolor in the thumbnail. Note the percentage of thepress sheet used by this solution.CREO 67

<strong>Pandora</strong> – Learning <strong>Pandora</strong> 2.0Scroll down to view information under UtilizationSummary, including the number of press sheetsrequired to print the minimum number of eachartwork item, the stock coverage, and the totalnumber of repetitions printed.Repeat the first and second step to view eachsolution.If you are not satisfied with any of the solutions,change settings as appropriate and select CreateSolution to generate a new set of solutions.When you have decided on a solution, select it andclick Apply.Any artwork, press sheets, marks, etc., already in theJIV are removed. Your selected solution is imposedand displayed in the JIV and the press sheet is addedto the job.68 CREO

Chapter 9 – MarksChapter 9MARKSMarksOverviewUsing the Provided MarksLabelsSmartMarksScenicSoft MarksAdding a Mark to a JobBinding a Mark to a Die StationApplying a Mark to Matching Die StationsDeleting a MarkCreating Custom MarksSpecifying Variable ColorSpecifying VariableContentSpecifying AutomaticPositioning and Step-and-Repeat FunctionalityFile NamingImporting User Marks intothe Marks PaletteCREO 69

<strong>Pandora</strong> – Learning <strong>Pandora</strong> 2.0MARKSOverviewYou add a mark to a job by dragging themark from the Marks palette to the desiredlocation in the JIV. <strong>Pandora</strong> comes with a wideselection of marks, available from the Marks palette.You can also import your own custom PDF marksinto the Marks palette; your marks must be PDFversion 1.3 or later.USING THE PROVIDED MARKS<strong>Pandora</strong> comes with a variety of marks. The providedmarks are divided into three sets in the Markspalette: Labels, SmartMarks, and ScenicSoft. Youkeep your own marks in the “User” marks folder.LabelsThe label marks contain placeholders for text. Youcan place label marks anywhere on a press sheet.<strong>Pandora</strong> replaces the placeholder with the variabletext from the job; the final text is not displayed in<strong>Pandora</strong>, but appears in the output. The text is in 12point Helvetica Bold. For most label marks, the markcolor is set to Registration.Note: “LBL_Color.pdf” and “LBL_Info_Box.pdf”are the only marks that use Color.1 – Color.12.(Refer to the table on page 74 for more information.)If you prefer to use a different font or color for textlabel marks, or to customize them in some other way,you can create your own label marks. (Refer to“Specifying Variable Content” on page 76 for moreinformation.)SmartMarksSmartMarks dynamically position and/or step andrepeat themselves according to press sheet size.These marks contain information that <strong>Pandora</strong> uses todefine their appearance. After you place a SmartMarkin the JIV, you can edit or move it like other marks.70 CREO

Chapter 9 – Marks<strong>Pandora</strong> has five types of SmartMarks: color bars,take-off bars, bearer bars, center marks, and sideguides. (Refer to “Specifying Automatic Positioningand Step and Repeat Functionality” on page 77 fordescriptions of the marks and creating customSmartMarks.)ScenicSoft MarksScenicSoft marks include calibration marks, cropmarks, knock-out marks, and registration marks. Youcan view a preview of each of these marks byclicking the mark in the Marks palette. SeeScenicSoft Marks in the <strong>Pandora</strong> User Guide fordetailed descriptions of these types of marks.Adding a Mark to a JobYou can add any mark in the Marks palette to a job.To add a mark to a job:If the Marks palette is not currently displayed,from the Window menu, select Show MarksPalette.In the Marks palette, click the disclosure buttonfor the folder that contains the mark, then click themark to select it.Drag the mark to the desired location in the JIV.After adding a mark to a job the first time, you canadd it again by dragging it into the JIV from theMarks palette or from the JOV. Information aboutthe selected mark is displayed under Attributes inthe JOV.CREO 71

