The Lost Keys of Freemasonry - RoseCroix.org.au

The Lost Keys of Freemasonry - RoseCroix.org.au

The Lost Keys of Freemasonry - RoseCroix.org.au


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Masters has never been concealed from those who have the right to know it nor hasit ever been revealed to those who have not prepared a worthy shrine to contain it.<strong>The</strong> Master knows, for he is a Temple Builder. Within the setting <strong>of</strong> his own bodies,the Philosopher's Stone is placed; for in truth it is the heart <strong>of</strong> the Phoenix, thatstrange bird which rises with renewed youth from the ashes <strong>of</strong> its burned body.When the Master's heart is as pure and white as the diamond that he wears, he willthen become a living stone-the crown jewel in the diadem <strong>of</strong> his Craft.<strong>The</strong> Word is found when the Master himself is ordained by the living hand <strong>of</strong> God,cleansed by living water, baptized by living fire, a Priest-King after the Order <strong>of</strong>Melchizedek, who is above the law.<strong>The</strong> great work <strong>of</strong> the Master Mason can be called the art <strong>of</strong> balance. To him is giventhe work <strong>of</strong> balancing the triangle that it may blaze forth with the glory <strong>of</strong> the DivineDegree. <strong>The</strong> triple energies <strong>of</strong> thought, desire, and action must be united in aharmonious blending <strong>of</strong> expression. He holds in his hands the triple keys; he wearsthe triple crown <strong>of</strong> the ancient Magus, for he is in truth the King <strong>of</strong> heaven, earth,and hell. Salt, sulphur, and mercury are the elements <strong>of</strong> his work and with thephilosophical mercury he seeks to blend all powers to the glorifying <strong>of</strong> one end.Behind the degree <strong>of</strong> Master Mason, there is another not known to earth. Far abovehim stretch other steps concealed by the blue veil which divides the seen from theunseen. <strong>The</strong> true Brother knows this, therefore he works with an end in view farabove the concept <strong>of</strong> mortal mind. He seeks to be worthy to pass behind that veiland join that band who, unhonoured and unsung, carry the responsibilities <strong>of</strong> humangrowth. His eyes are fixed forever on the Seven Stars which shine down fromsomewhere above the upper rung <strong>of</strong> the ladder. With hope, faith, and charity heclimbs the steps, and whispering the Master's Word to the Keeper <strong>of</strong> the Gates,passes on behind the veil. It is then, and then only, that a true Mason is born. Onlybehind this veil does the mystic student come into his own. <strong>The</strong> things which we seearound us are but forms-promises <strong>of</strong> a thing unnamed, symbols <strong>of</strong> a truth unknown.It is in the spiritual temple built without the voice <strong>of</strong> workmen or the sound <strong>of</strong>hammer that the true initiation is given, and there, robed in the simple lambskin <strong>of</strong> apurified body, the student becomes a Master Mason, chosen out <strong>of</strong> the world to bean active worker in the name <strong>of</strong> the Great Architect. It is there alone, unseen bymortal eyes, that the Greater Degrees are given and there the soul radiating thelight <strong>of</strong> Spirit becomes a living; star in the blue canopy <strong>of</strong> the Masonic lodge.TRANSMUTATIONMasonry is eternal truth, personified, idealized, and yet made simple. Eternal truthalone can serve it. Virtue is its priest, patience its warden, illumination its master.<strong>The</strong> world cannot know this, however, save when Masons in their daily life prove thatit is so. Its truth is divine, and is not to be desecrated or defamed by thethoughtlessness <strong>of</strong> its keepers. Its temple is a holy place, to be entered in reverence.Material thoughts and material dissensions must be left without its gate. <strong>The</strong>y maynot enter. Only the pure <strong>of</strong> heart, regenerated and transmuted, may pass thesanctity <strong>of</strong> its veil. <strong>The</strong> schemer has no place in its ranks, nor the materialist in itsshrine; for Masons walk on hallowed ground, sanctified by the veneration <strong>of</strong> ages.Let the tongue be stilled, let the heart be stilled, let the mind be stilled. In reverenceand in the silence, stillness shall speak: the voice <strong>of</strong> stillness is the voice <strong>of</strong> theCreator. Show your light and your power to men, but before God what have you to

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