General Manager Position Announcement Job Description - General ...

General Manager Position Announcement Job Description - General ...

General Manager Position Announcement Job Description - General ...


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<strong>General</strong> <strong>Manager</strong> <strong>Position</strong> <strong>Announcement</strong>The Upper Niobrara White Natural Resources District in Chadron, Nebraska is accepting applications for theposition of <strong>General</strong> <strong>Manager</strong>. Responsibilities include: supervising district staff, developing the budget, longrange planning, and overseeing all projects and programs. Candidate will work with an eleven member boardof directors and have flexibility in bringing new programs and projects forward. Ability to use good judgmentand discretion when dealing with board, staff and public required. Bachelor’s degree in Natural ResourceManagement, Public Administration, Agriculture or a related field preferred. Experience will be considered.Salary will be commensurate with experience. Cover letter and resume must be received by 5:00 p.m. April10, 2013. Mail to: James Lees, 106 Haynes Rd., Whitney, NE 69367. Contact James Lees at 308-667-2754.Additional information is available at www.unwnrd.org.<strong>Job</strong> <strong>Description</strong> - <strong>General</strong> <strong>Manager</strong>, Upper Niobrara White Natural Resources DistrictNebraska’s Natural Resources Districts (NRDs) are unique local government entities similar to Soil and WaterConservation Districts. Comparatively, NRDs have broader natural resources responsibilities within multiplecounties and the boundaries are aligned by watersheds. NRDs have the authority to levy taxes and aregoverned by a locally elected Board of Directors. The Upper Niobrara White NRD is based in Chadron,Nebraska. It encompasses four counties in northwest Nebraska (Box Butte, Dawes, Sheridan and Northern80% of Sioux) and approximately 4.5 million acres. The District is dominated by grassland, cropland andwoodland ecosystems; more specifically, the Pine Ridge area, Sand Hills, short and mixed grass prairie, dry andirrigated cropland intermixed.The current fiscal year budget is 1.7 million dollars with a staff of ten. The District provides cost share tolandowners through multiple state and local funding sources. The <strong>General</strong> <strong>Manager</strong> is responsible for thepreparing annual budgets, as well as supervising and organizing the duties of all district staff. UNWNRD hasapproximately 1,900 irrigation wells and roughly 254,000 irrigated acres. In this position, ground watermanagement experience is beneficial as portions of the District are under ground water allocation and there isa district-wide moratorium on new irrigation wells. Collaboration with constituents and government entitieson natural resources management, including development of project concepts, policies, and regulations isnecessary.Education Preference: Bachelors Degree in Natural Resources Management, Public Administration,Agriculture or a closely related field preferred.Characteristics and Abilities:Commitment to leadership and the conservation of natural resourcesAbility to interpret intent and direction of developing policies and react positively to changeCoordination of complex projects/programs from concept through operation and maintenancePreparation of budgets and carry out long range planningAbility to define problems, collect data, establish facts and draw valid conclusionsDiscretion and good judgment when dealing with public, staff and Directors

Effective communication with public, staff and Board of Directors a mustManagement experience is required.Salary will be commensurate with experience, with excellent benefits package included.

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