<strong>Pandora</strong> – Learning <strong>Pandora</strong> 2.0Binding a Mark to a Die StationMarks can be bound to a die station. Once marks arebound to a die station, if the die station is moved orcopied and pasted, the marks automatically movewith the die station. The binding status of a mark isindicated by the Bound icon in the Control palette.To manually bind a mark to a die station:Unlock the mark if necessary (select the mark,then from the Object menu, select Unlock).Select the die station and the desired mark.From the Object menu, select Bind Mark to DieStation.To automatically bind a mark to a die station:Select a single die station in the JIV, then drag themark on top of the die station. The mark isautomatically bound to the die station.Note: Binding fails if more than one die station isselected. Use the Apply to All feature to bind themark to multiple die stations.Note: SmartMarks can not be bound to die stations.Applying a Mark to Matching Die StationsOnce a mark is bound to a die station, the mark canbe automatically copied to every die station with amatching shape. The mark is copied and appliedusing the same offset and orientation relative to theoriginal die station.Once a mark has been copied to all similar diestations, if the mark is moved in any of the diestations, all corresponding copies of the mark alsomove to the same position on the die station to whichthey are bound.Note: SmartMarks do not support the Apply to Allfeature.To apply one or more marks to matching die stations:Unlock the mark if necessary (select the mark,then from the Object menu, select Unlock).72 CREO

<strong>Pandora</strong> – Learning <strong>Pandora</strong> 2.0CREATING CUSTOM MARKSYou can create your own marks in a drawing programand copy or import them into the “User” marks folderor subfolders within the “User” marks folder. Youcan create both static marks that are always the same,and marks that <strong>Pandora</strong> processes dynamically. Youcan create marks that print using colors from the job,and you can set font, type size, and type style.When you create dynamic marks you can specify:variable color, variable content, automatic positioning,and step-and-repeat functionality. A mark canhave any combination of these attributes.Specifying Variable ColorSpecifying a variable color for a custom mark allowsyou to assign a color identifier, which <strong>Pandora</strong>processes dynamically, that identifies the colorColor Identifierplate(s) in the job on which this mark is to beprinted. The names of the color identifiers are Registrationcase sensitive and space sensitive; you musttype the name exactly as it appears in the ColorPrimaryIdentifier column from the adjacent table for<strong>Pandora</strong> to interpret your mark color selectioncorrectly.Marks cannot introduce colors into a job thatare not included in the job’s artwork. If a coloris specified for a mark that isn’t used, the objectdoes not appear in the output.In addition to using dynamic color identifiers,you can also specify that a mark is to print inCyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black, or a specificspot color name, such as a Pantone color. Thecolor names must have the exact spelling,capitalization, and spacing of the color name asit appears in the artwork.To specify a dynamic color in a custom mark:Create a custom mark in a drawing program.Using the adjacent table, create a spot colorand give it one of the listed color names.Indexed Color Names:Color.1, Color.2, etc.Spot ONLY Color Names:Indexed Color Names Spot.1,Spot.2, etc.Cyan, Magenta, Yellow,BlackExplicit Color Names, suchas PMS 300CVDefinitionEvery mark used in the <strong>Pandora</strong> job with the colorRegistration prints on every plate.The main color in a job. Use for marks that youwant to stand out and that appear on only one plate.The default setting for Primary is the process colorBlack; if Black is not in the job, <strong>Pandora</strong> uses thefirst color listed in the job in the Print dialog box.Each color (both spot and process) in a job’s colorlist is assigned a number. The number after the dotin the name of a mark color is the index number ofa color listed in the job. If the number after the dotis higher than the number of colors in the job, themark color becomes transparent and does not print.These colors are indexed just like the IndexedColor names. If a spot only color name is not foundin the artwork, the mark color becomes transparentand does not print.These colors are used explicitly. If colors with thesenames are not found in the artwork, the mark colorbecomes transparent and does not print.You can use all spot color names explicitly. If<strong>Pandora</strong> doesn’t find a color with this exact name inthe JOV, the mark color becomes transparent anddoes not print.74 CREO

Chapter 9 – MarksSave the mark as an EPS or PDF.Distill the EPS file in Acrobat Distiller (see theHow to Save PDF on the <strong>Pandora</strong> CD forinformation about the appropriate settings to use inDistiller).If necessary, open the file in Adobe Acrobat, usethe Crop tool to crop the mark, then save it.CREO 75

