NERS UCP Forum - 06-03-2012 (pdf, 77kb) - Lloyd's Register

NERS UCP Forum - 06-03-2012 (pdf, 77kb) - Lloyd's Register

NERS UCP Forum - 06-03-2012 (pdf, 77kb) - Lloyd's Register


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approval and that DNOs should not request variations after design approval. DNOs could notcomment further unless specific examples were made available.Whilst agreeing with the sentiment of the above the <strong>Forum</strong> members felt that where G81specifications were available then the designs/drawings should be submitted for comment(design approval stage from a process viewpoint) whereas where G81 specifications were notavailable then the designs/drawings should be submitted for formal approval – action closed.1.4 DNO Trade TestingThe concerns about requirements for DNO trade testing had been raised at the <strong>NERS</strong>AP whereDNO members had identified their requirements in respect to such testing which varied betweenDNOs.Whilst WPD were not at the <strong>NERS</strong>AP a <strong>Forum</strong> member mentioned that WPD acceptedauthorisations from other DNOs but would witness he first joints before allowing operatives tocontinue carrying out jointing operations on their network.<strong>Forum</strong> members advised that they would have preferred a more uniform approach although nofurther specific action was proposed – action closed.1.5 Metered and Unmetered ConnectionsLR will recommend that <strong>UCP</strong>s accredited for network connections - metered connections will becovered for network connections - unmetered connections, but not vice versa. The new scopesguidance document will provide further clarification and this will be subject to agreement by the<strong>NERS</strong>AP. Action ongoing and tracked at <strong>NERS</strong>AP.1.6 Breaking Down of Scopes According to Cable Type<strong>NERS</strong>AP had agreed that LR could witness any cable type and that their own authorisationprocesses would check jointer’s knowledge of different cable types. There were some concernsfrom those DNOs who were instructing the <strong>UCP</strong>s to use their own safety rules. LR had raised thepossibility of adding a note to the <strong>NERS</strong> website to identify the type of joint witnessed e.g. ‘firstjoint plastic’. <strong>NERS</strong>AP would be discussing again at the next meeting. Action ongoing andtracked at <strong>NERS</strong>AP.1.7 Qualifications for Persons Approving DesignsLR had undertaken to review the requirements for persons responsible for approving designs totake into account experience as well as technical qualifications. Revised requirements have beenadded to the latest draft of the <strong>NERS</strong> Requirements Document which has been circulated to<strong>UCP</strong>s and will be subject to Approval by the <strong>NERS</strong>AP – action closed.2. Review of the Minutes and Actions of the <strong>NERS</strong>AP Meetingdated 10 th January <strong>2012</strong>2.1 Control and Management and Project ManagementIt was considered that the differences between the scopes of Control and Management andProject Management were not well understood and LR had suggested that as the ProjectManagement scope is broken down it could serve for both purposes and had invited <strong>NERS</strong>APmembers to comment. Comments had only been received from one DNO and the proposal is tobe included on the agenda for the next <strong>NERS</strong>AP. This change has not been made to the currentdraft of the new version of the <strong>NERS</strong> scheme requirements document.Action LR to raise the issue of integrating the scopes of Control and Management and ProjectManagement at the next <strong>NERS</strong>AP meeting on 20 th March <strong>2012</strong>.2

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