The Lost Keys of Freemasonry - RoseCroix.org.au

The Lost Keys of Freemasonry - RoseCroix.org.au

The Lost Keys of Freemasonry - RoseCroix.org.au


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into the world untold sorrow, which through reaction, manifests in the mental andphysical bodies.It is strange how divine powers may become perverted until each expression andurge becomes a ruffian and a murderer. <strong>The</strong> divine compassion <strong>of</strong> the godsmanifests in this world <strong>of</strong> form very differently than in the realms <strong>of</strong> light. Divinecompassion is energized by the same influxes as mortal passions and the lusts <strong>of</strong>earth. <strong>The</strong> spiritual light rays <strong>of</strong> Cosmos - the Fire Princes <strong>of</strong> the Dawn - whichseethe and surge through the unregenerate man, are the impulses which he pervertsto murder and hate. <strong>The</strong> ceaseless power <strong>of</strong> Chaos, the seething pinwheel spirals <strong>of</strong>perpetual motion, whose majestic cadences are the music <strong>of</strong> the spheres, areenergized by the same great power that man uses to destroy the highest and best.<strong>The</strong> same mystic power that keeps the planets in their orbits around the solar body,the same energy that keeps each electron spinning and whirling, the same energythat is building the temple <strong>of</strong> God, is now a merciless slave-driver which ,unmastered and uncurbed, strikes the Compassionate One and sends him reelingbackward into the darkness <strong>of</strong> his prison. Man does not listen to that little voicewhich speaks to him in ever loving, ever sorrowful tones. This voice speaks <strong>of</strong> thepeace accompanying the constructive application <strong>of</strong> energy which he must chain if hewould master the powers <strong>of</strong> creation. How long will it take King Hiram <strong>of</strong> Tyre, thewarrior on the second step, symbolic <strong>of</strong> the Fellow Craft <strong>of</strong> the Cosmic Lodge, toteach mankind the lessons <strong>of</strong> self-mastery? <strong>The</strong> teacher can do it only as he dailydepicts the miseries which are the result <strong>of</strong> uncurbed appetites. <strong>The</strong> strength <strong>of</strong> manwas not given to be used destructively but that he might build a temple worthy to bethe dwelling place <strong>of</strong> the Great Architect <strong>of</strong> the universe. God is glorifying himselfthrough the individualized portions <strong>of</strong> himself, and is slowly teaching theseindividualized portions to understand and glorify the whole.<strong>The</strong> day has come when Fellow Craftsmen must know and apply their knowledge.<strong>The</strong> lost key to their grade is the mastery <strong>of</strong> emotion, which places the energy <strong>of</strong> theuniverse at their disposal. Man can only expect to be entrusted with great power byproving his ability to use it constructively and selflessly. When the Mason learns thatthe key to the warrior on the block is the proper application <strong>of</strong> the dynamo <strong>of</strong> livingpower, he has learned the mystery <strong>of</strong> his Craft. <strong>The</strong> seething energies <strong>of</strong> Lucifer arein his hands and before he may step onward and upward, he must prove his abilityto properly apply energy. He must follow in the footsteps <strong>of</strong> his forefather, Tubal-Cain, who with the mighty strength <strong>of</strong> the war god hammered his sword into aplowshare. Incessant vigilance over thought, action, and desire is indispensable tothose who wish to make progress in the unfolding <strong>of</strong> their own being, and the FellowCraft's degree is the degree <strong>of</strong> transmutation. <strong>The</strong> hand that slays must lift thefallen, while the lips given to cursing must be t<strong>au</strong>ght to pray. <strong>The</strong> heart that hatesmust learn the mystery <strong>of</strong> compassion, as the result <strong>of</strong> a deeper and more perfectunderstanding <strong>of</strong> man's relation to his brother. <strong>The</strong> firm, kind hand <strong>of</strong> spirit mustcurb the flaming powers <strong>of</strong> emotion with an iron grip. In the realization andapplication <strong>of</strong> these principles lies the key <strong>of</strong> the Fellow Craft.In this degree, the two points <strong>of</strong> the compass (one higher than the other), symbolizethe heart and mind, and with the expression <strong>of</strong> the higher emotions the heart point<strong>of</strong> the compass is liberated from the square, which is an instrument used to measurethe block <strong>of</strong> matter and therefore symbolizes form.

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