<strong>Pandora</strong> – Learning <strong>Pandora</strong> 2.0Specifying Variable ContentYou can specify variable content for text label marksthat take advantage of <strong>Pandora</strong>’s functionality.The items you can use to specify variablecontent are listed in the adjacent table. Youcan use only the choices in the list; youcannot create additional choices.You add static text to text labels by typingthe text outside of the angle brackets. Forexample, if you want the text label to be“Press: Heidelberg” you can type the textlabel as Press: when the job is toprint on a Heidelberg press.To specify variable content:Create a custom mark in a drawingprogram. Note: Page size = mark sizeUse the text tool in the drawing programto specify the variable content.Save the mark as an EPS.Distill the EPS file in Acrobat Distiller(see the How to Save PDF on the <strong>Pandora</strong>CD for information about the appropriatesettings to use in Distiller).Note: Subsetting must not be used whencreating a PDF for marks.Open the PDF in Adobe Acrobat.Acrobat 4• In Acrobat 4, from the File menu, selectDocument Info>General.• In the General Info dialog box, typethe keyword in the Keywords box.Acrobat 5• In Acrobat 5, from the File menu, selectDocument Properties>Summary.• In the Document Summary dialogbox, type the keyword in theKeywords box.If necessary, use the Crop tool to crop themark.Save the file in Acrobat.Variable Keyword DefinitionLabelLabelLabelLabelLabelLabelLabelLabelLabelLabelLabel ColornameThe contents of the Contact box onthe Job Information tabThe contents of the Phone box on theJob Information tabThe contents of the Customer boxon the Job Information tabThe date you print the job from<strong>Pandora</strong>, according to the computer’sclockThe name of the job fileThe contents of the Job ID box onthe Job Information tabThe contents of the Notes box on theJob Information tabThe contents of the Press box on theMaterials & Equipment tabThe selected device on the OutputSetup tabThe time you print the job from<strong>Pandora</strong>, according to the computer’sclockThe name of the color, where ncorresponds to a color in the job’sprint order (, ,etc.) Label DieStationNumber The number of the die station to whichthe mark is bound76 CREO

Chapter 9 – MarksMark Keyword DefinitionBearer BarBearerBarBearer bars extend along the entireheight of a press sheet. The bar isusually about 0.125" wide. Bearerbars are a single tone, and are placedon every plate in the job.Specifying Automatic Positioning and Step-and-Repeat FunctionalityKeywords are used to add automatic positioning and/or step-and-repeat functionality to custom marksrelative to the dimensions of the press sheet used inthe job.Center MarksColor BarLeft Side GuideRight Side GuideTake-Off BarsCenterColorBarSideGuideLSideGuideRTakeOffBarCenter marks are centered on all fouredges of a press sheet.Color bars are repeated across thewidth of a press sheet, stopping 0.125"from each edge. A color bar iscentered horizontally on the presssheet, but you can place it in anyposition vertically.Left side guides are centered on theleft edge of the press sheet.Right side guides are centered on theright edge of the press sheet.Take-off bars are repeated across thewidth of the press sheet, stopping0.125" from each edge. A take-off baris centered horizontally on the presssheet, but you can place it in anyposition vertically.To apply keywords to a custom mark:Create and save the mark as an EPS in a drawingprogram.In Acrobat Distiller, convert the mark file to PDF.See the How to Save PDF file (in PDF format) onyour <strong>Pandora</strong> CD for the correct settings to use inDistiller.Open the PDF in Adobe Acrobat.Acrobat 4• In Acrobat 4, from the File menu, select DocumentInfo>General.• In the General Info dialog box, type thekeyword in the Keywords box.Acrobat 5• In Acrobat 5, from the File menu, select DocumentProperties>Summary.• In the Document Summary dialog box, typethe keyword in the Keywords box.The keyword provides the functionality of a dynamicmark. Keywords are ColorBar, TakeOffBar,BearerBar, SideGuideR, SideGuideL, and Center.If necessary, use the Crop tool to crop the mark.Save the file in Acrobat.PrefixBBCALCBKOLBLREGSGLSGRTOBMark TypeBearer BarCalibrationColor BarKnockoutLabelRegistrationSide Guide LeftSide Guide RightTake Off BarFile NamingThe name of each mark provided with <strong>Pandora</strong>includes a prefix that identifies the type of mark.These prefixes are listed in the adjacent table. Youcan use these prefixes in the names of your custommarks to identify the type of mark and to sort themarks by type within the “User” folder.CREO 77

