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CURRICULUM VITAEDr. Galina STULINAPERSONAL DATAFirst Name and Surname : Galina STULINABirthplace : TashkentDate of Birth May 22, 1949Phone : +998-71-2538909Mobile : +998-97-4863795Fax : +998-71-2652797E-mail : Galina_stulina@mail.ruWork address : Scientific Information Center ofInterstate Coordination WaterCommission (SIC-ICWC)B. 11 Karasu -4Tashkent 700187, UzbekistanACADEMIC DEGREESDegree Dates UniversitiesM.Sc. (Soil Science) 1972 Lomosov Moscow State UniversityPh.D. (Soil Science and Agrophysics) 1982 Lomosov Moscow State UniversityDc.Sci. (Soil Science and Agrophysics) 2004 Lomosov Moscow State UniversityLANGUAGESLanguage skills (mark on a scale from 1 = basic to 5 = fluent)Reading Writing Listening SpeakingEnglish 4 4 4 4CAREER - EMPLOYMENT RECORDDatePositions, Employers2003 - Leading Researcher Scientific Information Center of InterstateCoordination Water Commission (SIC ICWC), Tashkent, Uzbekistan1982 - 2003 Senior Scientific of Central Asia Research Institute of Irrigation (SANIIRI)1974 - 1982 Junior researcher of Central Asia Research Institute of Irrigation (SANIIRI)1972 - 1974 Junior researcher of Research Institute of ForestMAIN SPECIALIZATIONField1 Soil Science2 Soil Physics and Irrigation3 Water use in agroecosystems4 Mathematical modelling in Soil Science and Environmental SciencesCURRENT RESEARCH INTERESTSField1 Soil Physics: Soil condition in different type of irrigation2 Soil, Water Modelling: Irrigation shedulling, water requrement (CROPWAT,ISAREG, RZWQM,EPIK)3 Soil and landscapes: Experimental and expedition Research in Aral Sea Basin4 Climate change in CA: Desertification and enviromental risk

Membership in professional societiesDokutchaev Soil Science Society of RussiaSoil Science Society of UzbekistanProfessional advisory and consulting activities2004 - 2005 / Uzbekistan, Germany / Expert, Pedologist, AgronomistHohenheime University ( Germany), SIC ICWC“RIVERTWIN” projectCreation of database “Terrain. Soil” in SOTER system ( FAO) for Chirhic- Achangaran basin2005-2007/ Uzbekistan, IWMI, SDC /Expert, Pedologist, Agronomist, Gender aspect“Integration water management in Fergana valley” projectField observation, Modeling of irrigation by CROPWAT and ISAREG programs. Adaptation toclimate change.2005-2007 / Uzbekistan, Germany/ Expert, Pedologist,GTZ“ SIC ICWC, Aforestation of Aral seabed”Field observation, creating of soil and landscape maps”2007-2008 / Central Asia / Expert, ManagerGender and Water Network in Central Asia (GWANET) , SIC ICWC ,ADBCreating of gender Network”2009-2011/ Uzbekistan, Germany / Expert, Pedologist,GFZ, ZEU“ SIC ICWC, project CAWA2009-2012 / Uzbekistan, Kyrgyztan, Germany / Coordinator of student programmeGiessen University , SIC ICWC, projects :Climate Change Network for Central Asia (CliNCA)Land Use, Ecosystem Services and Human Welfare in Central Asia (LUCA)2009-2012 / Uzbekistan, Tadjikistan, Kyrgyztan / Expert, Climate change and water requirement,SDC , SIC ICWC, project IWRM “ Fergana Valley”COMPLATED GRADUATE STUDENTS THESIS SUPERVISEDMSc Thesis Supervised4 graduated students from 2005 to present.PhD Thesis Supervised2 PhD Thesis Supervised from 2005 to present.SELECTED PUBLICATIONS (from 2005 to present)1 Dukhovny, V., Stulina, G., 2011. Water and Food Security in Central Asia. NATO Science forPeace and Security Series C: Environmental Security, Springer pp. 1-23.2 Stulina, G., 2010. Monitoring of ecological consequences of irrigation development inCentral Asia. International Scientific Symposium “Water in Central Asia“ 24 -26 November2010, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.

3 Schettler, G., Oberhänsli, H., Stulina, G., Weise, S., 2010. Hydrochemical and stable isotopecomposition of various compartments in the Amudarya river delta and the dynamics ofsurface / groundwater interaction. International Scientific Symposium “Water in Central Asia“24 -26 November 2010, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.4 Bourgault, M., Madramootoo, C.A., Webber, H.A., Stulina, G., Horst, M.G., Smith, D.L. 2010.Effects of Deficit Irrigation and Salinity Stress on Common Bean (Phaseolus Vulgaris L.) andMungbean (Vigna Radiata (L.) Wilczek) Grown in a Controlled Environment. Journal ofAgronomy and Crop Science 196(4), 262-2725 Webber H.A.; Madramootoo C.A.; Bourgault M.; Horst, M.G., Stulina, G., Smith, D.L. 2010.Adapting the CROPGRO model for saline soils: the case for a common bean crop. IrrigationScience, 28(4), 317-3296 Webber H.A.; Madramootoo C.A.; Bourgault M.; Horst, M.G., Stulina, G., Smith, D.L. 2009.Response of two legume crops to soil salinity in gypferous soils. Irrigation and Drainage.58(5), 586-595.7 Webber H.A., Madramootoo C.A., Bourgault M., Horst, M.G., Stulina, G., Smith, D.L. 2008.Plant and Soil Water Dynamics of alternate furrow and regulated deficit irrigation for twolegume crops. Transactions of the Asabe. 51(4), 1341-1350.8 Dukhovny V.A.; Tuchin A.I.; Sorokin A.G.; Ruziev, I., Stulina, G.V. 2007. Future of the Aral Seaand the Aral Sea Coast. NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Natural Disasters and WaterSecurity. October 18-22, 2007. Yerevan, Armenia.9 Webber H.A., Madramootoo C.A., Bourgault M., Horst, M.G., Stulina, G., Smith, D.L. 2006.Water use efficiency of common bean and green gram grown using alternate furrow anddeficit irrigation. Agricultural Water Management. 86(3), 259-268.10 Stulina, G., Cameira, M.R., Pereira, L.S., 2005. Using RZWQM to search improved practicesfor irrigated maize in Fergana, Uzbekistan. Agricultural Water Management. 77(1-3), 263-281.11 Stulina, G.V., Cameira, M.R. 2005. Soil hydraulic properties of Sierozem soils and field cropobservations for RZWQM application in Fergana. In: Pereira, L.S., Dukhovny, V.A., Horst, M.(Eds.) Irrigation Management for Combating Desertification in the Aral Sea Basin.Assessment and Tools. Vita Colour Publish. Tashkent, pp 163-18012 Stulina, G.V., Cameira, M.R., Pereira, L.S. 2005. Calibration of RZWQM and evaluation ofalternative water and crop management practices. In: Pereira, L.S., Dukhovny, V.A. , Horst, M.(Eds.) Irrigation Management for Combating Desertification in the Aral Sea Basin.Assessment and Tools. Vita Colour Publish. Tashkent, pp 181-195

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