IMUA 8-92 - PCC 50th Anniversary

IMUA 8-92 - PCC 50th Anniversary

IMUA 8-92 - PCC 50th Anniversary

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IATIITI'S IOP DANCT GROUP beefandPolynesianstaplevegctables. Inthe spnir ofcounting eachCenter's Entenainment Manager,thanked Temaeva for their Centervisit on behalfofthe employees andthe local Tahitian community. Theirperformance increased enjoymentand appreciation ofTahitian danceand provided many opponunitierfor aaditional ties with FrenchPolynesia to be strengthened anddelight oftheTahiti's toprated TbmaevaRoyal Folkloric DanceTroupe ofTahiti directed by respeaed masterinstructor, Jean "Coco" Hotahota,performed for a crowd ofover 800lastweek in the Pacific Pavilion.The leader oftheTahitidelegation was Cerard Cowan,director ofthe Cultural Activities forFrench Polynesias Cuhural AffairsOIfice who represented TahirisMinisrer ofCulture, Arts andTelecommunications, Justin Arapari.Earlier on in rhe afternoon,the group was honored on theIslands ofsamoa malae or villagegreen. They were welcomed by <strong>PCC</strong>President Les Moore, Samoa klandsManager Pulefano Galcai and theSamoan villagers adorned proudly intr:ditionrl costrmes.Among those gathered roalso pay tributc to the visitingTahirians and to the Samoanhlanders celebraring their Culturalweek activities werc <strong>PCC</strong>representativer from Fiji, Tonga,New Zealand, Marquesas, Hawaiiand Tahiti.The exchange ofgifts wasnot without a touch oflightheartednessas the Tonganspresented bask€t after basker filledwith food including drinkingcoconurs, cans ofHellaby\ cornedresponded torheTongantribute bychanring it,according tocusrom, as numbcr one in quanriry.Temaeva werc conductcd roa canoe following their Samoaexperience which took rhem forspecial rccognition preentations inHawaii, Tahiti and MissionCompound.The <strong>PCC</strong>, HawaiianAirlines, Tropical Rent-a-Car andKauai Coconut Beach Rcsorr wcrcco+ponson ofthe Kauai-Tahiti Feteheld lasr wcekend which promotedTahitian dancc competiriors andfeatured Temaeva in specialRaymond Mariteragi, rhcGIlt,Itt flYEFacts About the MOA bird.l. There were 20 kinds ofextincrmoa hirds that once lived in NewZe and-2. Thev existed until the 1600's.3. They ranged in size from that ofa largeturkey rc l0 feet rall.4. They had small heads, long necks, stout legsand no wings so they could not fly.5. The Maoris hunted them for food 1,000years ago.<strong>PCC</strong> PROMO TIAMTO ACCOMPANYMISS AMBRICA<strong>PCC</strong> ha-s been seleaed bythe Hawaii Visitors Bureau to send aswcn-person promotion team withHawaii governor, John vaihee, andMiss America 19<strong>92</strong>, Carolyn Sapp,next month to Cermany andEngland. The promotional ream willconsist ofthree musicians, two maleand rwo female dancers. Headingthe <strong>PCC</strong> delegation will be AlfredCracc, <strong>PCC</strong>\ Vesrbound SalcsDivision Director.The tour will providecntenainment at various rravelindustry meetings and trade showsand boost tourism for the <strong>50th</strong> state.

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