<strong>Pandora</strong> – Learning <strong>Pandora</strong> 2.0IMPORTING USER MARKS INTO THEMARKS PALETTE<strong>Pandora</strong> accepts PDF version 1.3 and 1.4 mark files.Within the “User” folder, you can create subfolders toorganize your marks, or you can keep them alltogether. You can add and delete marks from the“User” marks folder or you can use the Markspalette to add and delete marks.Note: User marks are the only marks that can bedeleted from the Marks palette.To create a subfolder for marks:Make sure <strong>Pandora</strong> is not running, and in theMacintosh Finder or Windows Explorer, add anew folder inside the “User” folder and give it aname.Copy any custom mark file into the new folder (forexample, into “<strong>Pandora</strong>:Marks:User:Flyer Marks”).To import a mark into the Marks palette:If the Marks palette is not displayed, from theWindow menu, select Show Marks Palette.In the Marks palette, click the Option arrow, thenselect Import.In the Import Mark dialog box, browse to thelocation of the mark file and click Import.The mark is imported into the “User” folder in theMarks palette.78 CREO

Chapter 10DIE MIRRORINGDie MirroringOverviewCreating a Mirrored DieCreating a Double-Sided JobUsing Die Mirroring

<strong>Pandora</strong> – Learning <strong>Pandora</strong> 2.0DIE MIRRORINGOverviewTo create layouts that print double sided,<strong>Pandora</strong> can use the same die file for boththe front and the back layouts. This is accomplishedby mirroring the CAD die file.• Die files can be mirrored vertically and/orhorizontally• Rotated die files retain the rotation status of theoriginal• Die files that are locked in the JIV retain theirlocked status• Marks are not mirrored• Bound marks lose their binding status when thedie is mirrored• Artwork is not repositioned when the die file ismirrored• Bleed paths must be created after mirroring isappliedCreating a Mirrored DieTo mirror a die:Select the die in either the JIV or from theContents tab of the JOV.In the JOV under Attributes, next to Mirror,select either the Vertical flip button or theHorizontal flip button.The button remains selected to reflect the appliedmirroring.To undo a mirrored die:De-select the button to return the die to itsoriginal state before mirroring was applied, orfrom the Edit menu, select Undo.Note: The reference points on the Control paletterepresent exactly what you see in the JIV regardlessof mirroring.80 CREO

Chapter 10 – Die MirroringCreating a Double-Sided Job Using Die Mirroring<strong>Pandora</strong> currently supports single-signature, singlesheet,and single-sided workflows. To create adouble-sided job in <strong>Pandora</strong>, save a copy of the jobunder a different name, open the copy, delete the artand mirror the die. Once the die is mirrored, youassign the artwork and marks accordingly.To create a double-sided job using die mirroring:Create a job with the die for the front side, andsave the job.Save the job again under a different name; forexample, add “Side 2” to the name of the originaljob.In the Side 2 version of the job, delete the artworkand appropriate marks.In the JOV on the Contents tab, select the die.Under Attributes, select the Mirror Vertically orthe Mirror Horizontally button.Assign artwork and marks accordingly.CREO 81

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Chapter 11DIE STATION NUMBERINGDie Station NumberingOverviewSetting a Numbering OrderBinding a Die Station NumberingMark to a Die StationApplying a Die Station NumberingMark to Matching Die StationsSetting the Appearance of the Die Number

