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Proceedings of National Seminar on Postmodern Literary Theory and Literature , Jan. 27-28, 2012, Nandedhuman society. It is failing of respectingminority culture can create ethnic violenceand confrontation. It aims at minimizingcultural differences. The west have acceptedthe policy of promoting tolerance andrespect for minority culture. Canada, whichis one of the multicultural nation, hasaccepted multiculturalism as an officialpolicy and accept its diversity andmultiplicity. It widens the horizons of ourlife and its vision. By acceptingmulticulturalism, one can overcome theproblems of social conflicts, discrimination,racism, caste, gender etc. It also controlsgender related tolerance. It challenges thehegemony of single dominant culture.Rajeev Bhargava (2002:100) states:<strong>Multiculturalism</strong> brings togethera number of distinct themes suchas identity, recognition, culturalbelonging, which all respond tocommon human needs but areunderstood and dealt withvariously in different society.Western countries haveacknowledged the necessity of being multireligiousand multi-ethnic. It puts all groupsunder single umbrella with different colorsof language, religion, race, nationality andcommon cultural markers.<strong>Multiculturalism</strong> also avoidsreligious conflicts. It does not allow anyreligious friction in society. Besides, it helpseach religion’s religiosity intact. It removessocial marginalization, dispossession andexclusion of minority culture.<strong>Multiculturalism</strong> society is a developedsociety. It is a learning society. The variousculture and groups learn new thing throughhealthy interaction. The principle of equalopportunity supports both majority andminority. Socio-cultural harmony is themain aim of multiculturalism society.<strong>Multiculturalism</strong> allows to give certainprivileges i.e. the Sikhs in Canada andEngland are exempted from wearinghelmets. Even in India the constitutionensures religious practices of communitiesand grant privileges to the minority groups.Protecting diversity leads towards culturalhybridity. It brings variety in human life. Ittries to empower the weaker section ofsociety. Indian constitution has played avital role in promoting the value ofmulticulturalism, which brings the people ofdiverse religions, cultures and backgroundtogether.The social aspects ofmulticulturalism depicted in the IndianEnglish fiction. The social structure of Indiais built with inequalities. If we see largely,then the social stratification exists almost inall societies. It is depicted by writers. TheIndian constitution provides an institutionalstructure and principle that allow diversepeople to live as citizens of India. Itrecommends the idea of secularism,religious freedom, non-discrimination andequality. The constitution promotes the basicprinciples of multiculturalism, as India inthe world most complex and pluralisticsociety, it has vast variety of caste, tribes,communities, religions, languages, customsand lifestyles. We can say that Indianconstitution and multiculturalism goes handin hand. As a social ideologymulticulturalism upholds the values of socialequality, non-discrimination and upholds theprinciple of inclusiveness andaccommodation. It denies the dominance ofone culture over the other and protects theidea of equality and opportunity and rightsto minority and weak culture. To clarify theaspects, the present paper briefly focuses theidea of multiculturalism depicted in MulkRaj Anand’s Untouchable and ArundhatiRoy’s God of Small Things i.e. Mulk RajAnand’s novel Untouchable does not reflectthe idea of multiculturalism. It reflects therigidity of Indian caste system, whichdivides people on the basis of colour,occupation and the wrong notions of purityand pollution. Mulk Raj Anand sufficientlybuilds up the atmosphere of inequality andexploitation in his works. Through his work,he has suggested that multiculturalismpromotes the co-existence of diversecommunities and culture and recognizescultural diversity as inescapable reality inevery human society. Anand wants to show463 PLTL-2012: ISBN 978-81-920120-0-1

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