IMUA 8-92 - PCC 50th Anniversary

IMUA 8-92 - PCC 50th Anniversary

IMUA 8-92 - PCC 50th Anniversary

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BUSES PROVIDE I\EI]TI AVEIT{I.JESFOR SERVICETwo buses emblazoned with official <strong>PCC</strong> logos now serve theCenter and \flaikiki. Making daily runs for Polynesian Adventure Toursand Robefts ofHawaii, rhc bu:cs pick up guests at specially designatcdhorel stops in Waikiki beforemaking their way ro the NonhShore.According ro MollyAumavae, Waikiki Ticker OfficeSupcrvisor, thc busc areeffective as mo"ing billboardsbecause they are readilyidcntifi able.'fhey dso eliminatetransponation transfersprov;ding effi cient accasibilhyro rhe Cenrer for a fulldayofactivirlMike Foley, <strong>PCC</strong> Hawaii Sales Division Director, calls the use ofbus advenising "powerfulvisual srarements". Thesccond <strong>PCC</strong> bus wascoordinated through the Center's Corporate Communications division.Devotional CallsFor CommitmentTo Integrity'l'hc Augusr dcvorion.l heldfor all employees fearured PresidentLes Moore rvhose messrge focuscdon intcgrity.Because rhe Center is ajewel mong busines organizations,nuch is cxpccrcd ofirs employees.Reviewing the Ccnteis missionsraremenr, he reirerated everyworkers responsibility to dignift thcworld through their commirmenr toradiate the spirit ofgoodwill anduplift rhrough pcrsonal inrcgriry.Moore spoke abour rwomajor concerns senual harassmentand financial dishonesty. He decriedthe former saying it would not bepermhted or tolerated at the Cenrer.He encourrged employee to becompletely honest in alltheir aaionsand "earn honatly what you need".Moorc cmphsizcd living inthe present in the spirit ofrestoringintcgriry having learned from thePart.In suppon ofPrcidcntMooret remarks, senior vicepresidenrs John Muaina, Les Srewardand \ schwcnkc chalhngedemployea to correcr and strengthenone another as rhcy strive forexcellence, ro lct kindnes be a wavcofrefreshment in their daily servicero cusromcrs, and to live up to rhchighest standards of gucstsatisfacrion.The KapakahiTree - PCQ'sStar llllith TheBest CurvesThe Kapakahi Treerepresents to some employees thesingular symbol ofthe history oftheCenrer. h grew into its unique shapein the back yard of Milekr Conn'staie home and itwas a good twentyyeanold when n was discovered 6rits present starring role. Since 1963it has graced irs present locrtion.Millions ofpeople haveposed near or on the tree. Themajority have s.ood with touris.smiles, one hand placed on thetrunk. Somc have sat on irs curves,Others have crept near the crownprctending rhcy had climbed a highvenical rree insread. Many havestooped low to allow theirphorograph to show o11'the cuwingtrunk. Elvis Presley used it as asinging prop in the movie "Paradise,Hawaiian Style."Thc Kapakahi trce hasprovided silent service at the Centerfor nearly rhree decades. One ofthe<strong>PCC</strong>'S be{ invcsrmcnr, ir h6remained healrhy and gracetullycompl;ant. hs probable age is about50 years old. (Ihe lifetime ofacoconut tree nngcs bcwcen 75-100years.)In its years ofservice ro theCentea its very shape hasevoked cliches 'Dare to be-diffcrcnC', "Do your ownthing", "Vatch for thecurves" and "Anyhing ispossible".Ifservice is dignifiodthrough selfless giving andcomplere dedication, theIGpakahi tree truly deservesevery accolade and praisethrough its personification of

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