2013 May Rule changes part 1 - Australian Power Boat Association

2013 May Rule changes part 1 - Australian Power Boat Association

2013 May Rule changes part 1 - Australian Power Boat Association


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• A sufficient distance (as determined by the Club conducting the event) ismaintained from any fuel or boat or other flammable equipment/substances;• The area is clearly identifiable to all persons in the pit area so that flammablesubstances and equipment can be kept well clear of the area (eg. use ofbunting)• There will be no smoking in this cordoned off area.1803.9 PIT CREW is defined as any person;Working on or handling a boat at any time;Assisting the driver while in the boat;Participating in any way, in relation to moving the boat to the water during a raceor practice session Where there is a dispute as to whether or not a person is a “pit crew” member,the Race Director will make a determination on the matter based on theinformation before them.1803.91 PIT CREW AGE RESTRICTION – Pit crew members holding boats for dock or beachstarts, must be a minimum age of 16 years.1804 RESULTS1804.1 Official Race Results – Qualifying or Races will only become official when allquestions of legality or rule compliance have been satisfied.1804.2 The awarding of trophies, monies or other prizes or conducting of awards ceremoniesmay take place before the race becomes official.1804.3 Any prizes that have been awarded in error must be returned by contestantsreceiving them in error, before their entry will be accepted for future races.1805 DRIVERS AND OFFICIALS BRIEFINGS1805.01 It is compulsory that all entered drivers attend the scheduled drivers’ briefing.1805.02 It is compulsory that all officials attend the scheduled officials’ briefing.1806 FLAGSWHITEWHITE FALLSGREENYELLOWBLACK and WHITE CHEQUEREDBLACKREDWHITE with RED DIAGONALCROSSIN THE HANDS OF THE STARTERSTART OF RACERACE IN PROGRESSONE LAP TO FINISHFINISH – ALL BOAT TO FINISH ON THIS FLAGRETURN TO PITSALL BOATS STOP ON COURSE – IMINENT DANGER ORINCIDENT. RED smoke flares can be used.HAZARD ON COURSE – HAZARD ON THE COURSE THATDOES NOT WARRANT IMMEDIATE STOPPING OF THERACE.1807 SAFETY RULES AND REINFORCED COCKPIT RULES1807.01 All officials and competitors will comply with the APBA Group 800 rules.1807.02 In regards to Reinforced Cockpit rules, refer to the APBA Group 1000 rules.1807.03 Scrutineering Forms and Technical Inspection Log Books are to be current APBAissue.1807.031 Additional specific or technical forms may be used by the Conducting Club.1808 POINTS1808 See APBA <strong>Rule</strong> 908

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