Basic Grant Budget Narrative - Portland Community College

Basic Grant Budget Narrative - Portland Community College

Basic Grant Budget Narrative - Portland Community College


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materials such as handouts, papers, and recommendationson reading materials. Works closely with all staff to createa useful web presence. Gathers materials from otherregions and states, which enhances our regional work withPOS and leadership activities especially around the RAC.She has a MAT and understands teaching and learning.Will work closely with NonTrad contract person to buildsurveys and materials for program improvement andenhancement.$101,772.002210 PAVTEC Support person salary 0.20FTE $5,703(112x) + benefits $3,071 (2xx)= $8,774To support, administer, and report on Reserve grant in aidwith the Regional Coordinator and for the guiding body,PLLOT for Region 2A Reserve grant.2240 Regional Coordinator salary 0.80FTE $52,195 (11X)+ Benefits $28,105 (2xx) = $80,300Develops regional strategy for sustainable work in CTEaround Programs of Study. Either delivers or coordinatesall professional development. 2012-2013 will be spent indeveloping teacher teams for Common Core StateStandards work, NonTrad recruitment activities,developing regional student support services, andfacilitating the development of Regional AdvisoryCommittees. Total $100,776Scientifically Based Research 262X. Regional ordistrict strategy for CTE Program of Studydevelopment and implementation. Reference thefollowing in your narrative; • Program of Study (POS)• Core Element Area • Object Code • Describe theexpense item in detail (purpose, calculation made toreach your item total). Primary Regional or DistrictStaffing / Personnel will be presented in subsequentsections, PLEASE DO NOT include them within thissection Scientifically Based Research 262X.place holderPerkins Regional Reserve Fundgrant allocationfor 2012-2013 CIP <strong>Budget</strong><strong>Narrative</strong>Your approvedIndirect Ratefor 2012-2013 CIP <strong>Budget</strong><strong>Narrative</strong> [0.00 %]FunctionCurriculum -Standards &Content FunctionCode 2210$1.00$1.00<strong>Budget</strong> <strong>Narrative</strong>Lines TotalAmount$176,354.00 $0.00 $176,354.00 $0.00DollarsRemainingPage 4 of 4

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