April-May 2013 - Meade School District

April-May 2013 - Meade School District

April-May 2013 - Meade School District


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SBHS studentcustomized bikewins first placeWorking on four holidays,eight weekends and every dayafter school for two weeks for atotal of more than 377 man-hourshas paid off for students atSturgis Brown High <strong>School</strong>.The students recently broughthome the first place prize for theirStudent Built Challenge BuffaloChip Legends Ride Bike in the fullcustom bagger classification inthe open class at the 26th AnnualDonnie Smith Bike Show heldrecently in Minneapolis. The studentsalso took top honors foroverall best display.Though this is the first year ofparticipating in the bike show, it isthe second year that the Sturgisstudents, and their teachers ChadHedderman and Bill Johnson,The students who rebuilt the bike and others are pictured with the awardwinningRoad King Harley Davidson, from the left, Wyatt Harwood, teacherChad Hedderman, Casey Packer, Hannah Beauvias, Caden Packer, RandyCramer from Dakota V-Twin, Richard White, Keith Terry from TerryComponents, David Owen, Rod Woodruf from Sturgis Buffalo Chip, NickCramer from Dakota V-Twin, Steven Remington and teacher Bill Johnson.(Photo courtesy of the Buffalo Chip)have been selected by the BuffaloChip to participate in their bikebuild mentorship program.“Winning multiple awards atthe Donnie Smith Show is anaccomplishment of which thesestudents can truly take greatpride,” said Rod Woodruff, ownerof Buffalo Chip Campground.The bike will be auctioned offat the conclusion of the BuffaloChip Legends Ride Aug. 5 duringthe Sturgis Motorcycle Rally atthe Buffalo Chip Campground.Proceeds from the auction will bedonated to Black Hills SpecialOlympics and the Sturgis MotorcycleMuseum.RETIREES: Continued from Page 9Betsy Luptak has been a teacher for 27 years, 25with <strong>Meade</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong> and all at Sturgis WilliamsMiddle <strong>School</strong> (a junior high school when she firstbegan). Twenty-two of her years were spent teachingsixth grade reading. Betsy has also taught seventhand eighth grades and the subjects of English andsocial studies.Retirement will allow her to visit family and friendsmore often. "I also plan to volunteer more in the community,"she said. "I have truly enjoyed my years in theclassroom, and will miss getting to know the studentsevery year. A highlight for me through the years," sheoffered, "is when former students visit about their livesbeyond middle school."Connie Mickelson has been a teacher for 30years, 29 with <strong>Meade</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong>. She has taughtat the rural schools of Union Center, Hope, Hereford,Opal, Stoneville and Enning. She currently teaches atthe Elm Springs <strong>School</strong> where she is the only teacherfor eight students in kindergarten, first, fourth andeighth grades. Over the years, Connie has taught allsubjects except music and computers and all gradelevels. Once retired she will be helping her husbandDarrel care for his mother who has Alzheimers.Connie also plans to do more Harriet Tubman presentationsin the schools.Connie says the best thing that has happened toher was when she was named the South DakotaElementary Social Studies Teacher of the Year in2007. "It was a thrill of a lifetime," she said. Conniewas quick to add, "But you know, as I have said morethan once, for me it has always been about the kids."<strong>April</strong>-<strong>May</strong> <strong>2013</strong> In Touch 13

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