AP Statistics Syllabus.pdf - Spokane Public Schools

AP Statistics Syllabus.pdf - Spokane Public Schools

AP Statistics Syllabus.pdf - Spokane Public Schools


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empirical information.[See full syllabus for complete list of enduring understandings, essential questions, scope &sequence, etc.]Establish Goals:C2a: The course provides instruction in each of the following four broad conceptual themes outlined in theCourse Description with appropriate emphasis on exploring data.C2b: The course provides instruction in each of the following four broad conceptual themes outlined in theCourse Description with appropriate emphasis on sampling and experimentation.C2c: The course provides instruction in each of the following four broad conceptual themes outlined in theCourse Description with appropriate emphasis on anticipating patterns.C2d: The course provides instruction in each of the following four broad conceptual themes outlined in theCourse Description with appropriate emphasis on statistical inferences.C5: The course teaches students how to use graphing calculators and demonstrates the use ofcomputers and/or computer output to enhance the development of statistical understanding throughexploration and analysis of data, assessment of models, and simulations.C4: The course teaches students how to communicate methods, results, and interpretations using thevocabulary of statistics.Understandings:Unit 1• Interpretation of data is dependent upon thegraphical displays and numerical summaries.[C2a]• Graphical displays are created for the purposeof analysis and communication. [C4]Unit 2• Regression is an effective model for prediction.[C2a]• There is a difference between causation andcorrelation. [C2a]Unit 3• Careful planning is essential to obtaining validdata. [C2b]• Clarifying the question leads to appropriatemethodology. [C2b]• The analysis is only as good as the data. [C2b]• Students will understand how to deconstructstatistical information in an effort to evaluate itsvalidity and assess the aims of the authors inpresenting the information. [C2b]Unit 4• Probability models are useful tools for makingEssential Questions:Unit 1• How do we communicate data?• How do we understand data?• Can you lie with statistics? How and towhat extent?Unit 2• To what extent can we predict the future?• Is correlation ever causation?• How can modeling data help us tounderstand patterns?Unit 3• How do we obtain data?• To what extent is all data biased?• To what extent does data collectionmethodology affect results?• How can variable be eliminated throughrandomization?• How does one decide between anobservational study, an experiment, and asimulation?• To what extent can data be purposefullybiased?Unit 4

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