<strong>Pandora</strong> – Learning <strong>Pandora</strong> 2.0DIE STATION NUMBERINGOverviewIt’s often required that die stations beidentified on output by a unique number,usually created by placing a number mark (die stationnumbering mark) in the non-printing area of theartwork, or an area that is hidden once the package isfolded. The die station marks are used in the finishingdepartment to identify specific packages. This isparticularly useful when the layout contains differentpackage designs. The die station numbers are alsoused to specify the order during which the packagesneed to be removed from the flat (after the die-cut) or“punched-out.”Die station numbering in <strong>Pandora</strong> is implemented inthree steps:• Set the numbering order: Setting the numberingorder can be done either before or after binding adie station numbering mark to a die station, andapplying the mark to matching stations. Setting thenumbering order can be done horizontally orvertically, in a snaking pattern or a zigzag pattern.• Bind a die station numbering mark to a diestation: You apply numbering to a die station bybinding a die station numbering mark to the diestation. The die station numbering mark is aunique mark and is located in the Marks palette inthe “Labels” folder.• Bind the die station numbering mark tomatching die stations (optional step): When youapply the die station numbering mark to allmatching die stations, the mark is copied andbound to all die stations similar in shape.84 CREO

Chapter 11 – Die Station NumberingSetting a Numbering OrderWhen setting a numbering order, you can set the pathof the numbering, the starting corner, the direction,and the starting number.The first die station to be numbered is determined bywhat is defined under Starting Point on the Contentstab in the JOV. Additional die stations arenumbered based on what is set for Number Orderand Direction.To set a numbering order:Select the die in the JIV or from the JOV on theContents tab.On the Contents tab under Attributes, forNumber order select either the Snaking button orthe Zigzag button.From the Starting point list, select the location tobe the first die station.From the Direction list, select the direction inwhich you want the Snaking or Zigzag pattern toprogress.In the Starting # box, type the starting numberyou want to use for die station numbering.Binding a Die Station Numbering Mark to a DieStationIn order to print the number of the die station onoutput, you bind a die station numbering mark to thedie station. Before binding a die station numberingmark to a die station, the on-screen preview of thenumbers are displayed in normal italic. When youbind the Die Station Number mark to a die station,the numbers in the on-screen preview are changed tobold non-italic. The Die Station Number mark isrepresented by a “#” symbol and is changed to theappropriate number on output.In the Marks palette in the “Labels” folder, there aretwo die station number marks.• “LBL_Die Station Number.pdf”: Used fornumbers that do not exceed 24 points• “LBL_Die Station Number XL.pdf”: Used fornumbers that print larger that 24 points but do notexceed 72 pointsCREO 85

<strong>Pandora</strong> – Learning <strong>Pandora</strong> 2.0Note: If you create a custom die station numbermark, the available point sizes are limited to the sizeof the mark’s trim box.In order to bind a mark to a die station, the markmust not be grouped or locked.In the Control palette, the Lock iconindicates the lock status of a mark andthe Bound icon indicates the binding status.To manually bind a die station numbering mark to adie station:In the Marks palette, from the “Labels” folder,select either the “LBL_Die Station Number.pdf”mark or the “LBL_Die Station Number XL.pdf”mark and drag it onto the die station.Hold down the Shift key and select the mark andthe die station.From the Object menu, select Bind Mark to DieStation.To automatically bind a die station numbering markto a die station:Select the die station in the JIV, then drag themark on top of the die station. The mark isautomatically bound to the die station.Applying a Die Station Numbering Mark toMatching Die StationsThe die station numbering mark can be automaticallycopied to every die station with a matching shape in adie. This procedure is useful when all or many of thestations in the die are alike. The die station numberingmark is copied and applied using the same offsetand orientation as it had in the originally selected diestation.Once a mark has been applied to all similar diestations, all instances of the mark are linked. If onemark is moved in any of the die stations, all correspondingcopies of the mark are also moved for eachmatching die station.86 CREO

