April-May 2013 - Meade School District

April-May 2013 - Meade School District

April-May 2013 - Meade School District


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ELECTION: Continued from Page 16Bryce and his wife Kristenhave four children: Ryne, 8months old; Madisyn, 5 years old;Ryleigh, third-grader at SturgisElementary; and Jordyn, firstgraderat Sturgis Elementary.Ezra Hays, who holds a highschool diplomaand aFraternalInsuranceCounselordegree, is afinancial representativewith ModernWoodmen ofAmerica inEzra HaysRapid City.The 28-year-old is runningfor the school board because hewants to be an advocate for thechanging needs of children'seducation. "My goals," he said,"are to make sure our policiesand curriculum are student/parentfriendly by continuallyinvesting in our future."Ezra believes the district hashired some great staff. "I ammost proud of our ability toattract and retain qualified andprofessional individuals," hesaid. "I want to make sure thedistrict's money is spent efficiently.I also want to make surewe are keeping well ahead ofthe minimum standards and thatour students and graduates arein the best position to achievesuccess."He is a volunteer fire fighterwith North Haines VolunteerFire Department. He is a memberof the Habitat for HumanityFaith Relations Committee,advisory board member forFHA, advisor for the Black HillsArea TARS, member of theYoung Sturgis Professionalsand Leadership Sturgis, and isa foster parent.He and his wife Carmenhave three children: Emma,three years old; Flora, kindergartnerat Piedmont ValleyElementary; and Joseph, firstgraderat Piedmont ValleyElementary.Curtis Nupen, a Vietnamveteran, isretired fromthe Air Force.He is a graduateof SouthDakota StateCollege andholds a master'sdegree inguidance andcounseling.Curtis NupenHe has previouslyserved three terms on the<strong>Meade</strong> <strong>School</strong> Board and fourterms on the <strong>Meade</strong> CountyCommission.Curt is running for theschool board because hebelieves he still has somethingto offer. "I believe in public educationand feel that it is the keystoneof our country's strengthand our way of life," he said."Because we have all beengiven the opportunity to learn asmuch as we are capable, we havebeen given a chance to improvethe lives of our families and contributeto future generations."The 74-year-old continues tobelieve a good education isimportant to all youth, especiallybecause the country's futureis at a real turning point."Our education system isalso in transition as the computerage and social media arebecoming more and moreimportant,” he said. “The commoncore requirements aremoving concepts to lowergrades and we will have to followthese changes closely tosee if the results are as expected,"he said."I have always been anadvocate of community schools,even though the tendency hasbeen to move to bigger consolidatedschools," he added.Curt believes the electronicupdates for teachers have helpedin the classroom, but that the districtneeds to continue to keep upwith technology improvements."<strong>School</strong> security has been in thenews lately, and everything wecan do must be done to keep ourchildren safe. Every child shouldbe able to go to school and havethe opportunity to learn free ofbullying and fear."He is chairman of his churchcouncil, involved in the localPTO and a member of theELECTION: See Page 18<strong>April</strong>-<strong>May</strong> <strong>2013</strong> In Touch 17

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