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Proceedings of National Seminar on Postmodern Literary Theory and Literature , Jan. 27-28, 2012, Nandedunable to follow a chronological pattern toimpose order on his writing. Still, at least,writing becomes an activity. By means ofthis, he can find the reasons for his failure.From what he writes we can learn, like him,how colonial experiences have affected andshaped his life and personality. As what hesays cannot be reduced to what is being saidexplicitly. Like thought itself and behaviour,it bears the weight of the other. The other ofthis, we are all unaware or which we halfrefuse. [Lemaire 1977 : 40] As he is born todisorder, Singh longs for a sense of controlover his life. Therefore, he turns to writingwhich becomes a “means of releasing” fromthe “‘barren cycle of events.” [White 1975 :180] As Kelly has pointed out, “It isthrough the expression and presentation ofthe events that he can reduce the pain ofbeing a displaced colonial man: the act ofwriting his memoirs provides him the finalsolution to his sense of dislocation, forthrough writing he is at last able to takecontrol of the fragments of his past andshape them into a spiritual andpsychological autobiography.”[1989 : 90]References:Hensen, Michael. “Guest Editor’sIntroduction to V.S. Naipaul and hisWorks : A Borderline Case?” TheAtlantic Literary Review, Vol. 3.No.1, Jan.-Mar. 2002. v-viii.Cudjoe, Selwyn R. V. S. Naipaul : AMaterialist Reading. Amherst : TheUniversity of Massachusetts Press,1988.Dhawan, R. K. Indian Writing In NewMillennium. New Delhi : IndianAssociation for English, 2000.Fanon, Frantz. The Wretched of theEarth. New York : GroveWeidenfeld, 1963.Kelly, Richard. V. S. Naipaul.NY: Continuum, 1989.King, Bruce. Modern Novelists: V. S.Naipaul. Hong Kong : Macmilllan,1993.Lemaire, Anika. Jacques Lacan. Trans.David Macey. London: Routledge,1977.Naipaul, V. S. The Mimic Men. London :Penguin Books Limited, 1967. [Allthe parenthetical references hereafterare taken from the same publication.]Rai, Sudha. V. S. Naipaul: A Study InExpatriate Sensibility. AtlanticHighlands, N.J. : Humanities Press,1982.Simpson, Louis. Disorder and Escapein the Fiction of V. S. Naipaul.Hudson Review, 1984. 37 : 4.Thieme, John. The Web of Tradition:Usesof Allusion in Naipaul’s Fiction.Hertford : Hansib, 1987.White, Landeg. V. S. Naipaul : ACritical Introduction. London :Macmillan, 1975.473 PLTL-2012: ISBN 978-81-920120-0-1

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