Chapter 11 – Die Station NumberingNote: Bound marks lose their binding status when thedie is mirrored. Because of this, it is recommendedthat mirroring be applied before binding marks to adie station.To apply the die station numbering mark to matchingdie stations:In the Marks palette, from the “Labels” folder,select select either the “LBL_Die StationNumber.pdf” mark or the “LBL_Die StationNumber XL.pdf” mark and drag it onto the diestation.Hold down the Shift key and select the mark andthe die station.From the Object menu, select Bind Mark to DieStation.With either the mark or the die station selected,from the Object menu, select Apply to All.Setting the Appearance of the Die NumberThe Die Station Number marks print in HelveticaBold. You can select the font size and color. You canalso set the mark to overprint or knock out.To set the appearance of the die numbering mark:On the Content tab of the JOV, select either the“LBL_Die Station Number.pdf” mark or the“LBL_Die Station Number XL.pdf” mark.Under Attributes, from the Font size list select afont size for the mark.From the Color list, select a color for the mark.The Overprint check box is selected by default;de-select the check box if you want the mark toknock out instead of overprinting.Note: All changes made to these settings take effecton output.CREO 87

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Chapter 12PRINTINGPrintingOverviewSetting Up an Output DeviceSetting Color Separation OptionsViewing PPD SettingsPrinting a Job

<strong>Pandora</strong> – Learning <strong>Pandora</strong> 2.0PRINTINGOverviewYou can select a variety of settings to makefinal adjustments to your job beforeprinting. The available options are determined bywhether you are printing a die or final output, and bythe output device you select.The <strong>Pandora</strong> job must contain at least a press sheetand an artwork file before you can print. You canprint to any output device or press that can beconnected through AppleTalk.Setting Up an Output DeviceOn the Output Setup tab, you apply output devicesettings, distortion compensation, and setback.To set up the output device:In the JOV, select the Output Setup tab.From the Output device list, select the outputdevice you want to use.In the list below the Output device list, selectOutput Device Setup.Under Output Device Setup, click the disclosurebutton for Output Device Settings to display thelists in which you set media size, resolution, linescreens, inversion, emulsion, and dot shape. Theseoptions come from the PPD.To compensate for distortion, click the disclosurebutton for Distortion Compensation then enterthe desired percentages.Click the disclosure button next to Setback tochange the setback for Press sheet to the film,Plate to the film, or Press sheet to the plate.Note: The setback amount is determined by theselected output device. However, this option allowsyou to override it on a per-job basis.90 CREO

Chapter 12 – PrintingSetting Color Separation OptionsYou set color separation options on the OutputSetup tab of the JOV. The settings are summarizedin the Output Setup list in the Print Job dialog box.To set color separation options:In the JOV, select the Output Setup tab.From the Output device list, select the outputdevice you want to use.From the list below the Output Device list, selectColor Separations.Under Color Separations, click the disclosurebutton next to a color to display the settings for thecolor.If you want to print the color with another color,from the Print as list, select the color plate onwhich you want to print this color.In the Print as list, specify the color build for theselected color as necessary.From the Overlap list, select Default, Knockout,or Overprint.• Default preserves the file settings• Knockout overrides the file settings• Overprint overrides the file settingsIn the Line screen (lpi) box, change the lines perinch setting if necessary.In the Angle (deg) box, change the screen anglesetting if necessary.Repeat the above steps for each color in the job.Viewing PPD SettingsYou can view the current PPD settings under PPDOptions in the JOV. To change the settings, you needto duplicate the output device profile that containsthem.To view PPD settings:In the JOV, select the Output Setup tab.From the list below the Output Device list, selectPPD Options.From the list below PPD Options, select thefeature set you want to view. The feature sets varywith the PPD.CREO 91

<strong>Pandora</strong> – Learning <strong>Pandora</strong> 2.0Printing a JobAfter setting up the Output Device, you can print thejob.In the JOV, select the Output Setup tab.From the Output Device list, select the device towhich you want to print, or select File (Generic)if you want to print to file.From the File menu, select Print.In the Print Job dialog box under Composition,from the Destination list, select the destination towhich you want to print the job.• CIP3 PPF: Selecting this option prints the jobto a PPF file that contains instructions forcutters that accept CIP3 cutting data.• CIP4 JDF: Selecting this option prints the jobto a JDF file that includes embedded artworkand marks, imposition/layout instructions, andbasic color settings (line screen, angle, andoverlap are not included).• Output Device: Selecting this option sends thejob to the output device selected on the OutputSetup tab. The job is transmitted to the deviceusing AppleTalk.Note: This option is available only if the jobcontains an output device.• PCF - Creo Brisque: Selecting this optionprints the job to a packaging control file that isproprietary to the Brisque.Note: This option is available only if you areusing a Brisque password.• PDF File: Selecting this option prints the job toa PDF file.• PJTF - Creo Prinergy: Selecting this optionprints the job to a portable job ticket format thatincludes special tags that are specific to theCreo Prinergy workflows.• PJTF Job Ticket: Selecting this option printsthe job to standard Adobe Portable Job TicketFormat.• PostScript File: Selecting this option prints thejob to a PostScript file.Note: This option is available only if the jobcontains an output device.92 CREO

