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Make Endo work for you...expand your practice capabilities withMtwo Rotary NiTi and more.Presented by A/Prof. Peter Parashos, Dr Louis Wenteler,Dr Geoffrey YoungSeminar content:• The aims of endodontic instrumentation• Modern concepts of root canal preparation – including new ReciprocatingTechnology• The role of the electronic apex locator in modern endodontic practice• Current concepts in obturation materials and techniques• Combining your instrumentation and obturation techniques to maximisetreatment out<strong>com</strong>e• Various clinical applications of MTALearning out<strong>com</strong>es:• Improve your root canal preparation technique using rotary nickel titaniuminstruments• Understand the benefits of incorporating the electronic apex locator intoyour daily clinical practice• Improve your obturation technique• Be<strong>com</strong>e <strong>com</strong>fortable implementing today’s contents into your everydayPracticeNew Zealand Ph: 0800 30 10 10 Fx: 0800 486 9336 www.gunz.co.nz 9

Dates & VenuesFriday 8th March, Sydneywith A/Prof. Peter Parashos& Dr Geoffrey YoungADIALevel 5, 757 Elizabeth StZetland NSW 2017.Friday 2nd August, Hobartwith A/Prof. Peter Parashos& Dr Louis WentelerHobart Venue: TBC.TimeRegistration: 8:30amLecture & Hands-On Workshop:9:00am to 4:30pmCostAU: $550 (including GST)NZ: $550 (excluding GST)Participants up to 12 maximum.CPD PointsThis course adheres to the Dental Board ofAustralia (AHPRA) CPD guidelines for 6.5hours of Scientific (or Non-Scientific) ContinuingProfessional Education accreditation. Atthe time of printing, this course was under reviewof the NZDA for 6.5 CPD points.About the presentersA/Prof. Peter Parashos graduatedfrom the University of Melbournein 1980 and obtained hisMDSc in 1989 and PhD in 2004.He is a fellow of the Royal AustralasianCollege of Dental Surgeons,the American College ofDentists and the InternationalCollege of Dentists. He is currentlyAssociate Professor in Endodonticsand Convener ofPostgraduate Endodontics atthe University of Melbourne. Healso works in private Endodonticpractice and is actively involvedin CPD programmes in Endodontics.His contribution toendodontics in Victoria hasearned him Honorary Life Membershipof the Australian Societyof Endodontology (Vic Branch).Dr Louis Wenteler qualified asa dentist BChD (Cum Laude) atthe University of Pretoria, SouthAfrica in 2004. He also <strong>com</strong>pleteda Diploma in Endodontics(Cum Laude) and inAesthetic Dentistry (Cum Laude)at the University of Pretoria in2007. After <strong>com</strong>pleting <strong>com</strong>munityservice Dr Wenteler workedin private practice restricted toEndodontic treatment from 2006to 2011. In 2008 he <strong>com</strong>pletedthe ADC examination andmoved to Australia in 2011 tostart Postgraduate specialisationin Endodontics at the MelbourneDental School.All participants receive free Mtwo and Reciproctraining kits valued at $440.Dr Geoffrey Young is a specialistEndodontist practicing in Burwood(Sydney), and is actively involvedin endodontic teaching atthe University of Sydney. He wasawarded the University Medal withhis <strong>dental</strong> degree from the Universityof Sydney in 2002 prior to<strong>com</strong>pleting a Masters Degree inEndodontics at the University ofMelbourne. Geoff was the first Endodontistin NSW to obtain Fellowshipof the Royal AustralasianCollege of Dental Surgeons in theSpecial Field of Endodontics, andis the current Secretary/Treasurerof the Australian Society of Endodontology(NSW) havingserved on Committee for fiveyears. He is also an examiner forthe RACDS and Australian DentalCouncil, a reviewer for the AustralianEndodontic Journal, andhas published in peer-reviewedscientific journals.Requirements:Participants are required to bring four (4) extracted molar teeth, unmounted and accessed forEndodontic instrumentation, and loupes. If you are unable to supply 4 extracted molars pleaseadvise us so we can arrange an alternative for you. All other materials will be provided. Variousforms of magnification will also be available on the day for trial.10Australia Ph: 1800 025 300 Fx: 1800 025 202 www.gunz.<strong>com</strong>.au

Make Endo work for you...expand your practice capabilities withMtwo Rotary NiTi and more.Presented by A/Prof. Peter Parashos & Dr Mehdi RahmiSeminar content:• The aims of endodontic instrumentation• Modern concepts of root canal preparation – including new ReciprocatingTechnology• The role of the electronic apex locator in modern endodontic practice• Current concepts in obturation materials and techniques• Combining your instrumentation and obturation techniques to maximisetreatment out<strong>com</strong>e• Various clinical applications of MTALearning out<strong>com</strong>es:• Improve your root canal preparation technique using rotary nickel titaniuminstruments• Understand the benefits of incorporating the electronic apex locator intoyour daily clinical practice• Improve your obturation technique• Be<strong>com</strong>e <strong>com</strong>fortable implementing today’s contents into your everydayPracticeNew Zealand Ph: 0800 30 10 10 Fx: 0800 486 9336 www.gunz.co.nz 17

Dates & VenuesFriday 19th July - MelbourneFriday 11th October - Melbournewith A/Prof. Peter ParashosMelbourne:Gunz Dental Showroom,Ground Floor West, 192B BurwoodRoad, Hawthorn VIC 3122Friday 18th Octoberwith A/Prof. Peter Parashos& Dr Mehdi RahimiSydney: ADIALevel 5, 757 Elizabeth StZetland NSW 2017.TimeRegistration: 8:30amLecture & Hands-On Workshop:9:00am to 4:30pmCostAU: $550 (including GST)NZ: $680 (excluding GST)Participants up to 20 maximum.CPD PointsThis course adheres to the Dental Board of Australia(AHPRA) CPD guidelines for 5.5 hours of Scientific (orNon-Scientific) Continuing Professional Educationaccreditation. At the time of printing, this course wasunder review of the NZDA for 5.5 CPD points.About the presentersA/Prof. Peter Parashos graduated from the University of Melbourne in1980 and obtained his MDSc in 1989 and PhD in 2004. He is a fellow ofthe Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons, the AmericanCollege of Dentists and the International College of Dentists. He iscurrently Associate Professor in Endodontics and Convener of PostgraduateEndodontics at the University of Melbourne. He also works in privateEndodontic practice and is actively involved in CPD programmes inEndodontics. His contribution to endodontics in Victoria has earned himHonorary Life Membership of the Australian Society of Endodontology(Vic Branch).Dr Mehdi Rahimi graduated with a BDS 1st class honours from the Universityof Otago (New Zealand) in 2002 and received his DClinDent inendodontics from the University of Melbourne in 2008. His Master’sthesis and research interest was on the topic of endodontic obturationmaterials and resin based sealers. He is an honorary member of thePierre Fauchard research academy. He is also a member of the RoyalAustralian College of Dental Surgeons in endodontics and AustralianSociety of Endodontics. Mehdi is currently in private specialist practiceas an endodontist in Sydney and is also actively involved in teachingendodontics at various continuing education levels.All participants receive free Mtwo and Reciproc training kits valued at $440.Requirements:Participants are required to bring four (4) extracted molar teeth, unmounted and accessedfor Endodontic instrumentation, and loupes. If you are unable to supply 4 extracted molarsplease advise us so we can arrange an alternative for you. All other materials will be provided.Various forms of magnification will also be available on the day for trial.18Australia Ph: 1800 025 300 Fx: 1800 025 202 www.gunz.<strong>com</strong>.au

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