Chapter 12 – PrintingFrom the Color Format list, select either ToSeparate In-RIP or To Composite.If you are printing separations, in the Platessection de-select the check boxes for the platesyou do not want to print.Type the desired number of copies in the Copiesbox.If you want to take advantage of forms caching,select the Forms Caching, Enabled check box.If you want to include the CAD die file in theoutput, select the Die Outline, Embed check box.Note: This feature is only available for selection ifthere is a CAD die file in the job. The CAD die fileis placed on top of the output as a spot color.Click Print.Forms CachingFor jobs using step and repeat, forms caching createssmaller files that process faster.Without forms caching, if you reuse or step andrepeat an image 10 times, <strong>Pandora</strong> sends the image10 times. With forms caching, <strong>Pandora</strong> sends theimage once and refers to it 10 times, reducing theprocessing time and the size of the file.CREO 93

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Chapter 13REVIEW EXERCISECombo Job

<strong>Pandora</strong> – Learning <strong>Pandora</strong> 2.0Combo JobThe following job uses a combination of elements. One element to be used is a CAD file describing a four-station die. Asecond element is a PDF art file stepped 42 times on the press sheet. Along with these you add several marks. Set up andbuild the <strong>Pandora</strong> job following the directions below.Create a new job:From the File menu, select New.In the Shopmap palette, create the following resources if needed:Press sheet: 28" x 40", Long GrainPlate: 32" x 44", MetalPress: Large PressSetback: 1.5"Gripper: .5Plate Bend: 2Drag the following resources from the ShopMap palette to the JIV:Press sheet: 28" x 40", longPlate: 32" x 44", MetalPress: Large PressImport the following files from several different folders from within the <strong>Pandora</strong> “Sample Files” folder:“Hungry Cat Carton 1.pdf”“Hungry Cat Carton.CF2”“Neck Label.pdf”Drag the die file “Hungry Cat Carton.CF2” from the Content tab of the JOV to the press sheet in the JIV.Using the Control palette, type the following:Selection Rotation: 90On the Control palette, select the top left point on the reference point diagram and type:X: .75Y: .75With the die selected in the JOV, drag the artwork file “Hungry Cat Carton 1.pdf” from the Content tab of the JOV tothe press sheet in the JIV.De-select the die in the JIV and drag the artwork file “Neck Label.pdf” from the Content tab of the JOV to the presssheet in the JIV.Using guides and the Bleed Tool, create a .125" bleed conforming to the shape of the die keyline.With the Neck Label selected, using the Control palette, type:Selection Rotation: 270To correctly position the image, in the Control palette, select the bottom left point on the reference point diagram andtype:X: 20.5Y: 3.85Copy and paste the first image.With the second copy of the artwork still selected, using the Control palette type:Selection Rotation: 90Using guides, position the second copy of the label above the first, aligning the top and bottom dielines so that the edgesof the labels are touching.96 CREO

Chapter 13 – Review ExerciseTo step and repeat the artwork for a total of 42, with both pieces of artwork selected, from the Object menu, selectStep and Repeat.Under Repeat, type the following:Horiz: 7Vert: 6Under Offset, type the following:Horiz: 2.5625Vert: 4.125Add the following marks centered in the plate bend along the lead edge:“LBL_Color.pdf”“LBL_Date.pdf”“LBL_Press.pdf”Add the following mark on one major flap of each station of the Hungry Cat Carton art:“CAL_2-tone_6-color_Stack.pdf”Add the following mark anywhere on the press sheet:“CTR_Center_Cross.pdf”Save the job as “ Combo.pnd.”CREO 97

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